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Level 3 Leadership: Production

Level 3 leadership is the production level from the position level and the permission level. The
third level of leadership differentiates the holders of leadership positions to the performers. It is
the leadership concerned with results thereby impacting their organizations significantly. In this
level, the leader cannot fake as it is either they are producing and adding up to the organizations
bottom line which depends on the organization or they are not. As a level three leader, I will
maintain self-discipline as the level involves influencing the team members (McEwan et al.,
2017). Production cannot be achieved without a leader’s self-discipline which involves less
absenteeism, courtesy and respect to the followers which goes a long way in enhancing
teamwork and fosters the work environment to be conducive. Secondly, I will endeavor to gain
the necessary skills as gained in the first and second levels of leadership to show the team how
well to use their skills to attain efficient and effectiveness in the production processes.

In this level, production is key and one way to achieve productivity is to influence the members
on how to be more productive by providing incentives and rewards to them. The rewards and
incentives act as goodwill for the followers as they will work harder to gain the gifts and benefit
from them. Being self-motivated enables the leaders to create momentum which cultivates a
successful environment bonding the teammates together to work towards the attainment of a
goal. Lastly, I would be involved in the day-to-day activities in the production level which would
make me approachable and have the first hand experience on the ways of operations getting to
know the capabilities of the systems t hand and how they can be improved (McEwan et al.,
2017). Using this approach, I will get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the team
member’s wand where to capitalize and expect the team members to perform exemplary. The
team members will also be learning from me which will make me their mentor and with it comes
some form of influence to productivity. Learning from one person ensures that the quality and
level of production remains consistent.

McEwan D, Ruissen GR, Eys MA, Zumbo BD, Beauchamp MR (2017) The Effectiveness of
Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team Performance: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis of Controlled Interventions. PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0169604.

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