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Submitted to,

Md. Arafater Rahaman Bhuiyan

Assistant Professor

Department of Management

Faculty of Business Administration

Bangladesh University of Business & technology (BUBT)

Submitted by,
Group Name: Team Accelerate

BBA 38th Intake

Department of Human Resource Management

Sec: B

Bangladesh University of Business & technology (BUBT)

Submission Date: September 15, 2018

Prepared by: Team Accelerate

SL No. Name ID

1 Naz Islam Elma 15161101133

2 Shayem Mahamud 15161101110

3 Fatema Tujjohora 15161101122

4 Nadim Mahmud 15161101126

5 Jamir Uddin 15161101102

Letter of Transmittal
15 September, 2018

Md. Arafater Rahaman Bhuiyan

Assistant Professor

Department of Management

Faculty of Business Administration

Bangladesh University of Business & technology (BUBT)

Subject: Submission of case study.

Dear Sir

Here is the report that you asked to prepare us on “is something wrong ? ”

We prepare this case study with our sincerity and serious effort. Thank you for providing us the
opportunity to prepare the case that will enlarge our knowledge about application of informal
interview format and process of background investigation ,which will be helpful in our future

In preparing this report we have to work with some limitations. But we have tried our level best
to present the relationship between our course material and the assigned case, which was
required to present.

Sincerely yours,

Naz Islam Elma ,

On behalf of the

Team Accelerate

BBA 38th Intake , Section: B

Department of Human Resource Management

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology


For preparing this report we got cordial help of our course teacher. This due co-operation helped
us in understanding the management procedure and it’s different application in real life and
therefore, helped us a lot to prepare the assigned case study.

Therefore , we are thankful especially to :

Md. Arafater Rahaman Bhuiyan

Assistant Professor

Department of Management

Faculty Of Business Administration

Bangladesh University of Business & technology (BUBT

For assigning is such practical life oriented assignment to make us familiar with the real
application of informal interview format and background investigation .Therefore , this report
preparation helped us a lot to be acquainted with the relation of our study with real world .

Table of contents

Particular page

Executive Summary

This report reflects the real scenario of an interviewer and interviewee. Here, the interviewer
post a advertisement for a particular post and the interviewee applied for the job submit her job
documents. After that the interviewee is called and interviewed finally both parties reach an
mutual agreement by a successful discussion.

The objective of the report preparation is to present a totally informal interview real Example
case & from this report we can get many inform about informal interview format and how can
interview get background into about interview.


As scope of job description is very wide, but here in the given case study we had to concentrate
on specific pant of J/D whether the case followed the formal interview format.

Limitation of Import:

As interview format And background investigation is a wide process but in our assignment case
we have very little scope to get necessary information for making such analysis .Often the past
job does not like to provide necessary informal that are collected from background investigation
are not accurate , faulty .

Case in Brief

“Is Something Wrong?”

Pasty Swain, district sales manager for Avco Electronics, was preparing to interview her first
applicant , Ray Wyscup , for a sales representative position. She had advertised for an individual
with detailed knowledge of computers and spreadsheet software in addition to a minimum of five
years sales experience.

“Hello, Ray I am Pasty Swain. I have looked at your resume and am anxious to talk to you about
this job. You have a very impressive sales record.”

“Its nice to meet you, pat. Your ad in the journal certainly caught my attention. I would like to be
with a firm offering such a promising career.”

“Glad you saw it, Ray. We like to believe that our firm is unique and truly has something to offer
top caliber people such as you. Why don’t you begin this session by telling me all about
yourself? We are a very close knit group here, and I would like to learn about you and your
family .”

Ray appeared to be very relaxed and comfortable in Pasty’s presence . He began, “well,you see, I
am a single parent with two preschool children. Since I am only 41 years old, I am pretty well
able to keep up with their various activities. Of course, you understand that one gets sick
occasionally , and this causes me to take a few personal days off. But, I have always been able
to handle it. This circumstances wouldn’t affect my job performance.”

“Well, I am sure it wouldn’t .I also have some youngsters at home.” Pat replied .”would you now
tell me about your last job with IBX?”

Ray , feeling more confident than ever, began,” Well, Patsy, I had a brief, but very successful
stint with them. But I had rather you contact them about me. You see, my regional manager and I
had a personality conflict, and I am afraid he might not tell a straight story.”

“I see ,”Patsy said “What about your position before that, your job with Uniserv?”

“I did well there too,” Ray stated. “But that outfit went belly up . I have no idea where any of
those people are now .”

After the interview had continued for about an hour, Patsy said, “well, I guess that about wraps it
up, Ray,unless you have questions for me.”

“No,” Ray responded, “ I believe I understand the nature of the position, and I can assure you
that I will do a great job for you.”

Pat smiled and nodded and the two shook hands as ray departed.

Questions to be answered

1. Do you agree with the interview format followed by Patsy swain? Explain
2. How will Patsy handle a background investigation of Ray Wyscup?

Question-No: 1) Do you agree with the interview format followed by Pasty Swain?

Answer: Yes, I am agreeing with the interview format followed by pasty swain. It was an
informal interview format. From the discussion we have got this following info:

Applicant Name:
Ray Wyscup

Position Requested:
Sales Representative

Work Experience:
Pasty checked Ray’s past job background. She had an impressive sales reward in her past jobs
IBX and Unisenv.

Applicable Skills:
He asked Ray about her skills like: risk taking ability, responsibility, keeps balance between
work and family. Overall a challenge takes and confident and dedicated to job.

Straight forward, decent, friendly.

Finally we can say that it was successfully interview with mutual understanding of interviewer
and interviewee.

Question-No:2) How will patsy handle a background investigation of Ray Wyscup?

Answer: Pasty can handle background investigation of Ray wyscup by formally and
informally. Which is also called two factor investigations. By formally pasty can contact the HR
department of the past jobs, he could email them regarding the information of Ray and wait for
reply and after that match the information that received from HR with the information that are
given in resume. Often successful accomplishment in the formal investigation.

Pasty could go for informal investigation, there he could send his representative to Ray’s past
jobs physically and discuss with her ex-colleague’s, team meats, and supervisor. He could also
investigate in her residential area regarding her past records, attitudes etc.


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