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Ira Kaimudin (0130403123). Supervisor I Dr. Patma Sopamena, M.Pd and

Supervisor II Kasliyanto, M.Pd. Visual Thinking Representation of Student Class VIII
MTsN Kambelu Huamual district regency Seram Bagian Barat in solving problem
linear equation system two variables, Mathematics Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah
IAIN Ambon 2017.
This study aims to describe the visual thinking representation of grade VIII
students MTsN kambelu Huamual subdistrict, Regency SBB in solving problem
linear equation system two variables. The type of research is descriptive qualitative.
The study was conducted from August 27 to September 15, 2017.
Subjects in this study amounted to 5 people consisting of 3 subjects who meet
the characteristics of representation of visual thinking and answered correctly
represented by S1 and 2 that meet the characteristics of visual thinking
representations that answer wrong by doing reflection so that answers become
correctly represented by S2.
Instruments used in this study are researchers, test questions, and interviews. Based
on the analysis of research and discussion obtained can be concluded that the visual
representation ability of students of class VIII MTsN Kambelu Huamual District
Regency Seram Bagian Barat in solving the problem of system of linear equations
two variables obtained subject S1 in the process of completion of test questions, S1
meet the characteristics of visual thinking (making symbols written, pictures or
equations) and the answer is true. on the subject of S2 also meets the characteristics
of visual thinking representation. But the subject of S2 makes a mistake in the
operation process resulting in an error in the final answer and after the reflection the
answer becomes correct.

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