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An Excerpt from: Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of

Satan, Azazel and the Rebellious Angels by John of the


From Chapter 10. Cherubim: The Clouds of Heaven

Recall in Revelations:

And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan,
the deceiver of the whole world-- he (Satan) was thrown down to the earth, and his angels
were thrown down with him…Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to
you… Revelations 12:9,12

Satan currently dwells beneath the seas upon our Earth.

The word „serpent‟ found in Revelations 12:9 is a cognate of the word „seraph.‟ A seraph is a
cherub. The great dragon…that ancient serpent mentioned above refers to none other than the
seraph/cherub of him who is called the Devil and Satan. Satan in his cherub Leviathan was
thrown down to our Earth where he hides today within the bodies of water of our Earth. And
Satan is not alone. His angels are with him in their cherubim as related above in Revelations
12:9. In Revelations 12:17 and Revelations 13:1 we are told Satan rises from the sea wherein he
lays concealed at the beginning of the war on Christians and Jews during the great Tribulation.

The Bible contains other references to Leviathan, Leviathan being in the following cases
a reference to Satan‟s cherub:

Yonder is the sea, great and wide, which teems with things innumerable, living things both small
and great. There go the ships, and Leviathan (a reference to Satan‟s cherub) which thou (God)
didst form (God‟s creation of the cherubim is related in Genesis 1:21) to sport in it (to allow a
cherub to travel underwater, in the sea; this scripture refers to a cherub‟s aquatic capabilities).
Psalms 104: 25-26

The plural form used in the following scripture denoting “the heads of the dragons” refers
to the cherubim of the fallen angels mentioned in Revelations 12:9,12 above, Satan‟s cherub
included. Satan‟s cherub and the cherubim of his fallen angels are here on Earth today in the
water bodies of our Earth and are destroyed by the asteroid when it strikes the earth:

Yet God my king is of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Thou didst divide the sea
(the Mediterranean Sea. We know this refers to the Mediterranean Sea by the description of the
destruction of the area the asteroid is said to strike) by thy might (with the asteroid); thou didst
break the heads of the dragons (this refers to the cherubim of the fallen angels) on the waters
(their cherubim are destroyed by the asteroid strike at the Second Coming which strikes the
Mediterranean Sea). Thou didst crush the heads of Leviathan (God will destroy the cherubim of
the fallen angels), thou didst give him as food for the creatures of the wilderness (the reference to
their being food for the creatures is a reference to the Feast of the Beasts at the Second Coming).
Psalms 74:12-14 (“As long as the root of evil is hidden, it is strong. When it is recognized, it is undone, and if it is brought to
light, it dies.” The Gospel of Philip)

Psalms 74:12-14 above refers to the destruction of the cherubim of the fallen angels,
Satan‟s included, which are at this time spread as threshing sledges upon the mire at the bottom
of the Mediterranean Sea (See Job 41:30 and Isaiah 27:1). See also Ezekiel 28:2 where it says
Satan sits in the heart of the seas, that is, at the bottom of the sea. Satan sits at the bottom of the
sea in his cherub, Leviathan. Additionally, in The Teachings of Silvanus in the Nag Hammadi
Library we find the following: “The Wicked One (Satan)…is beneath the great mire.”

…you (God speaks to Satan who is in possession of the Pharaoh) are like a dragon (a cherub) in
the seas (refers to Satan‟s cherub being in the Mediterranean Sea)…I (God) will haul you up
(See Job 41:1)…I will cast you on the ground…and will cause all the birds of the air to settle on
you, and I will gorge the beasts of the whole earth with you (given as food for the creatures of
the wilderness during the Feast of the Beasts when Satan and his cherub along with the rest of
the fallen angels and their cherubim are destroyed at the Second Coming. See Psalms 74:14).
Ezekiel 32:2,3,4

Ezekiel 26:16 is a veiled reference to the destruction of the cherubim of Satan and his
fallen angels, referring to them therein as the “princes of the sea,” which is a reference to Satan
and the fallen angels whose cherubim are hiding in the muck and mire at the bottom of the
Mediterranean Sea. The Greeks knew Satan as the god Kronos. Kronos was a Titan which is a
Greek name for the fallen angels. It was said by the Greeks that Kronos (Satan) prepared a cave
for himself in the ocean. Marid (which is a cognate of the word „Mediterranean,‟ the sea being
named after the marid and Satan, the meridian devil himself) is the Arabic name for the
rebellious group of angels which included their leader Satan, the group which is said in Arabic
folklore to find sanctuary within the seas and oceans of the Earth. Indeed, in The Zohar 1:4b
Satan‟s cherub Leviathan is called the “Prince of the Ocean.” The definition of the word „ocean‟
is „a large sea.‟ The following scripture is from The Apocalypse of Baruch:

And Behemoth (Azazel‟s cherub) will be revealed from his place (from within the earth), and
Leviathan (Satan’s cherub) will ascend from the sea, those two great monsters (cherubim)
which I created on the fifth day of creation… The Apocalypse of Baruch XXIX.4

Satan and his angels who reside in the sea are the “eternal sinners…in the depths of the
sea” mentioned in The Testament of Kohath:

„…the eternal sinners…in the depths of the sea and in all the hollows of the earth…‟ The
Testament of Kohath (4Q542)

Interestingly enough nearly half of all modern-day U.F.O. reports include reports of unidentified
objects entering and exiting the water bodies of our Earth. Like the cherubim described in The
Bible, modern day reports of U.F.O. sightings describe round/wheel-like/disc–shaped craft
capable of flight and which display submarine-like capabilities. The following list of articles
found at is exemplary:
Aliens Under The Sea
Timothy Good, from "Unearthly Disclosure", Daily Mail (UK) November 11, 2000
A new book offering evidence of USOs - Unidentified Submergible Objects - is written by one
of the world's most respected authorities on UFOs, Timothy Good, and his findings are
supported by one of Britain's most senior military men, retired Admiral of the Fleet Lord Hill-
Norton. Extracted from "Unearthly Disclosure" by Timothy Good.

Amazing Soviet-Era UFO Sightings In & Over Water Bodies

Paul Stonehill
The Russian Ufology Research Center has a collection of "hydrosphere aspect" sightings The
secret files of the Soviet Navy contain much valuable information on UFO sightings. Soviet
military researchers quite thorough. The files have been largely inaccessible, even after the fall
of the USSR. But I was able to collect some interesting information.

Blue Book UFO Reports by Ships at Sea: Analysis of the Blue Book Ship Database (PDF)
Antonio F. Rullán
The objective of this study was to better understand the Project Blue Book UFO report database
from ships at sea. The study focused on UFO reports that were submitted by ships in the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans to the USAF Project Blue Book. Ships submitting reports to Blue Book
included Navy, US Coast Guard and Commercial Vessels.

Do Flying Triangles Have Underwater Bases Around Our Coast?

Omar Fowler
The latest information received indicates that there is intense UFO activity along the East Coast,
particularly near Lowestoft and strange things are still happening in the vicinity of Rendlesham
Forest! Just what is going on?

Interview: UFO/USO Researcher Jennifer Jarvis of Lake Ontario „Orbwatch‟

Observations of Unidentified Submarine Objects in Norway

Ole Jonny Brænne, UFO-Norway
In the waters of Norway (and Sweden, too) there have been observations of unidentified
submarine objects for a long time, going back before World War II. In what follows we will take
a look at this peculiar phenomenon and report sightings of objects coming up from or going
down into lakes and rivers.

Project Blue Book Ship Database

Water UFO
The database of Project Blue Book water-related UFO sightings.
Russian Underwater Encounters: What Lurks Beneath The Surface
Paul Stonehill
It is safe to conclude that the Soviets (before), and the Russians (now) are preoccupied with the
strange and sinister creatures lurking in their waters.

Underwater UFO's
Bill Hamilton
"What secrets lurk in ocean depths? Are there alien forms of intelligent life that occupy the
vast volumes of water that constitute our oceans, seas, and lakes? The largest of our oceans,
the Pacific, covers 64,000,000 square miles and reaches a depth of 36,198 feet, a depth that
no ray of sunlight ever reaches. Could these depths hide alien submarine bases?

Unidentified Submarine Objects

Space 2001
Unidentified objects are not just confined to the sky. In fact throughout the seas, oceans, as well
as lakes and rivers of the world, strange metallic objects have provoked just as much curiosity. In
this case they are abbreviated as USO's - Underwater Submarine Objects.

USOs - do they exist?

Christian Pfeiler, UFO + PSI Magazine
If a UFO moves beneath the sea we call it a USO - a unidentified submarine object and there are
more sighting reports about such strange submarines than most of us know.

USOs - do they exist?

Christian Pfeiler
Many people know sighting reports about UFOs - strange objects that fly trough the air of our
planet. Only through the air? It is remarkable that most parts of our world are covered with water
and that there is some evidence that the UFOs also use this "matter" to move to most places of
the planet without being seen from anyone.

Water Related Sightings: 1067 A.D. - 1946

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: 1947-1959

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: 1960-1965

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: 1966-1972

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: 1973-1979

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: 1980-2004

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information.

Water Related Sightings: The Master List

Water UFO
Extensive collection of UFO sightings related to water. Includes descriptions of sightings, and
reference and source information. This is the complete list of sightings.

The ancient cherubim of the angels (sightings of which are described in The Bible) are
the modern U.F.O‟s of today, and most of today‟s UFO reports may be attributed to modern-day
sightings of the cherubim of the fallen angels. In fact, according to the OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientis, a magic order once led by Aleister Crowley himself) journal Khabs, "the central
concern of magic is communion with…extraterrestrial intelligences." These so-called
“extraterrestrial intelligences” with whom they seek to communicate are the fallen angels
themselves. Magic systems invoke these angels, seeking communication with them.

The following scripture speaks of Satan‟s undersea operations:

And I (Abraham) saw there the sea…and its fish, and Leviathan (Satan‟s cherub) and his realm
(in the aforementioned sea) and his bed and his lairs, and the world which lay upon (above) him,
and his motions and the destruction he caused the world (Satan from his undersea lair today
effects world affairs through possession of its leaders and people through his “spirit of error”).
The Apocalypse of Abraham 21:4,5

Since the time of Jesus, Satan has influenced events from his lair beneath the sea. This is
one aspect of the mystery of lawlessness spoken of in 2Thessalonians. The following describes
how Satan works, using, once again, a fishing analogy in a nod to the undersea surroundings he
currently calls home:

For this reason, then, we do not sleep, nor do we forget the nets that are spread out in hiding,
lying in wait for us to catch us. For if we are caught in a single net, it will suck us down into its
mouth, while the water flows over us, striking our face. And we will be taken down into the
dragnet, and we will not be able to come up from it, because the waters are high over us, flowing
from above downward, submerging our heart down in the filthy mud (where lies Satan in the
mire at the bottom of the sea). And we will not be able to escape from them. For man-eaters
will seize us and swallow us, rejoicing like a fisherman casting a hook into the water. For he
casts many kinds of food into the water because each one of the fish has his own food. He
smells it and pursues its odor. But when he eats it, the hook hidden within the food seizes him
and brings him up by force out of the deep waters. No man is able, then, to catch that fish which
is down in the deep waters, except for the trap the fisherman sets. By the ruse of food he brought
the fish up on the hook. In this very way we exist in this world, like a fish. The adversary
(Satan) spies on us, lying in wait for us like a fisherman, wishing to seize us, rejoicing that he
might swallow us. For he (Satan) places many foods (many temptations) before our eyes
(things) which belong to this world. He wishes to make us desire one of them and to taste only a
little, so that he may seize us with his hidden poison and bring us out of freedom and take us into
slavery. For whenever he catches us with a single food, it is indeed necessary for us to desire the
rest. Finally, then, such things become the food of death. Now these are the foods with which
the devil lies in wait for us. First he injects a pain into your heart until you have heartache on
account of a small thing of this life, and he seizes (you) with his poisons. And afterward (he
injects) the desire of a tunic, so that you will pride yourself in it, and love of money (greed),
pride, vanity, envy that rivals another envy, beauty of body, fraudulence. The greatest of all
these are ignorance and ease (through riches). Now all such things the adversary (Satan)
prepares beautifully and spreads out before the body, wishing to make the mind of the soul (by
the thoughts he makes to germinate in our minds through the spirit of error) incline her (the soul)
toward one of them and overwhelm her (the soul), like a hook, drawing her (the soul) until she
(the soul) conceives evil (in thought), and bears fruit of matter (by putting the thought, which is
to say, the plan, into action), and conducts herself (the soul) in uncleanness, pursuing many
desires, covetousness, while fleshly pleasure draws her (the soul) in ignorance (of the truth).
Authoritative Teaching (from the Nag Hammadi Library) (God likens Satan‟s capture from the sea on the day of the Second
Coming to that of a fish being caught on a hook (See Job 41:1 where the great fish Leviathan is a symbolic representation of
Satan‟s cherub))

The Kebra-Nagast, Chapter 100 tells us: “Satan has no power whatsoever, for he hath
only what he maketh to germinate in the (human) mind…he can only make thoughts to be
germinated silently in the (human) mind.” Satan thereby attempts to influence ones mind by
transmitting electromagnetic waves (such as ELFs, appropriately named I might add) from his
lair beneath the sea. In The Teachings of Silvanus in the Nag Hammadi Library we find the
following: “…thoughts which are not good are evil wild beasts…The Wicked One (Satan), who
is a tyrant, is lord over these (wicked thoughts). While directing this, he (Satan) is beneath the
great mire (at the bottom of the sea from where)…he casts into your hearts evil thoughts…” In a
similar vein, The Gospel of Barnabas 75 professes “every impious thought cometh of the devil
(Satan).” In The Thanksgiving Scroll from Qumran we are told: “all the men of deceit…their
thoughts are as the thoughts of Belial (Satan),” because the thoughts which Satan makes to
germinate in their minds originate with him. We also find this truth expanded upon in an
additional work from Qumran called The Manual of Discipline:

He (God) created humankind to rule over the world, appointing for them two spirits (the spirit of
truth and the spirit of error. See 1John 4:6) in which to walk until the time ordained for His
visitation. These are the spirits of truth (also known as the spirit of light; the Holy Spirit) and
falsehood (the spirit of error; the spirit of darkness). Upright character and fate originate with
the Habitation of Light; perverse with the Fountain of Darkness. The authority of the Prince of
Light extends to the governance (control) of all righteous people; therefore, they walk in the
paths of light. Correspondingly, the authority of the Angel of Darkness (Satan) embraces the
governance (control) of all wicked people, so they walk in the paths of darkness. The authority
of the Angel of Darkness (Satan) further extends to the corruption of all the righteous. All their
sins, iniquities, shameful and rebellious deeds are at his (at Satan‟s) prompting, a situation God
in His mysteries allows to continue until His era dawns. Moreover, all the afflictions of the
righteous, and every trial in its season, occur because of this Angel‟s (Satan‟s) diabolic rule. All
the spirits allied with him share but a single resolve: to cause the Son‟s of Light to stumble. The
Manual of Discipline from Qumran

This very same concept is revealed in The Bible:

By this you know the spirit of God (the spirit of truth): every spirit which confesses that Jesus
Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of
God. This is the spirit of antichrist (the spirit of error), of which you heard that it was coming,
and now it is in the world already. Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them;
for he (the spirit of truth) who is in you is greater than he (the spirit of error) who is in the
world. They are of the world, therefore what they say is of the world, and the world listens to
them. We are of God. Whoever knows God listens to us, and he who is not of God does not
listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1John 4:1-6 (“By this it may
be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not do right is not of God, nor he who
does not love his brother.” 1John 3:10)

From this concept derives the following definition of the word „genius:‟ one of two
spirits attendant on a person through life, one good, the other evil. (Hutchinson Educational
Encyclopedia, Helicon Publishing Ltd 2000) The good spirit is the spirit of truth, the evil spirit
is the spirit of error. In Zoroastrianism, this spirit of evil by which mankind is deceived is called
„aka mainyu‟ while the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, is called „spenta mainyu.‟
These two distinct forces were a subject of Christian mystical writers. It is the “spirit of
truth” of which the Medieval mystic English author describes in The Cell of Self-Knowledge
(circa. 1521 A.D.) when it tells us the “angel's song and heavenly sound…is perceived and felt in
a man's soul” and this eminated from “the good angel” and that, alternatively through the “spirit
of error”: “if a man have any presumption in his fantasies and in his workings, and thereby
falleth in to indiscreet imagination, as it were in a frenzy, and is not ordered nor ruled of grace,
nor comforted by ghostly strength, the devil entereth in, and by his false illuminations, and by
his false sounds, and by his false sweetnesses, he deceiveth a man's soul. And of this false
ground springeth errors, and heresies, false prophecies, presumptions, and false reasonings,
blasphemings, and slanderings, and many other mischiefs” which were in fact effected “by the
inputting of the evil angel,” concluding “wicked spirits sendeth evil thoughts in to men.”
Concerning the Soul the book asserts that an individual has “God and His angel on the one party,
and the fiend and his angel on the other party; but it is in the free choice of the soul to receive
which that it will….it followeth that what thought that cometh then in it, whether that it be good
or evil, it is not of itself, but the consent to the good or to the evil, whether that it be, that is ever
more the work of the same soul.”
King James the First in Daemonologie Book III Chapter II (circa 1597 A.D.) explains
that the “Gentiles” believed “every man” was “accompanied with two spirits, whereof they
called the one genius bonus, the other genius malus: the Greeks called them {Greek endaimona}
and {Greek kakodaimona}: whereof the former they said, persuaded him to all the good he did:
the other enticed him to all the evil.” The Christian mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg in Spiritual
Diary intones: “HE THAT IS LED BY THE LORD IS BLAMELESS. A man although foul and
polluted with defilements, yet while led by the Lord is exempt from blame; for whatever of truth
and good he thinks, speaks, and acts is of the Lord, and whatever of false and evil of the devil,
for man then knows that he does nothing of himself.” - 1745, March 20.

As we learn in John 15:26, the Spirit of Truth proceeds from God (for other references to
this “Spirit of Truth,” see also John 14:17, John 16:13, and 1Peter 1:22. The Spirit of Truth is
the Holy Spirit). The spirit of error, however, proceeds from Satan. The Manual of Discipline
goes on to say these “spirits of light and darkness,” which is to say, the Spirit of Truth which
proceeds from God and the spirit of error which proceeds from Satan, are “the cornerstone of
every deed, their impulses the premise of every action” a person takes.

The following scripture provides examples of actions undertaken as a result of the direct
influence of the spirit of error, therein called “works of the flesh,” and of those followed under
the influence of the Holy Spirit of Truth:

But if you are led by the (Holy) Spirit (of Truth) you are not under the law. Now the works of
the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissention, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing and the like. I
warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of
God. But the fruit of the spirit (of truth) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. Galatians 5:18-25 (“…ponder all the
Ways of Truth, and consider all the roots of Evil, Then you shall know what is bitter for a man, and what is sweet for a person.”
The Children of Salvation and the Mystery of Existence (4Q416, 418) Fragment 10 Column 2)

The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove which alighted upon Jesus is symbolic of this spirit
of truth (See Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22 and John 1:32). Birds are common esoteric
symbols of transverse electromagnetic waves. Jesus was himself led by the Holy Spirit (See
Luke 4:1).

The following scripture speaks of those who do Satan‟s will by the thoughts he implants
in one‟s mind:

You are of your father the devil (Satan), and your will is to do your father‟s desires (by those
thoughts implanted in their minds which originate with Satan). John 8:44

Until now the spirits of truth (light) and perversity (darkness; falsehood/error) have contended
within the human heart. All people walk in both wisdom and foolishness. As is a person’s
endowment of truth and righteousness, so shall he hate perversity; conversely, in
proportion to bequest in the lot of evil, one will act wickedly and abominate truth. God has
appointed these spirits (the spirits of truth and error spoken of in 1John 4:6) as equals until the
time of decree and renewal. He foreknows the outworking of their deeds for all the ages…He
has granted them dominion over humanity, so imparting knowledge of good and evil, deciding
the fate of every living being by the measure of which spirit predominates in him (this is
how we become our own judges)… The Manual of Discipline from Qumran * (“imparting knowledge of (the spirit
of) good and (the spirit of) evil,” with an emphasis on knowledge, would indicate a cerebral transmission of electromagnetic

…beseech Him (God) to set your counsel straight (through the spirit of truth) and so keep you
away from evil thoughts (from the spirit of error) and the counsel of Belial (Satan). 4QMMT (the
counsel of Belial, Satan, is the spirit of error)(By their nature, transverse electromagnetic waves of which the spirit of truth is
composed casts aside the spirit of error composed of darkness, which is to say, composed of the waves of the electromagnetic
spectrum not part of the visible light spectrum as the transverse electromagnetic wave travels through the medium composed of
„dark‟ waves, casting it aside)(“He (Satan) brought upon them (upon mankind) a great illness so that they did his will (through
the spirit of error). After that he mistreated the people whom you created; after that you would save them.” Heidelburg Kopt.

The Koran speaks of the spirit of error and falsehood, of Satan‟s influence on men when
in The Koran 114.4-5 it calls Satan a mischievous “whisperer” “who whispers into the hearts of
mankind.” In reference to this aspect of Satan‟s power, Satan was known as Tezcatlipoca (which
translates as “Smoking Mirror”), the Aztec/Mayan/Toltec god of evil, wickedness and
destruction, also called “He who is at the shoulder,” who was said to whisper thoughts into
people‟s ears, therewith inspiring them to action. This influence on the thoughts and actions of
men is achieved through the broadcast of electromagnetic waves. Our thoughts are essentially
electromagnetic waves pulsing around our brains. There is at least one Earthly example of this
form of mind manipulation. At one time a top secret program employed by the Soviet Union
regularly broadcast electromagnetic waves towards the U.S. in similar fashion in order to obtain
comparable results. Satan‟s electromagnetic broadcasts of his „spirit of error‟ are the “flaming
darts of the evil one” of which Ephesians 6:16 speaks. These “flaming darts” are what the
Hindus call the “Serpent Fire,” or the serpent power, of kundalini. Indeed, as expressed in
Chapter 4 of America‟s Subversion: The Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole, being a
treatise on Freemasonry: “The Kundalini serpent force ending in "illumination" of the brain by
Lucifer, having Lucifer or Satan intensely impress thoughts upon one's brain, is what is
considered to achieve occult ‘redemption,’ ancient „Wisdom.‟” (Author‟s Note: Such men thus
led by “the spirit of error” were said to be Illuminated) The word „kundalini‟ is Sanskrit for
`snake.´ In this case the serpent/snake is analogous of the electromagnetic wave, yet more
specifically, and in relation to Satan‟s flaming darts, referring to an electromagnetic wave of a
specific wavelength/frequency. In Aztec mythology, the fire-snake/fire-serpent Xiuhcoatl
(whose name translates as “Turquoise Serpent”) was the personification of this kundalini force.
In Theosophy and Magick Satan‟s spirit of error is known as the Vril force. It is by means of
this Vril force that Theosophists and practitioners of magic “channel” the spirits and thereby
communicate with them. To Alistair Crowley, becoming attuned to Satan‟s spirit of error was
known as “the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel,” the
result being that such a possessed person was “left entirely in the hands of that
Angel…invariably and inevitably” being lead by him (See Alistair Crowley‟s Magick Without
Tears Chapter 83; after having successfully contacted ones “guardian angel,” according to
Alistair Crowley in Liber VIII, then “shall he perform that work to which the Angel shall have
appointed him.” Note the person is said to do the work which the angel appoints of him, and not
vice versa!). This concept Crowley took from mediaeval manuscripts on magic whose origins
were said to be that of the teachings of ancient Egyptian magicians, the likes of which included
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (Crowley based much of his system of
Magick upon this mediaeval grimoire) and also from the writings of mystics such as Emanuel
Swedenborg who wrote in Spiritual Diary circa. the 18th century A.D.: “THAT THE
AND APPROPRIATE TO MAN. Man was so created that he might hold interaction with spirits
and angels.” It would seem Crowley appropriated Swedenborg‟s terminology as his own. See
also pp. 21-22 of The Spiritual Ministry of Man by the French mystic Louis-Claude de Saint-
Martin concerning quote-unquote “conversing with spirits,” wherein he professes it is indeed
possible for an individual to “communicate with spirits.” Martinism was influential in the
creation of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization of which Crowley was part
and parcel. Saint-Martin translated many of the works of the German Christian mystic Jacob
Boehme into the French language and was also very well versed in the writings of the English
Christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (it must be noted the organization known as the
Traditional Martinist Order is reserved exclusively for members of the Ancient Mystical Order
Rosae Crucis (AMORC), an organization which boasts as a member that master of magical tales
himself, Walt Disney. There also exists a Martinist Order named The Ancient Order of the
Crowley was familiar with the meaning of the term Magick and all the wickedness it
embraced. In The PREFACE to the grimoire The Arbatel of Magic prefaced by Robert Turner
we are told: “So that the word Magus of itself imports a Contemplator of divine & heavenly
Sciences; but under the name Magick, are all unlawful Arts comprehended; as Necromancy and
Witchcraft, and such Arts which are effected by combination with the devil, and whereof he is a
In The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (1923 A,D,) Manly P. Hall states Freemasons “must
realize that the ancient mystic (Author‟s note: the word „mystic‟ is synonymous with „magic‟)
teachings as perpetuated in the modern (Freemasonic) rites are sacred (being based on ancient
religious systems), and that powers (read: angels) unseen and unrecognized (Hall refers to
Ephesians 6:12) mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon
themselves the obligations of the Fraternity (of Freemasonry).” Satan is „the Spirit of
Freemasonry‟ who influences the lives of such Freemasonic men through his use of the spirit of
error. From such beliefs in the “spirit of error” come the doctrines of Thought-Transference and
telepathy (Of an interesting note, Robert S. Mason (The Advent of Ahriman 1983 A.D.) was not
so far off when he said: “…the Forces of Ahriman (Ahriman is the fallen angel Azazel) are
attempting to gain their control and place on this planet…these Forces are in a concerted effort to
regain power over this planet in order to set up a dictatorship…the governments of the world
have been influenced by those who are not of this world…these Forces control these entities
(“world leaders”)…through telepathy (they being in his words “in continual communication
telepathically with individuals”)…every entity is being programmed by both the negative
influence from the Dark Forces, and the more positive influence from the Higher Forces. These
have been termed the Devil conscience and the God conscience, or the good and the evil angels
or demons which entities have associated with their being,... this in term of the medieval type of
concept, whereby a little demon sits and whispers in one ear, while on the other shoulder an
angel is whispering in the other ear, each giving the entity conflicting programming; one, to do
something evil, the other to do something good…”). (In the immortal words of Sherlock Holmes (a movie with
Satanism and Magick as its central theme) circa 2009 A.D.: “Imagine the ability to control an entire city via radio waves” (this quote is,
decidedly, a reference to thought controlling ELF waves). Mysticism and Kabbalism go hand in hand. And the elite Kabbalists of Hollywood
rub our face in it all, for, as must be noted, those of the Jewish faith are a Tinseltown force to be reckoned with.
It is through the employment of these electromagnetic “flaming darts,” the spirit of error,
by which Satan is become the “deceiver of the whole earth” (See Revelations 12:9). It is also
through their use that Satan “put a lying spirit in the mouth” of Ahab‟s prophets (See 1Kings
22:29-23), Satan being the source of that lying spirit, the spirit of error, (See 2Chronicles 18:18-
21) which caused Ahab‟s prophets to give Ahab unsound advice which would lead him to his
death (American politicians who seem unable these days to even utter a word of truth seem to
have likewise had a “lying spirit” put in their mouths, being targets of Satanic attack by Satan‟s
electromagnetic “flaming darts.” Likely these are Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves). In
this way Satan has become the “father of lies” (See John 8:44), which is to say, the origin of all
lies. And in this way in these the last days does God send upon the unrighteous a “strong
delusion,” a reference to this spirit of error, of Satan‟s “flaming darts” (ELFs), so that they might
believe in lies and trust in falsehoods, so that all the unrighteous will be condemned who do not
believe the truth (See 2Thessalonians 2:11-12), which is to say, of those unrighteous who did not
believe and heed the Holy Spirit of Truth, and instead loved the lies proffered by the originator
of the spirit of error, Satan. ELF waves effect a person‟s subconscious without the person
realizing what is happening. The incarnate righteous Jesus was not effected by these ELFs (the
“light” radiated by the righteous Jesus repulsed these “dark” ELF waves. See John 1:5). In
Matthew 16:21-23 we find an example of this process where a thought which originated with
Satan was spoken through the mouth the apostle Peter, who essentially in this way, through the
employment of what is known as the “spirit of error” (through thought transference through the
use of ELF waves), Peter became the mouthpiece of Satan (See also Hadith 4:496 for another
such example). Jesus recognized the true source of this remark, thereby rebuking Satan instead
of Peter. Similarly, one becomes the mouthpiece of God through the broadcast of the Holy Spirit
of Truth.
Many Biblical prophets, including Jesus himself, speak words of God broadcast to them
through the Holy Spirit of Truth, individuals who in this way also become the mouthpieces of

…thou (God) didst warn them by thy (Holy) Spirit (of Truth) through the prophets… Nehemiah

They made their hearts like adamant lest they should hear the words which the LORD (God) of
hosts had sent by his (Holy) Spirit (of Truth) through the former prophets. Zechariah 7:12

First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one‟s own
interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the
Holy Spirit (of Truth) spoke from God. 2Peter 1:20-21 (Thought transference through the Holy Spirit of Truth
from God is how the Apostles could speak in “tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” when they received the Holy Spirit as
set forth in Acts 2:1-4)

The Koran speaks of Satan and his angels observing mankind (from their watery lair):

O children of Adam! Let not the Shaitan (Satan) cause you to fall into affliction as he expelled
your parents (Adam and Eve) from the garden (of Eden), pulling off from them both their
clothing that he might show them their evil inclinations (their lust), he surely sees you, he as well
as his host, from whence you cannot see them (from their watery lair); surely We have made the
Shaitans (fallen angels) to be the guardians of those who do not believe. The Koran 7.27 (“Iblis
(Satan) has his throne in the sea, and he sends out his dispatchments of shaytan (rebellious angels) to aggravate people.” This
quote is repeated on such Islamic websites as,, and Despite an afternnon of
searching, I was unable to locate the source of this quote. Quite possibly it is from The Koran)

The concept of the guardian angel is based on the story of the jinn. „Egregor‟ is from the
Greek word meaning „watcher/guardian.‟ Azazel and his fallen Egregors/Grigori/Igigi/Neteru
are considered guardian angels/Watchers, as is Satan and his band of fallen followers, all of
whom are, at this time, inhabitants of this Earth. Yes, we do have guardian angels watching
over us, but no, they are not always looking out for our best interests. The German Christian
mystic and theologian Jacob Bohme, whose writings greatly influenced such groups as the
Rosicrucians, relates in The Author’s Preface to his Theosophic work entitled Three Principles of
the Divine Essence (circa 1618 A.D.):
…the Devil (Satan) dwells with us in this World, who is both God‟s Enemy and ours, and daily
misleads us, and ensnares us, as he has from the Beginning, that we might fall away from our
God and Father…and bereave us of our Eternal salvation. The Author‟s Preface to Jacob Boehme‟s Three
Principles of the Divine Essence

According to Hesiod‟s Theogony, Satan, therein represented under his Greek name
Poseidon, was said to dwell on our Earth in a golden palace in the depths of the sea. The golden
palace in which Satan resides at the bottom of the sea is his cherub, Leviathan. In the Orphic
Hymn “To Neptune,” Neptune being the name under which the Roman‟s worshipped Satan, he is
described as being the “ruler of the sea profound…Who, at the bottom of the stormy main (at the
bottom of the sea)…holdest thy watery reign.” The Greek Poseidon and the Roman Neptune are
known to be the same persona, and that persona is the angel Satan himself. The Babylonians
worshipped Satan‟s cherub Leviathan as the god Ea. Ea was the Babylonian god of the rivers
and the oceans.
In the sacred text, The Seven Evil Spirits, the Babylonians speak of seven cherubim of
Satan‟s group of fallen angels, including Satan himself, as being “seven evil and violent
demons…on earth” which dwell underwater in the “channel of the deep” in a “palace,” and
which in the “midst of the deep are their paths,” which is to say, they travel underwater. These
so-called seven evil spirits were known as the Maskims. Their story is also recounted in The
Maklu Text of the grimoire known as the Simon Necronomicon which speaks of these
“Seven…in the depths of the ocean” as being “seven liers-in-wait” who hide in the “ocean
depths” in a “hidden retreat.” In The Testament of the Mad Arab portion of the Simon
Necronomicon, Abdul Alhazred, the reputed author of the manuscript, refers to Satan‟s undersea
hideaway as the “Palace of our Master” located “beneath the Seas.” According to the book, In
Search of Magic and Witchcraft (Landsburg 1977 p.13), the beginnings of all ceremonial magic
systems can be traced to the very same Babylonian inscriptions just mentioned. All Magic
systems are based upon and revolve around knowledge of the events pertaining to the rebellious
fallen angels.

Speaking to Satan who had taken possession of Pharaoh King of Egypt (through his use
of the “spirit of error”), God calls Satan a “dragon in the seas” (See Ezekiel 323:2) in regards to
the fact Satan‟s cherub is hidden beneath the sea.
The pearl hidden in the shell of an oyster at the bottom of the sea by which the Illuminati
signify spiritual powers is esoterically symbolic of the spiritually powerful Satan (who is
represented by the pearl) who is within his cherub Leviathan (which is represented by the oyster,
it being similar in shape to a cherub) which is concealed at the bottom of the sea. Pearl oysters
are present in the Mediterranean Sea, so the analogy is certainly appropriate.

Satan himself is hidden off the island of Thera, which is modern day Santorini, a location
whose very name is a cognate of the word „Satan.‟ The island is the southernmost member of
the Cyclades group of islands located off the coast of Greece in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
where the deep ocean floor separates the continents of Europe and Africa. At modern-day
Santorini was the sight of the ancient Thera volcanic eruption which left a crescent-shaped
coastline and a caldera in the sea floor some 400 meters deep. The crescent moon/star
symbolism found on many Islamic flags is in one aspect an idealized depiction of an aerial view
of the crescent moon-shaped coastline of Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea. The Thera
volcanic eruption took place there in mid 2nd Millennium B.C. (prior to Satan‟s rebellion at the
time of the birth of Jesus in 1 A.D. and of Satan‟s banishment to our Earth at that point in time)
and consequently the likely-hood of his being based at Thera/Santorini is not at all outside the
realm of possibilities. It must also be noted that Thera is identified with the lost city of Atlantis.
Seeing that all such ancient “legends” and “myths” are associated with the rebellious fallen
angels, this location may prove to be of some significance. The volcanic island of
Santorini/Thera may also be what the Egyptians in the Book of the Dead referred to as the Island
of Bight, the island being depicted as a volcanic island which was associated with their gods,
gods who represented the rebellious fallen angels themselves. A bight is indicative of a bend or
curve in any geographical feature, usually a bend or curve in the line between land and water.
This definition aptly describes the curved, crescent-shaped volcanic Island of Thera.

The following scripture symbolically speaks of Satan‟s secretive island setting:

“The wild beasts (the angels known as the jinn) of the desert (those angels imprisoned within the
Earth) shall also meet with the wild beasts (the angels known as the marid) of the island (of the
island of Thera, modern-day Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea), and the satyr (the terrestrial-
based angels associated with woodland areas) shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl (who
represents Azazel‟s human wife) also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.” Isaiah

In this respect, Satan is represented in Mexican beliefs as “the ancient god…whose

habitation is in the midst of the waters, encompassed by battlements, surrounded by
rocks…whose name is Xiuteuctli” (See Chapter 5 of Ophiolatreia). In addition to Xiuteuctli,
another such god which represents Satan is Quetzalcoatl, a god said to have returned to the sea
from which he had originated and from where they anticipated his future return.
Many children have thrilled to the sight of Shriners in parades as they comically drive
their go-carts around in their funny little hats. What fun! But the kids as well as their parents are
oblivious to the real import of their mission. The Shriners, more formally known as the Ancient
Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, are in fact Masons (one must be conscious of
the fact that even the most evil of al-Qaeda and Hamas “terrorist” organizations, like the Shriners
with their children‟s hospitals, provide useful humanitarian services). Though one truth which
cannot be ignored is the fact modern Shriner Masonic rituals are based on ancient pagan rituals,
„The Order of Quetzalcoatl Ritual‟ being one such example. Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican
god who represents the rebellious fallen angel Satan. The logo of the Shriners even contains the
moon/star symbol (the star is a pentagram, a sign of Satan) which as relating to Satan represents
the location of his undersea lair located at the island of Santorini. No big surprise really, when
one considers Masonic history. The moon/star symbol in the emblem of the Masonic Shriners
itself dangles from a sword, indeed the sword being one of many Biblical symbols of a cherub, in
this case representing Satan‟s cherub Leviathan, and it is there at the island of Santorini where is
located Satan‟s cherub. The Shriner‟s logo represents this esoteric knowledge, blatantly
symbolizing and celebrating his presence. The sword in the Shriner‟s logo, like the „X‟ on a
map, marks the spot. It must also be noted the Shriner‟s iconic cap, the Fez, is, like Satan‟s
cherub Leviathan, red.

(Author‟s Note: The Shriners were established in 1870 A.D., in Manhattan, New York, during the golden years of the American
Spiritualist Movement)

5. Satan’s Rise from the Sea

In Revelations 13:1 we are told Satan rises from the sea (I…saw a beast rise up out of the
sea… Revelations 13:1). The beast mentioned therein is a cherub, the word „beast‟ being
synonymous in The Bible with the word „cherub.‟ The beast which rises out of the sea is Satan‟s
cherub Leviathan, and it rises from the sea on February 5/6, 2013, at the beginning of the
Tribulation period of the war on Christians and Jews (also known as the War on the Saints) as set
forth in Revelations 12:17 (See also Revelations 13:7). It is also on this day that the President
with the mortal wound that was healed receives his mortal wound. Satan may cause the
President‟s death himself, or it may be he is assassinated. Upon his death, Satan will heal him,
bring him back to life and possess him spiritually. He will become the mouthpiece of Satan
himself (See Revelations 13:5. A “mouth” “was given unto him” by Satan who speaks these
words through him). Satan will possess him, will speak through him, and will control his
actions. By being told it was “given unto him” that he should make war on the saints (on
Christians and Jews)(See Revelations 13:7), we know that Satan makes the President take these
actions through the process of spirit possession. He will be mechanically doing Satan‟s bidding.
Also on this day, under the possession of Satan, he also takes command of Satan‟s cherub. The
world may not be privy to this possession, except those of us who know the truth. All the world
will marvel when they see his cherub (See Revelations 13:3-4) and the military implications

And I saw a beast (Satan in his cherub, Leviathan) rising out of the sea, with ten horns (See
Revelations 17:12) and seven heads (a reference to the 10/7 nation U.N. coalition of which Satan
takes control), with ten diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads (this
“blasphemous name” may refer to the nickname by which this group is known in the very same
way that the Bush administration suspiciously enough referred to their little group as the
Vulcans, named after the Roman god of fire, a god who represented the angel Azazel). And the
beast (the 10/7 nation U.N. coalition) that I saw was like a leopard (the European Union/the
Middle East/North Africa), its feet were like a bear‟s (Russia), and its mouth was like a lion‟s
mouth (a reference to Britain). And to it (to the 10/7 nation U.N. coalition), the dragon (Satan)
gave his power (Satan takes possession of the President) and throne (refers to Satan‟s cherub, an
extremely high-tech weapons system) and authority (authority over the world, over every tribe
and people and tongue and nation. See Revelations 13:7). One of its heads (one of its leaders;
this refers to the President with the mortal wound that was healed) seemed to have a mortal
wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast (the 10/7 nation
U.N. coalition) with wonder. Men worshipped the dragon (Satan), for he had given his authority
(authority over the world, over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. See Revelations
13:7) to the beast (to the 10/7 nation U.N. coalition), and they worshipped the beast (This beast is
Leviathan, Satan‟s cherub), saying, “Who is like the beast (Leviathan), and who can fight against
it?” (No one can stand up to a cherub and successfully challenge a cherub militarily). And the
beast (the 10/7 nation U.N. coalition) was given a voice (the voice of the President with the
mortal wound that was healed) uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to
exercise authority (authority over the world, over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
See Revelations 13:7) for forty-two months (for 1260 days, the period of the Tribulation); it
opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that
is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints (a 1260 day war on
Christians and Jews. See Revelations 12:17. This is the Tribulation period) and to conquer them
(this is a call for the patience of the saints). And authority was given it over every tribe and
people and tongue and nation (This authority is the New World Order, the goal announced in the
Masonic Fama Fraternitatis. Ancient Craft Freemasonic calendar years are calculated from 4000
B.C, the year of the Babylonian Dispersion which saw the confusion of the languages amid the
destruction of the Tower of Babel, a result of the great hunter Nimrod‟s rebellion against God.
Freemasons, not your everyday Masons but those powerful influential members at the top of the
Masonic hierarchy, await and secretly work towards their next great rebellion against God, in our
present time working through such secret Masonic organizations such as Yale University‟s Skull
and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the
(privately owned) Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank, and the United Nations, to name but a
few of the most infamous organizations, their common goal being a New World Order of global
dominance headed by the rebellious angel Satan himself. Satan is the Masonic Unknown
Superior. In fact, many of the early founders of the U.S. government were Masons aided by a
secret society in Europe whose symbol, The Great Seal, is so plaintively emblazoned on the back
of our one dollar bill. A future U.S. President will be Satan‟s future “Nimrod” the mighty
hunter, the earthly leader of Satan‟s next great rebellion against God), and all who dwell on earth
shall worship it (See Revelations 13:12), every one whose name has not been written before the
foundation (before the creation) of the world in the book of life (this book contains the names of
those who are to be resurrected to eternal life in heaven) of the Lamb (Jesus) who was slain.
Revelations 13:2-8

Early Masons, called Magus/Magi, were spiritualists who consulted “familiar spirits,” a
practice condemned by God in Deuteronomy 18:10. The Magi (Zoroastrians) who visited Jesus
at his birth were Masons. The numbers 13 and 33 are important numbers in
Masonic/Freemasonic and Satanic beliefs systems (which consult “familiar spirits”) because
Satan rises from the sea in the year 2013 A.D., in the year „13. The importance of the number 33
in Freemasonic degrees is derived also from the date Satan is to rise from the sea, as 20 + 13 =
33. Satan is the Freemasonic being known as their Unknown Superior. The number 33 is also
for this reason an important number in all things occult. For this same reason the number 58 is
important in the esoteric teachings of the secret society known as the Priory of Sion, as 5 + 8 =
13, also referring to the year of Satan‟s future rise from the sea. Many of the Grand Master‟s
who headed the Priory of Sion were also associated with the Freemasons and Rosicrucians. In
fact, Charles Nodier, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion from 1801-1844 A.D., played a major
influential role in the modern occult revival. (Author‟s Note: Is there any connection to the fact
that the flag of the United States contains 13 bars, the flag of a country founded by a group of
Freemasons, in which for reasons of superstition few buildings in America list a thirteenth floor?
The esoteric knowledge of Satan‟s rise from the sea in the year ‟13 is the origin of this
superstitious belief)

In Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa‟s Of Occult Philosophy Book III Chapter 18, Agrippa
calls Satan the Meridian Devil: “their prince is called Meririm; he is the Meridian Devill.” The
book itself contains esoteric knowledge as to the time of Satan‟s rise, it taking place at midnight
(by definition the meridian) on the morning of February 6, 2013. The word „Meridian‟ is a
cognate of the word „marid‟ which is the Arabic name for the rebellious group of angels which
included Satan, a group of beings said in Arabian folklore to find sanctuary within the seas and
oceans of our Earth, the places in which they conceal themselves to this day. Additionally, it
must be mentioned, February 6, the date of Satan‟s rise from the sea, is the date of the Wiccan
festival of Midwinter‟s Day, esoterically celebrated to commemorate this very event, so-named
with „mid‟ being a cognate of the word „marid,‟ and the word „winter‟ being a cognate of the
word „water.‟ Thusly, Midwinter‟s Day is a celebration of the day the marid, led by Satan, arise
from the waters in which they conceal themselves to this day. Wicca is a system of magic. In a
similar vain the date of Satan‟s rise from the sea itself calendrically corresponds to the period of
time of what is considered to be the Midwinter (January 20-February 19) season on the Enochian
Calendar as set forth in The Book of Enoch.

The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl was associated with the morning star Venus, Quetzalcoatl
being the name by which the Aztecs knew the fallen angel Satan. According to legend,
Quetzalcoatl reputedly came from the sea to where he later returned and from whence he is
subsequently expected to return. As the morning star-angel (See Isaiah 14:12), Satan was known
by the Aztecs under the title of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, which translates as “lord of the star of the
dawn,” which is to say, lord of the morning star. Remember, Jesus saw Satan fall to the earth,
and he is still on the Earth to this day, hiding at the bottom of the sea. Satan rises from the sea
during the astronomical Morning Star Phase of the planet Venus rising as he does at midnight on
February 6, 2013. Also, the incarnate Satan‟s rise from the sea coincides with the Zodiacal
month of Aquarius (January 20 - February 18), a sign represented by a man carrying water, the
true esoteric meaning of this sign referring to and prophesying the time period of the incarnate
angel Satan‟s rise from the sea.
In Isaiah 14:12, God speaks to Satan who had taken spirit possession of the king of
Babylon therein calling him the “Day Star, son of Dawn.” This is a reference to the Morning
Star phase of Venus with which God associates him, it being a hidden prophecy of Satan‟s future
rise. Satan rises from the sea during the Morning Star Phase of the planet Venus rising as he
does on February 5/6, 2013. Also of a most interesting note, Satan‟s rise from the sea (in his
cherub Leviathan. In The Bible, the word “dragon” is an synonym of the word “cherub.” The
Chinese dragon is a representation of a cherub. In China, the dragon is a symbol of divinity) on
February 5/6, 2013 corresponds to the Chinese Year of the Dragon. Additionally, in the 60-year
cycle of the Chinese Calendar 12 animal signs are repeated 5 times designating these animals as
either (1) earth, (2) metal, (3) water, (4) wood or (5) fire. The time-frame of Satan‟s rise from
the sea on February 5/6 corresponds to the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon. Coincidence? I
think not!
The following scripture speaks of Satan‟s future rise from the sea:

…Leviathan (Satan‟s cherub) will ascend from the sea… The Apocalypse of Baruch XXIX.4

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