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Kelompok 6

Dian wahyuni
Priscilla lumenta
I Komang budi


The priority of diagnoses is nursing diagnoses or nursing problems, if not addressed at this
time, it will adversely affect the state of function and health status.
The most important diagnosis is a nursing diagnosis or a collaborative problem where the
intervention can be delayed for a while without any impact on the status of the health function.
Some hierarchies that can be used to determine planning priorities are:
1) Maslow's Hierarchy
Maslow (1943) explains that human needs are divided into five stages, namely:
a. Physiological
b. Feeling safe and comfortable
c. Social
d. Pride
e. Self-actualization.
Physiological needs are usually the top priority for clients compared to other needs.
Setting priorities
Priority setting is very much needed because it can identify the sequence of nursing
interventions when the client has a problem in setting priorities not only paying attention to
physiological aspects but also aspects of the client's desires, needs, and safety.
Priorities are classified into three, namely high, medium and low
1) High priority
Priorities based on nursing diagnoses can cause threats to clients or other people if they are not
handled immediately.
2) Medium priority
This priority includes non-life threatening non-emergency client needs.
3) Low priority
Includes needs that are not directly related to a specific disease
Prioritizing the sequence of nursing diagnoses
In the assessment, the nurse found various problems with the client. After formulating a nursing
diagnosis for a client's problem, the nurse starts making a sequence of nursing diagnoses. The
sequence of nursing diagnoses allows nurses, clients and the closest person to manage client
problems in the order of importance and urgency.
Nursing diagnoses are sorted by high, medium and low priority. Nurses, clients, family and
closest people focus on efforts to address client problems with the highest priority first. High
priority problems reflect life threatening situations (eg clean airway). Problems with priorities
are related to situations that are not urgent and situations that do not threaten the client's life
(eg individual hygiene). Low priority problems are not directly related to the state of illness or
specific problems (eg, problems with the client's social needs). High priority issues (eg making
a clean airway) require quick attention before low priority problems (eg meeting client social
The hierarchy of needs of Abraham Maslow (1968) helps nurses prioritize the order of nursing
diagnoses. This hierarchical framework includes physiological and psychological needs. The
five levels of the hierarchy are:
• Physiological
• Safety and security
• Loving and possessing
• Pride
• Self-actualization
Physiological needs must be met before higher needs such as self-actualization. For example,
people who lack food will look for

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