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From the Net drag coefficient vs. Velocity graph, we found that the highest net drag
coefficient is 1.411 occur when the velocity of fluid is 8𝑚2 /𝑠. After that, it decrease
substantially to the lowest drag coefficient, 0.018 at 10𝑚2 /𝑠. Then it start to increase
with the speed except at the speed 16𝑚2 /𝑠 the drag coefficient start to decrease and
increase later at the speed of 18𝑚2 /𝑠.

To calculate the Reynold’s Number, we use the formula:

Re = 𝜇

Where we take the density of air= 1.23 kg/𝑚3 and dynamic viscosity = 1.7965E-05
𝑚2 /𝑠. From the Net drag coefficient vs. Reynold’s Number graph, we observed that
the pattern is closely similar as the Net drag coefficient vs. Velocity graph. The drag
coefficient for upstream is higher than the downstream drag coefficient. This is due to
the body base surface facing upstream are more likely to trap or detain the fluid flow
causing the speed to decrease.

T h e a v e r a g e o f d r a g c o e f f i c i e n t f o r body base surface facing upstream

obtained from experiment is 1.86 and for body base surface facing downstream
i s 1 . 3 5 . C o m p a r e d t o t h e theoretical value, the drag coefficient, CD
for facing upstream is 2.0 while facing downstream is 1.55.
The percentage of error for the body base surface facing upstream is 7.0% and
body base surface facing downstream 12.9%.

F r o m t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f e r r o r calculated, it is not much differ than the

theoretical value.The error due to parallax error occurs in this experiment while taking
the reading and also the error because of apparatus itself such as the air goes
out from the hole around the holder that connected to the drag scale. Also the
balancing of the prism body may be unwell balanced

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