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Title : Lack of practice of Malaysian values and the spirit of being a good Malaysian
especially among the younger generation


I. Concept of Youth

 The Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (2010) defines youth as “the time of
life when a person is young especially the time before a child becomes an adult” .

 Mabogunje and Obasanjo (1990) in Oyebamiji (2008), youths will be identified

as young persons who manifest the following behavioral characteristics:

- A strong desire to move up the ladder;

- A tendency to be idealistic as a result of the values passed into them at earlier

ages by role models in the society;

- An eagerness to live to this role models and

- Frequent frustrations and anxiety as this idealism confronts the cold realism of
daily existence.

II. Concept of Moral Values

 Morality is derived from the Latin word mores which means “manners” or

 Aminigo and Nwaokugha (2006); morality is “an accepted code of human

conduct in a society”

 Osaat (2004) in Ekpiwre (2008) defines values as “things considered worthwhile,

desirable, right and good and thus craved for and applied on a daily basis to
enhance existence by the people”
 Moral education is a programme of study which teaches the pupil about behaving
in accordance with what is good while rejecting the bad
Body : Challenge and Suggestion

I. Family

 Children not getting enough attention and guidance from their parents who are
busy pursuing their careers

 Family member become less in communication, the parent will miss out a chance
to see their children development

 Parenting variables have typically accounted for 20% to 50% of the variance in
child outcomes (Conger & Elder 1994, Reiss et al 1995)

 One of the effective ways to help children develop their moral behaviour is
teaching them by example as proposed by Fittro (1997). The parent should show
a good behavior for the children to follow.

 Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development that responsible in

family institution. Example : Counselling & Psychology Department for family

II. Globalization

 The negative influence of foreign culture may easily get into a country and
influence people

 Impact of technology such as the Internet with the ability of providing a world
without boundaries has allowed foreign folktales to conquer the Malaysian
animation market

 Mukti and Hwa’s (2004) study revealed that more children are now into western
folktales such as Cinderella and Snow White compared to local folktales like Si
Tanggang, Bawang Putih Bawang Merah dan Mahsuri

 Foreign products contain inappropriate content that is not suitable for the moral
development of young Malaysians. For example tobacco and alcohol.

 Education in virtual environment (EVE) technology is considered to be one of the

most powerful tools for enhancing the teaching and learning process. Example is
Hikayat Land.
 Parent as a guider to the children to show them what they should see or watch.

 Teacher will address what are the moral values behind the topic they learned on
that day.
III. Mass Media

 TV channel, the movies that showed in the television does not bring any good
values for the viewer

 Lack of movie like Si Tanggang, Bawang Merah Bawang Putih that bring a moral
values behind it.

 On-going campaign to promote courtesy among the people

 The contents of the mass media should be friendlier to users

 Newer media is categorized under electronic media which covers social websites
such as blogs, You-tube, Facebook, Twitter and usage of short messaging system
(SMS) - messages can be channel towards a wide range of people

 Social media is an important tool to keep families, relationships and friendships

closer in this digital age


 Youths are major determinants of the level of development in any society

 Youths must be committed to imbibing moral values and upholding them through
life as these values will shape the ways they think, speak and even act

 Youths must be disciplined and resist immoral behaviour that will eventually
culminate in loss of moral compass

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