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Ashish Mahuli

Key Terms Anthony Lewi'.)

Devin Kosikowski
L. Co rn e Ii us Su II a ( Fe I ix) Zachary Kolbusz
L. Cor nelius Cinna Benjamin Klein
Br undi sium Nicholas Kim
Cn. Pompei us {Magnus) = Po mpey the Great Brandon Karczewski
Andrew Kaiser
Alexander Hoffmann
dictat o rship
Parker Hill
Sullan constitutional reforms Victor Hao
Alex Gurchinoff
Ajit Gupta
Reeves Balderson
Philip Bauwens
Spencer Baxter
Abbie Berringer
Ian Bertram
Ann1ca Burmester
Key th em es

Conflict between different

spheres of pow er

Rise/ decline of the Republic

L. Corn elius Sulla

Gives himself cognomen


Will be granted cognomen

f-e11" in late 82
Th e Ci nnan um Tem p us {Tim e of Cinna )

87-84 BCE = while Sulla is out of town

After M arius's d eath, ap points his coll ea gues in consulsh ip

Undoes Sul lan leg islation

Courts and governm ent sti ll worki ng

Econ o mic iss ues: currency devalued, debt

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Consuls o 85 & 84: Carbo & Cinn a

Sull a arrives 1n 83
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Metelh..,s Pi us
Pompeius Magnus (Pompey)

Q Sertonus

Bv end of 8 2 , popu list / Mari an

ca use is defeated
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Proscnption 11st a lt st of th ose w ho can b e kill e d with impunity
Assassi n gets t ne d eceased 's e<itat e

Sull a issues th ree d ifferent li st s.

1st 11st = 80 nam es
2 nd & 3 rd lists = 220 names each

mostly ai m ed at equestrians

Sons of t he proscribed can n ot hold office

Sulla's Dictatorship 1n 81

Needs to take care of his soldi ers {20- 23 legions)

Sho re up the Republic through onstitutional reforms .

Th ree mai n goals

restore authority of the Senate
undermine power of popular assembly and tribunes
keep individual generals under control
Ad ds 300 m em bers t o Se nat e ( pulled f rom eq uest rian class}

Ret urns Juri es to Senators

Abolish es tri al s before the peop le. Expa nd s nu m ber of sta ndin g
courts (his longest lasting refo rm)

New p erm anen t co urts

q uaest10 de rebus re pe tundis - ext ortion court
de mo ,es ta te - treas on (had disappea red, but now perman ent}
de am bitu - bribery
de f a/sis - forge ry
de peculatu - embezz lement of public funds or property
de sicoriis et veneficis - murd er
de vi publica - assault and battery
More of Sulla's reforms

Revives th e lex Vilia Annalis of 180 BCE

Expands t he number of qu aestors & praet ors

Expands number of pontifexes and augurs

Encourages m agistrates to stay in Rome during year in office

Senate can veto any vote by the people

Huge restrictions on tribunate

And eve n m o re of Sull a's reform s

Promises t o ho no r the enfran chi se ment of new citi zen s

En rol ls as c1 t 1ze ns 10,000 slaves of t h e pro scri be d (the Co r ne li1 )

Puts f orward a new law on moiestas (limitation s on provincial gov)

Resto re s Capito line Hill after fire of 83

Su rnpt uary laws

Consuls of '8 it
Catulus (son of M arius 's co lleague)

M . Aemiliu s Lepidus

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