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(No Model.

No. 428,057. Patented May 13, 1890.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 428,057, dated May 18, 1890.
Original application filed May 26, 1887, Berial No.239,481, Divided and this application filed May 25, 1889, Serial No. 312,089.
(No model.)
To all viom it may concern: . . . the coil is exposed, and a current in the coil
Beit known that I, NIKOLA TRSLA, a sub is the result... Then remove the flame or in 50
ject of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, from any other way reduce, the temperature of the
Smiljan, Lika, border country of Austria-Hun iron. The lowering of its temperature is ac
5 gary, residing at New York,in the county and companied by a return of its magnetic prop
State of New York, have invented certain new erties, and another change of magnetic con 55
and usefulmprovements in Electrical Genera ditions occurs, accompanied by a current in
tors, of which the following is a specification. an opposite direction in the coil. The same
This application is a division of an applica operation may be repeated indefinitely, the
otion filed by me May 26, 1887,Serial No. 239,481. effect upon the coil being similar to that
This invention is an improved form of which would follow from moving the magnet
electrical generator based upon the following izedplate.
bar to and from the end
well-known laws: First, that electricity or or . . . . of the iron bar
electrical energy is developed in any conduct The device forming the subject of my pres
s ing-body by subjecting such body to a vary eat inventien, is an improved means of ob
ing magnetic influence, and, second, that the taining this result, the features of novelty in
magnetic properties of iron or other magnetic which theinvention resides being, first, theem
substance may be partially or entirely de ployment of an artificial cooling device, and,
stroyed or caused to disappear by raising it second, inclosing the source of heat and that
20 to a certain temperature, but restored and portion of the magnetic circuit exposed to the
caused to reappearby again lowering its tem theat and artificially cooling the said heated
perature to a certain degree. These laws may part. These improvements are applicable
be applied in the production of electrical cur generally to the generators constructed on the
rents in many ways, the principle of which is
25 in all cases the same-viz., to subject a con plan above described-that is to say, I may
ductor to a varying magnetic influence, pro withuse an artificial cooling device in conjunction
ducing such variations by the application of of a variable or varied or uniform source 75
heat, or, more strictly speaking, by the appli heat, I prefer, however, to employ a uni
cation or activn of a varying temperature 'form heat,
In the drawings have illustrated a device
3o upon the source of the magnetism. Thispin constructed
ciple of operation may beillustrated by a sim Figure 1 isinaaccordance with my invention.
central vertical longitudinal
ple experiment: Place end to end, and pref section of the complete apparatus. Fig. 2 is
erably in actual contact, a permanently-mag a cross-section of the magnetic armature-core
netized steel bar and a strip or bar of soft of the generator.
35 iron. Around the end of the ironbar or R Let A represent a magnet gnetized core or pera . .
wind a coil of insulated wire. Then app y to manent magnet the poles of which are bridged
the iron between the coil and the steel bar a by an armature-core composed of a casing or
flame or other source of heat, which will be shell B inclosing
capable of raising that portion of the iron to tubes C. Around this a number of hollow iron
4o an orange-red, or a temperature of about 600 conductors core are wound the
centigrade. When this condition is reached, the currentsEE, to form the coils in which
are developed. In the circuits 9.
theiron somewhatsuddenly loses its magnetic of these coils are
properties, if it be verythin, and the same D is a furnacetranslating devices, as FF'.
effects produced as though the iron had been which the central portion of the corethrough
or closed fire-box,
B ex
45 moved away from the magnet or the heated tends. Above the fire is a boiler K, contain.
section had been removed. This change of
condition, however, is accompanied by a shift ing water. The flueI, from the fire-box may
ing of themagnetic lines, orinother words, by Gisa up
extend through the boiler.
water-supplypipe, and His the steam
a variation in the magnetic influence to which exhaust pipe, which communicates with ali
3 428,057
the tubes C in the armature B, so that steam What 1. In anI claim is generator, the combina
escaping from the boiler will pass through tion, with a magnetized core or body and a
said tubes.
In the steam-exhaust pipe H is a valve V, thereby, ofwithin
conductor the field of force produced 3o
an inclosed source of heat applied
to which is connected the lever, by the move to a portion of said core, and an artificial
ment of which the said valve is opened or cooling device for reducing the temperature
closed. In such a case as this the heat of the of the heated portion...thereof, asset forth.
fire may be utilized for other purposes after 2. The combination, with a magnetized core 35
as much
plied to
of it as may
heating the
be needed
core B.
has been
There are
ap urbody and a conductor
spe under the influence
d thereof, of an inclosed
cial advantages in the employment of a cool to a portion of said core, meanssource of heat applied
ing device, in that the metal of the core B is a cooling gas or fluid in contact for bringing
not so quickly oxidized. Moreover, the dif heated portion of the core, and meanswith for
con- 40
ference between the temperature of the ap trolling the admission of the same.
plied heat and of the steam, air, or whatever 3. The combination, with a magnetized core
gas or fluid be applied as the cooling medium, containing passages or channels, and coils
may be increased or decreased at will, where wound thereon, of means for applying heat to
by the rapidity of the magnetic changes or a portion of the core, and a connection with 45
fluctuations may be regulated. : .
In so far as my presentifivention, broadly, anels,
boiler for admitting steam into the chan
as set forth.
concerned,is the specific construction of the
largely immaterial. I do not,
however, claim in this application, broadly,
the application of a variable heat to vary the Witnesses:
R. J. STONEY, Jr.,
25 magnetic conditions of a field of force in E.P.. COFFIN.
which an induced conductoris-contained.

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