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Grade 1- Science/Art: Animal Adaptations in Dinosaurs)

Wednesday November 28th, 2018

Stage 1: Desired Results

Science: 1.E: Describe Come Common Living Things And Identify Needs Of Those
Living Things.
Language Arts: 2: Students Will Listen, Speak, Read, Write, View, And Represent To
Comprehend And Respond Personally And Critically To Oral, Print, And Other Media
Art: 2: Main forms and proportions: Students will learn the shapes of things as well
as develop decorative styles.

Science: 4: Classify some common local plants and animals into groups on the basis
of visible characteristics; eg. Adaptations for survival, such as claws, beaks, prickles
Language Arts: 2.1: Use knowledge of print, pictures, book covers and title pages to
construct and confirm meaning
Art: A: All shapes can be reduced to basic shapes: i.e., circular, triangular,
Art: C: Shapes can be made using different procedures; e.g., cutting, drawing, tearing.
Art: D: Animals and plants can be represented in terms of their proportions.

Students should be able to recognize the basic differences between meat eaters,
Learning plant eaters, small dinosaurs, large dinosaurs, and dinosaurs that could fly or walk.
Objectives Students should be able to make inferences and predictions by viewing pictures or

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Story component of the
Summative Formative Creation of a dinosaur that they can tell a short story
dinosaur made (in a
Assessment Assessment about (story component will be in a separate lesson)
separate lesson)

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prepare SmartBoard for Resource 22 pieces of plain white paper “Dinosaurs- From Head to Tail” Book
images from the book s to 22 pieces of black construction paper Example piece (Miss Pointer’s)
to Do
“Dinosaurs- From Head Bring Various colours/sizes of construction paper Plush dinosaur toys
Science/Art/Language Arts (Dino Unit) Wednesday November 28th 2018

to Tail” and “Dino Pencil, eraser, scissors, glue-sticks SmartBoard (with PowerPoint images)

Stomp” on GoNoodle

Time Content/Description Notes

(During Language Arts lesson in the morning: read the book
Dinosaurs- From Head to Tail with the students in the carpet area.

-Frequently stop the reading to draw attention to common traits

that some dinosaurs have. For e.g., carnivore dinosaurs had long,
sharp teeth and often walked only on two legs.
Prior to lesson:
-Bring attention to the style of the images in the book. Ask
students if they noticed things like how the dinosaurs have been
made out of layers of construction paper.
-Let them know that we will be doing an art lesson later that day
where we will made our own dinosaur that look like the
dinosaurs in the book.

Set aside a selection of dinosaur books that have great visuals of

some common dinosaur traits (try to make sure there are
PREPARATION approximately 5 books per table: one for each student). When
students are ready to begin drafting their work, they can look at
the books but the books cannot remain on the tables when they
are cutting and pasting.
Review of adaptations and traits:
-Have students verbally inform of some traits that they know
about dinosaurs and try to categorize these traits into herbivores
Actual lesson (plant-eating) and carnivores (meat-eating)
15-20 minutes -Put these traits up on the SmartBoard so that students can have
a visual reminder of traits
-Run a class discussion on why these traits are important for
some types of dinosaurs and not for others
Introduce the art lesson:
-Let students know that they will be making their own type of
5 minutes dinosaur (it does not need to be a real dinosaur as they should
make up their own type of dinosaur with unique features and

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Science/Art/Language Arts (Dino Unit) Wednesday November 28th 2018

-Tell students that the lesson will be broken up into 3 parts:

Planning, cutting, then pasting.
-Students will be using construction paper and pencil crayons
only to make their dinosaurs! Display some of the images on the
Smart Board that we saw within the book “Dinosaurs-From Head
to Tail”
Introduce the art lesson:
“Think about the kind of
-Have students gather around the teacher’s table to look at the
dinosaur that you would like to
teacher’s finished example
make while you are gone for
10-15 minutes -Then show students the step-by-step process examples
recess, because we will be
(example #1: a draft image, #2: cut out of draft image, #3: stencil
making them when you get
of draft image on coloured construction paper, #4: gluing the
coloured construction paper down)
*Set out blank sheets of white
paper for every student, and
leave 5 dinosaur books on each
table while students are gone
for recess*
15 minutes Recess break
Prepare stacks of construction
paper for students (in colour-
coordinated bins).
Bring out paper recycle bins for
each table.
Art Lesson part 1: Formative assessment: walk
-Have students sit at the carpet area before we begin (explain the around the classroom and ask
rules for the art lesson before they go to their seats) students to point out the traits
-Before the lesson, ask students to put everything away (water of their dinosaur that they are
bottles, papers, agendas) and get out: a pencil, eraser and drawing
scissors only.
20-30 minutes -Let students know that they can look through books for Let students know that I would
inspiration but the books cannot remain on the table when they like to display their very
are cutting and gluing creative and unique dinosaurs,
-Briefly explain why we draw a draft image and how to do that so “make sure that you are
(on the SmartBoard) taking the time to cut nicely and
-If students are working quickly, have students cut out their draft be creative!”

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Science/Art/Language Arts (Dino Unit) Wednesday November 28th 2018

drawing. Show them how to trace their draft onto a piece of

coloured construction paper.

Art Lesson part 2:

If students finish early, they
-Demonstrate (at the front of the classroom) how to begin to
can make plants/an
layer construction paper in order to make a dinosaur. Students
environment for their dinosaur
20-30 minutes can begin to glue down their layers of construction paper onto a
on the black construction paper
black piece of construction paper in order to form their dinosaur.
as well.

-“Hands on top, that means stop” Give students a 10-minute

warning to glue down the remainder of their construction paper
pieces (no more cutting after this point). Tell students that we
will have more time either Thursday or Friday to finish their
-All paper can go into the paper recycling buckets and select
5-10 minutes
volunteers to help recycle the paper.
-Near closure (after students have put all of their materials
away), ask students if any of them would like to share some
interesting traits that their dinosaur may have.
-Remind students that they will have time to finish their dinosaur
artwork another day.

-When the classroom has been tidied, and all materials have been
Final wrap up put away, students can watch the “Dino Stomp” GoNoodle video atch?v=Imhi98dHa5w
before getting ready to pack up for the end of the day.

and Follow

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