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  Production of genetically identical
offspring from one parental
organism only
 An ancestral species from which
later species evolved

c  DNA preserved in prehistoric
material such as fossil bones
 Type of fossil formed when a buried
structure decays leaving a cavity,
which is later filled by the different
material that forms a model of the
original structure
    part of a gene that contains the
coded information for making a
polypeptide chain

   Sequences of three bases in a tRNA
molecule that can pair with the
complementary codon of a
messenger RNA molecule
  Process of change in members of a
species under the influence of
natural selection and requiring much
longer time periods than so called
cultural evolution

  Action taken by breeders and others
in selecting from a population only
those members that show specific
expression of a specific trait to be
the parents of the next generation
  levels of gradual change in a trait in
members of a population, such as
changes in aspects of body shape
with latitude and climate
 The different forms of a gene

  Mutational changes involving the
replacement of existing bases in a
gene by substiting different bases

 Refers to body structures that carry
out a similar function but that may
not have a similar basic structure

  Constricted part of chromosome that
contains the region where spindle
fibres attach during mitosis and

   Similarity in appearance of
organisms that aren't closely related
but have similar ways of life; also
termed convergent evolution
  Varying part of the structure of
nucleotides, the building blocks of
DNA and RNA; bases in DNA are:
adenine (A) guanine (G) cytosine
(C) thymine (T); bases in RNA
adenine (A) guanine (G) Uracil (U)
Cytosine (C)
  Mutational changes in DNA involving
the removal of oneo r morebases
from a genetic sequence

  Any member of a species within the
genus Australopithicus
  Formation of a new species from
one of two populations resulting
from the division of an original
  A radiometric method of obtaining
the absolute age of igneous rocks;
can be performed on a sample as
small as one crystal of Potassium-
containing mineral
  Evolutionary changes in two species
having a close interaction, such as
predator and prey, or parasite and
  A radiometric method of dating
carbon containing material up to
about 60 000 years old
  Group of cells, organisms or genes
with an identical genetic makeup
    Relationship between two alleles of
a gene such that a hetrozygous
organism shows an expression of
both alleles in its phenotype;
sometimes called partial dominence
or incomplete dominance
   Sequences of three bases in a
messnenger RNA molecule that
contain information either to bring
amino acids into place in a
polypeptide or to startor stop this

  Formation of new species when a
population splits and becomes
geographically isolated
  Mutational changes in DNA involving
the insertion of one or more bases
into a genetic sequence
  Variation exhibited among members
of population in terms of one or
more biological traits
    Label given to humans who produce

 Chance effects on allele frequencies
in a population as a result of a major
reduction in population size
  Variation exhibited among members
of a population in terms of one or
more biochemical traits
"#  Incidence or frequencies of
particular alleles in a population

  Pairs of chromosomes that are in
identical in appearance in males and
in females of a species; in the
human organism, any of
chromosomes numbered 1 to 22
   Regularity observed by Chargraff
that, in DNA, the relative proportions
of A and T are equal and, the
proportion of C is equal to that of G
 $c %c & DNA made from messenger RNA
template using the reverse
transcriptase enzyme; cDNA has no
    Thread-like structure composed of
DNA and protein, and visible in cells
during mitosis and meiosis
  Vertebrate skull minus the lower jaw
   One of the purine bases found in the
nucleotides that are the building
blocks of DNA (and RNA)
   Basic building blocks or sub-units of
polypeptide chains and proteins
 #  Specific order of nucleotides (bases)
along a DNA (or an RNA) chain
 '  Any of the pairs formed between
complimentary bases in the two
nucleotide chains of DNA, such as
A-T and C-G (DNA) A-U and C-G
 (  Region in present day Ethiopia
where many early Hominin fossils
have been found, the most famous
being Lucy

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