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Abigail Torres-Jimenez

Adaptive Technology/Emerging Technology/Innovative Uses

CSN Education Department, EDU 214

November 29,2017
Adaptive or Assistive Technology

Talking Calculator - a calculator with the programming to read

aloud each number, symbol, operational key and answer to the

-Greatly benefits children with dyscalculia

dyscalculia= difficulty learning/comprehending math

- also benefits those who are hearing or visually impaired

Where it can be found and price? $12
.95 provides many assisting

technology options that include the
talking calculator. The talking calculator
ranges in price starting at $12.95 -
$499.95 depending on programming
Emerging Technology: Virtual Labs
Virtual labs- online learning labs that extend science learning through the use of online
programing to conduct experiments

How are virtual labs beneficial?

1. Flexible access
2. Instant feedback
3. High end equipment
4. Low cost
5. Safety (does not need to be the biggest concern)
Virtual Labs continued
-Science is a subject many students dread, giving them the opportunity to stimulate
experiments in a nonhazardous matter can help science be a more lovable subject. This form
of learning can help reach all four learning style students from visual to kinesthetic learners.

-Unischoollabs, current virtual/remote lab program used in Europe, finalized September of

2012. Now has been adapted by 12 universities throughout Greece, Italy and Germany.

-Tool kits can be found at, each kit includes three main features

1. the lab catalogue;

2. the activities created by other users;
3. the tool for creating new activities or reusing an existing one.
Innovative Uses: Blogs
Student participation in class is not always what one expects because many are shy and
don’t want to share but with technology being what it is today this can easily be solved
through the use of a blog. A blog is a form of social media but can be run by an individual or
small group which allows for better supervision of content.
Blog Benefits
1. Blogs can easily be set up
2. Allow easy student discussions and projecting of projects
3. Many blog creating sites are free or prices can range from $1.99 - $6.95 depending on
the site.
4. Allows parent involvement by having the ability to view class discussions or projects
5. Blogs can be used to help those who are absent not fall behind or be confused

I choose to look into the second most rated blog site which is it is a free blog
site, that can be easily accessed and created with three simple steps.
1. n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
2. 2., 1., 3., 1., & 2. (2016, May 19). 4 Benefits of Virtual Labs. Retrieved November 28, 2017,
3. Dyscalculia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2017, from
4. Maxi Handheld Talking Calculator with Alarm - English. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2017,
5. Talking Calculators and Assistive Technology in Schools and Home. (2012, August 29).
Retrieved November 27, 2017, from

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