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//Written By AmedinaS----Grobmast27

#define PIN_DATA_OUT A0 //Connect the IO port of the GP2 sensor analog A0 output

#define PIN_LED_VCC 2 //The pin in the GP2 sensor that supplies power to the
internal Led

const int DELAY_BEFORE_SAMPLING = 280; //Waiting time before sampling

const int DELAY_AFTER_SAMPLING = 40; //Wait time after sampling

const int DELAY_LED_OFF = 9680; //Intervals

int redLed = 9;

int orangeLed = 10;

int yellowLed = 11;

int greenLed = 12;

int relay = 5;

int smokeA0 = A5;

// Your threshold value

int sensorThres = 400;


* Read the GP2 sensor output voltage


double getOutputV() {

digitalWrite(PIN_LED_VCC, LOW);


double analogOutput = analogRead(PIN_DATA_OUT);


digitalWrite(PIN_LED_VCC, HIGH);


//Arduino analog read value range is 0 ~ 1023, the following conversion is 0 ~ 5v

double outputV = analogOutput / 1024 * 5;

return outputV;


Calculate the dust density based on the output voltage


double getDustDensity(double outputV) {

//Output voltage and dust density conversion formula: ug / m3 = (V - 0.9) / 5 * 1000

double ugm3 = (outputV - 0.9) / 5 * 1000;

//Remove the undetected range

if (ugm3 < 0) {

ugm3 = 0;

return ugm3;


Calculate AQI based on dust density

Environmental air quality index (AQI) technical requirements (Trial)


double getAQI(double ugm3) {

double aqiL = 0;

double aqiH = 0;

double bpL = 0;

double bpH = 0;

double aqi = 0;

//According to the correspondence between pm2.5 and aqi were calculated aqi

if (ugm3 >= 0 && ugm3 <= 35) {

aqiL = 0;

aqiH = 50;

bpL = 0;

bpH = 35;
} else if (ugm3 > 35 && ugm3 <= 75) {

aqiL = 50;

aqiH = 100;

bpL = 35;

bpH = 75;

} else if (ugm3 > 75 && ugm3 <= 115) {

aqiL = 100;

aqiH = 150;

bpL = 75;

bpH = 115;

} else if (ugm3 > 115 && ugm3 <= 150) {

aqiL = 150;

aqiH = 200;

bpL = 115;

bpH = 150;

} else if (ugm3 > 150 && ugm3 <= 250) {

aqiL = 200;

aqiH = 300;

bpL = 150;

bpH = 250;

} else if (ugm3 > 250 && ugm3 <= 350) {

aqiL = 300;

aqiH = 400;

bpL = 250;

bpH = 350;

} else if (ugm3 > 350) {

aqiL = 400;

aqiH = 500;

bpL = 350;

bpH = 500;

//formula: aqi = (aqiH - aqiL) / (bpH - bpL) * (desity - bpL) + aqiL;

aqi = (aqiH - aqiL) / (bpH - bpL) * (ugm3 - bpL) + aqiL;

return aqi;


According to aqi access level description


String getGradeInfo(double aqi) {

String gradeInfo;

if (aqi >= 0 && aqi <= 50) {

gradeInfo = String("Perfect");

} else if (aqi > 50 && aqi <= 100) {

gradeInfo = String("Good");

} else if (aqi > 100 && aqi <= 150) {

gradeInfo = String("Mild polluted");

} else if (aqi > 150 && aqi <= 200) {

gradeInfo = String("Medium polluted");

} else if (aqi > 200 && aqi <= 300) {

gradeInfo = String("Heavily polluted");

} else if (aqi > 300 && aqi <= 500) {

gradeInfo = String("Severely polluted");

} else {

gradeInfo = String("Broken roof!!!");

return gradeInfo;

void setup() {


pinMode(PIN_DATA_OUT, INPUT); //Defined as input (ADC reads 1analog)

pinMode(PIN_LED_VCC, OUTPUT); //Defined as output

pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);

pinMode(yellowLed, OUTPUT);

pinMode(orangeLed, OUTPUT);

pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);

pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);

pinMode(smokeA0, INPUT);


void loop() {

double outputV = getOutputV(); //Sampling Get the output voltage

double ugm3 = getDustDensity(outputV); //Calculate the dust concentration

double aqi = getAQI(ugm3); //Calculate aqi

String gradeInfo = getGradeInfo(aqi); //Calculate the level

//Print to the serial port

Serial.println(String("outputV=") + outputV + "\tug/m3=" + ugm3 + "\tAQI=" + aqi +

"\tgradeInfo=" + gradeInfo);

//The next detection is performed every 1 second


int analogSensor = analogRead(smokeA0);

Serial.print("Pin A0: ");


// Checks if it has reached the threshold value

if (analogSensor > sensorThres)


digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);

digitalWrite(orangeLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(relay, LOW);


digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(orangeLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW);

digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);

digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);


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