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Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 28, 9–26, 2001

C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Current Mirror Layout Strategies for Enhancing Matching Performance


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA

Received June 27, 2000; Revised August 15, 2000; Accepted December 1, 2000

Abstract. This paper proposes new current mirror layout strategies to reduce the matching sensitivity to the linear
parameter gradients. Effects of threshold gradients across a mirror on the matching characteristics of current mirrors
are discussed. The performance of new and existing layouts are compared for threshold voltage gradients at arbitrary
angles through the active area. Simulation results show a significant improvement in matching characteristics of the
proposed structures over what is achievable with existing layout techniques in demanding applications.

Key Words: current mirror layout strategies, matching performance, linear parameter gradients

I. Introduction Because the area and pitch of a current mirror is rela-

tively small to that of a die, systematic variations are
Paralleling the increasing demand for cost-effective in- generally assumed to be represented by linear gradients
tegrated high-end linear and mixed-signal systems is in the matching-sensitive part of the circuit and com-
the need for improved matching performance in ba- mon centroid layout techniques such as that of Fig. 1
sic circuit blocks because the system performance is are widely used to minimize the effects of the linear
dominated by the matching characteristics of basic cir- gradients. The most standard common centroid layout
cuit blocks such as current mirrors and differential technique for a current mirror or a differential pair uses
amplifiers. Researchers have proposed models for pre- two cross-connected pairs of rectangular transistors.
dicting the matching characteristics of closely-placed Felt et al. [3] have reported that the effects of system-
devices [1–3], but these models have been used almost atic variations are often comparable to the effects of
exclusively to assess performance characteristics of cir- random variations even with good layout techniques
cuits and layout techniques that have been well-known thus affirming the need for managing simultaneously
for over two decades. Further, these models have fun- the effects of both systematic and random variations.
damental limitations in characterizing the effects of Some of the systematic variations are often mistak-
systematic parameter variations through the channel enly assumed to be random (an assumption that can
region of transistors. cause significant errors in a statistical analysis because
It is generally agreed that the matching character- of the inherent correlation of these parameters). We
istics of closely placed devices can be attributed to believe that the impact of not correctly handling the
systematic and random variations in both geometric systematic variations is even more significant than sug-
parameters and process parameters. The traditional ap- gested by Felt et al., in the design of high-end linear
proach for managing the effects of random variations circuits.
is to increase the area of the matching-critical devices Although variations in threshold voltage (VT ), mo-
to the level that the random mismatch effects are re- bility (u), COX , along with some other parameters af-
duced to an acceptable level. It is often more difficult fect mirror matching, the dominant effects are gener-
to compensate for the systematic variations which may ally threshold voltage variations. In this paper, only the
be random at the wafer or even die level but which effects of spatially dependent threshold voltage vari-
are highly correlated at the basic circuit block level. ations are considered for various layouts to compare
matching characteristics, but the reduced sensitivity to
† He is now with Mindspeed Technology, Inc. gradients in other parameters parallel that observed for
‡ He is now with Broadcom, Irvine, CA 92619, USA. VT gradients in the proposed structures.
10 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

ients that occur in the direction from drain to source

(designated as “vertical” in Fig. 3) cause no device
matching problems with this structure, the matching
performance degrades substantially if there are sub-
stantial “horizontal” components of the gradient. The
interdigitized layout structures of Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c)
have a reduced sensitivity to horizontal components
of the gradient. The two-segment interdigitized struc-
ture of Fig. 3(b) is a common centroid layout and, as
such, most existing models predict linear parameter
gradients will not cause any mismatch if this is used
to form a current mirror or cause any offset voltage
if it is used as the source-coupled pair in a differen-
tial amplifier. In what follows, it will be shown that
the gradient effects are still substantial on the inter-
Fig. 1. Common centroid layout. digitized layout of Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c). The two-
segment common centroid layouts of Fig. 3(d) and
Fig. 3(e) generally offer better matching performance
A basic current mirror is depicted in Fig. 2. The than the other structures presented in the figure. The
input port is at the drain of transistor M1, the out- common centroid layout technique is currently being
put is at the drain of transistor M2 and the sources widely used and it does reduce systematic gradients
are common. Five different common layouts for this when compared to the simple and interdigitized
current mirror are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) shows techniques. Since these structures both have a com-
the simple layout technique. Although parameter grad- mon centroid, most existing models predict complete

Fig. 2. Basic current mirror circuit.

Current Mirror Layout Strategies 11

Fig. 3. Common current mirror layout techniques (D1 is Drain of M1, D2 is Drain of M2, S is Common Source, and O: Reference Point).
(a) Simple layout. (b) Interdigitized Type I. (c) Interdigitized Type II. (d) Common centroid Type I. (e) Common centroid Type II.

immunity to linear gradient effects. In what follows, In this paper, several new common-centroid layout
it will be shown that even the structures of Fig. 3(d) techniques are introduced. One uses an interconnection
and Fig. 3(e) have a systematic mismatch component of two 4-segment rectangular transistors. The balance
that can be significant in applications with stringent are non-rectangular structures in which the active re-
matching requirements. gion is continuously distributed between the input and
12 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Fig. 3. (Continued )

output ports of the current mirror and in which there modeled in a distributed way through the active de-
is no obvious equivalent lumped two-transistor equiv- vices themselves, and thus threshold voltage is mode-
alent circuit. In contrast to existing mirror circuits in led as a distributed position-dependent parameter
which the matching-sensitive part of the circuit is through the active devices, VT (x, y). The widely used
comprised of two source-coupled transistors, the non- approach for predicting the effects of the threshold gra-
rectangular structures discussed in this paper are dient is based upon deriving an equivalent threshold
4-terminal devices that can be viewed as dual-drain voltage [1] for the device as given by the following
transistors. It will be shown that the proposed layout equation.
structures can be designed so that the mirror gain is less

sensitive to the linear parameter gradients than what is VT (x, y) d x d y
achievable with the widely used two-segment common VTeq = Active Area
Active Ar ea
centroid structures.
and using this threshold voltage in the existing lumped-
parameter models of a transistor.
II. Gradient Modeling If the threshold gradient amplitude is α and the gra-
dient direction is θ as indicated in Fig. 3, it follows that
In this section, the effects of threshold voltage gradi- for the simple current mirror structure (Fig. 3(a)):
ents on the matching performance of current mirrors  
are investigated. In particular, the effects of thresh- W DH
VT 1 = VT N −α + cos θ (2)
old voltage gradients at any angle across a wafer for 2 2
interdigitized and common-centroid layouts are com-  
pared with the matching characteristics of a simple W DH
VT 2 = VT N +α + cos θ (3)
mirror layout. The parameter gradients are commonly 2 2
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 13

where the four unit transistors for the Type I interdigitized

structure are given by,
1. D H is the minimum separation, usually 4 lambda,  
between the two drain diffusions, D1 and D2 . 3W 3D H
VT 1 = VT N − α + cos θ (6)
2. VT 1 and VT 2 are the threshold voltages of the two 4 2
transistors of equal sizes W/L  
3. VT N is the threshold voltage at the coordinate refer- VT 2 = VT N − α + cos θ (7)
ence point O in Fig. 3(a). 4 2
If the equivalent VT equation (1) is applied to the W DH
VT 3 = VT N + α + cos θ (8)
Type I interdigitized layout of Fig. 3(b), transistors M1 4 2
and M2 have the same threshold voltage given by the  
3W 3D H
following equation. VT 4 = VT N + α + cos θ (9)
4 2
VT D1 = VT D2 = VT N (4) where VT 1 and VT 4 correspond to the two segment tran-
sistors of M1 and VT 2 and VT 3 correspond to the two
This equivalent threshold voltage was expected since
segment transistors of M2. The four expressions also
this is a common centroid layout. This model predicts
hold for the Type II interdigitized layout of Fig. 3(c)
perfect matching can be achieved using this layout
where VT 1 and VT 3 correspond to the two segment tran-
structure. However, experimental results have not been
sistors of M1 and VT 2 and VT 4 correspond to the two
in accordance with the perfect matching prediction thus
segment transistors of M2. Similarly, threshold volt-
leading to the conclusion that this simple integral model
ages for the four segment transistors were determined
can significantly skew matching results. An alternative
for the common centroid Type I and Type II layouts of
approach to modeling the mismatch effects using a seg-
Fig. 3(d) and 3(e) and are given by,
mented integral model does give better results. In this  
approach, instead of treating transistor M1 as a single W DH
VT 1 = VT N − α + cos θ
transistor and using equation (1) to predict the equiva- 4 2
lent threshold voltage, we will assume M1 is modeled  
as the parallel connection of two lumped transistors +α + sin θ (10)
in which the integral model of (1) is used to indepen- 2 2
dently obtain the equivalent threshold voltage of each W DH
of the two components. For a multi-segment layout, VT 2 = VT N + α + cos θ
4 2
the equivalent threshold voltage for each segment is  
predicted using the integral model of (1), and these DV/S L
+α + sin θ (11)
transistors are then placed in parallel to form a circuit 2 2
that represents the transistor designed as M1 or M2 in  
Fig. 2. We refer to this modeling approach as the seg- VT 3 = VT N − α + cos θ
4 2
mented integral model. In general, using this approach,  
there does not exist an equivalent threshold voltage for DV/S L
−α + sin θ (12)
the transistor M1, and the I–V characteristics of the 2 2
parallel-connected segments are not identical to the  
I–V characteristics of an equivalent single transistor VT 4 = VT N + α + cos θ
if the same functional form for the lumped model is 4 2
used for modeling all segments. Formally, the threshold DV/S L
voltage for the K th segment in the segmented integral −α + sin θ (13)
2 2
model is given by
where DV and D S are the minimum required distances
 between the two channels as shown in Fig. 3(d) and
VT (x, y) d x d y
VTeq, K = Active Area, K (5) Fig. 3(e), respectively. VT 1 and VT 4 correspond to the
Active Ar ea, K
two segment transistors of M1 and VT 2 and VT 3 corre-
Using this approach, the threshold voltages for the sim- spond to the two segment transistors of M2. It is ap-
ple structure remain the same as before while those of parent from these equations that the threshold voltages
14 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

of the individual segments differ and are dependent From these simulation results, it can be seen that
upon the magnitude and angle of the gradient as well interdigitized Type I, common centroid Type I and
as the geometries of the segments. What is less appar- common-centroid Type II have very good matching
ent is how these threshold variations affect matching characteristics relative to the other two structures. An
performance. expanded view of the latter three results is shown in
The above equations were used to simulate mis- Fig. 5. From these simulation results, it can be observed
match for the five mirror layouts and for a gradient of that the interdigitized Type I layout has mismatch char-
fixed amplitude but arbitrary direction. In these simula- acteristics with minimum deviations at θ = 90◦ and
tions, it was assumed that VT N = 0.7339 V, α = 270◦ and maximum deviations of about –0.04% at 0◦
1mV/µm, W = 40 µm, L = 40 µm, and D H = 4 µm. and 180◦ . Further, the mismatch is always negative.
The gradient direction was varied between 0◦ and 360◦ . The common centroid Type I and II layouts have bet-
For a fair comparison, mismatch for all the structures ter and similar matching performance with maximum
were measured with the same active area and the same mismatch magnitudes of about 0.02% occurring at θ =
equivalent W/L. Here, mismatch is defined by, 45◦ , 135◦ , 225◦ and 315◦ for the 1 mV/µm gradient.
The simulation results show that the matching char-
I D2 − I D1 acteristics are strongly a function of the angle of the
Mismatch = × 100% (14)
I D1 threshold voltage gradient across a die and that, for any
angle, the effects of the threshold gradient for the com-
where I D1 and I D2 are the input and output currents mon centroid layouts is small. The results also show,
as depicted in Fig. 2. The simulation results for an in- in contrast to the well-accepted premise that the ef-
put current of I D1 = 77.5 µA are shown in Fig. 4. In fects of linear gradients can be readily modeled [4]
these simulations, the voltages VDS2 was set equal to and are inherently canceled in common centroid struc-
the resultant VDS2 to remove mismatch due to the out- tures [3], that the threshold gradients through the de-
put impedance. vices themselves create an angle-dependent gradient

Fig. 4. Comparison of systematic mismatch for simple, interdigitized and common centroid layouts.
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 15

Fig. 5. Comparison of interdigitized and common centroid layouts in closer detail.

even in common centroid structures. The issue of the has the property that it also minimizes the mismatch
validity of using the segmented integral model does at 45◦ , 135◦ , 225◦ and 315◦ angles where the two-
deserve attention since it was shown that the integral segment common centroid structures exhibit maximum
model itself introduces substantial errors in matching- mismatch. It can be observed that in the common cen-
critical applications. The results that were presented in troid layout technique of Fig. 3(d) and Fig. 3(e), the
this section that are based upon simple closed- layout is the same when rotated by 180◦ , thus cancel-
form expression for lumped model parameter such as ing the mismatch at 90◦ while having a maximum at
(6)–(9) or (10)–(13) are in close agreement to what 45◦ . In the proposed technique, the layout is the same
is attainable with a full two-dimensional simulation when rotated by 90◦ , thus canceling the mismatch at
[5] of the distributed device parameters for the com- 45◦ . In the proposed structure, each transistor is seg-
mon centroid and interdigitized structures of Fig. 3. mented into 4 unit transistors since the source and the
Simulation results for these structures based upon a gate are common for the current mirror, the source and
two-dimensional simulation are discussed later in this gate are shared for all the eight unit transistors.
paper. The segmented integral model was used to evaluate
the matching characteristics of the proposed technique
paralleling the analysis for the layout techniques of
III. Proposed Layout Techniques Fig. 3 discussed in the previous section. The threshold
voltages of eight unit transistors in Fig. 6 are given by:
A. Four-Segment Layout Structure
A new four-segment common centroid structure that VT 1 = VT N − α + cos θ
2 8
offers improvement in matching over what is achiev-  
able with the two-segment common centroid techni- 3D H W L
+α + + sin θ (15)
ques is shown in Fig. 6. The proposed layout technique 2 4 2
16 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Fig. 6. Proposed current mirror layout technique—four-segment structure.

VT 2 = VT N + α + cos θ VT 6 = VT N − α + cos θ
2 8 2 8
3D H W L 3D H W L
+α + + sin θ (16) −α + + sin θ (20)
2 4 2 2 4 2
3D H W L 3D H W L
VT 3 = VT N + α + + cos θ VT 7 = VT N − α + + cos θ
2 4 2 2 4 2
+α + sin θ (17) −α + sin θ (21)
2 8 2 8
3D H W L 3D H W L
VT 4 = VT N + α + + cos θ VT 8 = VT N − α + + cos θ
2 4 2 2 4 2
−α + sin θ (18) +α + sin θ (22)
2 8 2 8
VT 5 = VT N + α + cos θ With this model, it can be readily shown that the mis-
2 8 match for the proposed technique is zero at 45◦ , 90◦ ,
3D H
sin θ (19) 135◦ , 180◦ and so on, giving a big improvement in
2 4 2 matching characteristics over that of the two-segment
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 17

Fig. 7. Comparison of interdigitized, two-segment common centroid and four-segment layouts.

common centroid layout of Fig. 3. A disadvantage of lated with this two-dimensional simulator for the 2 µm
the proposed technique is the requirement of more CMOS process available through MOSIS. The mis-
silicon-area. When the silicon area increases, the as- match characteristics as a function of angle are shown
sumption that the gradient remains linear throughout in Fig. 7. In this simulation, the same device size and
the entire matching-critical region may not be com- gradient parameters used in Section II were used. It
pletely justifiable. Non-linear gradients are, in general, can be seen that the four-segment layout improves the
not inherently canceled with common centroid layouts. matching performance by at least two orders of mag-
Some new layout structures that require less area than nitude over what is achievable with the two-segment
what is required for the four-segment layout of Fig. 6 common centroid layouts in the presence of linear
are discussed in the following section. threshold gradients. The simulation results for the pro-
For the same reason the integral model gives in- posed four-segment layout structure in Fig. 7 are ex-
correct results with segmented transistors; even the er- panded in Fig. 8. It is observed that the mismatch of
rors caused by the segmented integral model become the proposed four-segment structure is zero at angles of
significant when close matching is expected. A two- 0◦ , 45◦ , 90◦ , 135◦ , 180◦ , 225◦ , 270◦ , and 315◦ . Table 1
dimensional simulator [5] was developed for predict- summarizes the worst case mismatch in the structures
ing matching characteristics in the presence of either simulated. Also shown in this table is a comparison of
linear or non-linear gradients through the active area of the results as predicted by the simple integral model,
the devices. The simulator can be used to predict the the segmented integral model and the actual distributed
matching characteristics of an arbitrary layout of any parameter model. The maximum effective achievable
size for arbitrary gradients in threshold voltage or any resolution is calculated from the results of the simula-
other process parameters. tor such that the worst case mismatch is less than 1/2
The four-segment structure (Fig. 6), the interdigi- LSB relative to full-scale. It can be seen that in the
tized Type I layout, the common centroid Type I layout presence of perfectly linear gradients at 1 mV/µm, the
and the common centroid Type II layout were simu- two-segment common centroid structure can achieve
18 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Table 1. Comparison of various structures with a linear gradient of 1 mV/µm.

Worst Mismatch (%)

Simple Segmented Distributed Effective

Structure Integral Model Integral Model Simulator Resolution

Simple 5.1092 5.1092 4.8807 3-bit

Interdigitized 0 3.6918e-2 3.0885e-2 11-bit
Type I
Interdigitized 2.7552 2.7547 2.6329 4-bit
Type II
Two-segment 0 2.0005e-2 1.6966e-2 12-bit
common centroid
Type I
Two-segment 0 1.6928e-2 1.8949e-2 12-bit
common centroid
Type II
Four-segment 0 2.0966e-14 1.4090e-4 18-bit
common centroid

Fig. 8. Simulation result of proposed four-segment common centroid layout.

only about 12-bit resolution while the proposed struc- fectly linear gradient of 1 mV/µm and the resolution
ture can achieve 18-bit resolution showing a big im- would be lower if the gradient is non-linear or if other
provement in matching with the new layout. It should non-idealities such as random variations in either di-
be emphasized that the results are valid only for a per- mensional or process parameters were included.
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 19

B. Non-Rectangular Structure performance than what is achievable with the standard

two-segment common controid layouts of Fig. 3(d) and
A non-rectangular layout of a current mirror is shown Fig. 3(e). Without going into a rigorous definition of
in Fig. 9. In this circuit, the polysilicon region (gray) what constitutes a “common centroid” characteristic in
and the two regions labeled D1 are connected together a distributed dual-drain transistor, it is sufficient to say
and serve as the input current node. The diffusion la- that it can be shown that the waffle structure is also a
beled S is thought of as the source’ for the device and common centroid layout.
is connected to ground. The two regions labeled D2 Because the waffle mirror is not representable with
are connected together and serve as the output current two distinct source-connected transistors, standard
node. This is a special case of what is occasionally modeling techniques cannot be applied to the struc-
termed a “waffle transistor” and will be designated ture. Because the simulator [5] is able to predict the
as a “waffle structure” throughout the remainder of matching characteristics of an arbitrary layout of any
this paper. To avoid possible confusion, the distinc- size for arbitrary gradients, it will be used to predict the
tion between the waffle structure of Fig. 9 and the matching characteristics of the waffle mirror structure
conventional waffle transistor will be clarified. In a in the presence of linear threshold gradient.
waffle transistor, the diffusion “islands” internal to the For the waffle structure of Fig. 9, the drain current
gate polysilicon are alternately source and drain con- and matching performance are affected by both the size
nections. In the waffle layout of the current mirror and the positions of the drain diffusions in the layout.
of Fig. 9, there is no inherent two-transistor equiva- The relationship between the drain current (with gate
lent circuit but instead it is a distributed two-segment tied to D1 and D2 left open) and the positions of the
dual-drain device in which the source comprises the drain diffusions for the 2 µm CMOS process available
perimeter of the polysilicon region and the dual drains through MOSIS was evaluated using the simulator. Re-
are alternately connected islands internal to the gate sults are given in Fig. 10. In this figure, the y axis is the
polysilicon. magnitude of drain current and the x axis is given by
The active region is shared between the two drains the ratio of X divided by W , where X (shown in Fig. 9)
in this layout. In what follows, it will not only be shown is the space from a diffusion to the source edge and W
that this two-segment dual-drain device performs as a is the width of the device that is assured to be square.
current mirror but that in the presence of parameter gra- In this simulation, the total active area was kept fixed
dients, if properly designed, it can offer better matching at (80 µm × 80 µm − 4 × 8 µm × 8 µm) = 6144 µm2
as was the size of the drain diffusions which were
8 µm × 8 µm. It is observed that the drain current in-
creases when the drain contacts approach to the edge
of the source.
As described in the previous section, the waffle lay-
out structure is the same when rotated by 180◦ , thus
canceling the mismatch at 90◦ while having a maxi-
mum mismatch at 45◦ , 135◦ , 225◦ and 315◦ as was the
case for the two-segment common centroid structures
of Fig. 3(d) and Fig. 3(e).
The worst-direction matching characteristics of the
waffle structure for a gradient of α = 1 mV/µm when
used as a current mirror were simulated and are shown
in Fig. 11 as a function of the total active area. In this
simulation, the distance X was kept at (3/16)W , R was
(3/8)W and the drain diffusions were square with a
side length of (1/8)W . It is well known that in current
mirrors implemented with rectangular transistors, the
standard deviation of the random mismatch decreases
Fig. 9. Non-rectangular current mirror layout technique (waffle with the square root of the total active area. The ef-
structure). fects of random mismatch for the waffle structure were
20 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Fig. 10. Drain currents with the positions of drain contacts.

Fig. 11. Deterministic and random mismatches of waffle structure.

Current Mirror Layout Strategies 21

Fig. 12. Comparison of waffle and common centroid structure with a fixed active area.

simulated with a value of AVTO of 5.3 mV · µm. The fle structure that is 80 µm × 80 µm as a function of
standard deviation of the mismatch expressed in per- the parameter X in Fig. 12. The drain diffusions were
cent is also shown in Fig. 11. fixed at 8 µm × 8 µm. Since changing the parameter X
The results show that the
√ random mismatch is lin- will result in a change in either current or excess bias
early proportional to (1/ Active Area) and the sys- voltage, we kept the excess bias fixed and allowed the
tematic mismatch
√ is approximately inversely propor- current to vary while keeping the current the same in
tional to (1/ Active Area). Thus, tradeoffs must be both the waffle structure and the corresponding com-
made between increasing the active area to reduce mon centroid structure of Fig. 3(e). The comparison
random mismatch effects and decreasing the area to of the worst-direction matching performance is shown
minimize worst-case gradient effects. These same in Fig. 12 for a gradient magnitude of α = 1 mV/µm.
tradeoffs must be made when using conventional layout This figure shows that the two-segment waffle structure
structures [1]. can offer significantly better matching performance
To evaluate the matching performance, the match- than the two-segment common centroid structure in
ing characteristics of the waffle structure will now be the presence of linear parameter gradients but also that
compared with those of the two-segment common cen- the positioning of the drain diffusions is important. It
troid structure of Fig. 3(e). In order to make a fair is also observed that the matching performance of the
comparison on the matching performance, the two- waffle mirror structure for a fixed active area improves
segment common centroid structures are designed to when the drain contacts are moved farther from the
have the same active areas, the same nominal drain source contact.
current and the same excess bias (VG S − VT ) as the Fig. 13 shows the mismatch as a function of angle for
waffle structures. The comparison is made for a waf- a waffle structure with W = 80 µm, X = 20 µm and
22 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Fig. 13. Performance comparison of common centroid and waffle structure.

with 8 µm drain diffusions as compared with that of the made. Optimal structures should offer even better per-
two-segment common centroid structure of Fig. 3(e). formance than what was presented here.
As before, the same active area, current and excess bias
were used for both layouts.
From a practical viewpoint, it must be emphasized IV. Layouts Based on the Proposed Techniques
that the comparative results presented in Fig. 12 are
obtained for a specific parameter gradient and a spe- As mentioned previously, the proposed four-segment
cific total active area. The relative performance of the layout of Fig. 6 is not particularly area efficient be-
two structures is strongly dependent upon both ac- cause it requires considerable area around the individ-
tive area and the relative positioning of the drain dif- ual/common source regions. The two-segment waffle
fusions in the waffle structure. Different parameter layout technique is quite compact but does not have
gradients and/or different relationships between the as good matching properties as the four-segment struc-
excess bias and the nominal drain current will affect ture of Fig. 6. Thus, the question naturally arises if
where the crossover in Fig. 12 in performance between it is possible to combine the advantages of these two
the common centroid layout of Fig. 3(e) and the waffle layout techniques to generate new layouts that have
structure occurs. improved matching and yet are area efficient. The an-
The issue of optimality of the proposed waffle struc- swer is yes. Three layouts combining the advantages
ture has not yet been determined. As is apparent from of two techniques are shown in Fig. 14. Although each
Fig. 10, even for a given active area, tradeoffs between layout configuration in Fig. 14 has different area
the size and location of the drain diffusions can be requirements, these three layouts all not only have
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 23

Fig. 14. (a) (b) (c) Proposed current mirror layout techniques.

better area budget than the four-segment layout but dimensions and a threshold gradient of α = 1 mV/µm
also have similar matching characteristics. These appear in Fig. 15. For the simulation of the layout of
layouts are common-centroid four-segment distributed Fig. 14(a) shown in Fig. 15(a) it was assumed that X =
channel structures. For all these structures, mismatches 20 µm. In the simulation of the layout of Fig. 14(b)
are minimized for linear gradients at 45◦ , 135◦ , 225◦ shown in Fig. 15(b), the dimensions of X = 20 µm and
and 315◦ . It is beyond the scope of this paper to fairly Y = 4 µm were used. The simulation results for the cir-
compare the three layouts in Fig. 14 since the struc- cuit of Fig. 14(c) shown in Fig. 15(c) were based upon
tures do not have the same active area, the same drain a device dimension of X = 8 µm. In all cases, the
currents and the same excess bias. A general idea about voltage of the output node, drain D2, was set equal to
how these three layouts perform, however, can be de- that at the input node, drain D1. The input currents
veloped from the following simulations. Simulation re- are 117 µA, 195 µA, and 744 µA for the layouts
sults for the three layouts of Fig. 14 for special device in Fig. 14(a–c) respectively. It is apparent that these
24 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

Fig. 15. (a) (b) (c) Simulation results for mirror layouts of Fig. 14.
Current Mirror Layout Strategies 25

Fig. 15. (Continued )

three layouts have at least two orders of magnitude The four-segment dual-drain distributed-channel
better matching performance in the presence of lin- structures have similar matching characteristics to the
ear threshold gradients than the two-segment common four-segment rectangular structure but a better over-
centroid layouts of Fig. 3(d) and 3(e) even without all area budget. A comparison of the performance of
optimization. several layout structures has shown substantial differ-
ences in the sensitivity of the mirror gain due to param-
eter gradients.
V. Conclusion

Several new current mirror layout techniques have Acknowledgment

been introduced that offer substantial improvements in
matching characteristics over what is achievable with This work was supported, in part, by Texas Instruments,
the simple, interdigitized and the two-segment com- RocketChips and the R. J. CARVER Trust. Simulation
mon centroid structures in the presence of linear para- results were obtained, in part, from Avant!’s HSPICE
meter gradients. The layout techniques include a program made available through the company’s uni-
four-segment rectangular structure and several non- versity program.
rectangular layout structures that utilize a distributed-
channel dual-drain device. Simulation results showed
an improvement in worst case matching of at least
two orders of magnitude over what is attainable with 1. Pelgrom, M. J. M., Duinmaijer, A. C. J. and Welbers, A. P. G.,
the standard two-segment common centroid layout “Matching properties of MOS transistors.” IEEE J. Solid-State
scheme in the presence of linear threshold gradients. Circuits SC-24, pp. 1433–1439, 1989.
26 Lan, Tammineedi and Geiger

2. Lakshmikumar, K. R., Hadaway, R. A. and Copeland, M. A., lege of Technology, Coimbatore, India in 1997 and
“Characterization and modeling of mismatch in MOS transistors M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering
for precision analog design.” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits SSC-21,
from Iowa State University, Ames, IA in 1999.
pp. 1057–1066, 1986.
3. Felt, E., et al., “Measurement and modeling of MOS transistor He spent the summer of 1998 as an intern with
current mismatch in analog IC’s,” in Proc. ACM, pp. 272–277, the Bus Solutions group at Texas Instruments, Dallas.
1994. Since 1999 he has been with the Analog and RF Micro-
4. Strojwas, A. J., et al., “Manufacturability of low power CMOS electronics group at Broadcom Corporation, Irvine,
technology solutions,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Low Power
CA. His interests are in the areas of Data Converters
Electronic Design, Monterey, pp. 225–232, August 1996.
5. Lan, Mao-Feng and Geiger, Randall, “Matching performance of and CMOS analog and mixed-signal circuit design.
current mirrors with arbitrary parameter gradients through the Mr. Tammineedi is a member of Tau Beta Pi.
active devices,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 555–558, 1998.

Randall Geiger received his B.S. degree in elec-

Mao-Feng Lan received his B.S. degree in Con-
trical engineering and his M.S. degree in mathematics
trol Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University,
from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in 1972 and
Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1991, his M.E. degree in Electri-
1973, respectively and his Ph.D. in electrical engineer-
cal Engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe,
ing from Colorado State University in 1977.
AZ, in 1995, and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
He spent 13 years as a faculty member in the Electri-
Engineering from Iowa State University, Ames, IA, in
cal Engineering Department at Texas A&M University.
Since 1991, he has been a professor in the Electrical
Between May 1998 and Jan. 1999, he spent his in-
and Computer Engineering Department at Iowa State
ternship with the central office group at Texas Instru-
University. His current teaching and research activi-
ments in Dallas, Texas. He currently is with Mindspeed
ties are focused in the area of analog and mixed-signal
Technology Inc., Newport Beach, CA, where he is en-
VLSI design.
gaged in the design of CMOS analog and mixed-signal

Anilkumar Tammineedi received his B.E. degree

in electrical and electronics engineering from PSG Col-

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