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Journal of Petroleum Geology, 12 (4). October, 1989, pp. 453-464.




L. C. Amajor* and D. W.Agbaire*

A subsuflace study of the Agbada Formation in the Akpor and Apara oiljields in the eastern
Niger Delta was undertaken in order to determine the depositional development of the reservoir
In the study area, the formation comprises a maximum of 29 relatively thick sandstones,
cyclically interbedded with shales of vatying thicknesses. The lowest two sand units, separated by
a shale unit and located near the base. produce petroleum fiom ten wells in both fields. Each
sand-body exhibits a coarsening-upward textural gradient.
The lower sand-body (Unit A), which is oval-shaped. moderately- to poorly-sorred,flne-to very
coarse-grained. carbonaceous. with clay and lignite horizons, is interpreted as a deltaic sand. The
unit appears to have migrated landwards (north) (destructive delta). probably as a result of
localized transgression. and developed maximum thickness between the two fields.
The upper sand (Unit B) is,fine-to-pebblyin grain size, well-sorted and glauconitic. Maximum
development occurred slightly east of the delta. As the unit prograded in a predominantly
southerly direction, genetic currents simultaneously caused it to be channelized. This sand-body
is interpreted as an offihore marine bar. The intervening carbonaceous shale is thought to be of
Iagoonal origin.
Since the geometries of these sand-bodies are not conclusively delimited by the existing well
density, their pinch-out edges to the north. east and west may constitute prolific stratigraphic


The petrolific interval in the Niger Delta is the paralic Agbada Formation which. is
more than 10.0oO-ft thick (Short and Stauble. 1967). The sequence comprises cyclically-
alternating successions of sandstones and shales. More than 25 discrete sand-bodies,
varying in thickness from 17 to 90 m. some of which constitute oil and gas reservoirs, are
developed in places in the formation. Consequently. several aspects of the Niger Delta
have been studied by various geologists.
The mega-tectonic framework of the delta has been discussed by Hospers, 1965. 1971;
Stonely. 1966; Burke et al.. 1972; and Merki. 1972. Syn-sedimentary tectonics and
geothermal history were investigated by Merki. 1972: Dailley. 1976; Nwachukwu. 1976;
and Avbovbo. 1978: while Evamy et al. (1978) and Ejedawe (1981) analysed oil and gas
distribution patterns. The generalised lithostratigraphy of the Recent and Tertiary lithic
fill of the delta were dealt with by Allen, 1964. 1965: Short and Stauble. 1967: Weber. 1971:
Oomkens. 1974: Weber and Daukoru. 1975; and Avbovbo. 1978.

* Department of Geology# University of Port Harcoun, Port Harcourt9Rivers State, Nigeria.

454 Depositional histor?, of reservoir sandstories. E. Niger Delta

Lacking in the sedimentological aspects of previous work is a process - response

method of prognosis of depositional environments. Consequently, specific examples or
case histories of ancient depositional models. at least for the producing sands, are rare.
This is attributed to a lack of adequate lithofacies analysts and the confidential nature of
oil and gas data in Nigeria. which makes it very difficult for non oil-company facies
analysts to contribute meaningfully. Most important is the non-diagnostic nature of the
available tools (wireline logs and ditch cuttings) for lithofacies analysis. However. Selley
(1967, 1978) constructed depositional models based o’n an integrated interpretation of
wireline logs and composition of ditch cuttings. These models are fairly useful in
subsurface environmental analysis in areas, such as the Niger Delta. where only electric
and gamma-rays logs and well cuttings are available for such a study.
This paper applies Selley’s (1978) method to the reservoir sandstones at the Akpor and
Apara fields in the eastern Niger Delta (Fig. 1) in an attempt to unravel the sedimentary
processcs that generated them.


Fig. 2 illustrates a correlation chart of Tertiary Formations in the Niger Delta.

indicating broad depositional environments.
The Akata Formation, the marine pro-delta megafacies, comprises shales with minor
sand-bodies towards the top: its thickness exceeds 300 m, because its base has never been
penetrated by drilling. Generally, it is undercompacted and over-pressured, and is
thought to be the main source rock in the delta. This rock-unit is considered to be the
lateral equivalent of the Imo Shale.
The Akata Formation grades imperceptibly upward into the Agbada Formation, a litho-
unit constituting the delta-front paralic megafacies, consisting of cyclic, alternating
successions of sandstones and shales. In the study area, a maximum of 29 sand-bodies
separated by shales are developed in the formation. Sand-body thickness varies from 10 to
80m.Generally, the sands are very fine to pebbly, poorly- to very well-sorted, sub-angular
to sub-rounded, and unconsolidated. Two of these sand units. herein informally
designated “A” and “B’: (Fig. 3). are reservoirs for hydrocarbons.
The intervening shale-beds vary from 10 to 100 m in thickness. Thickness generally
decreases upwards. These shales were also designated as source rocks (Evamy er a/., 1978).
An average thickness of about 1,216 m was estimated for the formation in the study area.
The Ameki, Ilaro and Oshoshun Formations are regarded as correlatives (Reyment, 1965).
The predominantly continental Benin Formation is the upper deltaic-plain megafacies.
It is dominantly sandy with occasional clay and lignite interbeds. Conglomeratic
horizons are very common. Its thickness is highly variable, and ranges from 1,500 to 2,000
m. The formation is believed to be laterally-continuous with the exposed Ogwashi -
Asaba, Ijebu and Coastal Plain Sands. In general, these southerly-prograding deltaic
units are highly diachronous.
Reconstruction of the depositional history of any ancient siliclastic unit involves
determining the dominant sediment dispersal process, and the depositional development
of the unit in time and space. These are usually achieved by integrating knowledge gained
from the geometry of the unit, vertical and lateral variations in lithology, sedimentary
structures and textures, trace and body fossils and paleocurrent patterns. In most
subsurface sedimentological studies, data from these parameters are hardly complete.
Wireline logs (SP. gamma-ray) with or without cores and/or ditch cuttings are usually
L. C. Amajor and D. W Agbaire 455


Fig. 1. Location map of the study area.






Fig. 2. Tertiary correlation chart of the Niger Delta succession and outcrop equivalents.
456 Depositiotial history of reservoir satidstoties, E. Niger Delto

4P4R4 b.9


Fig. 3. Stratigraphic position of the

reservoir sand-bodies at the Apnm and
Akpor oilfields, eastern. Niger Delta,
showing the SP log-shapes of the
reservoir sandstones (A, B).


available. Consequently. environmental prognosis could be based on: sandstone

composition (Davies and Ethridge, 1975); grain-size characteristics (Passega. 1957;
Friedman. 1961. 1967; Moiola and Weiser. 1968; Visher, 1969); and spontaneous potential
and gamma-ray log shapes (Galloway, 1968; Krueger. 1968; Fisher, 1969; Pirson. 1970).
Recently, however. Selley (1976, 1978) interpreted depositional environments based on
wireline (gamma-ray) log shapes and aspects of sandstone composition (glauconite.
carbonaceous detritus). This method is employed in this study.
The spontaneous potential (SP) log records the cumulative effect of electro-filtration
and electro-osmosis within the formation. Essentially, these are proportional to
permeability; therefore, the SP curve shows a minimum value for shale and maximum for
a permeable sandstone. On the other hand, a gamma-ray log measures the natural
radioactivity of the formation; the value is low for sandstones, and high for shales because
of the presence of K-feldspars. Since clay content generally decreases with increasing
grain-size of sands. these logs reflect clay content, and therefore vertical grain-size
profiles. Thus, both logs measure continuous gain-size profiles in sandstone-shale
sequences, such as those in the Niger Delta.
These logs are not, however, without limitations. Thus, SP logs are not a good indicator
of cemented sandstones and formations whose fluid contents have salinities similar to
those of the drilling muds. The gamma-ray log, on the other hand, is affected by excessive
caving, and the presence of glauconite. mica. zircon and potassium can give anomalously
high gamma-readings in sandstones.
Krueger (1%8) recognized three (a. b, c) sand-to-shale transitions from SP curves (Fig. 4):
Type “a” is characterised by a horizontal SP curve with a slope value near zero. This
indicates an abrupt and sharp sand-shale contact, reflecting a rapid textural change from
L. C. Amajor ajid D. K Agbaire 457




I vaOarY








Fig. 4. Sandstone - shale transitions in SP log-curves (after Krueger, 1968).

one grain-size to another, usually caused by an abrupt change in the depositional

environment related to erosion or non-deposition. This SP-profile characterises point
bars, turbidites. alluvial fans (proximal). tidal and storm ridges, chenier beaches and
storm deposits (Davies, 1977; Selley. 1976; Binda and Lerbekmo. 1975; Adedokun. 1981).
Type "b" consists of a lower. serrated gentle slope, and an upper near-horizontal slope
on the SP-curve. These reflect a lower interlaminated sandstone and shale transition
typical of a fluctuating sea-level, and a sharp, upper contact reflecting abrupt lithological
and textural changes. The percentage of sand, and grain-size. increase upwards. Deltas,
distal parts of fans. and edges of near-shore sand units show this pattern.
458 Depositional history of reservoir satidsroties. E. Niger Delta

Fig. 5. Characteristic log motifs combined with aspects of the reservoir composition (after Selley, 1978),

Type "c", a gentle slope in the SP-curve, reflects a gradual vertical transition from shale
to sandstone, and an upward increase in sand-size, indicative of a gradual change in the
energy level of the depositional milieu. Barrier islands and offshore bars show this SP-
curve pattern (Davies. 1977; Tizzard and Lerbekmo. 1975).
From the above, it can be seen that there is no unique SP-curve pattern for a specific
depositional environment. However, when these patterns are integrated with the presence
or absence of glauconite and/or carbonaceous detritus from cuttings, a more meaningful
and reliable interpretation emerges (Selley, 1976, 1978) (Fig. 5).



The SP-curve shapes of the reservoir sandstones at the Apuru and Akpor fields in the
eastern Niger Delta are shown in Fig. 3.

Reservoir sandstone "A"

The SP-shape is that of the type "b" transition, characterized by a serrated. gentle lower
slope, and a near-horizontal upper contact. Ditch-cutting descriptions indicate that the
unit comprises a coarsening-upward textural gradient (silt at base, and very coarse sand at
the top). The sands are poor- to well-sorted in places. Interbeds of shale, lignite and plant
remains are common. Glauconite is absent. These attributes suggest deposition of this
sand-body in a deltaic environment. The proximal slope of the delta is represented by
wells Apuru-9 and Akpor-3, while Apuru-10 and Akpor-I are located on the distal slope.

Intervening shale unit

This unit is dark grey, clayey, and glauconitic in places; carbonaceous materials and
pyrite have been reported in places. Based on the above features and stratigraphic
position. this unit is interpreted as lagoonal in origin.
L. C. Amajor arid D. U.: Agbaire 459

.------ Marine Shale

. .-
-.. B Sit. ( M a r i n e Bar 1
. .
-- I --
Vertical Arrangement R e l a t e d
Lagoonal Mud To Rise in S e a Level
* . A Sst. (Delta1
Sea Level
. .. .

( Marine B a r )

Fig. 6. Schematic paleogeographical reconstruction of the depositional setting of the reservoir sand-
bodies and associated shales.
n - r- _ _ - > - I - - - L L ~ W
Keservoir sanasrone D--
This sand-body is characterized by a type "c" transition, indicated by the gentle slope in
the SP-curve. Ditch-cutting descriptions show that it comprises a coarsening-upward
textural gradient, with mudstone at the base and a pebbly top. The sands are well sorted,
and sub-angular to sub-rounded. Shale interbeds are present towards the base.
Glauconite is very common (Agbaire. 1983). These attributes favour deposition of
sandstone "B" in a marine environment. possibly as an offshore bar.
Overlying shale unit
This is a dark-grey shale containing abundant glauconite. shell fragments and forams
- deposition therefore occurred offshore.
The depositional setting of these litho-units is depicted in Fig. 6. A rise in sea level will
produce the vertical arrangement of the lithofacies.
'I he sequential development of the deltaic and marine-bar sand-bodies will now be
discussed with the aid of two isopachous maps, three stratigraphic cross-sections, and a
fence diagram.
Isopach maps of these sand-bodies are shown in Fig. 7. The deltaic unit "A' is oval-
shaped, and is aligned nearly east-West parallel to the paleo strand-line (Fig. 7a). A
maximum thickness, greater than 30m. is developed between wells Akpor-3 and Apuru-I.
From this area, it thins in all directions at a fairly uniform rate, the northern flank,
however, appearing relatively steeper. Although the geometry of this sand-body as
depicted herein is not conclusively delimited, it resembles the seaward lobe of a delta,
which reaffirms the earlier deltaic interpretation based on the SP log-shape and the
composition of ditch cuttings.
The marine bar trends NW-SE at high angles to the paleo strand-line (Fig. 7b). A
maximum thickness of more than 30 m is developed slightly east of the delta, suggesting
460 Depositional histon, of reservoir sandstoties E. Niger Delta

Fig. 7. Isopach maps of the

reservoir sand-bodies at the Apara
and A k p r oilfields
(p = “A*’; b = “B’*).

that the axis of maximum sand development shifted eastwards during this time. probably
as a result of high sea-floor topography created by the underlying delta. The isopach map
suggests a relatively gentle western flank, and a rather steep southern edge. The latter is
thought to result from genetically-related currents impinging on the marine bar. probably
in an attempt to channelize it. This feature lends credence to the marine bar
interpretation of this unit, because offshore bars and barrier islands are commonly
channelized by tidal currents (Hayes, 1979).
Fig. 8 shows that the deltaic sand ”A’ is separated from the marine bar (“B”) by a 20 - 50 m
thick lagoonal shale unit. The delta is thickly- developed (greater than 33 m) between
wells 6 and 9; it then thins rather rapidly towards the NW and SE, becoming shalier at the
same time. Around well 1. located in theAkpor field, it becomes two thin sand-bodies with
an intervening shale unit. This area probably represents the distal deltaic facies o r a
submarine fan arising from the delta. The upper marine bar attains a maximum thickness
of 30 m between wells 3 and 6, slightly east of the underlying delta. The shape of the SP-
log suggests that the unit is thinner and finer-grained to the NW. around Akpor-I.
Relative to the datum. both sand-bodies appear to have grown laterally towards the
NW. Fig. 9 shows the multiple nature of these sand-bodies around wells Apnrn-4 and -5
and the strike-parallel growth towards the SE. Fig. 10. a dip-parallel section, shows both
sand-bodies to be thickly-developed in well 6. and to thin rapidly towards the south.
becoming shalier multiple sands around well 10. Relative to ‘the datum. the delta (A)
appears to have shifted from SW towards the NE (destructive delta‘?) as the underlying
shale unit thickens in the same direction. The marine bar (B) seems to have prograded in
the opposite direction (NE to SW). The above observations on these sand-bodies are
confirmed in Fig. 11.
L. C. Arnajor arid D. U? Agbaire 461

462 Depositional history of reservoir satidstones, E. Niger Delta

R ,,.;..::.:::::
.:.: .........:.....

Fig. 9. Stratigraphic cross-section, -

B B', Apara Y - Apara 4.



Fig. 10. Stratigraphic cross-section, C - C', Apara 6 - Aparu 10.


Fig. 11. Fence diagram of the reservoir sandstones ("A", "B") at the Apara and Akpor oilfields.

This manner of sandstone development would tend to suggest that the delta. middle
lagoonal shale. marine bar and upper marine shale constitute a regressive-transgressive
sequence, as earlier suggested.
The fields. as currently defined by wells, have not been fully explored. The presence of
cleaner and thicker sands of both units to the north. west and east of the study-area
suggests that these areas are possible stratigraphic traps. especially at their pinch-outs


Analysis of 13 wireline logs and their ditch cuttings has led to the conclusion that the
reservoir sandstones in the lower part of the Agbada Formation in the Apam and Akpor
fields of the eastern Niger Delta are deltaic ("A") and offshore (marine) bar ("B").
The deltaic sand-body. probably a destructive delta. appears to have migrated rapidly
landwards towards the north, attaining a maximum thickness of over 33 m in the central
section of the study-area. It was later inundated by a short-lived transgression. during
which the intervening lagoonal shale. marine bar and overlying marine shale were
deposited successively above it.
The locus of maximum development of the marine bar was slightly displaced near the
eastern edge of the underlying deltaic sand-body. The marine bar prograded gradually in
a southerly direction. becoming shalier at the same time. The southern indentation on the
unit suggests that genetically-related currents (tidal?) attempted to channelize the marine
sand bar.
The areas of maximum sandstone development and the pinch-outs of these sand-
bodies to the north. east and west, which are yet to be penetrated by wells, may be
stratigraphic traps for hydrocarbons.
This study has shown that wireline logs and the composition of ditch cuttings are useful
tools in identifying the environments and history of deposition of subsurface siliclastic
units. AS proposed by Selley (1976).
464 Depositional history of reservoir sandstones.. E. Niger Delta


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