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 第二十三屆 (一級 )英語能力測驗試題答案及解析

題號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 B C A D A C D B C A C D B A A C C B A D
題號 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 C D C D B A B A C C A A D B C D C A C B
題號 41 42 43 44 45
答案 A B C C D

Part I:聽力理解
第一部份:簡短對話(Dialogue Comprehension)
例題:男:我要預訂一張 6 人的桌子。
女:抱歉,餐廳客滿了,目前沒有空桌。但如果你要等大約 20 分鐘,我將可以給你桌子。
你將讀到:(A)他將會去另一家餐廳。 (B)他明天會再回到這裡。
(C)他將會等 20 分鐘。 (D)他將外帶食物 。
對這個問題的最佳的答案是 C。所以,你應該選擇答案 C。

錄音內容: M: Next one, please?
W: Yes, thank you. I sent a package to Seoul and I was wondering if it has
arrived yet.
M: Seoul? Can I have the tracking number?
W: It's TZ7H303.
M: Our system says that it's still on the way.
W: Really? How can that be? I sent it over three weeks ago!
M: Normally, it wouldn't take more than a week. For holiday delivery, it
might take longer.
W: I can't believe this. I want to speak to your manager immediately!

Q. According to the man, what likely is the reason the package hasn't arrived
選 項: (A) It was lost during shipping. 【答案:B】
(B) It was sent during a busy time.
(C) The woman sent it to the wrong address.
(D) The shipping company damaged the package.
女:它是 TZ7H303。

問 題 : 根據這位男子,包裹還沒有到達的可能原因是什麼?
選     項 : (A)在運輸過程中遺失。

【試題解 男子提到假期期間(如,聖誕節)有很多包裹寄送,故為忙碌期間,所以答案為
析】 B。

錄音內容: W: Hello. I'm calling on behalf of World Animal Protection. May I please
have a moment of your time?
M: I suppose. You're not selling anything, are you?
W: No, I'm not. We are actually looking for donations or volunteers for our
upcoming fundraiser event to get animals off the streets.
M: Well, I really support your cause. However, I don't think I'll be able to
make a donation.
W: So how about volunteering? It will only take a few hours of your time this
Saturday from 2 to 5 pm at the City Hall Square. We need people to watch
the animals and hand out our fliers.
M: I guess I could do that.

Q. What kind of group does the woman represent?

選 項: (A) A local club that helps to find lost animals. 【答案:C】

(B) A local pet shop that advertises their new pet food.
(C) An organization that helps street animals.
(D) A society that advocates city development.
錄 音 內 容 : 女:您好。我謹代表世界動物保護組織致電。請給我一點時間?
女:那麼志工呢?這個星期六從下午 2 點到 5 點在市政廳廣場,只需要幾個

問 題 : 女子代表什麼樣的群體?
選     項 : (A)當地社團,幫忙找到遺失的動物。

【試題解析】 一開始就說「我謹代表世界動物保護組織」致電,可知答案為 C。

錄音內容: W: Sky TV Company Customer Service Center. This is Juliana speaking. How
may I help you?
M: Yes, hi. I've been a subscriber to Sky TV programs for about a year now,
and I'm having trouble. I push the buttons on the remote control, but
nothing happens. The channel won't change. Can I have somebody come
take a look?
W: I'm sorry, but we're in charge of broadcast content and subscriptions. I
assume that you bought your TV tuner?
M: Oh, I see. Yeah, the brand on the hardware is Cves-Teleware. I should call
them. Thanks.

Q. What will the man probably do next?

選 項: (A) Call Cves-Teleware.
(B) Get new batteries. 【答案:A】
(C) Order a new TV tuner.
(D) Extend the subscription for one more year

錄 音 內 容 : 女:天空電視公司客戶服務中心。我是朱莉安娜。我能為您服務嗎?
男:哦,我明白了。是的,遙控器設備上的品牌是 Cves-Teleware。我應該打電

問 題 : 這個人接下來可能會做什麼?
選     項 : (A)打電話給 Cves-Teleware。

【試題解析】 女子說明「是你買的電視轉台器」,且男子回應「遙控器設備上的品牌是 Cves-

Teleware」,故答案為 A。

錄音內容: M: Today, I'd like to talk to you about your daughter. She's been having
some difficulty at school.
W: What kind of difficulty?
M: All of her test scores for the mid-term exam have dropped rapidly
compared to the result of last semester and she hasn't handed in any
assignment in any subject. Are there any problems at home that might
be affecting her?
W: It could be my husband, who passed away three months ago. Since
losing her father, she's been pretty upset.
M: I am so sorry to hear that, but it's pretty common for a student's
performance to be negatively impacted by a death in a family. I'll keep
an eye on her and encourage her as much as possible.
W: Okay, I'll talk to her at home. I believe everything will be back to
normal soon.

Q. What might be the main reason for the student's unusual behavior?

選 項: (A) She has been too sick to go to school.

(B) She has been having difficulty communicating with her mother.
(C) She has skipped classes many times for the past three months.
(D) She has been suffering from psychological trauma. 【答案:D】

錄 音 內 容 : 男:今天,我想和你談談你的女兒。她在學校遇到了一些困難。
問 題 : 學生不尋常行為主要的原因可能是什麼?
選     項 : (A)她病得太重,無法上學。

【試題解析】 女子說,可能是「先生去世」,男子呼應「受到家庭成員死亡」,故答案為 D。

錄音內容: M: I think these contact lenses are the wrong prescription. Is it possible to
have my eyes checked again?
W: What makes you think the prescription is incorrect?
M: Everything looks a little distorted when I look around and I feel a little
dizzy and off-balance. Also, I got a headache after wearing them for a few
W: Okay, I see. It is possible that one of your eyes is different than the other.
Please follow me into the back room so we can test your eyes.
M: If the prescription is indeed wrong, will I have to pay for the new ones? I
just bought these here yesterday from one of your colleagues.
W: No, you don’t need to pay anything, since it was our error. I apologize for
the inconvenience it has caused you.

Q. If the man needs to replace new contact lenses, what will be the cost?

選 項: (A) They will be free of charge.

(B) The cost is not mentioned.
(C) They will be $100 dollars.
(D) They will be at the same price as the original ones. 【答案:A】

錄 音 內 容 : 男:我認為這些隱形眼鏡處方簽錯了。可以再幫我檢查一次我的眼睛嗎?

問 題 : 如果男子需要更換新的隱形眼鏡,那麼費用是多少?
選     項 : (A)它們是免費的。
(C)它們是 100 元。
【試題解析】 根據女子說「不用,你不需要付任何費用」,故答案為 A。

錄音內容: M: Gosh! Windows just crashed again!
W: Did you lose anything?
M: Yeah. I was in the middle of doing my mid-term report.
W: Didn't you save it?
M: No. I was just about to.
W: Here, let me show you this setting that I always use in Word. Go to
"preferences," click "save automatically," and then you can choose time
intervals. I have set my laptop to save every two minutes.
M: That’s really a good idea. Thanks.
W: Look! Your screen is on again.
M: And Word recovered my report! Well, about half of it ….

Q. What solution does the woman suggest?

選 項: (A) Purchase a new laptop.

(B) Update the anti-virus software. 【答案:C】

(C) Use the automatic saving function.

(D) Don't write such a long report in one file.

錄 音 內 容 : 男:天哪! Windows 剛剛又掛了!
女:聽好,讓我告訴你,在使用 Word 時,我總是使用這個設定。到「偏好設
男:Word 恢復了我的報告!嗯,大約一半……。
問 題 : 女子提出了什麼解決方案?
選     項 : (A)購買新的筆記型電腦。

【試題解析】 女子在對話中教導男子「如何設定自動保存」,可知答案為 C。

錄音內容: M: Could you please describe what the man looks like?
W: Officer, it all happened very quickly, so I wasn't able to get a very good
look at him. He was a bit chubby and had dark brown hair, and he
definitely had a beard.
M: Do you remember what kinds of clothes he was wearing?
W: I'm not really sure. Why is that important?
M: That would help us to identify him.
W: But he probably has more than one set of clothes. What if he's changed
them since then?
M: Madam, do you want us to help you find your purse?
W: Of course I do.
M: Then please cooperate and don't try to argue with me.

Q. What detail can the woman NOT remember about the man who took her

選 項: (A) His facial hair.

(B) His body shape.
(C) His hair color.
(D) His clothes. 【答案:D】

錄 音 內 容 : 男:你能描述一下男子的樣子嗎?
問 題 : 女子不記得拿她皮包男子的什麼細節?
選     項 : (A)他的面部毛髮。

【試題解析】 在對話中男子「穿的衣服」,女子則在衣服說詞上打轉,可知答案為 D。

錄音內容: M: Barbara, didn't I tell you I needed those sales reports by this morning?
W: Yes, Mr. Hugh, but I just haven't had time. Three of my colleagues have
been on sick leave and I've been busy trying to help get their work done,
M: I don't want excuses. Just get it done. I've got a meeting with the boss
tomorrow morning, and I need to prepare for it. I'm leaving for dinner
now. I want those reports on my desk by the time I come back to the
office tomorrow.

Q. Why hasn't the woman completed her assignment?

選 項: (A) She's been away for dinner.

(B) She's been doing other people's work. 【答案:B】

(C) She's been in a business meeting.

(D) She's been out sick for the past three days.

錄 音 內 容 : 男:芭芭拉,我沒告訴你,我今天早上需要那些銷售報告嗎?

問 題 : 為什麼女子沒有完成她的任務?
選     項 : (A)她離開去吃飯了。

【試題解析】 在對話中,女子提到「同事請病假,她一直忙著做他們的工作」,故答案為 B。

錄音內容: M: What are you looking for?
W: I'm searching for a discount coupon for dessert at Starbucks. I printed it
out and placed it in my pocket. But now I just can't find it. Have you seen
M: No, but why not download it from the Internet again?
W: I tried but it can only be downloaded once with the account I registered. I
can get 20% off for a box of 12 slices of cheesecake.
M: Why do you need so many of them?
W: I am going to throw a housewarming party this weekend. I want to make
my new neighbors happy.

Q. Why does the woman want to buy cheesecakes?

選 項: (A) She wants to make her kids happy. 【答案:C】

(B) It is too warm in her house.
(C) She just moved to a new place and will hold a party.
(D) She has many coupons.

錄 音 內 容 : 男:你在找什麼?
女:我試過了,但它只能用我註冊的帳號下載一次。一盒 12 片芝士蛋糕可以

問 題 : 為什麼女子想買芝士蛋糕?
選     項 : (A)她想讓孩子開心。

【試題解析】 對話中女子提到「喬遷派對」及「新鄰居」,故答案為 C。

第 10 題
錄音內容: M: Linda, we will be testing out the fire alarm system this afternoon.
W: What should we do when it goes off?
M: Please inform all your students to slowly proceed towards the staircase
and exit the building in a calm manner.
W: So we cannot take the elevator?
M: No, stairs only please.
W: What should we do when we get outside?
M: You can gather at the playground outside the building. Once everyone is
there, you can do a roll call and then return to the classroom, again using
the stairs.

Q. Which of the following is not supposed to be done during the fire drill?

選 項: (A) Taking the lift.

(B) Walking slowly. 【答案:A】

(C) Meeting outside.

(D) Going down the stairs.

錄 音 內 容 : 男:琳達,今天下午我們要做火警系統測試。

問 題 : 在消防演習中,下列哪一項不應該做?
選     項 : (A)搭乘電梯。

【試題解析】 根據對話內容,女子問「是否可以搭乘電梯」,男子回答「不可以」,故答案為 A。

第二部份:簡短談話(Passage Comprehension)
Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following talk. (第 11 和 12 題根據以下談話作答)
第 11-12 題
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this fantastic tour of
London. My name’s Greg and I’m your guide this afternoon. Please ask any
questions at any time. Well, the tour takes two hours and we are going to visit
all the famous sites. First we’ll see Madame Tussaud, the museum with wax
models of famous people and celebrities; then we’ll walk along the most
famous shopping street in the world, Oxford Street. After that we’ll see the
famous clock, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament. Last, we’ll see Tower
Bridge and the famous Tower of London before arriving at Buckingham
Palace, just in time for a cup of tea with the Queen.
Question number 11: How long will the tour take?
選 項: (A) 1 hour.
(B) 1.5 hours. 【答案:C】

(C) 2 hours.
(D) 2.5 hours.

Question number 12. What can you see at Madame Tussaud?

選 項: (A) Maps of London.
(B) Ancient cathedrals.
(C) Famous shops.
(D) Models of famous people. 【答案:D】

錄 音 內 容 : 午安,先生女士們,歡迎參加這趟倫敦的夢幻之旅。我叫葛列格,是你們今

問 題 11 : 這趟遊覽需要多長時間?
選     項 : (A)1 小時。
(B)1.5 小時。
(C)2 小時。
(D)2.5 小時。
【試題解析】 根據導遊葛列格一開始的說明,可知答案為 C。

問 題 12 : 在杜莎夫人蠟像館你能看到什麼?
選     項 : (一)倫敦地圖。
【試題解析】 既是蠟像館一定看到模型,且此談話有提,故答案為 D。

Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following talk. (第 13 和 14 題根據以下談話作答)

第 13-14 題
Questions number 13 and 14 are based on the following talk.
The Super Cutter is guaranteed to be one of the most innovative inventions
ever. Designed using the highest grade aluminum, it slices through produce
and other food items like nothing before it. Barely any effort is required for its
razor sharp blade to glide through even the thickest block of cheese or
toughest loaf of bread. The Super Cutter, stainless and resistant to rust,
requires no sharpening and washes with a small amount of soapy water. We
are giving a one-time special offer of one brand new Super Cutter, case and
replacement blades included, for merely $50.

Question number 13.

What is being advertised?
選 項: (A) A method for cutting cheese.
(B) An aluminum kitchen knife.
(C) A saw that can be used to cut many things easily.
(D) A stainless steel case for holding sharp cutting devices. 【答案:B】

Question number 14.

Which of the following is not mentioned in the advertisement?
選 項: (A) The safety hazards of the blade.
(B) The primary function of the utensil.
(C) The item cost and what is included.
(D) The material of which the cutter is composed. 【答案:A】

錄 音 內 容 : 超級切刀保證是有史以來最創新的發明之一。採用最高等級的鋁製設計而成,
惠,一個全新的超級切刀,包括刀架和更換刀片,只需 50 元。

問 題 13 : 這是什麼廣告?
選     項 : (A)切割奶酪的方法。
【試題解析】 談話中一直提到切食物不費力,故答案為 B。

問 題 14 : 以下哪項廣告中沒有提到?
選     項 : (A)刀片的安全隱憂。
【試題解析】 用消除法,可知答案為 A。

Questions 15 and 16 are based on the following talk. (第 15 和 16 題根據以下談話作答)

第 15-16 題
Questions number 15 and 16 are based on the following talk.
You've reached the office of Dr. Joseph Allen. Unfortunately, no one is
available to take your call. Please note that our office is currently closed under
refurbishment to better serve you. We plan to reopen this coming Tuesday,
November 27th with our regular hours on weekdays from 9:30 am to 6 pm
and on Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm. For more information about our clinic
or to make an appointment, you can check out our website. For dental
emergencies, you can also try calling our customer care hotline at 265-8123.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Questions number 15.
Which of the following times for an appointment cannot be possible?
選 項: (A) Saturday at 9:30 am.
(B) Monday at 10:30 am. 【答案:A】

(C) Wednesday at 11 am.

(D) Saturday at 4:00 pm.

Questions number 16.

What can be inferred from the talk?

選 項: (A) Someone is on the other line.

(B) The office will be closed indefinitely.
(C) Appointments can be booked online.
(D) Regular business hours are not mentioned. 【答案:C】

錄 音 內 容 : 這裡是約瑟夫艾倫醫生的辦公室。遺憾地,現在沒有人能接聽你的電話。請注
意,為了提供您更好的服務,我們的辦公室目前正在整修。我們計劃於 11 月
27 日星期二重新開始營運,平日的工作時間為上午 9 點半至下午 6 點,星期
六上午 11 點至下午 5 點。有關我們診所的更多訊息或預約,您可以查詢我們
的網站。對於牙科緊急情況,您也可以撥打我們的客戶服務熱線 265-8123。有

問 題 15 : 下列哪個時間是不可能預約的?
選     項 : (A)星期六上午 9:30。
(B)星期一上午 10:30。
(C)星期三上午 11 點。
(D)星期六下午 4 點。
【試題解析】 由談話內容得知平日是上午 9 點半至下午 6 點,星期六則上午 11 點至下午 5 點,
故答案為 A。

問 題 16 : 從談話中可以推斷出什麼?
選     項 : (A)有人在講另外一支電話。
【試題解析】 談會內容提到有關我們診所的更多訊息或預約,可以查詢網站,故答案為 C。

Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following talk. (第 17 和 18 題根據以下談話作答)

第 17-18 題
Questions number 17 and 18 are based on the following talk.
If you'd like to hire one of our motorbikes, there are a few things you need to
know. First, people who hire motorbikes should have valid motorbike licenses.
Regular car licenses are not acceptable. The same applies to foreign residents,
but a motorcycle license from your home country is acceptable. Second, you
must wear helmets at all times when riding the motorcycle, and any penalties or
injuries incurred by the rider when failing to use the helmet will be his/her own
responsibility. Third, our daily rental fee of thirty-five dollars includes insurance,
which covers accidents or theft. You cannot opt out of the insurance fee.
Questions number 17.
If you are a foreigner, what kind of license do you need?

選 項: (A) No license required. 【答案:C】

(B) A car license from this country.
(C) A motorcycle license from your own country.
(D) Foreigners can't rent motorcycles.

Questions number 18.

Based on the short talk, what is the reminder mentioned about
riding the motorcycle?

選 項: (A) Do not speed.

(B) Wear a helmet.
(C) Keep the tank full of gas.
(D) Look in your rear view mirrors regularly. 【答案:B】

錄 音 內 容 : 如果你想租用我們的摩托車,有些事情你需要知道。首先,租用摩托車的人

問 題 17 : 如果你是外國人,你需要什麼樣的駕照?
選     項 : (A)不需要駕照。
【試題解析】 談話內容提到自己國家的摩托車駕照是可以接受的,故答案為 C。
問 題 18 : 基於簡短的談話,有關騎摩托車的提醒是什麼?
選     項 : (A)不要超速。

【試題解析】 用消去法,可知答案為 B。

Questions 19 and 20 are based on the following talk. (第 19 和 20 題根據以下談話作答)

第 19-20 題
錄音內容: Northbound traffic on the Chung-Shan Highway is currently backed up for
over two kilometers following an incident which took place at 4:23 pm today
between junctions 21 and 22 in Taoyuan. A bus crashed into a silver Nissan
Sentra, which led to a pile-up involving seven other vehicles. The road is
currently closed between junctions 21 and 22, but the police and ambulances
are on the scene and normal service is expected to resume around 7:30 this
evening. Eight people have been taken to the hospital to receive treatment for
minor injuries as a result of the accident. We will update once we have further
Questions number 19.
Where would you probably hear the talk?

選 項: (A) From the radio.

(B) At the airport. 【答案:A】

(C) At the tour information center.

(D) At a university classroom.

Questions number 20.

What do we NOT know about the incident?

選 項: (A) The location of the incident.

(B) The time the incident occurred. 【答案:D】
(C) The number of people injured in this collision.
(D) The number of people killed as a result of the incident.

錄 音 內 容 : 由於今天下午四點二十三分在桃園二十一及二十二交接處發生一件事故,中
日產 Sentra,導致另外七輛汽車追撞。目前路二十一和二十二交接的道路已
經關閉,警方和救護車正在現場處理,預計在晚上 7 點半左右恢復正常開通。

問 題 19 : 你會在哪裡聽到這則談話?
選     項 : (A)從收音機。
【試題解析】 這是一則交通事故報導,所以可能會在電視、收音機或在網路新聞聽到,故答案為
問 題 20 : 這事故有什麼我們不知道的?
選     項 : (A)事故的發生地點。
【試題解析】 此事故報導有談到地點、時間及受傷人數,但沒死亡人數,可知答案為 D。

Part II:閱讀能力


第 21 題:【中文翻譯】 一談到處理健康保險或經濟援助時,人們則熟悉官僚主義的黑暗面,包括很

【試題解析】 根據文意「黑暗面」,常指答案 C。

第 22 題:【中文翻譯】 動物易於偽裝自己,避免被其他動物偵測到,不管是避開獵物,或當作是個
【試題解析】 根據文意,不管獵食他物或被獵食,都不被看到,所以答案為 D。
第 23 題:【中文翻譯】 在泰國,從賄賂到警察勾結,官員的腐敗是猖獗 的,導致該國的犯罪流行日
【試題解析】 根據文意「犯罪多且日益複雜」,可以推測答案為 C。

第 24 題:【中文翻譯】 根據最近的一項研究,高達 15%的夫婦遭受生育問題,這意味著他們不能懷

【試題解析】 根據文意,可推測答案為 D。

第 25 題:【中文翻譯】 一座俄羅斯半島發生了 7.8 級的強烈地震,引發海嘯警報,但威脅現在已經過

(A)停電(B)量級 (C)養老金(D)查詢
【試題解析】 根據文意,地震單位為級數,故答案為 B。

第 26 題:【中文翻譯】 一旦這位消費者注意到這個購物網站的價格肆無忌憚地高,她會放棄用它來
【試題解析】 根據文意,形容高價的修飾語,所以答案為 A。

第 27 題:【中文翻譯】 這位名人說,她的海報最初是為了分享給一群人支持她的朋友,她不知道會
【試題解析】 根據 attention 的搭配動詞,故答案為 B。

第 28 題:【中文翻譯】 這名男子被指控他對印尼島嶼進行三次同時的襲擊,且面臨包括謀殺和恐怖
【試題解析】 根據 attack 的搭配動詞及文意,故答案為 A。

第 29 題:【中文翻譯】 世界各國政府正在招募「網絡部隊」,操 弄他們 Facebook,Twitter 等社群媒體,

【試題解析】 「引導輿論,傳播錯誤信息,顛覆批評」都是一種操弄,所以答案為 C。

第 30 題:【中文翻譯】 這位評論家的個性和直言不諱的談話,破壞了什麼該說,什麼不該說的規則,
【試題解析】 根據題意,什麼該說什麼不該說,顯然是「直言不諱的」,因 blunt 除了有「鈍
的」的意思外,也有「直言不諱的」,故答案為 C。
第二部份:綜合測驗(Integrated Test)

了報紙,衡量了專門針對特定主題(32)有一數量 的篇幅,你就會發現了一個新興的「趨勢」。然而,因為
美國電腦科學家艾倫凱(Alan Kay)說,儘管保持你的眼睛和耳朵開放仍然是必要的,預測未來最好
(34)源 自 於人們的興趣及所愛好的事物。以蘋果為例。它是由家庭式電腦俱樂部的兩名成員所創立的,這
俱樂部是一群在二十世紀七八十年代玩過電腦的業餘愛好者。(35)同樣 地,整個社群網站現象—Facebook

【補  充】 competitive (adj.) 競爭的;thrive (v.) 興旺,繁榮; measure (v.) 衡量; be devoted to 致力於
…; predict (v.) 預測;found (v.) 建立 。
第 31 題:【中文翻譯】 (A)領域,部門 (B)會議(C)隔離(D)研討會
【試題解析】 公司在意的是不同區塊、領域,故答案為A。

第 32 題:【中文翻譯】 (A)一數量的(B)很多(C)很多(D)很多
【試題解析】 答案BCD都是「很多」,B是不可數的量詞,C是可數量詞,D可數不可數

第 33 題:【中文翻譯】 (A)也不(B)或(C)而且(D)而是
【試題解析】 句型 not A but B「不是A而是B」,故答案為 D。

第 34 題:【中文翻譯】 (A)漂白(B)源自於(C)貪圖(D)免除
【試題解析】 根據文意:趨勢源自於人們的興趣及所愛好的事物,故答案為 B。

第 35 題:【中文翻譯】 (A)除非(B)因此(C)同樣地(D)然而
【試題解析】 針對「趨勢來源」舉例,第一例子是 Apple,第二例子是社群網站如 Facebook,
故答案為 C。

第三部份:閱讀測驗(Reading Comprehension)
成本效益等等。「低價格」仍然是大多數顧客的主要誘惑力。沃爾瑪(W almart)在廣告中所宣稱的似乎一

【補  充】 conduct (v.) 進行,實施; proclaim (v.) 聲稱,宣告;command (v.) 贏得,擁有, Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) 企業社會責任;appeal (n.) 吸引力;abide by 遵守;
conscientious (adj.) 良心的;W almart 沃爾瑪,美國最大的零售企業

第 36 題:【中文翻譯】 這篇文章的主旨是什麼?
【試題解析】 末段 Walmart 的說法「如果不節省人們的錢,友好地球的產品就不會拯救地球」,
已說明了市場實際的情形,所以答案為 D。

第 37 題:【中文翻譯】 根據文章,企業主要關注企業社會責任為的是 ________。

【試題解析】 找到 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),答案就在後面:為了是增加產品的

第 38 題:【中文翻譯】 這篇文章說明,__________是大多數消費者最關心的問題。
【試題解析】 第三段的後兩句說明「消費者能夠輕易地採購價格便宜」,所以答案為 A。

第 39 題:【中文翻譯】 我們可以得出的結論是___________。
【試題解析】 最後一段提到:企業要記取在銷售綠色產品中取得平衡的教訓,而消費者應
重視自己及環境的利益,故答案為 C。

第 40 題:【中文翻譯】 「沃爾瑪(W almart)似乎一語道破」的意思是_________。

【試題解析】 沃爾瑪清楚地知道顧客在意價錢,所以如要拯救地球,只有現降低成本,故答
案為 B。

其他社會問題的態度已經逐漸改變,主要是由於世界各地的民權運動。荷蘭是 2001 年第一個在法律上承
認同性婚姻的國家,兩年後,接著是比利時,之後是 2005 年的西班牙和加拿大。從那時起,南非和挪威
係,通常被稱為「公民聯盟」。在所謂的立法院通過 2019 年之前修訂或製定新的法律會議之後,台灣可能

【補  充】 institution (n.) 制度,習俗;civilization (n.) 文明;homosexual (adj.) 同性戀的;

homosexuality (n.) 同性戀;legislation (n.) 立法;matrimony (n.) 婚姻;夫婦關係;enact
(v.) 制定(法律);頒布(法案);politician (n.) 政治家,政客。

第 41 題:【中文翻譯】 根據這篇文章,下列哪個陳述是真實的?
【試題解析】 本文在第二段說明,2001 才開始陸續有荷蘭、比利時、西班牙和加拿大、南非和
挪威等國家同意同性婚姻,台灣也明訂在 2019 年前修訂或製定同性婚姻法,

第 42 題:【中文翻譯】 第二段修訂(amend)這個詞是什麼意思?
【試題解析】 按文意,表示修訂同性婚姻法,即改變現狀,故答案為B。

第 43 題:【中文翻譯】 根據文章,同性婚姻是_________。
【試題解析】 第一段說明傳統婚姻制度是男女結合,與文明同存,並非是同性婚姻,故 AB
選項是錯誤的,而第二段說明:民權運動助長同性婚姻,D 亦為錯誤答案,因
此此題正確答案為 C。

第 44 題:【中文翻譯】 根據這篇文章,美國很多領導人都反對同性婚姻因為_______。
【試題解析】 按末段說明是「道德和宗教」理由讓他們強烈反對,故答案為C。

第 45 題:【中文翻譯】 從這篇文章可以推斷出什麼?
【試題解析】 依據末段說明,雖然美國許多州及其國家的政領導人物因道德和宗教理由強烈
反對,但婚姻平權(即同性婚姻)已是趨勢、已成重要時刻,所以答案為 D。

Part III:寫作能力
第 46 題:【題 目】 適當地釋放負面的情緒不僅能增進心理健康還可提高工作效率。
【英文翻譯】 Releasing negative emotions properly can not only improve mental health but also
boost working efficiency.

【試題解析】 本句的主詞為「適當地釋放負面的情緒」,其後兩動詞片語為「增進心理健康」
及「提高工作效率」,由 not only…but also 連接。又因主詞必須為名詞、代名詞、
(release negative emotions properly)改為動名詞片語,形成「V-ing… can not
only A… but also B…」。注意:助動詞(can)後動詞恢復原形。
生字/詞:釋放 release (v.);負面 negatie (adj.);心理 mental (adj.);健康
healthy (n.);效率 efficiency (n.)
第 47 題:【題 目】 行動支付是一種趨勢,它可讓消費者使用行動裝置支付各項服務與產品。
【英文翻譯】 Mobile payment is a trend, which lets/makes consumers use mobile devices to pay
for a wide range of services and goods.

【試題解析】 此句本為兩個子句所形成:「行動支付是一種趨勢」及「它可讓...產品」,但
生字/詞:行動支付 mobile payment;趨勢 trend (n.); 行動裝置 mobile
devices;各項 a wide range of, all kinds of;服務與產品 services and goods

第二部份:引導寫作(Guided Writing)
第 48 題: In Joni Mitchell's 1973 hit song Big Yellow Taxi, she wrote the famous lyrics, “That you don’t
know what you’ve got till it’s gone,” which has touched many people’s heart till now. Please use
your experience and observation with examples to illustrate your views on this sentence.
Please Note: Write your essay on the answer sheet.
I am a teenager, and I did many things that made me regret. For example, when the teacher
placed a few restrictions on me, I just gave a mean look or when my mother did not allow me to
use my precious computer or smartphone, the words “I hate you” or “Leave me alone” were quick
to my lips. Soon after, I forgave myself and rationally said to myself: “This is so-called a
rebellious stage.” Therefore, I never believed people when they said something might hurt you
and have your heart broken. The saying “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone” was
totally an understatement for me until something miserable happened.
I was grown in a single family. I lived with my mother. My mother had to work hard to
support my family. As a single child, I am quite independent. I learned how to take care of myself
and entertain myself. I seldom had a chance to converse with my mother because when I saw her,
she was always exhausted. If yes, it was the moment I did something wrong, the school teacher
called my mother. My mother would wake me up in my dream realm and scolded me. Every time
our talk ended with the unpleasant atmosphere.
One early morning, around 1: 30, my mother woke me up, told me that she couldn’t breathe,
and forced me to dial 119. The ambulance came and took my mother away. This was the first time
my mother woke me up, saying nothing to do with the school work, but it was the last time she
talked to me in the early morning. Seeing my mother lie in an unresponsive comatose state in the
Intensive Care Unit, I was scared. I was scared to watch my beloved mother slowly fading away. I
had never known that my mother was so important to me, and I had never believed in God until
that moment where something in my life went wrong.
After one week, my mother had been officially pronounced dead. Suddenly my world
shattered all over. Loss hit hard and grief affected me. Regrets have always lingered. I regret
yelling at my mother before, just because of the tiny things. However, nothing can numb my pain
because I owe my loved mother so much. Now I know why people said, “something might hurt
you and have your heart broken.” I also know “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”
【分 析】
加拿大創作巨星瓊妮米雪兒(Joni Mitchell)在 1970 年民謠搖滾名曲《大黃計程車》
(Big Yellow Taxi)的歌詞中寫到「總是要到失去了才知道自己擁有什麼」(That you don’t know
what you’ve got till it’s gone),觸動很多人的心,請用你的經驗和觀察,用例子來說明你對

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