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Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Behavior of Ship Structures

Project Work

João Luís Afonso de Ataíde Falcão Neves, nº69975

December 2017
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7
2. Ship’s General Description .................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Ship Main Characteristics .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Hull Offset ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Sections Area and Bonjean Curves .............................................................................. 14
3. Midship Section Dimensioning ............................................................................................ 16
4. Longitudinal Section Dimensioning ..................................................................................... 19
5. Weight of the Ship............................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Tank Capacities ...................................................................................................... 20
6. Weight Distribution ............................................................................................................. 23
6.1 Weights Map ............................................................................................................... 24
6.1.1 Tanks Map in Ballast Condition ........................................................................... 25
6.1.2 Tanks Map in Full Cargo Condition...................................................................... 26
6.2 Lightweight .................................................................................................................. 27
6.2.1 Machinery............................................................................................................ 27
6.2.2 Superstructure..................................................................................................... 28
6.2.3 Hull ...................................................................................................................... 29
6.2.4 Equipment ........................................................................................................... 32
6.2.5 Total Lightweight ................................................................................................. 33
6.3 Deadweight ................................................................................................................. 34
6.3.1 Weight of Stores and Crew ................................................................................. 34
6.3.2 Fresh Water Weight ............................................................................................ 36
6.3.3 Fuel, oil and cooling water .................................................................................. 36
6.3.4 Ballast .................................................................................................................. 37
6.3.5 Cargo ................................................................................................................... 38
6.3.6 Total Deadweight ................................................................................................ 39
6.4 Total Weight ................................................................................................................ 40
7. Center of Gravity ................................................................................................................. 41
8. Buoyancy ............................................................................................................................. 42
8.1 Still Water Hydrostatic Equilibrium ............................................................................. 43
8.1.1 Ballast condition .................................................................................................. 43
8.1.2 Full Cargo Condition ............................................................................................ 44
8.2 Seagoing quasi-static equilibrium ............................................................................... 45
8.2.1 Sagging in Ballast Condition ................................................................................ 47
8.2.2 Hogging in Ballast Condition ............................................................................... 48

8.2.3 Sagging in Cargo Condition.................................................................................. 50
8.2.4 Hogging in Cargo Condition ................................................................................. 51
9. Shear Forces and Bending Moments .................................................................................. 52
9.1 Vertical Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water .............................................. 52
9.1.1 Ballast Condition Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water ....................... 55
9.1.2 Cargo Condition Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water ......................... 56
9.2 Vertical Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Seagoing Conditions............................... 57
9.2.1 Ballasted Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Sagging ......................................... 57
9.2.2 Ballasted Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Hogging ........................................ 58
9.2.3 Cargo Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Sagging .............................................. 59
9.2.4 Cargo Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Hogging ............................................. 60
9.3 Classification Societies Requirements ......................................................................... 61
9.3.1 Still Water ............................................................................................................ 61
9.3.2 Seagoing Conditions ............................................................................................ 65
10. Primary Direct Stress ....................................................................................................... 69
11. Deflection ........................................................................................................................ 71
12. Shear Flow ....................................................................................................................... 72
12.1 Determinate Shear Flow ................................................................................................. 72
12.2 Indeterminate Shear Flow ............................................................................................... 75
12.3 Total Shear Flow and Shear Stress .................................................................................. 78
13. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 81
14. References ....................................................................................................................... 81

Figure Index
Figure 1- Length of entrance, run and cylindrical part.................................................................. 8
Figure 2 - WL cross sections for entrance (left) and run (right) as function of the prismatic
coefficients .................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 - 𝐶𝑝𝑒𝐶𝑝𝑟 as function of Cb and %LCB........................................................................... 10
Figure 4 - Entrance offset for a section located at x [m] ............................................................. 11
Figure 5 - Run offset for section located at x [m]........................................................................ 11
Figure 6 - Ship cross sections, bow left and stern right. ............................................................. 12
Figure 7 - Ship waterlines ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8 - Bonjean curves for stations 1 to 10 ............................................................................ 15
Figure 9 - Bonjean curves for stations 11 to 21 .......................................................................... 15
Figure 10 - Midship section parent model .................................................................................. 16
Figure 11 - Midship section geometry ........................................................................................ 17
Figure 12 - Longitudinal section parent model ........................................................................... 19
Figure 13 - Deck tank area parameters, on the left, and areas, colored at the right ................. 20
Figure 14 - Cargo hold area partition .......................................................................................... 21
Figure 15 - Weight approximation method................................................................................. 23
Figure 16 - Tanks map in ballast condition.................................................................................. 25
Figure 17 - Tanks map in full cargo condition. ............................................................................ 26
Figure 18 - Trapezoidal machinery weight distribution. ............................................................. 27
Figure 19 - Machinery uniform weight distribution. ................................................................... 28
Figure 20 - Trapezoidal superstructure load distribution. .......................................................... 28
Figure 21 - Superstructure uniform load distribution ................................................................. 29
Figure 22 - 𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙, 𝑠𝑠 and 𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙, 𝑠𝑠. ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 23 - Graphical representation of the general hull uniform distribution of weight. ......... 30
Figure 24 - Hull uniform weight distribution............................................................................... 31
Figure 25 - Trapezoidal equipment weight distribution. ............................................................ 32
Figure 26 - Uniform distribution of equipment weight............................................................... 33
Figure 27 - Lightweight distribution along ship length. .............................................................. 33
Figure 28 - Trapezoidal stores and crew weight distribution. .................................................... 35
Figure 29 - Uniform stores and crew weight distribution. .......................................................... 35
Figure 30 - Fresh water uniform load distribution. ..................................................................... 36
Figure 31 - Fuel, oil and cooling water weight distribution ........................................................ 37
Figure 32 - Ballast condition ballast weight distribution ............................................................ 38
Figure 33 - Cargo condition ballast weight distribution. ............................................................. 38
Figure 34 - Bulk weight distribution. ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 35 -Deadweight - Ballast Condition.................................................................................. 39
Figure 36 - Deadweight - Cargo condition .................................................................................. 40
Figure 37 - DW+LW Distribution - Ballast Condition ................................................................... 40
Figure 38 - DW+LW Distribution - Cargo Condition .................................................................... 40
Figure 39 - True waterline calculation......................................................................................... 42
Figure 40 - Ballast still-water waterline draft, in orange. ........................................................... 43
Figure 41 -Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Ballast). ................................... 44
Figure 42 -True waterline draft in cargo condition, in orange. ................................................... 45
Figure 43 -Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Cargo). ..................................... 45
Figure 44 - Sagging and hogging illustrations.............................................................................. 46
Figure 45 - Induced wave profile for sagging. ............................................................................. 46

Figure 46 - Induce wave profile for hogging. .............................................................................. 46
Figure 47 – Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft , in orange for
sagging in ballast. ........................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 48 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Ballast). ....................................... 48
Figure 49 – Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for
hogging in ballast. ....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 50 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Ballast). ...................................... 49
Figure 51 -Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for sagging
in cargo. ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 52 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Cargo). ......................................... 51
Figure 53 - Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for Hogging
in cargo. ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 54 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Cargo). ........................................ 52
Figure 55 - Example of shear forces and respective bending moments. .................................... 53
Figure 56 - Free body diagram of a differential element (Euler-Bernoulli)................................. 54
Figure 57 - Load Distribution on Ballast in still water. ................................................................ 55
Figure 58 – Shear and Bending moment in still water – Ballast Condition ................................. 55
Figure 59 - Load Distribution in still water (Cargo) ..................................................................... 56
Figure 60 - Still water bending moment and shear force in cargo condition. ............................ 56
Figure 61 - Load Distribution in Sagging (Ballast)........................................................................ 57
Figure 62 - Sagging bending moment and shear force in Ballast condition................................ 57
Figure 63 - Load Distribution in Hogging (Ballast). ...................................................................... 58
Figure 64 - Hogging bending moment and shear force in Ballast condition. .............................. 58
Figure 65 - Load Distribution in Sagging (Cargo) ......................................................................... 59
Figure 66 - Sagging bending moment and shear force in Cargo condition. ................................ 59
Figure 67 - Load Distribution in Hogging (Cargo) ........................................................................ 60
Figure 68 - Hogging bending moment and shear force in Cargo condition ................................ 60
Figure 69 - Distribution factor along the ship length. ................................................................. 62
Figure 70 - IACS still water bending moment requirements. ...................................................... 62
Figure 71 - - Distribution factor along the ship length for shear forces...................................... 63
Figure 72 - IACS still water Shear Force requirements................................................................ 64
Figure 73 – Distribution factor fm. .............................................................................................. 65
Figure 74 - Distribution factor for positive shear forces. ............................................................ 67
Figure 75 - Distribution factor for negative shear forces. ........................................................... 68
Figure 76 - IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Ballast. ........................................................ 68
Figure 77 - IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Full Load ..................................................... 69
Figure 78 - Stress variation along z linear interpolation. ............................................................ 70
Figure 79 - Hull deflection. .......................................................................................................... 72
Figure 80 - Definition of line segment......................................................................................... 73
Figure 81 - Calculation of determinate shear flow at bifurcation ............................................... 73
Figure 82 - Ranges and directions of paths for line integrations ................................................ 74
Figure 83 - Closed cells and common wall. ................................................................................. 76
Figure 84 - Numbering of closed cells ......................................................................................... 76
Figure 85 - Shear flow graphical representation. ........................................................................ 79

Table index
Table 1- Main characteristics and design assumptions................................................................. 8
Table 2 - Prismatic coefficients and ship section lengths ........................................................... 10
Table 3 - Offset table, all values in m. ......................................................................................... 13
Table 4 - Bonjean Coefficients..................................................................................................... 14
Table 5 - Midship Section dimension .......................................................................................... 16
Table 6 - Plate final thicknesses .................................................................................................. 18
Table 7 - Mechanical properties of the midship section. ............................................................ 18
Table 8 - Restrictions and final values of longitudinal section. La is the aft peak length, Lf is the
fore peak length, Ler is the length of the engine room and Li is the length of the cargo holds. . 19
Table 9 - Tank volumes map........................................................................................................ 22
Table 10 - Machinery weight parameters ................................................................................... 27
Table 11 - Weight parameters for Superstructure. ..................................................................... 28
Table 12 - Weight parameters A, B and C ................................................................................... 30
Table 13 - Hull weight parameters .............................................................................................. 31
Table 14 - Equipment weight parameters................................................................................... 33
Table 15 - Stores and crew weight parameters. ......................................................................... 35
Table 16 - Fresh water parameters ............................................................................................. 36
Table 17 - Fuel, oil and cooling water parameters...................................................................... 37
Table 18 - Ballast weight parameters.......................................................................................... 37
Table 19 - Bulk Cargo weight parameters. .................................................................................. 38
Table 20 - Longitudinal center of gravity in relation to midship. ................................................ 41
Table 21 - Stillwater hydrostatic results in Ballast condition. ..................................................... 43
Table 22 - Stillwater hydrostatic results in Cargo condition. ...................................................... 44
Table 23 -Sagging quasi-static results in Ballast condition. ........................................................ 47
Table 24 - Hogging quasi-static results in Ballast condition. ....................................................... 48
Table 25 - Sagging quasi-static results in cargo condition. ......................................................... 50
Table 26 - Hogging quasi-static results in cargo condition. ........................................................ 51
Table 27 - Design Still Water Bending Moments in seagoing conditions................................... 62
Table 28 - Design Still Water Shear Forces in seagoing conditions. ............................................ 63
Table 29 - Bending moment envelope parameters .................................................................... 66
Table 30 - MAX Design Still Water Bending Moments in seagoing conditions. .......................... 66
Table 31 - Shear forces to apply distribution factors. ................................................................. 68
Table 32 - Section Modulus ......................................................................................................... 70
Table 33 - Full load stresses on deck and bottom ....................................................................... 70
Table 34 - Ballast stresses on deck and bottom .......................................................................... 70
Table 35 - Parameters for deflection calculation. ....................................................................... 71
Table 36 - Determinate shear flow for unitary shear force. ....................................................... 75
Table 37 - Contour integration of l/t and ϕ around closed cells ................................................. 77
Table 38 – l/t coefficient to calculate corrective shear flow. ...................................................... 78
Table 39 - Φcell in N/mm. ............................................................................................................. 78
Table 40 - Indeterminate shear flow in N/mm. .......................................................................... 78
Table 41 - Shear flow for maximum shear force. ........................................................................ 79
Table 42 - Maximum shear stresses ............................................................................................ 80
Table 43 - Mechanical properties of hull steels .......................................................................... 80
Table 44 - 60% of Specified minimum yield stress [MPa]. .......................................................... 81

1. Introduction
The present project work aims to study distinct aspects of a bulk carrier, whose hull offset was
generated by a Series-60 approach [1], on a variety of different load and sea conditions. More
specifically it was asked to:
a) Define the longitudinal distribution of weight, buoyancy, load intensity, vertical shear
forces, vertical bending moment of the ship in still water for two load cases representing
full and ballast loading conditions;
b) Define the quasi-static longitudinal distribution of buoyancy, load intensity, vertical shear
forces and vertical bending moment of the ship subjected to a trochoidal wave for the
sagging and hogging cases accounting for full and ballast conditions;
c) Verify that the requirements of the Classification Societies Rules for the vertical shear
forces and bending moments are satisfied for all studied load cases;
d) Determine the midship section modulus of ship hull and based on the elastic beam theory
define the normal stresses along the depth of the ship assuming the equivalent thickness
for the longitudinal structural components of the midsection as given in the Appendix B;
e) Determine the shear stresses around the midship section considering that it is a
multicellular structure, using the equivalent thicknesses for the longitudinal structural
f) Determine the displacements at each one of the 21 stations.
To achieve all the objectives above mentioned it was used Microsoft Office Excel and MATLAB
to perform all necessary calculations. This report will only show the theory behind the
computations as well as the relevant results to, afterwards, discuss. All the extensive calculations
should be consulted to fully understand the report.

2. Ship’s General Description
2.1 Ship Main Characteristics
The ship´s main characteristics were provided by the professor (project nº 20) and are shown in
Table 1.
Length Between
Propeller Diameter
Perpendiculars, Lpp 209.1 9.2

Breadth, B [m] 30.3 Block Coefficient, Cb 0.77

Draft, T [m] 15.9 Longitudinal Center of 0.028
Buoyancy, LCB/Lpp

Mean Immersion [m] 11.5 Crew Size, n 22

Design Round Voyage

Design Speed, V [kn] 17.6 30
Duration, A [days]
Table 1- Main characteristics and design assumptions

2.2 Hull Offset

Creating the hull geometry was the next step. To generate an offset was used a methodical series
(series 60) for a single screw merchant ship. Using the length between perpendiculars, Lpp, block
coefficient, Cb, and the normalized longitudinal center of buoyancy, LCB/Lpp, it is possible to
calculate all the necessary parameters to interpolate the hull offset.
According to Series 60 the length of the ship is divided in 3 components: length of entrance, Le,
length of run, Lr, and length of the cylindrical section, Lx, as it is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1- Length of entrance, run and cylindrical part.

The offset is extrapolated from several charts containing WL cross curves for different drafts, see
Figure 2, based on the entrance or run prismatic coefficients. The values are given as a ratio
between beam and the ship breadth, B, for ten sections in each sector, entrance and run.

Figure 2 - WL cross sections for entrance (left) and run (right) as function of the prismatic coefficients

To find the ship respective entrance and prismatic coefficients were performed several
calculations. First the values of the three lengths, Le, Lx, and Lr were found for 𝐶𝑏 ≥ 0.7 according

𝐿𝑒 = 𝐿𝑝𝑝 [𝑎 − 𝑏 (𝐿𝐶𝐵⁄𝐿 )]

Equation 1

𝑎 = 0.9803 − 0.6426𝐶𝑏 − 0.2368𝐶𝑏2

𝑏 = 0.0531 − 1172𝐶𝑏 + 0.0786𝐶𝑏2
Equation 2 and Equation 3

𝐿𝑥 = 𝐿𝑝𝑝 (1.81𝐶𝑏 − 1.148)

Equation 4

𝐿𝑟 = 𝐿𝑝𝑝 − 𝐿𝑒 − 𝐿𝑥
Equation 5

The value of the prismatic coefficients was found interpolating the values of the ratio the prismatic
coefficients as a function of block coefficient and normalized longitudinal center of buoyancy:

( ) = 𝑓(𝐶𝑏 , %𝐿𝐶𝐵)

Figure 3 - ( ) as function of Cb and %LCB

Knowing the relation between the prismatic coefficients and the midship section coefficient, C m,
all that is left to calculate the prismatic coefficients of entrance and run.
𝐶𝑚 = 0.96𝐶𝑏 + 0.038
Equation 6

𝐿𝑒 𝐶𝑝𝑒 + 𝐿𝑥 + 𝐿𝑟 𝐶𝑝𝑟
𝐶𝑚 =

Equation 7

The results are shown in Table 2.

𝑪𝒑𝒆 𝑪𝒎 𝑪𝒑𝒆 𝑪𝒑𝒓

( )

1.096 0.7772 0,7290 0,6651

𝑳𝒑𝒑 [m] 𝑳𝒙 [m] 𝑳𝒆 [m] 𝑳𝒓 [m]

209.1 51,4 97,5 60.3

Table 2 - Prismatic coefficients and ship section lengths

Tracing a vertical line in the respective prismatic coefficient value onto all the graphs it was
possible to take the offset values of the ship’s run and entrance for several drafts, z [m]. In
Figure 4 and Figure 5 the reader can see the offset figures for run and entrance.

Entrance Offset




draft Z [m]


0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
beam/Maxbeam y/(B/2)
209,1 198,3 187,4 176,6 165,8
155,0 144,1 133,3 122,5 111,6

Figure 4 - Entrance offset for a section located at x [m]

Run Offset




draft Z [m]


0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
beam/Maxbeam y/(B/2)
6,7 13,4 20,1 26,8 33,5
40,2 46,9 53,6 60,3 0,0

Figure 5 - Run offset for section located at x [m].

As the stations did not had the desired location it was necessary to make interpolations to find the
offset values at the newly chosen stations equally spaced by Δ𝐿 = 𝑝𝑝⁄20 = 10.455𝑚. It was
also necessary to add, by interpolation, a new water line at T=15.9m which is the maximum draft
of the given ship which is lower than the maximum draft obtained from the series 60 graphs. As
for the midship section it was used the biggest station between the entrance and run closest to
midship station and assumed equal in the cylindrical length.





z [m]

-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
y [m]

Figure 6 - Ship cross sections, bow left and stern right.

y [m]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220
x [m]

Figure 7 - Ship waterlines

Z X 0 10,455 20,91 31,365 41,82 52,275 62,73 73,185 83,64 94,095 104,55 115,005 125,46 135,915 146,37 156,825 167,28 177,735 188,19 198,645 209,1

WL 0 0*d 0 0,000 0,652 2,854 6,506 10,405 13,464 15,074 15,074 15,074 15,074 15,074 14,933 14,348 13,196 11,378 9,252 6,786 4,453 2,238 0,731 0,000

WL 1 0,075*d 0,8625 0,000 1,759 4,691 8,372 11,771 14,007 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,009 14,486 13,682 12,564 11,023 9,090 6,937 4,519 2,048 0,000

WL 2 0,25*d 2,875 0,000 2,360 5,846 9,711 12,909 14,549 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,056 14,763 14,379 13,627 12,412 10,615 8,520 6,002 3,072 0,000

WL 3 0,5*d 5,75 0,000 2,809 7,303 11,354 14,028 15,077 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,103 14,957 14,737 14,204 13,209 11,600 9,482 6,729 3,364 0,000

WL 4 0,75*d 8,625 0,000 3,883 9,197 12,885 14,655 15,121 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,087 14,850 14,447 13,538 12,044 9,853 7,021 3,511 0,000

WL 5 1*d 11,5 1,212 6,965 11,519 14,009 14,921 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,108 14,944 14,614 13,778 12,349 10,161 7,243 3,657 0,000

WL 6 1,25*d 14,375 4,091 9,797 13,178 14,655 15,036 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,117 14,985 14,706 13,956 12,671 10,594 7,627 4,111 0,455

WL 7 T 15,9 5,296 10,822 13,706 14,799 15,096 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,134 15,043 14,763 14,097 12,934 11,013 8,184 4,589 0,816

WL 8 1,5*d 17,25 6,363 11,729 14,173 14,927 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,150 15,095 14,813 14,223 13,167 11,383 8,677 5,012 1,136
Table 3 - Offset table, all values in m.

2.3 Sections Area and Bonjean Curves
With the ship’s hull geometry now completely defined the next step is calculating the station’s
areas at each draft which precedes the volumes calculation and the Bonjean Curves. This come in
especially handy to find the ship’s impulsion at a given draft and trim.
The areas were calculated using a simple trapezoidal numeric method, allowing some reduction
of work at the cost of some accuracy given, for example, the use of a Simpson integration rule.
This method output gives a fair result in terms of accuracy for the general objective of this project,
which is understanding the process behind a professional structural analysis program, therefore
the cost of accuracy vs gain in time is worth the decision.
The numerical integration using trapezoidal rule for the areas is defined as in Equation 8.
(𝑦𝑖 + 𝑦𝑖+1 )
𝐴𝑖+1 = ∗ (𝑧𝑖+1 − 𝑧𝑖 ) + 𝐴𝑖
Equation 8

After calculating the areas of the sections for each draft the values were divided by the maximum
section area of the ship, normalizing the areas. To calculate the Bonjean Curves equations it was
used a small code in MATLAB that used the function polyval.m to give the coefficients of a 6th
degree approximated polynomial to each station normalized areas as function of normalized draft,
see Table 4. If the reader finds it useful to check the code it is in APPENDIX.

Bonjean Coefficients (MATLAB 6th degree polynomial)

X [m] a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0
0 -0,8456 2,3139 -2,0596 0,7777 -0,1243 0,0066 0
10,455 0,1273 -1,1912 2,4739 -1,7739 0,6378 0,0486 0
20,91 0,7866 -2,8185 3,7277 -2,2078 0,8935 0,2092 0
31,365 0,7288 -2,3645 2,8922 -1,7589 0,8456 0,4544 -0,0001
41,82 0,3598 -1,1575 1,5 -1,1111 0,6303 0,704 -0,0001
52,275 -0,0467 0,104 0,0129 -0,2217 0,2389 0,8955 0
62,73 0,035 -0,1153 0,146 -0,089 0,0265 0,9967 0
73,185 0,035 -0,1153 0,146 -0,089 0,0265 0,9967 0
83,64 0,035 -0,1153 0,146 -0,089 0,0265 0,9967 0
94,095 0,035 -0,1153 0,146 -0,089 0,0265 0,9967 0
104,55 0,035 -0,1153 0,146 -0,089 0,0265 0,9967 0
115,005 0,0397 -0,1186 0,1339 -0,0778 0,0332 0,987 0
125,46 0,0376 -0,1135 0,1479 -0,1332 0,1015 0,9466 0
135,915 0,0733 -0,3148 0,5666 -0,5533 0,3244 0,871 0
146,37 0,3268 -1,1798 1,7291 -1,3499 0,6444 0,7606 0
156,825 0,511 -1,8081 2,5925 -1,9689 0,9095 0,6282 0
167,28 0,7048 -2,4222 3,3621 -2,4586 1,0984 0,4761 -0,0001
177,735 0,7525 -2,592 3,6311 -2,6746 1,1778 0,3248 -0,0001
188,19 0,8136 -2,7485 3,7696 -2,7028 1,1328 0,1734 -0,0001
198,645 0,4733 -1,6416 2,3453 -1,7372 0,7234 0,0593 0
209,1 -0,074 0,2757 -0,3216 0,1563 -0,0317 0,0021 0
Table 4 - Bonjean Coefficients

The graphical representation shown next in figures are merely qualitative as the curves are not
the same polynomial approximations based on the coefficients of Table 4. Nevertheless, it is a

good representation of the curves. The reader must keep in mind tough that the coefficients used
in posterior calculations are those found with the MATLAB code.

Bonjean Curves - Station 1 to station 10


Adimensionalized section area





0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Draft (adimensionalized)

station 1 station 2 station 3 station 4 station 5

station 6 station 7 station 8 station 9 station 10

Figure 8 - Bonjean curves for stations 1 to 10

Bonjean Curves - Station 11 to station 21


Adimensionalized section area





0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Draft (adimensionalized)

station 11 station 12 station 13 station 14 station 15 station 16

station 17 station 18 station 19 station 20 station 21

Figure 9 - Bonjean curves for stations 11 to 21

3. Midship Section Dimensioning
The dimensioning of the midship section was made with accordance with the given model and
their restrictions. This model is of a single side bulk carrier and in Figure 10 it is visible the
geometrical measurements, general shape and thicknesses legend.

Figure 10 - Midship section parent model

After analyzing the double bottom height and angles restrictions, as well as plates sizes, the
midship section dimensions were defined with the dimensions below, in Table 5.

Chosen dimensions

B1 15,15
B2 4,545
C1 [m] 2,651
C2 [m] 1,500
T-H2-H1 [m] 4,770
F1 [cm2] 30
H [m] 1,775
H1 [m] 3,180
H2 [m] 7,950
H3 [m] 1,500
H4 [m] 1,000
h [m] 1,200
Table 5 - Midship Section dimension

This restrictions and posterior dimensions meant that the final number of bottom tanks per side
was 4. The final draft of the midship section is presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11 - Midship section geometry

The plate thickness, however, was not so simple to calculate. Since there are Class Society
Restrictions to the section modulus of the midship section which is a function of the plate
thickness, the first approximations were not sufficient to fulfill the requirements. That being said
it was necessary to use an iterative process to change the plate thicknesses until the minimum
section modulus was achieved and trying to keep the plate thickness minimized.

𝑊𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.01𝐶1 𝐿2𝑝𝑝 𝐵(𝐶𝑏 + 0.7) ∗ 10−4 [𝑚3 ]

Equation 9

The initial thicknesses had to be enlarged to achieve the desired shear modulus on deck and on
bottom. According to IACS (Part 1/Chapter 5/Section 1/page 333) the formulae to calculate the
bottom and deck section modulus is:
𝑊𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 =
Equation 10

𝑊𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑘 =
𝑧𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑘 − 𝑧𝑁
Equation 11

𝑊𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 - Bottom net section modulus in m3.
𝑊𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑘 – Deck net section modulus in m3.
𝐼0𝑦 - Net moment of inertia, in m4, of the hull transverse section about its horizontal neutral axis.

𝑧𝑁 – Neutral axis height, in m.

𝑧𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑘 – Deck height, in m.

The end results are shown in Table 6 and Table 7.

initial final added thickness

δb [mm] 14 18 4
δd [mm] 12 55 43
δ1 [mm] 16 72 56
δ2 [mm] 12 15 3
δ4 [mm] 13 16 3
δ5 [mm] 14 18 4
t3 [mm] 10 44 35
t4 [mm] 17 22 5
t5 [mm] 10 20 10
Table 6 - Plate final thicknesses

Mechanical Properties
Area [m2] A 1,9122
First Moment of Area S [m3] S 15,342
Z Neutral Axis [m] 𝑍𝑛 8,023
Second Moment of Area I [m4] 𝐼𝑦𝑦 201,793
I Neutral Axis [m4] (half section) 𝐼0𝑦 78,701
Minimum Midship Section Modulus [m3] 𝑊𝑚𝑖𝑛 19,247
Net Section Modulus at bottom [m3] 𝑊𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 19,618
Net Section Modulus at deck [m3] 𝑊𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑘 19,983
Table 7 - Mechanical properties of the midship section.

4. Longitudinal Section Dimensioning
This dimensioning, like the one in the previous chapter was based on the model restrictions. In
this case, the longitudinal dimensioning, it was found the lengths (in x direction) of the several
longitudinal divisions as well as their number. How many and how long are the cargo holds and
the size of the aft and fore peak for example.

Figure 12 - Longitudinal section parent model

It was assumed that the aft peak is, typically, ΔL in length, and that the holds and bottom tanks
begin and end at a length of a multiple of ΔL to facilitate the calculations. The rest of the values
were calculated according with the restrictions and the, above mentioned, assumptions.

Restrictions 1 Restrictions 2 Restrictions 3 final

min max min max min max Number of holds
La [m] # # # # # # 10,455
Ler [m] 31,365 52,275 # # # # 41,82
20,91 52,275 # 27,91 # 30 20,91
Li [m]
Lf [m] 10,455 16,728 # # # # 10,455

Table 8 - Restrictions and final values of longitudinal section. La is the aft peak length, Lf is the fore peak length, Ler is
the length of the engine room and Li is the length of the cargo holds.

As it is visible in

Table 8 the chosen number of cargo holds is coincident with the minimum value for the cargo
hold length, this choice was made to have better control of the distribution of weight along the
ship length and, as it will be explained in posterior chapters, it also allowed for a more precise re-
dimension of the volume in the cargo holds due to problems related with classification societies
requirements in still water full cargo condition. It is worth note that the aft peak was also
dimensioned with the minimum possible due to the assumption that a section begins and ends at
a multiple of ΔL.

5. Weight of the Ship
In this chapter it will be explained what method was used to find the tank capacities as well as the
logic behind the distribution of weights in light and deadweight to later find the center of gravity
of the ship.
5.1 Tank Capacities
As the primary goal of the work was not to make the real design of the ship structure the only
information about the overall geometry was the midship and longitudinal sections. This however
meant that with this insufficient information it was necessary to make some assumptions and
creating a transverse section layout for each station.
After having the transverse geometries and tank areas for each station it was used a simple
trapezoidal rule between stations to integrate the tank areas into the tank volumes. Next will be
explained the reason behind the calculation of the areas.
The first tank to be calculated was the Deck Tank. The restrains applied were that it kept the same
angle α between plate 10, see Figure 11, and the vertical direction and the cargo hatch would keep
the same beam along the ship length. For stations aft of the cargo holds the rule used was to keep
a proportional distance, d, to the breadth. The biggest problem was to find the real curvature of
the hull without having to interpolate the offset table. To go around this problem, it was used the
curvature at midship (vertical line) and, after calculating all parameters shown in Figure 13
subtracting the triangle abh area (in red). This method still has a small error shown in the light
blue colored area in the left image of Figure 13 but it was assumed small enough for the purposes
of the work and the notion that this is merely a way to get tank volumes without any strict
scientific rule behind. Note that the error will be negative for flam shapes and positive for flare
After the deck tanks it was calculated the bottom tank area. This case was simpler because the
area is constant to keep the longitudinal girders y position and double bottom height constant. The
area was simply the product of C1 and H.
To calculate the area of the bilge tanks first was calculated the cargo hold tank area to, afterwards,
subtract all tank areas to the respective sections total area giving the value of the bilge area.

Figure 13 - Deck tank area parameters, on the left, and areas, colored at the right

The first step taken to calculate the cargo hold area was to define a rule for the bilge to bottom
tank distance B2max. It was found reasonable to keep a proportional relation between a B2 at
maximum breadth B and B2 at any breadth.

𝐵2 = 𝐵(𝑥) ∗
Equation 12

Subtracting B2 to the breadth at z = H would then give how many bottom tanks fit in that section.
In some sections was added an additional bottom tank with smaller C1. Then the area was
partitioned in four different areas, as shown in
Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Cargo hold area partition

The only incognita that needed to be found was the z at which the bilge tank oblique plate joined
the hull side shell. To aid calculation of the z coordinate for each section, given that the side shape
changes with the ship length, x, it was created a MATLAB script, Aux_A4.m. This small code has
as input the hull offset, the angle of the plate and the height of the double bottom and uses
polyfit.m and polyval.m functions to find the z coordinate. The cargo hold area was the found by
summing all the partitioned areas.
And finally, the bilge tank area could be calculated as mentioned above. The tank volumes map
can be seen in Table 9. The name given to the added bottom tanks is “bottom tank 5 “.

1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11
Deck 89,74816944 122,1753934 139,4882341 145,6108809 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589
Bilge 232,9029184 198,7645103 198,7645103 198,7645103 198,7645103
Bottom 5 18,76901747 0 0 0 0
Port side

Bottom 4 0 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101

Bottom 3 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101
Bottom 2 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101
Bottom 1 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101
Cargo Hold

Bottom 1
Bottom 2
Engine Room 2733,514607






Bottom 3 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101

Bottom 4 0 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101
Bottom 5 18,76901747 0 0 0 0
Bilge 232,9029184 198,7645103 198,7645103 198,7645103 198,7645103
Deck 89,74816944 122,1753934 139,4882341 145,6108809 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589 146,9650589
11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21
Deck 146,9650589 146,5258387 144,1379253 137,5308013 121,861042 93,72011168 53,67796567 15,38271073 0
Bilge 198,7645103 199,3309762 214,0425677 244,7840149 280,4149456 317,3561654 325,8525147 314,2397757 238,1745829
Bottom 5 23,81959926 44,92298356 38,2196845 28,04834089 12,81636644 16,21310311 14,84857781 9,636827156 25,43090884
Port side

Bottom 4 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bottom 3 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0 0
Bottom 2 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0
Bottom 1 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0
Cargo Hold 2798,857018 2755,352924 2671,885846 2547,196768 2361,836577 2099,617911 1763,911391 1301,905546 766,1578229 577,2245958
Bottom 1 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0
Bottom 2 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0

Bottom 3 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0 0

Bottom 4 49,19556101 49,19556101 49,19556101 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bottom 5 23,81959926 44,92298356 38,2196845 28,04834089 12,81636644 16,21310311 14,84857781 9,636827156 25,43090884
Bilge 198,7645103 199,3309762 214,0425677 244,7840149 280,4149456 317,3561654 325,8525147 314,2397757 238,1745829
Deck 146,9650589 146,5258387 144,1379253 137,5308013 121,861042 93,72011168 53,67796567 15,38271073 0

Table 9 - Tank volumes map

6. Weight Distribution
Displacement is the sum of lightweight and deadweight. The lightweight is the weight of vessel
as built and ready for sea. Deadweight is the difference between the lightweight and loaded
displacement, i.e. it is the weight of cargo plus weights of fuel, stores, water ballast, fresh water,
crew and passengers, and baggage.
Two methods were employed in order to make an approximation of the weight distribution. The
first was to simply calculate the tank volumes and multiply this volume by the density of the
cargo. The second one consists in an approximation of the weight in a trapezoidal form based in
a typical/standard specific weight distribution, for example the superstructure, the hull weight or
the weight of the machinery. This method is applied to all the lightweight, for the simple reason
that it would imply a precise layout and fully designed ship plan to calculate the exact distribution,
and to the provisions which for obvious reasons stay around the superstructure. Since the ship’s
characteristics are being treated in finite length intervals, there’s a need to take the trapezoidal
distributions and approximate the same distributions in uniform weight loads applied to each
section. The next figure illustrates the method.

Figure 15 - Weight approximation method.

𝑑𝐿(𝑚𝑓 + 𝑚𝑎 ) 𝑑𝐿 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚𝑎
𝑃= 𝐶1 = [ ]
2 6 𝑚𝑓 + 𝑚𝑎
Equation 13 Equation 14

𝑑𝐿 1 𝐶
𝐶= − 𝐶1 𝑃1 = 𝑃 ( + )
2 2 𝑑𝐿
Equation 15 Equation 16

1 𝐶
𝑃2 = 𝑃 ( − ) 𝑃 = 𝑃1 + 𝑃2
2 𝑑𝐿
Equation 17 Equation 18

An important aspect to have in mind is that the sum of the uniform loads should match the total
continuous weight distributions. This requirement was fulfilled in all of the approximations made
in this project, except for the hull, in which case was applied a correcting factor.

6.1 Weights Map

Besides carrying cargo (bulk cargo) the ship needs to carry consumables and other cargos to
ensure the success of the voyage, i.e. fuel, fuel oils, fresh water, ballast water, crew, stores, etc.
The layout of this weights will greatly affect the ship’s stability, trim, shear forces and bending
moments as well as the role it plays in the overall economy of the vessel, such as construction and
maintenance costs.
In this project were considered two distinct cargo conditions: Ballast and Full Cargo Condition.
In the first the cargo holds are empty; the vessel is ballasted to obtain a minimum draft and a good
trim. For full cargo condition, as the name implies, the cargo holds are full, simulating the a fully
loaded leg. The ship has ballast as well to adjust the trim caused by the intense weight of the cargo
ore in a fore position, however the ballast was kept to a minimum since in this situation the added
weight results in an unwanted added wetted surface that would cause a drop in performance. For
both conditions was kept the fuel, fuel oil, fresh and cooling water distribution since they have
specific piping and pumps that are built in. Another motive is that it is not reasonable to mix
different liquids.
Before getting in the actual weight distribution, Figure 16 and Figure 17, note that in order to
reduce piping costs the fuel, fuel oil and cooling water were kept close to the engine room. The
same logic applies to the fresh water that was placed close to the superstructure. Further
explanations will be given in following sections. For roll stability reasons all weight distribution
was symmetric to the sheer plane.

6.1.1 Tanks Map in Ballast Condition
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11
Deck Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fresh water Fresh water Empty Empty
Bilge Fuel Fresh water Empty Ballast Empty
Bottom 5 Fuel Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Port side

Bottom 4 Inexistent Empty Empty Empty Ballast

Bottom 3 Fuel Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Bottom 2 Fuel Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Bottom 1 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Cargo Hold

Bottom 1
Bottom 2
Engine Room Empty






Bottom 3 Fuel Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast

Bottom 4 Inexistent Empty Empty Empty Ballast
Bottom 5 Fuel Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bilge Fuel Fresh water Empty Ballast Empty
Deck Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fresh water Fresh water Empty Empty
11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21
Deck Empty Empty Empty Ballast Ballast Empty Empty Empty Inexistent
Bilge Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty
Bottom 5 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Port side

Bottom 4 Ballast Ballast Ballast Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 3 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 2 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 1 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent
Cargo Hold Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Ballast
Bottom 1 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 2 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent

Bottom 3 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 4 Ballast Ballast Ballast Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 5 Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Bilge Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Empty
Deck Empty Empty Empty Ballast Ballast Empty Empty Empty Inexistent

Figure 16 - Tanks map in ballast condition.

6.1.2 Tanks Map in Full Cargo Condition
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11
Deck Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fresh water Fresh water Empty Empty
Bilge Fuel Fresh water Empty Empty Empty
Bottom 5 Fuel Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Port side

Bottom 4 Inexistent Ballast Ballast Empty Empty

Bottom 3 Fuel Empty Empty Empty Empty
Bottom 2 Fuel Empty Empty Empty Empty
Bottom 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty
Cargo Hold

Bottom 1
Bottom 2
Engine Room Cargo






Bottom 3 Fuel Empty Empty Empty Empty

Bottom 4 Inexistent Ballast Ballast Empty Empty
Bottom 5 Fuel Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bilge Fuel Fresh water Empty Empty Empty
Deck Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fresh water Fresh water Empty Empty
11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21
Deck Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent
Bilge Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty
Bottom 5 Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Port side

Bottom 4 Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 3 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 2 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent

Cargo Hold Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Empty

Bottom 1 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 2 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent

Bottom 3 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 4 Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bottom 5 Empty Empty Empty Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent Inexistent
Bilge Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty
Deck Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Inexistent

Figure 17 - Tanks map in full cargo condition.

6.2 Lightweight

When carrying high-density cargoes (e.g. ore) it is desirable to keep the lightweight as small as
possible, consistent with adequate strength. Since only cargo weight of the total deadweight is
earning capital, other items should be kept to a minimum as long as the vessel fulfills its
commitments. The lightweight is composed of the sum of the machinery, superstructure, hull and

6.2.1 Machinery
A typical approximation of weight of machinery depends on the location of the engine room. For
an engine room located in the aft the distribution may be as in Figure 1Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Trapezoidal machinery weight distribution.

. To include the weight of the rudder related machinery the longitudinal distribution was
calculated from section 1 (aft peak) to section 6. The numeration of the sections starts in 1 and
ends in 21 as opposed to the numeration in the project support papers which start in 0 (aft peak)
and end in 20.

Ler/L 0,25
Xer [m] 31,365
Neff [Hp] 13343
Pm [ton] 1334,30
Am [ton] 15,95
Bm [ton] 39,89
Lo [m] 10,455

Table 10 - Machinery weight parameters

Using these parameters, it was possible to approximate the weight distribution as a summation of
uniform loads applied to each section. The resultant distribution is shown in Figure 19.

Weight [ton]


Figure 19 - Machinery uniform weight distribution.

6.2.2 Superstructure

For a superstructure located aft of midship the approximate trapezoidal weight distribution was
considered as in Figure 20.

Figure 20 - Trapezoidal superstructure load distribution.

Going from station 1 (aft peak) to station 6 is the weight of the “real” superstructure and from
station 18 to station 21 is load distribution of the forecastle.

Pss,aft [ton] 633,57

Pss,for [ton] 50,69
a [m] 6,753
Lss,1 [m] 55,326
Lss,2 [m] 13,455
maft [ton/m] 15,27
mfore [ton/m] 7,53
Table 11 - Weight parameters for Superstructure.

Resulting from the parameters the load uniform distribution is shown in Figure 21.


Weight [ton]



Figure 21 - Superstructure uniform load distribution

6.2.3 Hull
The major item of the weight distribution is the hull. A useful first approximation of the hull
weight distribution is defined in Equation 19.
𝑃ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙 = 𝑃ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠 − 𝑃𝑠𝑠
Equation 19

𝑃ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠 = 𝛥𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠
Equation 20

Equation 21

and the coefficients 𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠 and 𝑘𝐷𝑊 are obtained from the graphs below.

Figure 22 - 𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠 and 𝑘ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙,𝑠𝑠 .

When the engine room is located at the aft of the midship, the distribution of the weight is defined
𝑑𝐴 = 2𝛥𝐿
1.1𝐿 − 𝐿𝑐
Equation 22

𝐿𝑐 𝑃ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙
𝐵 = [1 + 𝐶𝑏 (1 − )]
Equation 23

𝑑𝐶 = 2Δ𝐿
0.9𝐿 − 𝐿𝑐
Equation 24

𝑥ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝐿𝑐
= [( − 0.7) ÷ 0.5]
Equation 25

Where A, B and C are taken from Table 12.

Table 12 - Weight parameters A, B and C

Figure 23 - Graphical representation of the general hull uniform distribution of weight.

The calculated parameters can be seen in Table 12. It must be referred a discrepancy between
the value of the parameter B calculated using Equation 23, which would be 1.58*Phull/Lpp and
the value obtain through an interpolation in Table 12 - Weight parameters A, B and C which was
1.225*Phull/Lpp. In fact, the factor 1.58 indicates a ratio of Lc/Lpp smaller that 0.1. Because of this,
the interpolation was chosen as the most accurate method to calculate the parameter.

Xhull/ΔL -0,45 L1 [m] 67,9575

Kdw 0,847214 L2 [m] 36,87215

DW [ton] 63032,74 Phull/Lpp -4,70475

Δ [ton] 74399,98 Xhull [m] 31,76074

LW [ton] 11367,25 A [ton/m] 45,16838

Khull 0,112826 B [ton/m] 18,00282

Phull,ss [ton] 8394,224 C [ton/m] 1,577369

Phull [ton] 7709,966 dA [ton/m] 4,179316

Lc/Lpp 0,25 dC [ton/m] 52,275

Lc [m] 88,8675

Table 13 - Hull weight parameters

The final results for the hull weight are shown in Figure 24.

Weight [ton]


Figure 24 - Hull uniform weight distribution.

Since the sum of the uniform loads did not correspond to the initial estimate to the total hull
weight (a difference of 4,5 tons), a corrective factor of 0,9994 was applied every section load.

6.2.4 Equipment
Finally, to complete the lightweight estimate it was estimated the weight of the equipment. The
trapezoidal approximation is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 - Trapezoidal equipment weight distribution.

Knowing that the total weight of equipment aft and fore could be estimated as:
𝑃𝑒𝑞,𝑎𝑓𝑡 = 0.5𝐿𝑒𝑟 𝐵
Equation 26

𝑃𝑒𝑞,𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 0.008𝐿𝑝𝑝 𝐵
Equation 27

The formulas used were:

𝑃𝑒𝑞 = 𝑃𝑒𝑞1 + 𝑃𝑒𝑞2 + 𝑃𝑒𝑞3 + 𝑃𝑒𝑞4
Equation 28

𝑃𝑒𝑞1 = [0.4 ÷ 0.6]𝑃𝑒𝑞

Equation 29

𝑃𝑒𝑞2 = [0.02 ÷ 0.05]𝑃𝑒𝑞

Equation 30

𝑃𝑒𝑞3 = [0.3 ÷ 0.45]𝑃𝑒𝑞

Equation 31

𝑃𝑒𝑞4 = [0.05 ÷ 0.1]𝑃𝑒𝑞

Equation 32

𝑃𝑒𝑞 = 𝐿𝑊 − 𝑃ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙 − 𝑃𝑠𝑠 − 𝑃𝑚

Equation 33

𝐿𝑊 = Δ − 𝐷𝑊
Equation 34

The calculated weight parameters were:
Peq [ton] 1638,73
Peq,aft [ton] 633,57
Peq,for [ton] 50,69
Peq,1 [ton] 737,43
Peq,2 [ton] 81,94
Peq,3 [ton] 737,43
Peq,4 [ton] 81,94
Beq [ton/m] 21,16
Aeq [ton/m] 7,05
Table 14 - Equipment weight parameters.

The resulting distribution was:


Weight [ton]





Figure 26 - Uniform distribution of equipment weight.

6.2.5 Total Lightweight

In it can be seen the summation of all the lightweight components. This will allow to better
visualize the lightweight distribution along the vessel’s length and predict how it will influence
the shear forces, bending moments, trim, etc.


Weight [ton]





machinary Superstructure Hull Equipment

Figure 27 - Lightweight distribution along ship length.

Clearly the machinery and superstructure play an important role in reducing the distance, x, from
the aft peak, of the center of gravity which, as it will be seen ahead, will have to be compensated
with cargo and/or ballast.
6.3 Deadweight
The DW of merchant ships is the difference between the full-load displacement weight Δ and the
lightship weight:
𝐷𝑊 = Δ − 𝐿𝑊
Equation 35

Δ = ∇𝜌
Equation 36

The actual cargo dead weight is obtained by deducting the weight of fuel, stores, fresh water,
water (or other removable ballast), crew and stores, which the ship may carry.
𝐷𝑊 = 𝑃𝑠𝑐 + 𝑃𝑓𝑤 + 𝑃𝑓𝑜𝑐 + 𝑃𝑏 + 𝑃𝑐
Equation 37

Given the innumerous weight distribution combinations, there is a vast outcome possibility in
terms of trim, structure load, and so on. After experimenting with a lot of different distributions
the outcome for ballast and full cargo conditions weight layout, exposed in Figure 16 and Figure
17, respectively, was set. Excel proved to be a useful tool to, quick and effortlessly, iterate
between different distributions. By changing a tank content, chose from a drop-down list, Excel
was programed to automatically multiply the tank volume by the content specific weight, ρ. This
implies the construction of two tank’s map, one for each cargo condition. Another useful feature
that was used was the automatic filled cell properties according with the tank content, this is
helpful to better visualize which weights are in each tank.

6.3.1 Weight of Stores and Crew

This weight approximation is the only that was calculated with the trapezoidal distribution method
used in the lightweight calculations, Figure 28. As expectable the distribution is applied in the
same sections as the superstructure. The total weight may be approximated as:

𝑃𝑠𝑐 = 0.15𝑛
Equation 38

Where n is the number of crew members.

Figure 28 - Trapezoidal stores and crew weight distribution.

𝐴𝑠𝑐 =
Equation 39

𝐵𝑠𝑐 = 𝑃𝑠𝑐 ( ) /Δ𝐿
Equation 40

Shown in Table 15 are the calculated parameters for store and crew weight distribution.

Psc [tons] 3,30

Bsc [tons/m] 0,095
Asc [tons/m] 0,032
n 22
Table 15 - Stores and crew weight parameters.

The final distribution obtained was:

Weight of stores and crew

weight [tons]


Figure 29 - Uniform stores and crew weight distribution.

6.3.2 Fresh Water Weight
Fresh water capacity will depend upon whether the water is to be obtained ashore and carried to
the length of the voyage or the ship’s distilling plant can meet all requirements at sea. In the latter
case requisite capacity for fresh water will be much reduced. However, in this project was
considered a ship without distilling water plant and the weight of fresh water and food was
approximated as:
𝑃𝑓𝑤 = [0.015 ÷ 0.02]𝐷𝑊
Equation 41

Minimum Pfw [tons] 945,5

Final Pfw [tons] 985,4
Table 16 - Fresh water parameters

The final weight complied with minimum requisite of fresh water weight. And the distribution
was kept constant in both cargo conditions as why it was explained before. The layout is shown
in Figure 30.

Weight of fresh water

Weight [tons]


Figure 30 - Fresh water uniform load distribution.

6.3.3 Fuel, oil and cooling water

The necessary weight of fuel, oil and cooling water is a matter for specific estimating to the
particular machinery installation. An approximated expression may be taken as:
𝑃𝑓𝑜𝑐 = 0.0002𝑁𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝑇
Equation 42

𝑁𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 0.4612𝐿2𝑝𝑝 − 42.25𝐿𝑝𝑝 + 2013.3

Equation 43

Where Neff is the effective power in Hp and T the is the voyage duration in hours.

Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water
Initial estimate Pfoc [tons] 1921,4
Voyage duration T [h] 720
Fuel density [t/m3] 1
Final Pfoc [tons] 1988,1
Table 17 - Fuel, oil and cooling water parameters

Again, the minimum weight requirements were fulfilled. As it was explained before, all the fuel,
oil and cooling water tanks were kept close to the main machinery to reduce piping length
therefore reducing costs and additional weight.

Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water

weight [tons]


Figure 31 - Fuel, oil and cooling water weight distribution

This layout was kept the same for both cargo conditions.

6.3.4 Ballast
The required ballast will be dependent upon trim and stability consideration. For this reason, there
are two distributions for ballast weight, one for ballast condition and one for cargo condition. The
most significant situation is the ballast condition, which in the first approximation can be taken
𝑃𝑏 = [0.15 ÷ 0.4]𝐷𝑊
Equation 44

From where comes the parameters shown in Table 18


Ballast first aproximation

Pb max [ton] 25213
Pb min [ton] 9455
Final Pb [ton] 9491
Table 18 - Ballast weight parameters

This minimum stability requirements for ballast are fulfilled and the consequent distribution of
weight comes as:

Ballast Weight - Ballast Condition
Weight [ton]


Figure 32 - Ballast condition ballast weight distribution

In cargo condition there is no minimum requirement, the ballast weight was minimized to
minimize the wetted surface area but also to keep the trim as even as possible.

Ballast Weight - Cargo Condition

weight [ton]


Figure 33 - Cargo condition ballast weight distribution.

The differences of total ballast weight are obvious and according to what was expected.

6.3.5 Cargo
The bulk cargo to transport will represent the major weight component and therefore influence
greatly the ship stability and structural behavior. A fixed density of 0.8 tons/m3 was assumed for
the bulk cargo calculations. The following parameters were obtained:
Estimate Pc [tons] 50711
Final Pc [tons] 23785
Table 19 - Bulk Cargo weight parameters.

It is noticeable a big discrepancy between the estimated cargo and the actual cargo used. The
major motives for this divergence are:

• The estimate formulas take a different cargo density.

• The cargo holds volume capacity was reduced by 70% due to unfulfillments of the
class societies requirements, which will be explained later.
• It was considered a volume occupation of 90% for the cargo holds.

The last 2 points combined give an equivalent cargo density of 0.504 ton/m3 which is about
half of the cargo density considered in the estimation formula.
The bulk cargo weight distribution obtained was:

Cargo Weight

Weight [ton]





Figure 34 - Bulk weight distribution.

6.3.6 Total Deadweight

The total deadweight distribution, equivalent to the sum of all its components, is shown in Figure
35 and Figure 36 for ballast and cargo conditions respectively.

Deadweight - Ballast Condition


Weight of crew and stores Weight of fresh water Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water Ballast weight

Figure 35 -Deadweight - Ballast Condition

Deadweight - Cargo condition
Weight [ton]


Weight of crew and stores Weight of fresh water Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water Ballast weight Cargo Weight

Figure 36 - Deadweight - Cargo condition

6.4 Total Weight

Finally adding the lightweight and deadweight contributions it was found the ship’s total weight.

Weight [tons]


machinary Superstructure Hull

Equipment Weight of crew and stores Weight of fresh water
Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water Ballast weight

Figure 37 - DW+LW Distribution - Ballast Condition

Weight [ton]


machinary Superstructure Hull

Equipment Weight of crew and stores Weight of fresh water

Weight of Fuel, Oil and Cooling Water Ballast weight Cargo Weight

Figure 38 - DW+LW Distribution - Cargo Condition

Even though the ballast was not fairly distributed the weight alterations from station to station
were not very high in comparison with the leap in station 6 (where the cargo holds start) weight.
This different will cause unwanted shear tensions in that section. However due to trim balance
and lack of ballast volume (when compared with hold’s) it is impossible to reduce the weight
difference from one section to the next.
7. Center of Gravity
The calculation of the center of gravity was based in the use of a coefficient k ∈ [−9.5; 9.5] in
increments of 0.5 for each section starting from station 1 (aft peak). This weight factor is an
alternative to the exact calculation of the section center of gravity which would imply an exact
knowledge of the tanks geometry. Of course, this method is not very accurate but for the purpose
of this project it is sufficient.
The formula to calculate the center of gravity was:
∑𝑖 𝑘𝑖 (𝐿𝑊𝑖 + 𝐷𝑊𝑖 )
∑𝑖(𝐿𝑊𝑖 + 𝐷𝑊𝑖 )
Equation 45

Ballast Cargo
LW+DW K LW+DW K section
[tons] [tons]
498,8 -9,5 498,8 -9,5 [1 2]
933,2 -8,5 933,2 -8,5 [2 3]
1286,8 -7,5 1286,8 -7,5 [3 4]
1518,6 -6,5 1518,6 -6,5 [4 5]
1396,0 -5,5 1396,0 -5,5 [5 6]
1705,7 -4,5 3573,0 -4,5 [6 7]
1461,6 -3,5 3282,1 -3,5 [7 8]
1080,6 -2,5 2901,0 -2,5 [8 9]
1218,8 -1,5 2530,9 -1,5 [9 10]
912,2 -0,5 2530,9 -0,5 [10 11]
1368,5 0,5 2524,0 0,5 [11 12]
1413,0 1,5 2492,7 1,5 [12 13]
1429,4 2,5 2432,6 2,5 [13 14]
1630,8 3,5 2321,0 3,5 [14 15]
1596,8 4,5 2143,8 4,5 [15 16]
1083,5 5,5 1911,4 5,5 [16 17]
1054,4 6,5 1626,0 6,5 [17 18]
980,7 7,5 1254,1 7,5 [18 19]
341,6 8,5 841,1 8,5 [19 20]
924,1 9,5 332,4 9,5 [20 21]

LCG [m] LCG [m]

-2,86331 -2,75578
Table 20 - Longitudinal center of gravity in relation to midship.

8. Buoyancy
To calculate the still water buoyancy distribution, the location of the still waterline of the vessel
must be determined based on the two overall equilibrium requirements:

• The overall static equilibrium requires that the total upward buoyancy force equals the
total weight of the ship;
𝐿𝑝𝑝 𝐿𝑝𝑝
𝜌𝑔 ∫ 𝑎(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = 𝑔 ∫ 𝑚(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = Δ𝑔
0 0

Where m(x) is the longitudinal weight at x and a(x) is the immersed area at x.

• The longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB) must coincide with the longitudinal center of
gravity (LCG).
𝐿𝑝𝑝 𝐿𝑝𝑝
𝜌𝑔 ∫ 𝑥𝑎(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = 𝑔 ∫ 𝑥𝑚(𝑥)𝑑𝑥
0 0

To find the immerse sectional area as a function of x it was used the Bonjean curves. The
calculation of the center of buoyancy was calculated numerically by arbitrarily defining two
waterlines, W0 and Wc without trim and varying the parameters a and b, see, with excel solver.
The conditions applied was that the buoyancy force would have to match the ship’s weight in
absolute values and that the longitudinal center of buoyancy LCB would must coincide with the
longitudinal center of gravity LCG.
Once the water line of a ship has been specified, the still water buoyancy is fixed and calculable,
and the still water load, shear force and bending moment depend entirely on the weight

Figure 39 - True waterline calculation

In addition to the calculation of the still waterlines in both cargo conditions it was also calculated,
in this section the water lines in two distinct seagoing conditions, sagging and hogging by adding
a wave profile to the same numerical method.

8.1 Still Water Hydrostatic Equilibrium
In this section the reader will find the ship’s waterline drafts and behavior in still water conditions.
8.1.1 Ballast condition
The ballast still water equilibrium was calculated having in mind a favorable trim, trim aft
(negative), as well as the class societies requirements. Giving that the vessel is designed to operate
safely and efficiently while carrying heavy loads it means that in the ballast legs the ship will
need additional weight to compensate. After several configurations the result is shown in Table

ρsw [t/m3] 1,025

LW+DW [ton] 23835,1
LCG -2,863
LCB -2,863
Δ 24430,9
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 5,445
TWL0 [m] 5,1
a 0,340
b -0,291
Trim [m] -0,291
Trim [º] -0,159
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,345
Table 21 - Stillwater hydrostatic results in Ballast condition.

The two equilibrium conditions are fulfilled, and the resulting waterline is:



draft z, [m]




Longitudinal position x, [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m]

Figure 40 - Ballast still-water waterline draft, in orange.

The trim is within reasonable values, for when compared with the total length 30cm is a small
acceptable trim.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Ballast)

Weigth [ton]



Figure 41 -Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Ballast).

8.1.2 Full Cargo Condition

This cargo condition presented several problems before the hold’s volume reduction, the first and
relevant in this chapter was that the ship trim was impossible to correct even with the ship full
ballasted in the aft midship length. For this reason (and not only) it the hold volumes were
reduced. After the reduction (minimized to barely fulfill trim and CS requirements) the trim in
still water did not need ballast to balance the ship, however, as it will be seen ahead, for seagoing
conditions there was a need to correct the ship trim and for that was added ballast, which in turn
aggravated a little the trim in still-water.
The results are shown in the next table.

ρsw [t/m3] 1,025

LW+DW [ton] 38330,4
LCG -2,756
LCB -2,756
Δ 39288,6
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 8,5
TWL0 [m] 8
a 0,442
b -0,323
Trim [m] -0,323
Trim [º] -0,177
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,5
Table 22 - Stillwater hydrostatic results in Cargo condition.

All the equilibrium conditions now fulfilled led to the waterline represented in Figure 42.

draft z, [m] 8,4

Longitudinal position, x, [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m]

Figure 42 -True waterline draft in cargo condition, in orange.

The obtained trim is similar to that in the ballast condition for still-waters.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Cargo)


Weight [tons]





Figure 43 -Weight Distribution of Displacement in Still-Water (Cargo).

8.2 Seagoing quasi-static equilibrium

When a ship is in a seaway the waves with their troughs and crests produce a greater variation in
the buoyant forces and therefore can increase the bending moment, vertical shear force, and
stresses. This subject is going to be further developed in the next chapters.
Classically the extreme effects can be illustrated with the vessel balanced on a wave of length
equal to that of the ship. If the crest of the wave is amidships the buoyancy forces will tend to
‘hog’ the vessel; if the trough is amidships the buoyancy forces will tend to ‘sag’ the ship, Figure

Figure 44 - Sagging and hogging illustrations.

For the present work it was applied a unitary wave height. Next are illustrated the wave profiles
for sagging and hogging.

Induced Wave Profile


height [m]

0 50 100 150 200


Length [m]

Figure 45 - Induced wave profile for sagging.

Induced Wave Profile


height [m]

0 50 100 150 200


Length [m]

Figure 46 - Induce wave profile for hogging.

The calculations were made by summing the wave profile to the water lines and repeating the
same process as in still water, using the same weight distributions.
In the next calculations deflection was neglected.

8.2.1 Sagging in Ballast Condition
The results are shown next.
ρsw [t/m3] 1,025
LW+DW [ton] 23835,1
LCG -2,863
LCB -2,863
Δ 24430,9
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 5,6
TWL0 [m] 5,3
a 0,255
b -0,196
Trim [m] -0,196
Trim [º] -0,108
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,3
Table 23 -Sagging quasi-static results in Ballast condition.

All equilibrium conditions were fulfilled.

draft [m]


Longitudinal position, x, [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m] WL [m]

Figure 47 – Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft , in orange for sagging in ballast.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Ballast)
Weight [ton]


Figure 48 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Ballast).

The displacement distribution shows a trough amidship which was expectable in sagging due to
the lack of draft in that sections.
8.2.2 Hogging in Ballast Condition
After the calculations the trim increased its magnitude aft, Table 24, which is preferable. This
results from the equally decreased draft aft and fore and a higher prismatic coefficient at the
ρsw [t/m3] 1,025
LW+DW [ton] 23835,1
LCG -2,863
LCB -2,863
Δ 24430,9
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 5,15
TWL0 [m] 4,70
a 0,424
b -0,349
Trim [m] -0,349
Trim [º] -0,191
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,45
Table 24 - Hogging quasi-static results in Ballast condition.


draft [m]



Longitudinal position, x [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m] WL [m]

Figure 49 – Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for hogging in ballast.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Ballast)


weight [ton]




Figure 50 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Ballast).

There was an increase in underwater volume amidship and decrease in fore and aft sections.

8.2.3 Sagging in Cargo Condition
The results for Sagging quasi-static equilibrium conditions are shown below.
ρsw [t/m3] 1,025
LW+DW [ton] 38330,4
LCG -2,756
LCB -2,756
Δ 39288,6
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 8,5
TWL0 [m] 8,3
a 0,169
b -0,107
Trim [m] -0,107
Trim [º] -0,059
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,2
Table 25 - Sagging quasi-static results in cargo condition.

The trim was reduced by around 20cm by comparison with still-water full cargo condition.


draft [m]





Longitudinal position, x [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m] WL [m]

Figure 51 -Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for sagging in cargo.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Cargo)


weight [m]




Figure 52 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Sagging (Cargo).

8.2.4 Hogging in Cargo Condition

The results indicate an increase in aft trim but it is within reasonable values.
ρsw [t/m3] 1,025
LW+DW [ton] 38330,4
LCG -2,756
LCB -2,756
Δ 39288,6
LW+DW-Δ 0,00
LCG-LCB 0,00
TWLc [m] 8,4
TWL0 [m] 7,7
a 0,501
b -0,482
Trim [m] -0,482
Trim [º] -0,264
ε = (WLc - WL0) [m] 0,7
Table 26 - Hogging quasi-static results in cargo condition.

draft [m] 8,7

Longitudinal position, x [m]

WL0 [m] WL [m] WLc [m] WL [m]

Figure 53 - Still-water waterline draft, in yellow, and true waterline draft, in orange for Hogging in cargo.

Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Cargo)



weight [ton]





Figure 54 - Weight Distribution of Displacement in Hogging (Cargo).

9. Shear Forces and Bending Moments

9.1 Vertical Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water
If a homogeneous body of uniform cross-section and weight is floating in still water, at any section
the weight and buoyancy forces are equal and opposite. Therefore, there is no resultant force at a
section and the body will not be stressed or deformed. A ship floating in still water has an
unevenly distributed weight owing to both cargo distribution and structural distribution. The
buoyancy distribution is also non-uniform since the underwater sectional area is not constant
along the length. Total weight and total buoyancy are of course balanced, but at each section there
will be a resultant force or load, either an excess of buoyancy or excess of load. Since the vessel
remains intact there are vertical upward and downward forces tending to distort the vessel which
are referred to as vertical shearing forces, since they tend to shear the vertical material in the hull.
When lying in still water the vessel is subjected to bending moments either hogging and sagging
depending on the relative weight and buoyancy forces, and it will also be subjected to vertical
shear forces.

Figure 55 - Example of shear forces and respective bending moments.

By assuming:

• Only one independent variable, longitudinal position x;

• The loads and deflection have a single value at any cross section;

• The hull girder remains elastic, its deflection is small, and the longitudinal strain due to
bending varies linearly over the cross section, about some transverse axis of zero strain
(neutral axis);

• Dynamic effects may be either neglected or accounted for by equivalent static loads.

• Since the bending strain is linear, the horizontal and vertical bending of the hull girder
may be defined separately and superimposed.
For elastic, small deflection, beam theory the governing equation for the bending moment is:
𝜕 2 𝑀(𝑥)
= 𝑞(𝑥)
𝜕𝑥 2
Equation 46

where 𝑞(𝑥) is the loading on the beam, expressed as a distributed vertical force, t/m.
For a ship, this is a net distributed force that is resultant of the buoyancy force and the weight
force. In the sign convention adopted herein, forces are positive upward, but an exception is made
for the weight force, which is conventionally regarded as positive. The net force is:
𝑞(𝑥) = 𝑏(𝑥) − 𝑝(𝑥)
Equation 47

Figure 56 - Free body diagram of a differential element (Euler-Bernoulli).

Imposing vertical force equilibrium in a differential element:

Equation 48

Also by granting bending moment equilibrium comes Equation 49.

Equation 49

Further simplifying by neglecting the second order term finally we can state that:

Equation 50

9.1.1 Ballast Condition Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water
In the present condition the results are revealed below.

Load Distribution in still water (Ballast)


Figure 57 - Load Distribution on Ballast in still water.

It is interesting to note that when there is a change in the load distribution’s first derivative there’s
also a change in the first derivative of the shear force.

Stillwater - Ballast Condition

110000 1500
Bendding moment [ton.m]


Shear Force [ton]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-40000 -500
-140000 -2000

Msw Qsw

Figure 58 – Shear and Bending moment in still water – Ballast Condition

The shear distribution is not very smooth since the total weight distribution is shown in Figure 37
is not fair either. However, there’s no such drastic change in the load as it is shown in the next
page. But, because of the hull displacement weight smaller magnitudes the current situation
creates higher shear forces and much bigger bending moments.

9.1.2 Cargo Condition Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Still Water
In full cargo condition in still-water the results obtained were.

Load Distribution in still water (Cargo)



Load [ton]




Figure 59 - Load Distribution in still water (Cargo)

The increasing lower load values from station 3 to 6 have to do with a relative low weight
distribution when compared with the rapidly increasing hull displacement load in that area
which for the mean draft at cargo condition is very significant. On a side note: the load balance
in stations where there are full cargo holds is very even except for the sections [6 7] to [8 9]
where there is additional load because of the ballast, FOC and fresh water weight.

40000 1500

Bendding moment [ton.m]

20000 shear force [ton]


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

-40000 -1500

Figure 60 - Still water bending moment and shear force in cargo condition.

The steep load variation in station 6 provokes a substantial change in shear forces around that
location and obviously it also affects the longitudinal bending moment. Yet, both shear and
bending moment magnitudes are significantly lower than those of the ballasted condition for the
same sea condition.

9.2 Vertical Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Seagoing Conditions
A similar analysis was made to find the shear and bending moments in seagoing conditions.
9.2.1 Ballasted Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Sagging
Resulting from quasi-static conditions that provoke sagging in ballast condition, loads are shown

Load Distribution in Sagging (Ballast)

Load [tons]


Figure 61 - Load Distribution in Sagging (Ballast)

Giving the buoyancy distribution, in this condition, inverse similarity with the weights the
overall load distribution is more even than that of the calm waters.

45000 800
35000 600
Bending moment [ton.m]

25000 400 shear force [ton]

-5000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
-25000 -400

-35000 -600
-45000 -800

Mw Qw

Figure 62 - Sagging bending moment and shear force in Ballast condition.

In seagoing conditions, the immersed volume related weight dominate the shear forces since
the changes are of higher magnitude.

9.2.2 Ballasted Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Hogging

Load Distribution in Hogging (Ballast)


Load [ton]





Figure 63 - Load Distribution in Hogging (Ballast).

40000 800
30000 600
Bending moment [ton.m]

20000 400

Shear force [ton]

10000 200
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
-10000 -200
-20000 -400
-30000 -600
-40000 -800

Figure 64 - Hogging bending moment and shear force in Ballast condition.

9.2.3 Cargo Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Sagging

Load Distribution in Sagging (Cargo)


Load [ton]





Figure 65 - Load Distribution in Sagging (Cargo)

There is a relevant leap in the load from section [5 6] to [6 7] this drastic load change, due to the
full cargo tanks, will create high shear loads in station 6 as it is visible in Figure 66.
55000 800
Bending momnet [ton.m]

25000 400

Shear force [ton]

15000 200
0 5 10 15 20
-15000 -200
-25000 -400
-55000 -800

Figure 66 - Sagging bending moment and shear force in Cargo condition.

9.2.4 Cargo Shear and Longitudinal Bending in Hogging

Load Distribution in Hogging (Cargo)


Load [ton]





Figure 67 - Load Distribution in Hogging (Cargo)

40000 800
30000 600
bending moment [ton.m]

20000 400

shear force [ton]

10000 200
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
-10000 -200
-20000 -400
-30000 -600
-40000 -800

Figure 68 - Hogging bending moment and shear force in Cargo condition

9.3 Classification Societies Requirements
The classification societies each publish rules and regulations that are principally concerned with
the strength and structural integrity of the ship, the provision of adequate equipment, and the
reliability of the machinery.
The CS Rules calculate the design shear force distribution along the ship length covering:
• Design still water shear forces in seagoing condition;
• Design wave shear forces in seagoing condition.
The CS Rules calculate the design bending moment distribution along the ship length covering:
• The design still water bending moments in seagoing condition;
• Design wave bending moments in seagoing condition;
• Speed/flare corrected design wave bending moments in seagoing condition;
• A minimum hull girder section modulus requirement;
• Maximum allowable still water bending moments in harbor;
In this project were studied the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies)
strength assessment requirements for bulk carriers in seagoing conditions.
9.3.1 Still Water
The Shear Forces and Bending Moments depend heavily on the Sea State Conditions. IACS
imposes, for bending moments, a limit of:

Where intermediate values of ksw are to be obtained by linear interpolation.

Figure 69 - Distribution factor along the ship length.


CW 9,883 for 100 < LBP < 300 m
CWU 9,883
MSO, HOGGING [KNM] 1452720
MSO, SAGGING [KNM] -1251081
Table 27 - Design Still Water Bending Moments in seagoing conditions.


Bending Moment [kN.m]



0 50 100 150 200


Longitudinal position x [m]

MS, hogging [KNm] MS, sagging [KNm] MSW, Full Load [KNm] MSW, Ballast [KNm]

Figure 70 - IACS still water bending moment requirements.

This was the Classification Society requirement that implied a reduction of the cargo holds
volume. The initial weight would trim the ship fore and to balance it would be necessary to
ballast all tanks aft of midship adding excessive bending moments in the aft peak section. It was

found an error in the excel sheets that greatly influence the decision of reducing the volume.
The calculation of the net force in station 18 did not subtracted the impulsion force, so the only
option to keep the bending moment inside the envelope was the reduction of cargo. In the
present report the mistake was corrected but the volume reduction was maintained due to lack
of time to correct.

The IACS envelop for shear forces is calculated according to:

Where intermediate values of ksq are to be obtained by linear interpolation.







0 50 100 150 200

Figure 71 - - Distribution factor along the ship length for shear forces


QSO, HOGGING [KN] 34737,452
QSO, SAGGING [KN] -29915,850
Table 28 - Design Still Water Shear Forces in seagoing conditions.



Shear force [kN]


0 50 100 150 200 250



Longitudinal position x [m]

QS, hogging [KN] QS, sagging [KN] QSW, Full Load [KN] QSW, Ballast [KN]

Figure 72 - IACS still water Shear Force requirements

As it is visible, both class society requirements are fulfilled.

9.3.2 Seagoing Conditions
IACS requirements for Bending Moment in Full Load conditions for seagoing conditions is given

Figure 73 – Distribution factor fm.

The calculated parameters are shown next in

fnl-vh 1
fnl-vs 1,107272727
Table 29 - Bending moment envelope parameters


FP=FPS 1,000 for strength assesment
MWO, HOGGING [KNM] 1915574,349
MWO, SAGGING [KNM] -2121063,23
Table 30 - MAX Design Still Water Bending Moments in seagoing conditions.

IACS Requirements for Bending Moment in Ballast

Bending moment [kN.m]



0 50 100 150 200


longintudinal position x [m]

MWO, hogging [KNm] MWO, sagging [KNm]

MW sagging, Ballast [KNm] MW hogging, Ballast [KNm]

IACS Requirements for Bending Moment in Ballast

Bending moment [kN.m]

-500000 0 50 100 150 200
longitudinal position x [m]

MWO, hogging [KNm] MWO, sagging [KNm]

MW sagging, Ballast [KNm] MW hogging, Ballast [KNm]

Again the requirements are fulfilled, it must be said though, that the design wave used was 1
meter which will not be as critical as higher wave heights.

For shear forces IACS requires the calculations to be within the intervals calculated by:

Figure 74 - Distribution factor for positive shear forces.

Figure 75 - Distribution factor for negative shear forces.

QWP [KN] 25072,33159

QWN [KN] -25072,33159
Table 31 - Shear forces to apply distribution factors.

IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Ballast



Shear Force [kN]


0 50 100 150 200


Longitudinal position x [m]


QW sagging, Ballast [KN] QW hogging, Ballast [KN]

Figure 76 - IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Ballast.

IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Full Load


Shear force [kN]


0 50 100 150 200


Longitudinal position x [m]


QW hogging, Full Load [KN] QW sagging, Full Load [KN]

Figure 77 - IACS Requirements for Shear Forces in Full Load

IACS requirements for shear force in seagoing conditions are fulfilled for both cargo conditions.

10. Primary Direct Stress

From classic bending theory the bending stress (σ) at any point in a beam is given by:
σ= (𝑧 − 𝑧𝑛 )
Equation 51

where M is the applied bending moment, 𝑧 − 𝑧𝑛 is the distance of the point considered from
neutral axis, and I is the second moment of area of cross-section of beam about the neutral axis.
When the beam bends it is observed that the extreme fibers are, in the case of hogging, in tension
at the top and in compression at the bottom. Somewhere between the two there is a position where
the fibers are neither in tension nor compression. This position is called the neutral axis, and at
the furthest fibers from the neutral axis the greatest stress occurs for plane bending. It should be
noted that the neutral axis always contains the center of gravity of the cross-section. In the
equation the second moment of area (I) of the section is a divisor; therefore, the greater the value
of the second moment of area, the less the bending stress will be. This second moment of area of
section varies as the depth squared and therefore a slight increase in depth of section can be very
beneficial in reducing the bending stress.
Occasionally reference is made to the sectional modulus (W) of a beam; this is simply the ratio
between the second moment of area and the distance of the point considered from the neutral axis,
i.e. I/y = W.
The bending stress (σ) is then given by:
σ =
Equation 52

Elementary Bernoulli-Euler beam theory is usually used in computing the primary stress or
deflection due to vertical or lateral hull bending loads.
Several simplifications are assumed to allow the applicability of beam theory:

• The beam is prismatic, i.e. all cross sections are the same.

• Plane cross sections remain plane and merely rotate as the beam deflects.

• Transverse (Poisson) effects on strain are neglected.

• The material behaves elastically, the moduli of elasticity in tension and compression
being equal.

• Shear effect (stresses, strains) can be separated from and do not influence bending stresses
or strains.
The following data is the result of the vessel calculated stresses using beam theory.

Section Modulus
WBottom [m3] 19,618
WDeck [m3] 19,983
Table 32 - Section Modulus

Full Load
SW+Hogging SW+Sagging Z [m]
σmidship, Bottom [MPa] -35,2 37,0 0
σmidship, Deck [MPa] 34,5 -36,4 15,9
Table 33 - Full load stresses on deck and bottom

SW+Hogging SW+Sagging Z [m]
σmidship, Bottom [MPa] -73,9 75,8 0
σmidship, Deck [MPa] 72,6 -74,4 15,9
Table 34 - Ballast stresses on deck and bottom

σmidship in Full Load σmidship in Ballast

18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
-60,0 -40,0 -20,0 0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 -100,0 -50,0 0,0 50,0 100,0

SW+Hogging SW+Sagging SW+Hogging SW+Sagging

Figure 78 - Stress variation along z linear interpolation.

The maximum bending moments used to calculate bending stresses were from station 12, in full
cargo, and station 10, for ballast condition. Because the ballast bending moments were higher the
bending stress were also higher than in full cargo condition.
The bending stresses cross the y axis at the neutral axis in both cases as expected.

11. Deflection
For a homogeneous isotropic linear elastic material, the stress is related to the strain by the
Equation 53.
σ = Eε
Equation 53

Where E is the Young's modulus. Hence the stress in an Euler–Bernoulli beam is given by
𝜕 2 𝑤(𝑥)
𝜎 = 𝑧𝐸
𝜕𝑥 2
Equation 54

The function w(x) describes the deflection of the beam in the z direction at some position x (recall
that the beam is modeled as a one-dimensional object).
𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
𝜎 𝑀 1 𝑀
𝑤(𝑥) = ∬ 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑥 = ∬ 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑥 = ∬ 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑥
0 𝑧𝐸 0 𝑧𝐸 𝑊 0 𝐸𝐼

Equation 55

Where M is the section bending moment in the considered seagoing condition. For the current
work only sagging and hogging conditions were considered. Also, was considered a Young’s
modulus value of 210GPa.

Full Load Ballast

E [Pa] 2,1E+11 E [Pa] 2,1E+11

Mmidship, hogging [KNm] 690340,164 Mmidship, hogging [KNm] 1450082,010

Mmidship, sagging [KNm] 726575,507 Mmidship, sagging [KNm] 1486234,019

Imidship [m4] 157,402 Imidship [m4] 157,402

Table 35 - Parameters for deflection calculation.

δ [mm]

-100 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1

Ballast SW+Hogging Ballast SW+Sagging
Full Load SW+Hogging Full Load SW+Sagging

Figure 79 - Hull deflection.

As seen in previous chapters the bending moments are much greater in ballast condition, this led
to bigger deflection as it is visible in Figure 79 - Hull deflection..
12. Shear Flow
The multi-cell box girder is widely used in the marine engineering sphere. The cross-section is
assumed to comprise several thin limbs connected at their ends. Equilibrium of an element ds
relates the shear flow qv along the limb in the plane of the section to changes in the bending stress
normal to the section. In the case of pure bending, that is when the section does not rotate due to
twisting, the shear force vector Q must, by definition, act through the shear center.
12.1 Determinate Shear Flow
The determinate shear flow, qD in N/mm, at each location in the cross section, for a unit shear
force, can be obtained from the following line integration:
𝑞𝐷 (𝑆) = − ∫ (𝑧 − 𝑧𝑁 )𝑡 𝑑𝑆
106 𝐼𝑦𝑦 0
Equation 56

Where 𝐼𝑦𝑦 is the moment of inertia of the cross section, in m4, 𝑡 is the plate net thickness or
equivalent net thickness, in mm, and 𝑆 is the length running coordinate along cross section, in m.
Assuming the cross section is composed of line segments as shown in Figure 80, the determinate
shear flow can be calculated by Equation 57.
𝑞𝐷𝑘 = 𝑞𝐷 (𝑙) = − (𝑧 + 𝑧𝑖 − 2𝑧𝑁 ) + 𝑞𝐷𝑖
106 𝐼𝑦𝑦 𝑘
Equation 57

𝑞𝐷𝑘 , 𝑞𝐷𝑖 : Determinate shear flow at node k and node i respectively, in N/mm.
𝑙 : Length of line segments, in m.
𝑧𝑘 , 𝑧𝑖 : Z coordinate of the end point of line segment, in m, as defined in Figure 80.

Figure 80 - Definition of line segment.

Where the cross section includes closed cells, the closed cell is to be cut with virtual slits, as
shown in Figure 81 to obtain the determinate shear flow.
However, the virtual slits must not be located at the walls by which the other closed cell is also
Calculations of the determinate shear flow at bifurcation points can be calculated such as water
flow calculations.

Figure 81 - Calculation of determinate shear flow at bifurcation

Shear flow was only calculated for one side of the cross section due to its symmetry. In figure
Figure 82 is represented the paths and their directions as well as the slits to “open” the cells.

Figure 82 - Ranges and directions of paths for line integrations

The redundant closed cell section is transformed into a determinate section by imagining cuts to
be introduced in each closed cell, across which the shear flow cannot pass. The shear flow
distribution in the determinate structure is then calculated. Starting at a point where the shear flow
is known to be zero. The locations of the virtual slits and the paths of line integrations can be
arbitrarily determined to calculate them easily
The virtual slits are added to cut the walls of the closed cells as shown in Figure 82. The
calculation results are shown in Table 36. Then, the line integrations specified in Equation 57 are
performed to obtain determinate shear flow, qD.

Determinate shear flow
path number element node i node k qDi [N/mm] qDk [N/mm] note
ab a b 0 1,87824E-06 Start from the virtual slit
1 bc b c 1,87824E-06 2,72793E-06
cv c v 2,72793E-06 4,194E-06
cd c d 0 2,4624E-06 Start from the virtual slit
du d u 2,4624E-06 3,92847E-06
de d e 0 2,4624E-06 Start from the virtual slit
et e t 2,4624E-06 3,92847E-06
ef e f 0 2,4624E-06 Start from the virtual slit
fs f s 2,4624E-06 3,92847E-06
fg f g 0 2,57287E-06 Start from the virtual slit
5 gh g h 2,57287E-06 3,72432E-06
hi h i 3,72432E-06 8,48395E-06
jl j l 0 -1,56411E-06
lm l m -1,56411E-06 -5,56334E-06
mn m n -5,56334E-06 -9,89232E-06
6 no n o -9,89232E-06 -2,34204E-05
or o r -2,34204E-05 -2,47921E-05
rj r j -2,47921E-05 -2,92713E-05
ji j i -2,92713E-05 -2,89001E-05
7 vx v x 3,13236E-06 4,7624E-06 Start with the sum of qDK at the ends of path 1 & 8
8 uv u v -2,69168E-06 -1,06164E-06 Start with the sum of qDK at the ends of path 2 & 9
9 tu t u -8,25019E-06 -6,62015E-06 Start with the sum of qDK at the ends of path 3 & 10
10 st s t -1,38087E-05 -1,21787E-05 Start with the sum of qDK at the ends of path 4 & 11
11 is i s -2,04162E-05 -1,77372E-05 Start with the sum of qDK at the ends of path 5 & 6
12 xa x a 4,7624E-06 6,08187E-06 Start with qDK at the end of path 7

Table 36 - Determinate shear flow for unitary shear force.

Under this shear flow distribution, the cells will distort due to the torsional effects introduced and
this will lead to a loss of compatibility at the cuts. To restore compatibility, correcting shear flows
must be introduced in each cell.
12.2 Indeterminate Shear Flow
A major problem in the analysis of box girders is the determination of the shear flow distribution
around the closed cells of a section.
The indeterminate shear flow is working around the closed cells and can be considered as a
constant value within the same closed cell. The system of equations to determine the
indeterminate shear flows can be developed and in the equations, contour integrations of several
parameters around all closed cells are performed.

1 1 𝑞𝐷
𝑞𝐼𝑘 ∮ 𝑑𝑆 − ∑ 𝑞𝐼𝑖 ∮ 𝑑𝑆 = − ∮ 𝑑𝑆
𝑘 𝑡 𝑘,𝑖 𝑡 𝑘 𝑡

Equation 58

Where qIk, qli are indeterminate/corrective shear flows around the closed cell k and i respectively,
in N/mm.

Figure 83 - Closed cells and common wall.

Assuming line segments like in Figure 80 a discretization of the Equation 58 is shown below.
𝑙 𝑙
𝑞𝐼𝑘 ∑ − ∑ 𝑞𝐼𝑖 ( ) |𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑘 = − ∑ 𝜙
𝑡 𝑡
𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑘 𝑖 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑘

Equation 59

𝑞𝐷 (𝑆) 𝑙2 𝑙
𝜙=∫ 𝑑𝑆 = − 6
(𝑧𝑘 + 2𝑧𝑖 − 3𝑧𝑁 ) + 𝑞𝐷𝑖
0 𝑡 6 × 10 𝐼𝑦𝑦 𝑡
Equation 60

The difference in the directions of running coordinates must be considered.

To obtain the system of equations for indeterminate shear flows, the contour integrations around
5 closed cells as defined in Figure 84 were performed. The closed cell at the center of double
bottom was considered as an open shape because of the symmetrical condition of the cross

Figure 84 - Numbering of closed cells

Indeterminate shear flow
cell element node i node k qDi (N/mm) L/t ϕ (N/mm) note
cd c d 0,00E+00 145,507 0,000179
du d u 2,46E-06 97,405 0,000314 Common wall with cell 2
uv u v -2,69E-06 171,184 -0,000321
vc v c -4,19E-06 97,405 -0,000340
total 511,502 -0,000168

de d e 0,00E+00 145,507 0,000179

et e t 2,46E-06 97,405 0,000314 Common wall with cell 3
tu t u -8,25E-06 171,184 -0,001273
ud u d -3,93E-06 97,405 -0,000314 Common wall with cell 1
total 511,502 -0,001094

ef e f 0,00E+00 145,507 0,000179

fs f s 2,46E-06 97,405 0,000314 Common wall with cell 4
st s t -1,38E-05 171,184 -0,002224
te t e -3,93E-06 97,405 -0,000314 Common wall with cell 2
total 511,502 -0,002045

fg f g 0,00E+00 152,034 0,000196

gh g h 2,57E-06 76,502 0,000243
4 hi h i 3,72E-06 67,516 0,000418
is i s -2,04E-05 311,794 -0,005963
sf s f -3,93E-06 97,405 -0,000314 Common wall with cell 3
total 705,252 -0,005421

jl j l 0,00E+00 90,556 -0,000067

lm l m -1,56E-06 16,646 -0,000058
mn m n -5,56E-06 16,646 -0,000129
no n o -9,89E-06 87,912 -0,001464
or o r -2,34E-05 74,269 -0,001792
rj r j -2,48E-05 312,175 -0,008474
total 598,205 -0,011984
Table 37 - Contour integration of l/t and ϕ around closed cells

Using these values to solve for the indeterminate shear flow we have the following matrix:

qi1 qi2 qi3 qi4 qi5

cell 1 511,5016646 -97,40543003 0 0 0
cell 2 -97,40543003 511,5016646 -97,40543003 0 0
cell 3 0 -97,40543003 511,5016646 -97,40543003 0
cell 4 0 0 -97,40543003 705,2522518 0
cell 5 0 0 0 0 598,2049605
Table 38 – l/t coefficient to calculate corrective shear flow.

Which, then multiplied by the indeterminate shear flow column matrix is equal to the column
matrix of the ϕ values.

Table 39 - Φcell in N/mm.

Inverting the first matrix and then multiplying be the second one we reach the values of the
indeterminate/corrective shear flow.

qi1 2,88309E-06
qi2 5,86211E-06
qi3 8,78611E-06
qi4 1,10504E-05
qi5 2,39477E-05
Table 40 - Indeterminate shear flow in N/mm.

12.3 Total Shear Flow and Shear Stress

The final shear flow distribution is obtained by superimposing the correcting shear flows on the
shear flow distribution in the determinate structure.
𝑞𝑉 = 𝑞𝐷 + 𝑞𝐼
Equation 61

Now multiplying the shear flow by the maximum shear force calculated before outcomes in Table
41 results, also graphically represented in Figure 85. Which, then dividing by the respective plate
thickness gives the shear stress in each plate.
Note that the actual maximum shear force occurs in the neutral axis, however calculations were
not made for this node, and so the graphical representation is not very accurate, especially in plate

Plate qvi [N/mm] qvk ×[N/mm]
ab 0,000 31,151
bc 31,151 45,243
cv 91,439 115,754
cd 93,930 134,769
du 180,965 205,280
de 93,930 134,769
et 275,550 299,865
ef 140,781 181,621
fs 358,683 382,998
fg 177,063 219,734
gh 219,734 238,831
hi 238,831 317,771
ij -548,349 -554,505
jl 383,718 357,777
lm 357,777 291,449
mn 291,449 219,652
no 219,652 -73,749
or -73,749 -96,498
rj -96,498 -170,788
xv -17,085 9,950
vu -67,481 -40,447
ut -111,937 -84,902
ts -157,274 -130,239
si -230,579 -186,147
xa 9,950 31,833
Table 41 - Shear flow for maximum shear force.

Figure 85 - Shear flow graphical representation.

The shear stresses are given in Table 42 - Maximum shear stresses

τi [MPa] τk [MPa] Plate

0,000 1,468 ab
1,710 2,483 bc
5,018 6,353 cv
5,155 7,396 cd
9,932 11,266 du
5,155 7,396 de
15,123 16,457 et
7,726 9,968 ef
19,685 21,020 fs
9,718 12,060 fg
12,060 13,108 gh
5,384 7,163 hi
-12,361 -12,499 ij
17,549 16,363 jl
4,963 4,043 lm
4,043 3,047 mn
3,029 -1,017 no
-3,652 -4,778 or
-4,778 -8,456 rj
-1,103 0,642 xv
-4,357 -2,612 vu
-7,227 -5,482 ut
-10,155 -8,409 ts
-14,888 -12,019 si
0,607 1,941 xa
Table 42 - Maximum shear stresses

Even though there’s no information in this project to verify Von Mises yield criterion it was
checked, just to put in perspective with the shear stresses, what was the minimum yield stress of
common steels used in ship construction. From IACS - Common Structural Rules for Bulk
Carriers and Oil Tankers it was taken the following material properties:

Table 43 - Mechanical properties of hull steels

Applying a safety factor of 60% to the minimum yield stresses:
60% of Specified minimum yield stress [MPa]
ABDE 141
AH32… 189
AH36… 213
AH40… 234
Table 44 - 60% of Specified minimum yield stress [MPa].

The maximum shear stress is obtained in plate fs with a magnitude of 21MPa which is well below
the conservative minimum yield stress for the lower yield stress resistant material.
13. Conclusion
The purpose of the present work was to improve the knowledge of the physics and numerical
approximations in structural behavior professional programs. Being so the resemblance of the
results with real ship are not very accurate. Several approximations were made to compensate the
lack of knowledge in some area, for example in the dimensioning of the sections and tank volume
calculation, and the time that would be consumed by doing such project in a program like Excel.
The tank capacities dimensioning, in chapter 5.1, proved to be the most time consuming due to
fact that it was tried not to use the same approximation from previous years and make a ratio of
areas. The areas ratio would reduce areas of the bottom tanks and it would not be acceptable since
their girders must run continuously to the possible length.
Another major issue was trimming the ship aft in full cargo condition. The impossibility to do so
with the tanks first dimensions led to an unwanted cargo holds reduction, showing a possible error
in the method to calculate the volumes or even in the geometry of the hull found by interpolating
the Series 60 graphs.
The Classification Societies’ requirements were fulfilled but to be so there were several changes
made in the ship, which clearly indicates the importance of this entities in the design of the ship.
A calculation error in a cell formula led to further reduce the tanks volume to fulfill the CS
requirements. Yet, even though this error was found and corrected the hold’s volume was kept
the same to guaranty the project deadline.
Longitudinal bending moments showed expected hull deflection especially in ballast condition
were the balance between load and buoyancy was most uneven.
This deflection led to the analysis of shear flows and shear stresses.

14. References

[1] Todd, F. H. “Series 60 Methodical Experiments with Models of Single-Screw

Merchant Ships.” Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical
Information, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia, July 1963.
[2] “Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers.”, IACS, 1 January


Appendix A

clear all
Z=[0 0.054245283 0.18081761 0.36163522 0.54245283 0.72327044 0.90408805 1];
X=[0 10.455 20.91 31.365 41.82 52.275 62.73 73.185 83.64 94.095 104.55
115.005125.46 135.915146.37 156.825167.28 177.735188.19 198.645209.1];

Y=[0 0.652453282 2.85421969 6.505951503 10.40493938 13.4642361

15.07425 15.07425 15.07425 15.07425 15.07425
14.93309885 14.34790334 13.19586309 11.37786309 9.251635267
6.785919495 4.453406352 2.238465772 0.731360898 0;
0 1.759406563 4.690801002 8.371829534 11.77128888 14.00662625 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.00884885 14.48638718 13.6818368
12.56383078 11.02269167 9.089786418 6.937472891 4.518754107
2.047810515 0;
0 2.36004886 5.845632315 9.711390519 12.90896363 14.54901641 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.05589923 14.76335487 14.37932366
13.62699808 12.41233078 10.61524206 8.52038116 6.002387184
3.071715772 0;
0 2.809191157 7.303463627 11.3539515 14.02805706 15.0767582 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.10294962 14.95667744 14.73721577
14.20429847 13.20903943 11.59999206 9.481605968 6.728520262
3.364260131 0;
0 3.882914767 9.197213627 12.88502461 14.65548788 15.12070328 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.08726616 14.84956051 14.44723193
13.53817853 12.04403642 9.852514238 7.021064621 3.510532311 0;
1.212 6.964725752 11.51901641 14.00947575 14.92132525 15.15 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.10817744 14.94360789 14.61441539
13.77849808 12.34912755 10.16125416 7.243086801 3.65680449 0;
4.0905 9.79677247 13.1776505 14.65548788 15.03566263 15.15 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.11654195 14.98488631 14.70584885
13.95613718 12.6709477 10.59433078 7.627064621 4.11130449
5.295913043 10.82175143 13.70567998 14.79933918 15.09631115 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.13428926 15.04335167 14.76266739
14.09747612 12.93421445 11.01277323 8.184044673 4.589310181


for b=1:length(X)

Appendix B

clear all
%this program calculates the aproximation of the maximum height of the
%bilge tank geometry relative to the keel for each station
z=[0 0.8625 2.875 5.75 8.625 11.5 14.375 15.9];
% z is the height of the water lines
x=[0 10.455 20.91 31.365 41.82 52.275 62.73 73.185 83.64 94.095 104.55
115.005125.46 135.915146.37 156.825167.28 177.735188.19 198.645209.1];
% x is the x position of the stations
y=[0 0.652453282 2.85421969 6.505951503 10.40493938 13.4642361 15.07425
15.07425 15.07425 15.07425 15.07425 14.93309885
14.34790334 13.19586309 11.37786309 9.251635267 6.785919495
4.453406352 2.238465772 0.731360898 0;
0 1.759406563 4.690801002 8.371829534 11.77128888 14.00662625 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.00884885 14.48638718 13.6818368
12.56383078 11.02269167 9.089786418 6.937472891 4.518754107
2.047810515 0;
0 2.36004886 5.845632315 9.711390519 12.90896363 14.54901641 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.05589923 14.76335487 14.37932366
13.62699808 12.41233078 10.61524206 8.52038116 6.002387184
3.071715772 0;
0 2.809191157 7.303463627 11.3539515 14.02805706 15.0767582 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.10294962 14.95667744 14.73721577
14.20429847 13.20903943 11.59999206 9.481605968 6.728520262
3.364260131 0;
0 3.882914767 9.197213627 12.88502461 14.65548788 15.12070328 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.08726616 14.84956051 14.44723193
13.53817853 12.04403642 9.852514238 7.021064621 3.510532311 0;
1.212 6.964725752 11.51901641 14.00947575 14.92132525 15.15 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.10817744 14.94360789 14.61441539
13.77849808 12.34912755 10.16125416 7.243086801 3.65680449 0;
4.0905 9.79677247 13.1776505 14.65548788 15.03566263 15.15 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.11654195 14.98488631 14.70584885
13.95613718 12.6709477 10.59433078 7.627064621 4.11130449
5.295913043 10.82175143 13.70567998 14.79933918 15.09631115 15.15 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.13428926 15.04335167 14.76266739
14.09747612 12.93421445 11.01277323 8.184044673 4.589310181

%y is the breadth of the hull at x,z

phi=38; %inside angle of the diagonal straigh plate to the horizontal line
H=1.774807269; %bottom tank height
y_H=[0 2.031689959 5.214309574 8.979079832 12.28702003 14.25250277 15.15
15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.03017775 14.61194228 13.99802181
13.04578619 11.6526434 9.781306552 7.655037473 5.191315221
2.511967637 0];

B2=[0 0.609506988 1.564292872 2.69372395 3.686106009 4.27575083 4.545

4.545 4.545 4.545 4.545 4.509053324 4.383582685 4.199406543
3.913735856 3.495793021 2.934391966 2.296511242 1.557394566
0.753590291 0];
%B2 is the distance from B(z=H) to the first bottom tank
z1 = 0:0.001:z(end);
z = z';
for i=6:20
p = polyfit(z,y(:,i),5);
y1(i-5,:) = polyval(p,z1);


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