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Attachment no. 5 to the decree of the president of the Jagiellonian University no.

68 of 18 June 2015

Higher education module program

Faculty name Faculty of Medicine Jagiellonian University Medical College

Unit conducting the module

Module name Psychiatry – clinical training

Language English

Educational goals The aim of the module is

- to learn practical skills within the field of psychiatry
- to systematise acquired knowledge
- to prepare a student to work autonomously
Objectives of education in the module In the frame of knowledge, a graduate:

E.W15. knows the basic concepts of pathogenesis of mental

E.W16. knows the general symptomatology of metal disorders and
their principles of classification according to the main classification
E.W17. knows the symptoms, principles of diagnosing and
therapeutic management in most common mental disorders,
a) schizophrenia,
b) affective and adaptive disorders,
c) nutrition disorders,
d) disorders associated with consumption of psychoactive
E.W18. knows the principles of diagnostics and procedures in
psychiatric emergencies
E.W19. knows the specificity of mental disorders and their
treatment in children, youth and in old age
E.W20. knows the mental symptoms in the course of somatic
diseases, their effect on the course of underlying disease and
prognosis as well as the principles of their treatment
E.W21. has knowledge on human sexuality and basic disorders
related to it
E.W22. knows regulations concerning mental health protection with
particular consideration to principles of admission to a mental
knows symptoms, understands the etiology, principles of treatment
and can establish therapeutic relationship with patients suffering
from most common disorders:
a) anxiety, somatoform disorders and other neurotic conditions
b) post- traumatic disorders
c) personality behavioral disorders in adults
E.W55. knows the principles of psychotherapeutic dialogue and
types of therapeutic interventions
E.W56. knows and understands basic psychotherapeutic techniques
and principles of combining psychotherapy with pharmacology

In the frame of skills:

E.U5. performs psychiatric examination
E.U49. can negotiate referring patient to psychotherapy and
emphatic support of a patient in crisis
E.U50. understands the meaning and structure of support groups
for chronic patients and their families and Balinda’s groups for
medical personnel

Assessment criteria and methods of Students are assessed based on attendance and participation in
evaluating achieved objectives of classes, obtaining skills is confirmed in the book called “List of
education Approved Procedures”
The final exam:
Type of a training module Mandatory
Year of studies 6

Semester 11, 12

Type of studies full-time long cycle

Name and surname of the module
coordinator or the person/people
conducting the module
Name and surname of the
person/people examining or giving
credit in the case this is not the person
conducting a given module
Type of classes Clinical practicals

Preliminary and additional requirements Getting credits for Psychiatry module, getting credits for
Psychotherapy module

Type and number of class hours Clinical practicals in pairs - 60 hours

requiring direct participation of an
academic staff member and students 2 weeks
when there are such classes in a given
Number of ECTS score for the module 4 points

ECTS credit allocation Attendance in mandatory classes - 60 hours

Preparation to practicals - 30 hours
Preparation for the final exam - 20 hours
Total 110 hours of student’s work

Teaching methods used Clinical practicals - practical clinical study

The form and conditions for passing the Module passing requires fulfilling the following conditions:
module, including the requirements to 1. attendance in classes
be admitted to the examination, to be 2. active participation in classes
given a credit, and also the form and
3. passing the final exam
conditions for passing classes which
comprise a given module
Training module content (with the Clinical classes - Practical occupational learning - 60 hours
division into teaching methods)
Students are assigned to one hospital/clinic ward for 2 weeks.
Student’s duties are: participation in preparation before patients’
examination, participation in keeping the records - recording the
findings in patient’s status praesens, recording tests’ results in
hospital records, participation in examination, participation in
consulting at infirmary and different hospital wards. Carrying out
medical procedures according to the list and principles written in the
book called “List of Approved Procedures”

Basic and supplementary reading, 1.

necessary to get a credit of a given

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