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Where are the aliens? The AATI videos show encounters

between UFOs and American military
aircraft. One shows a bright saucer, which
seems pretty large, being chased by US
of suitable stars, the number of such stars
with planets in orbit, the possible number
of inhabitable planets, a small fraction of
such planets where life might emerge,

Perhaps aliens don’t exist. Or perhaps their signals are still to reach us navy fighters off the California coast. The an even smaller fraction where intelli-
AATI was a low-cost project. It spent just gence may emerge, and finally the prob- Sachin's big miss
Identification Program or AATI . The assumed to be a potential nuclear mis- $22 million over its operational period. ability of a civilisation that has achieved
AATI was an investigation into sile. Many UFOs were sighted by military Apart from debriefing people who radio communications. He was, of
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The pilots, either on routine patrols, or while claimed to have seen UFOs, the program course, making guesses about the actual
releases include video footage of encoun- “scrambling” to intercept radar blips. In is also said to have studied metal debris values. After Kepler, we know that there
ters between UFOs and military pilots. most cases, the UFO was identified. But in obtained from such objects. are a very large number of suitable exo-
AATI was operational between 2007 and some cases, there were no explanations So, is alien life possible? The short planets orbiting stars but we’re still guess-
2012. A retired military officer who head- and so, the crackpot theories proliferated. answer is, yes. It might even be ing about the other variables.
ed it has come on record, talking about The US Air Force put together Project humanoid and carbon-based. Earth-like The Drake Equation led to SETI —
the need to continue investigating UFOs. Blue Book, which investigated and col- conditions may exist in many different the Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Reports of UFO sightings have lated UFO sightings. Blue Book began in solar systems. Thousands of exo-planets Intelligence. SETI uses computing
QUANTUM LEAP abounded since the 1940s. All sorts of
people, ranging from civilians on the
1947 and reviewed over 12,000 sightings
between 1947 and 1969. Most sightings
have been discovered, thanks to the
Kepler Observatory. Some may be similar
resources donated by ordinary citizens to
sift through radio signals in the hopes of Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was nominated to
DEVANGSHU DATTA ground to experienced pilots, have sight- consisted of stars, oddly-shaped clouds to Earth. Comets also possess the amino discovering messages from aliens. the Rajya Sabha in 2012. He was in the House
ed UFOs in all sorts of conditions, all etc. But 701 of them remain unexplained. acids necessary for life. Indeed, one However, Drake was countered by on Thursday to initiate a short duration
discussion on the right to play and the future

s there life elsewhere in the universe? around the world. Quite a few people Britain’s Ministry of Defence con- hypothesis suggests that life on Earth Enrico Fermi. The Nobel winning physi-
More intriguingly, is there intelligent claim, more fantastically, to have been vened a “Flying Saucer Working Party”, may have arisen through the transfer of cist simply asked, “So where are they?” of sports in India. However, he couldn’t as
life and have intelligent aliens visit- abducted by aliens. Area 51, a remote part which despite its tongue-in-cheek name, amino acids during a close encounter There are many possible answers to the Congress disrupted the proceedings to
ed Earth? Conspiracy theorists have of the Nevada desert, which contains an was a dead-serious committee consist- with a comet. Fermi’s paradox. Perhaps, intelligent demand a statement from Prime Minister
long claimed that the answers are “Yes” US Air Force base, is believed by con- ing of bureaucrats and military officers to The famous Drake Equation postu- aliens don’t exist. Perhaps, they’re lying Narendra Modi over his allegations on his
and that various governments have spiracy theorists to be a super-secret facil- investigate UFO reports. As a member of lates that there could be a large number low. There’s also the barrier of interstel- predecessor Manmohan Singh and on the 2G
assiduously suppressed all evidence of ity, built to do research into aliens who the Flying Saucer Working Party later of alien civilisations. In 1961, astronomer lar distance. Electromagnetic signals spectrum allocation case verdict. It was
such visits. have died on Earth/ been captured alive/ said, “We were more worried about Frank Drake listed the variables deter- travel at the speed of light. If a civilisa- Tendulkar's maiden attempt to speak in the
The conspiracy theories got a new come as ambassadors (take your pick). Russians than about Martians”. Again, mining the number of alien civilisations tion a thousand light-years away dis- House, and likely to be his last as his term
lease of life recently. The US government During the Cold War era, air forces there were some unexplained sightings capable of using radio signals in the Milky covered radio at the same time as we ends in 2018. Rajya Sabha Chairman M
has declassified information about the were on constant, hair-trigger alert. Every but the vast majority of British UFOs Way (Akash Ganga) Galaxy. did, their first signals will reach us Venkaiah Naidu admonished the members,
Advanced Aerospace Threat unidentified object on radar screens was could eventually be identified. Drake looked at the rate of formation around 3000 BCE. saying Tendulkar had done a lot for the
country and was a ‘Bharat Ratna' awardee.
But as the protests continued, Naidu asked
Tendulkar to proceed. The cricketer could

Bitcoin: A threat to economic sovereignty

only stand and watch as the determined
opposition members continued to raise
slogans. Naidu then adjourned the House
for the day.

Acceptance of any kind of international currency may shift the control over the economy from the government to anonymous players Ignorance is bliss
Unfortunately, our memory is very short. rate, exchange rate and economic
Coming to the case of Bitcoin, anoth- growth, there cannot be a case for any
er bubble appears to be in the making. Its kind of international cryptocurrency
price has surged by a multiple of 18 in a being allowed which may start to
year to touch $17,600. Many are feeling undermine the domestic currency.
‘left out’ and are jumping on the band- This may lead to various undesirable
wagon even at this price as some market consequences, the most worrisome
pundits are predicting Bitcoins to touch being the loosening of the control of
$100,000 before crashing down. It is dif- the central bank and consequently the
ficult to understand the rationale of per- ‘Sovereign’ over the macroeconomic
RAJEEV KUMAR AGARWAL mitting trading in Bitcoin futures on parameters of its own economy and
two renowned global exchanges — the likely erosion of people’s hard A routine annual get-together organised
by Maruti Suzuki was hijacked by reporters

he debate over Bitcoin across the CBOE and CME — as the credibility of earned wealth kept in the national cur-
world is becoming more and more the underlying is still being heatedly rency or its equivalent. Further, the who began to quiz the firm’s
intense as its price is touching debated. In this regard, Interactive central bank will also find it difficult to representatives present at the event on
new highs. Every day something is being Brokers’ founder Thomas Peterffy’s deal with ‘systemic risks’ because of electric vehicles. Maruti Suzuki Chairman R
said either for or against it. The regula- statement regarding bitcoin on the eve many externalities involved in the C Bhargava took most of the questions in
tors across the world, however, appear to of its trading on CBOE deserves atten- trade of cryptocurrencies. his stride but also added a caveat — since it
be hesitant in taking a clear stand on the tion. He said his concern was that “cryp- Acceptance of any kind of interna- was a relatively untested market and not
issue as Bitcoin and its impact is still not tocurrencies (Bitcoin) could continue tional currency like Bitcoin may shift much information on electric vehicles was
fully understood. The setting up of a to rise to $100,000 or more before crash- the control over the economy from the available he would be relying on his
committee by the Indian government to ing to zero, and could pull down small national government to international ‘ignorance’ rather than 'experience' to
take a look into the issue from a taxation brokerages in the process”. It is feared The price of Bitcoin is thriving on the frenzy created by interested parties anonymous players who may be pow- answer the press queries.
point of view followed by some field that trading in global exchanges may, erful financial wizards or proxies of for-
action by the Income Tax department though unintentionally, give appear- the central bank, whom the people The whole trading appears to be hap- eign governments or even belong to the
and the stern warning from the US ance of credibility and legitimacy to a trust while accepting any money or pening in a ‘black box’ — where nobody underworld. Whether any country will
Securities and Exchange Commission product as controversial as Bitcoin, and currency. In the case of cryptocurren- knows who is managing the show; who welcome this kind of scenario — cer- Adityanath takes up a challenge
to Bitcoin investors are welcome moves bring the cryptocurrency into the main- cy, where is this trust? In whom the is holding what; how concentrated are tainly not. Time has come when the Every time an Uttar Pradesh chief minister
to put some check on the euphoria that stream attracting more and more people should trust. Nobody knows the holdings. This is why the price of above basic issues need to be addressed has visited Noida during his tenure, he has
has gripped the financial markets, more gullible investors to it. who is creating this currency and who Bitcoin is highly speculative and thriv- before international Bitcoin lobby gone on to lose the next election. It started
particularly the younger generation. In the debate on Bitcoin some very is guaranteeing the same. ing only on the mass frenzy created by becomes too strong to be resisted. with Congress’ Veer Bahadur Singh who
Younger investors are relatively less fundamental issues are being ignored. The second issue is relating to ‘price interested parties. In this scenario, the Bitcoin’s market capitalisation is already visited Noida in 1988 and lost the next
aware of the fact that the history of Bitcoin is being promoted as decen- discovery’. The financial markets have beneficiaries of this ‘irrational exuber- $300 billion (~20,00,000 crore approxi- election. Successor Narayan Dutt Tiwari met
financial markets is punctuated by ‘bub- tralised international virtual currency. evolved very fast over the last few ance’ are going to be a few insiders who mately) and is surging. with the same fate in 1989, followed by
bles’ starting from the ‘Mississippi Everyone knows, currency is nothing decades learning from various ‘scams’ are managing the show at various levels There are also serious concerns Samajwadi Party's Mulayam Singh Yadav in
Bubble’ in the 18th century in France to by itself. It is simply a medium of and cycles of ‘booms and busts’. Today, and have substantial holdings created about cryptocurrencies being used for 1995, BJP’s Kalyan Singh in 1999 and BSP’s
the dotcom bubble in the late 1990s in exchange. It is the ‘trust’ which makes removal of ‘information asymmetry’ is or bought at throw away prices in the money laundering and funding of ter- Mayawati in 2012. Current state CM Yogi
the US. The bursting of all these bub- people accept any particular currency — considered imperative by regulators for initial stages. rorism. Hence, international organisa- Adityanath hopes to break the jinx — he will
bles, though not without undesirable trust in a person paying it; trust in the protecting the interest of investors. In The third and the most important tions like Financial Action Take Force visit Noida on December 23 to take a look at
consequences on the economy and soci- person issuing it and trust in the bank the case of Bitcoin, there is a huge infor- is that in modern times when central need to take appropriate action. the arrangements for the inauguration of
ety, has, time and again, reminded the which is honouring it. Money is not met- mation asymmetry existing between the banks are regulating money supply to the Magenta Line of the Delhi Metro by Prime
world of the inviolable law of finance al or paper but ‘trust’ inscribed. In the insiders and lay investors leading to seri- control various vital economic param- The writer is a former whole-time member of Minister Narendra Modi on Christmas.
that ‘trees do not grow to the sky’. modern world it is the government or ous distortions in the price discovery. eters such as interest rate, inflation the Securities and Exchange Board of India


Santa in Finland, where marketing wins over geography thousands of crores to win the elections achieve its over-ambitious target to digitise
just like that, implying that it was time the Indian economy, though it was not one
The base of the one and only true Santa is drawing tourists from far and wide now to make money, paved the way for of the three primary objectives of its
Raja’s appointment as the telecom min- demonetisation idea. But one fails to com-
ROD NORDLAND growing secularisation of Christmas — ister in UPA-II. The verdict of the CBI prehend the rationale behind such a huge
with each year more and more X, and court is out but it remains to be seen financial outgo by both the RBI as well as
Here in Santa Claus Village, near the less and less Christ — they need only whether the higher court looks into the the commercial banks on ~2,000 notes.
Arctic Circle, is the self-anointed “offi- drop in here to confirm some of their circumstantial evidence in the larger pub- The moot question now is: Was no proper
cial Santa,” a Finn who refused to give worst fears. Rumor has it there is a crèche lic and national interest and create histo- home work done at that time?
his real name, insisting he was actual- somewhere in Santa Claus Village, but ry or go strictly by “evidence before it” in S Kumar New Delhi
ly Mr Claus. finding it is a challenge. pronouncing the judgement.
A couple of hundred yards away in a Despite temperatures in the single Naresh Saxena New Delhi A turnaround story
competing venue is Second Santa, digits Fahrenheit — and nights now 22
whose real name is Kari Eskeli, 65, also a hours long — 330,000 people from 180 Currency blues This refers to your report ‘RBI places
Finn. As soon as Christmas is over, he countries, according to current figures, Bank of India under prompt corrective
goes back home to the warmth of the come to visit Santa, purchase $60 photos Startling decision With reference to ‘RBI may be holding back action’ (December 21). There is no doubt
Spanish Canary Islands. “I can’t wait,” he with him and patronise the dozens of ~2,000 notes: SBI Report’ (December 21), if that the huge force of the Bank of India
chuckled at the end of a long recent day Christmas trinket shops. The decision of the CBI special court to set one truly believes this report, it is highly (BOI) has the ability to turn around the
of receiving supplicants. “Ho ho ho.” That nearly equals the combined all the accused in the 2G spectrum case unimaginable to learn that the RBI has not bank. BOI has brought down its corpo-
And then there’s Evil Santa, as he total of reindeer (200,000) and people free, is most startling to say the least. I released the high value notes worth ~2.46 rate loan book from 52 per cent to 48 per
calls himself, an outspoken raconteur (180,000) in Lapland; tourism growth Jolly old Finns who often play the role remember distinctly that Business lakh crore. It also reveals that the RBI may cent (of the overall loan book). Since BOI
holding forth in his son’s busy souvenir this year in Rovaniemi (population to the hilt Standard was the first to raise the issue in either be holding back ~2,000 notes or may has increased its non-performing assets
shop just downstairs from official 50,000) is 25 percent, said Sanna 2008 in its various editorials when there have stopped printing high denomination provision to 65 per cent, the net non-
Santa’s grotto. Karkkainen, the managing director of the idea to attract tourists to remote was no air of the scam in general public. currency. In all fairness, both the RBI and performing assets (ratio) is only 6.4 per
“This place is exploding now, it’s Visit Rovaniemi, the tourist board. “We Lapland and settled on Rovaniemi for The court strictly would have gone by the the government should urgently clarify the cent. The bank’s top managements has
really taking off,” said Wolfgang Kassik, added 1,000 bed places just this its train station and airport. For many evidence produced before it. But in cases of position and thereby put to rest all such initiated reforms and the bank is reviving
an Austrian business consultant with a Christmas season,” she said. years, though, the Santa Claus attrac- scams of this magnitude, the courts would reports. Perhaps, this issue gains more sig- fast. Customer acquisition initiatives,
long gray, all-natural beard, who is mar- Many of the tourists are neither tion jostled for visitors with tours to do well to consider circumstantial evidence nificance as the RBI had incurred huge introduction of new projects, campaigns
ried to a Finn. “Personally, though, I Christians nor even from countries that see the Northern Lights or go on rein- to satisfy itself. The circumstantial evi- expenses in getting ~2,000 denomination and new products and services have
don’t like kids.” celebrate Christmas. The largest single deer safaris; most of those who came dence in the present case would be as fol- notes printed on priority basis to meet the filled the bank with new energy. The
That could be a problem. At this group of visitors are Chinese, who typi- were from countries with a strong lows. Dayanidhi Maran was appointed in demand for high value currency in the huge workforce of BOI has the ability to
time of year around 20 airliners a day, cally come without their children Christmas tradition, bringing children the sensitive ministry as the telecom min- wake of demonetisation. Moreover, the shake off the PCA blues.
chartered and scheduled, land here in because there are no school holidays this along on the ultimate Santa’s Grotto ister at the instance of the DMK party. commercial banks had to spend huge Vinod C Dixit Ahmedabad
the capital of Finnish Lapland, dis- time of year in China. experience. Maran used his position to illegally operate amounts towards recalibrating their ATMs
gorging families from scores of coun- That does not stop them from getting Barry and Leanne Smyth, from a mini exchange for the office of Sun TV, of for dispensing the newly designed notes.
tries, and bringing wide-eyed children in the lines at the Santa grottoes to meet Ireland, brought their daughters, which he was the owner along with his But if the RBI is actually holding back Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
to a reliably snowy place that is, for the jolly old Finns who often play the Lauren, 9, and Jodie, 4, here last week, brother Kalanithi Maran. When the ~2,000 notes, then such a contrived move The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
youngsters at least, a convincing recre- role to the hilt. after a box of presents arrived at their Maran brothers fell out of favour of the could obviously create an imminent
New Delhi 110 002
ation of the North Pole (which is actu- “What’s your real name?” many of house early with a note inside from DMK patriarch, Karunanidhi, Dayanidhi shortage of the high value notes in circu- Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
ally 1,600 miles north), complete with the adult visitors ask official Santa, and Santy (as they know him in Ireland), Maran was called back by him and A Raja lation. The government may be tempted to All letters must have a postal address and telephone
reindeer-drawn sleighs, staff in elfin he has a stock answer. “It’s Santa Claus.” inviting the girls to visit him in person. was installed in his place. Raja blatantly hold back these notes so as to successfully number
dress and an official Finnish govern- If they still insist, “Your original name?” They found a flight to Helsinki, then all allocating the 2G licences on the first-
ment “Santa’s post office.” The dedi- then he responds, “Originally it was four crammed into a compartment with come-first-serve basis prima facie gave > HAMBONE BY MIKE FLANAGAN
cated Santa postal code of 96930 Joulupukki.” two beds on the overnight train to rise to suspicion. Everything was brushed
attracts half a million letters a year. Joulupukki is the name of Finns’ Rovaniemi, 500 miles to the north. under the carpet in UPA-1 government.
While no more real than the Santa traditional Santa Claus figure, but “We didn’t sleep a wink,” Smyth, an Come 2009 general elections,
impersonators’ beards, Rovaniemi’s therein lies both the rub, and the tri- accountant, said. “But the girls loved it.” Manmohan Singh, aware of the misdeeds
claim to be the base of the one and only umph, of marketing. Literally the The girls thanked Santa for his invitation of Raja, resisted the move to appoint Raja
true Santa is nonetheless a triumph of name means Yule Goat, and the (the parents exchanged a furtive glance) as telecom minister. But it was necessary
marketing, so much so that the town Finnish character historically was a and asked, as many children do these that the ministry remained under the
has trademarked its rubric, “The Official sort of troll who was used to threaten days, for a slime factory. control of DMK ministers so that the
Hometown of Santa Claus. children who were naughty. actions of the previous minister remained
And for those who fret about the Fifty years ago, travel marketers got ©2017 The New York Times News Service suppressed. The statement of
Karunanidhi that DMK had not spent


Volume XXII Number 94

“narco-analysis” – essentially drugging people and
recording their hallucinatory mumblings – that
CBI under fire, again would not be accepted as evidence anywhere in the
civilised world.
Beyond that we have not developed either
The 2G verdict raises serious questions about the prosecution method, science or structure. Any crime that does

he special court of Justice O P Saini on Thursday announced a remark- not involve immediately identifiable benefit (“cui
bono?” in the words of Cicero) will likely remain
able verdict in what is known as the 2G scam case, which had rocked the unsolved.
telecom sector and played a major role in allegations about massive cor- The highest profile murders of our time – M M
ruption under the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance govern- Kalburgi, Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Pansare,
ment. The case involved allocation in 2008 of 122 telecom licences, bundled with Gauri Lankesh – remain not only unsolved but actu-
spectrum at prices determined in 2001, on a first-come, first-served basis by for- ally clueless in the sense that the police have no
workable clue. Lankesh was a friend of mine (she
mer telecom minister A Raja. On trial were 16 other individuals, including Dravida
used to bring over people like Kanhaiya Kumar and
Munnetra Kazhagam’s M K Kanimozhi and a host of top bureaucrats and business Jignesh Mewani to build the resistance to our violent
executives of some of the country’s top telecom companies. The scam was held to and damaging religious nationalism). A couple of

The scam that

be the biggest in India’s history with the then Comptroller and Auditor General of hours after we heard of her assassination, another
India saying that by not auctioning these airwaves, the government suffered a friend called from the spot: Anyone was being freely
notional loss of ~1.76 lakh crore. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) pegged allowed access to the crime scene.
It is not surprising that we’re still in the dark
the loss at ~30,984 crore, and the Supreme Court declared the allocation of airwaves

never was
faulty and cancelled the 122 licences of nine telecom firms. The Union government controls the Central
Eight years after the scam made national headlines, the case has been Bureau of Investigation, which as the Aarushi trial
thrown out by the court, which acquitted all the accused, raising serious questions shows is an incompetent and malicious body, the
once again about the credibility of the CBI. The judge stated that the prosecution Intelligence Bureau, the Enforcement Directorate,
had failed miserably. More shameful for the CBI is the court’s observation that From terror cases to murder of public intellectuals to scams, the Indian and the National Investigation Agency, which has
shamed India by smearing Kashmiri leaders and
while the prosecution started the case with great enthusiasm and ardour, it lat-
er became “highly cautious and guarded” in its attitude and by the end of the case, state has no capacity to deliver justice then producing no charges.
The state governments control the police. The
“the quality of prosecution totally deteriorated and it became directionless and

he process of distributing spectrum by former page read: “Also wanted in the case, one Iqbal rot runs through it all. No party is exempt and even
diffident”. In the judgment, the court details how the CBI failed to prove any prime minister Manmohan Singh’s govern- Memon alias Mirchi”. our most lauded chief ministers have failed here,
wrongdoing on the part of the accused as there was little by way of actual proof ment is referred to as the 2G Scam. A judge The case was thrown out of course and Mirchi and even in their most important tests. I’ll close
about the allegations of Mr Raja parking ~200 crore in Kalaignar TV (P) Ltd or who has examined the material presented by the remained in London. The state in India is weak and with an example.
state says there was no scam. lacks capacity as we all can observe but one area On 24 September 2002, six months after the
extending the deadline of applications to suit specific companies. The judge also
The papers will be full of details but a couple of where it is uniformly poor is in matter of investiga- Godhra riots, two men with assault rifles murdered
stated that the prosecution even refrained from signing documents and replies points must be visited. Judge O tion, particularly forensic investi- over 30 Gujaratis and security personnel in
before the court, thus robbing the whole process of any credibility. P Saini says “there is no evi- gation, whether into white-collar Ahmedabad’s Akshardham temple. The two killers,
The reactions by the political parties concerned were on predictable lines, dence on the record produced (i.e., financial) crime, such as the apparently Pakistanis, though we are not sure, were
with Congress leaders saying the party’s reputation had been redeemed and before the court indicating any 2G non-scam (will journalists be shot dead. However six Indian Muslims were picked
Bharatiya Janata Party leaders asking them not to treat the judgment as a certi- criminality in the acts allegedly required to rename it now?) or even up and tried.
committed by the accused per- regular crime. Acquitting all the men, the Supreme Court said:
fication that there was nothing wrong with the 2G allocation policy. The main
sons.” And, also that “the charge We have a very poor conviction “Before parting with the judgment, we intend to
issue, however, is much beyond this political mudslinging. Though the CBI has sheet of the instant case is based ratio, under 50 per cent, and this express our anguish about the incompetence with
stated that it will appeal against the verdict in the Delhi High Court, Wednesday’s mainly on misreading, selective rate collapses when one looks at which the investigating agencies conducted the
damning judgment has done enough damage to its reputation. For the time reading, non-reading and out- appeals and particularly at serious investigation of the case of such a grievous nature,
being, this verdict has left everyone confused about the whole process. That is of-context reading of the offi- crimes and trials where the accused involving the integrity and security of the nation.
cial record”. are not poor. Instead of booking the real culprits responsible for
because accusations such as the pricing of the spectrum as well as the arbitrari-
ness in the process of allocation remain unresolved. Having opened this can of
Was there hanky-panky in REPLY TO ALL The British left behind a polic- taking so many precious lives, the police caught
the distribution? Our instinct ing process that reflected its prior- innocent people and imposed the grievous charges
worms, the CBI risks further damage to its image unless it is able to back its claim before the verdict would have AAKAR PATEL ities, those mainly being law and against them which resulted in their conviction and
with persuasive facts. There is no doubt that the judgment underscores the need been to say that there indeed order, and also reflected the limita- subsequent sentencing” (page 280).
for much greater maturity and case-building capability on the part of the CBI’s was. It is a shame that the acquittal happened on the tions of its budget. Of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role as home
officers than they seem to have at present. The development also highlights the basis of the state’s incompetence. This was a case that A few years after the Mirchi episode, some of us minister (a portfolio he held throughout his stint as
need for the CBI to have genuine independence so that it can acquire the credi- was too important to bungle, but bungle it we have. gathered in Mumbai to discuss the Godhra episode Gujarat’s chief minister, with Amit Shah as minister
A little over 20 years ago, as a sessions court at a round table called by Asghar Ali Engineer (now of state) in approving the charges, the court said the
bility it needs badly for people to trust its actions. reporter, I was approached by an advocate named no longer with us, alas). At that meeting the former case showed “clear non-application of mind by the
Shyam Keswani. He said he was one of the lawyers IAS officer Harsh Mander said that the state in India home minister in granting sanction” (page 109).
representing Iqbal Mirchi, accused of smuggling was designed with the capacity to end public vio- The thing was put together so shoddily that the
narcotics, whom the Indian government was trying lence like riots of any scale inside 24 hours. Gujarat police had a handwriting expert who verified

The bitcoin battle

to extradite from the UK. The extradition hearing This it was still able to do — the fact that some the Urdu handwriting of the accused, while admit-
was happening soon, Mr Keswani said, would I like governments instruct the police to step aside while ting he knew no Urdu and could not tell it from
to have a look at that charge sheet? I said I did and the majority avenges itself is another matter. But Arabic or Persian.
Effective regulation will follow recognition took the 200-or-so-page document he gave me what it was not able to do, perhaps because the From terror cases, to murders of our public intel-
home. design itself lacks it, is the investigation bit. lectuals to “scams”, which robbed us of nearly ~2 lakh

he regulatory authorities finally appear to be taking cognisance of the I spent the night reading it and it was a case Police stations carry photographs of the usual crore, the Indian state has no capacity to ensure the
booming trade in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies along with the against a few other individuals: There was no men- suspects in the neighbourhood and investigations delivery of justice. There is no grand plan to change
explosion of various money-laundering schemes and outright fraud tion in it of the man the government was seeking to into household theft begin with a ritual thrashing of this and there is not even recognition of failure. The
that this new phenomenon has enabled. Effective regulation of trade extradite till the absolute last page. One line on that the servants. Of late, we have added rubbish, like bumblers carry on, and often are rewarded.
in cryptocurrencies will require coordinated action by multiple agencies. Last
week, the finance ministry decided to set up a panel for reviewing such deals. The

The US is exporting obesity

income tax department has also undertaken surveys of several exchanges deal-
ing in these virtual assets and has reportedly sent out notices to many high net
worth individuals who might have been trading in these. The Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is considering monitoring the market for fraud-

s US President Donald Trump’s administra- kg. (Over the same period, the average height of rienced a rise in obesity, partly because US imports
ulent issues of new virtual currencies. On its part, the Reserve Bank of India has
tion throws sharp elbows in trade negotiations Americans increased by only one inch, or 2.5 cen- have led to a sharp decline in the price of fructose.
cautioned users, holders and traders about the risk of these currencies and has and systematically rescinds regulations intro- timeters.) This same dynamic is playing out world- It is unfortunate that government regulators have
clarified that it has not issued any licence or authorisation to any entity or com- duced by President Barack Obama, one casualty is wide, with obesity rates soaring in Europe, Latin been so slow to try to reverse these trends by, for exam-
pany to operate such schemes or deals. likely to be efforts to fight the global obesity epidemic. America, and even in China. ple, helping to educate the public on the science of
Bitcoin has appreciated by close to 2,000 per cent in the past year. A huge Left unchecked, rapidly rising obesity rates could slow Although it is difficult to gauge the long-run health nutrition. And, for too long, most government anti-obe-
number of new “copycat” currencies – well over a thousand, at last count – have or even reverse the dramatic gains in consequences, there is abundant sity education has focused on mechanically regulating
health and life expectancy that much evidence that obesity contributes calorie intake, without taking into account that differ-
been created. Some of these cryptocurrencies, such as ethereum and litecoin, are of the world has enjoyed over the past significantly to higher rates of type ent foods have dramatically different effects on
generated by complex but transparent mathematical algorithms similar to bit- few decades. And by forcing its food II diabetes, heart attacks, and cer- appetite (as David Ludwig, a professor at Harvard
coin and these virtual currencies apply similar principles of open source verifi- culture on countries such as Mexico tain types of cancer. The health Medical School, emphasises in his excellent new book
cation using blockchains. But many other such “coins” are issued by fly-by- and Canada, the United States is mak- costs are staggering, estimated to Always Hungry).
night operators out to deceive gullible investors who have been sucked into this ing the problem worse. be close to $200 billion per year in Sceptics may point out that nutrition guidelines
bubble by greed. “Initial Coin Offerings” (ICOs), where such fraudulent cryp- One of the paradoxes of modern the US alone. And with rising always seem to be morphing, with last year’s sin food
global capitalism is that whereas more childhood obesity rates worldwide becoming this year’s superfood, and vice-versa.
tocurrencies are launched, have become popular. They have been banned in many than 800 million people in the world portending significantly greater Though there is some truth to this, the fact is that
countries as they attempt to entirely bypass market regulators and break all the do not have enough to eat, an estimat- health problems in the future nutrition research has made significant progress in
rules for raising start-up funding. Quite apart from fraudulent ICOs, bitcoin itself ed 700 million people (including 100 KENNETH ROGOFF adult population, the costs are like- recent decades.
is easily misused for money laundering and illegal cross-currency transactions. million children) are obese. Of course, ly to rise considerably. The government has other tools at its disposal,
It is possible to buy bitcoin for cash in one currency and sell it in another, with lit- the two are not necessarily directly The causes of obesity are man- besides education, for affecting people’s eating habits.
related. A considerable proportion of world hunger ifold and complex. Nevertheless, a growing body of evi- They can and should place greater restrictions on
tle trace of either transaction left in the global banking system. Alternatively, it
occurs in countries suffering from domestic strife or dence suggests that a culture emphasising processed advertising to children, as the UK, France, and sever-
may even be possible to buy bitcoin in rupees, sell for a profit in dollars or yen, severe government dysfunction. food and a generally sedentary lifestyle lies at the cen- al other countries have done; obesity in early years
and claim export benefits on the trade. The obesity epidemic, however, has a much broad- tre of the problem. In emerging markets, rapid urban- can lead to lifelong problems. Beyond that, Ludwig,
Warnings and advisories against trading in these assets issued by the central er footprint, affecting advanced economies and most isation is another important factor, as well as a desire Tufts University’s Dariush Mozaffarian, and I have
bank as well as Sebi have simply not been enough. And it is possible to bypass emerging markets. Although there is some connec- to emulate Western lifestyles. proposed instituting a tax on processed food, much the
restrictions on trading, as China has discovered to its cost. The fact is that these tion between obesity and poverty within countries, it Many governments have launched initiatives to same way that tobacco is taxed. Proceeds from the tax
is notable that obesity rates in rich countries such as the improve nutrition education. Unfortunately, industry could be used to subsidise healthier alternatives.
assets fall into a regulatory black hole. Regulating them first requires recognising
United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada are advertising typically dwarfs these efforts, as do US It is perhaps fantasy to expect the current US
them — something the government has so far been reluctant to do, though the among the world’s highest. trade lobbyists’ own efforts to push processed and fast administration to consider any kind of anti-obesity
income tax department is clear that tax has to be paid on all cryptocurrency trans- Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control esti- food on the rest of the world. strategy while it is still busy dismantling Obama-era
actions. However, it may be time now to bite the bullet. Japan, Australia, Estonia mated that a stunning 40 per cent of all Americans are It is hard to ignore the fact that Mexico’s adult obe- policies. But that is all the more reason why countries
and a few other nations have already recognised bitcoin and a few other cryp- obese (defined as having a body mass index of 30 or sity rate has soared since the adoption in 1993 of the entering new trade agreements with the US (for exam-
tocurrencies as currency. South Korea is considering similar legislation. These higher), a figure that includes 20.6 per cent of adoles- North American Free Trade Agreement. While there ple, the post-Brexit UK, or post-NAFTA Canada) must
cents (12-19 years old). According to the CDC, the aver- are many causes, post-NAFTA direct foreign invest- be wary of any provisions that tie their hands in the war
nations have introduced know-your-client and net worth norms for exchanges
age weight of an American woman today is greater ment in the processed food industry and a surge in against obesity.
dealing in these assets and have strictly defined “valid cryptocurrencies”. This than the average weight of an American man in 1960 advertising are important contributors.
enables their use as a medium of exchange for legitimate purposes while also pro- (166 pounds, or 75 kg). Mexican consumption of sugary beverages nearly The writer, a former chief economist of the IMF, is professor
viding regulators the leverage required to crack down on illegal activities. Back in 1960, the average weight of an American tripled between 1993 and 2014, and a new tax on sug- of economics and public policy at Harvard University.
woman was 140 pounds or 63 kg, while the average ary drinks has muted demand only slightly since then. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2017
weight of an American man today is 195 pounds, or 88 The other NAFTA partner, Canada, has similarly expe-

The only Christmas book Company. It was the time when the
modern secular Christmas was born,
and A Christmas Carol – which has
practically no religion or even religious
no workhouses, Scrooge asks. The
workhouse, which was a laissez-faire
Victorian city’s only concession to
social protection, was a place in which
small alleyways between Lombard
Street and Cornhill in the City of
London, the very place where Dickens
set Scrooge’s office. Now, as then, this
become indelibly associated with the Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol just imagery in it – was a central part of the destitute were concentrated and network of tiny lanes is home to little
season of late — The Simpsons and the about at the time that the Victorians that process. made to work under the worst possible offices, three-man financial firms,
American version of The Office pro- were inventing Christmas. The mid- Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol conditions. Scrooge was written to be accountants and stockbrokers. As the
duced a number of them. nineteenth century was a time of great over the course of a few months in as unpleasant a character as possible – bells rang out – bells were a repeated
What is odd, however, is that there economic and social upheaval in 1843, and with a very specific aim in money-grubbing, tyrannical, selfish – motif in A Christmas Carol – and the
is only one Christmas book that has England; the Industrial Revolution, a mind: To agitate for better treatment of essentially as an embodiment of evening grew more shadowy under the
become a tradition: Charles Dickens’ generation earlier, meant that people the poor, especially poor children. For the principles that Dicken felt dim yellow street lights, you could easi-
A Christmas Carol, the story of the had been uprooted from their commu- much of his life, child labour and social were responsible for having ly imagine you were back in 1843.
redemption of a miserly financier on nities and moved to cities, losing touch protections had been a very personal abandoned England’s poor. Except, of course, for the clear and
Christmas Eve. There are other books with the traditions that had differentiat- cause for Dickens, who had endured Interestingly, Dickens never made breathable air.
with a Christmas theme, or set around ed and marked festivals in those com- appalling conditions as a boy in a shoe- much money from the print copies of A Another movie has been released
PAGE DOWN Christmastime, but nothing comes munities. A new, national form of cele- blacking factory when his father had Christmas Carol; it was pirated almost that hopes to become part of the
close to having Christmas Carol’s pop- bration needed to replace them. Into been sent to debtors’ prison. There’s a as soon as it was out, with some editions Christmas canon — but this one invents
MIHIR S SHARMA ularity or enduring influence. Perhaps this void stepped the fashion for things lot of this concern visible in David promising to cut out all the superfluous a story about Dickens himself at
O Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi”, Germanic that came across the channel Copperfield, some in Oliver Twist — but description and just give you the story Christmastime, a sort of retelling of A
Christmas has produced many classic which generations of ICSE students with Victoria’s husband, Albert, in 1840. more than all of these, A Christmas in an even more digestible format. A Christmas Carol in which the writer
movies, the watching of which have read in school, has a smidgen of the Christmas trees – essentially a German Carol was born of Dickens’ devotion to pity that, because the descriptions of a himself serves as the agent of Scrooge’s
slowly become traditions — most same impact – I certainly can remem- tradition – proliferated, as did carol the issue. The crucial scene, as far as A smog-bound London here are irre- redemption. There’s some truth to the
recently, perhaps, Love Actually, the ber entire passages from it, in spite of singers. German Christmas traditions Christmas Carol’s characterisation of sistible, and enormously familiar to notion that Dickens invented a modern
Richard Curtis paean to Yuletide soppi- having the worst memory in the world fused with a very Anglo-Saxon commer- the old miser Ebenezer Scrooge is con- anyone suffering in the brown haze that Christmas, or at least the emotions with
ness that everyone publicly hates and – but it’s just a short story and not cialism to produce Christmas as we cerned, is the one in which he turns envelops North India at the moment. which it is supposed to be invested. But
privately watches whenever it’s on. even a novella like A Christmas Carol, know it today — with the addition, in down some men collecting for the poor He also managed to provide a terrific I don’t suppose anything will ever sup-
There are even Christmas-themed and can’t quite aspire to the latter’s time, of the modern Santa Claus, an residents of London who were freezing sense of place. A week or so ago, I was plant the book itself. It is still a joyful,
episodes of television shows that have ubiquity. invention of course of the Coca-Cola during a very cold Yuletide: Are there walking at dusk around the maze of funny and cathartic read.


2G Scam is Dead, With the 2G verdict, the BJP will find it hard to convince people that every accusation it makes is true

Long Live the Scam

Court ruling raises questions of politics, policy
The CBI Court’s detailed examination of the evidence and
Spotting a Credibility Gap row electoral victory in the Prime
Minister’s home state of Gujarat ex-
testimony of witnesses has led it to the unequivocal con- posed the BJP’s soft underbelly. It al-
clusion that former telecom minister A Raja followed est-
ablished policy and procedure while allocating addition-
so comes as the countdown begins for
a series of state polls in 2018 that will Mind Should
pit the BJP against the Congress and
al 2G licences in 2008. Special Judge O P Saini’s finding is
that a set of irresponsible telecom ministry officials, led
set the stage for the big battle in 2019
when the country will vote for its
next national government.
by a bumbling secretary, D S Mathur, led to the confusion Arati R Jerath The repercussions are two-fold.
that led to the allegation of a scam. This creates a big hole It’s a huge blow for the BJP whose To know innate reality, the pow-
in the political narrative that discredited the previous here’s perception. And high-decibel campaign, branding the ers of the mind need to be turn-
UPA government. Not just former telecom minister A
Raja, the Congress, too, will claim vindication of their
protestations of innocence. T then, there’s reality. The Congress as corrupt, has now come
perception that Manmo- largely undone.
han Singh’s UPA govern- At the same time, it’s a boost for the
ment was the ‘most corrupt Congress, which can now take the
ed back upon itself. With concen-
tration, the mind can access its
innermost secrets, just as the
darkest places reveal their sec-

However, the judgement fails to explain why compani- ever’ because of a telecom scam that moral high ground as it reaches out rets to the penetrating rays of
was said to have cost the exchequer a to the smaller parties to cobble to- light. We can then perceive soul
es associated with Swan Telecom, one of the companies mindboggling presumptive loss of gether an anti-Modi front for 2019. truths, whether life exists for
that got licences, transferred .̀ 200 crore to Kalaignar TV, .̀ 1.76 lakh crore now stands under se- The acquittal has the potential of The law looks down on public perception five minutes or for eternity, and
controlled by DMK chief Karunanidhi’s family, includ- rious contestation after a special CBI knocking the bottom out of the BJP’s whether there is a God. To go be-
court acquitted all the accused in the anti-corruption plank that it crafted drag not just the Congress, but a host strong language — must be sweet mu- yond the mind and our present
ing daughter Kanimozhi. This will call for a separate in- 2G spectrum allocation case. using the ‘2G scam’ as the spearhead. of opposition leaders, into corrup- sic to the ears of an embattled Con- reality, we need to use the mind
vestigation and sustain lingering suspicion that a scam Three-and-a-half years after Na- The plank won the party one parlia- tion cases. Every case must be found- gress that had completely lost the itself as a tool. Patanjali, in his
did take place but could not be nailed. rendra Modi and the BJP swept to mentary election and was being but- ed on firm ground and foolproof evi- perception battle to the BJP. The rul- Hatha Yoga Pradipika, stated,
power riding a wave of disgust trig- tressed for the next one, with regular dence to stand the test of judicial ing party’s obvious discomfort in “Yoga is the cessation of the
2G scam, in other words, will live on. gered by allegedly the biggest cor- reminders of the Congress’ mis- scrutiny. Tweets, social media posts Gujarat, where the Congress gave it modifications of the mind.”
The Supreme Court had scrapped 122 ruption scandal to hit the political es- deeds over the past decades. and selective leaks by maverick BJP some heart-stopping moments on Yoga is the practice of aware-
telecom licences, on the assumption it tablishment since Bofors, the court This plank now lies damaged, and leaders at the forefront of the campa- Modi’s home turf, has been a shot in ness of mind and yoga never
threw the case out of the window say- unless the BJP can piece it together, it ign against Opposition parties stand the arm. The 2G judgement is anoth- asks what our faith or belief is.
was a scam, even as the lower court ing that “not a single soul turned up” will have to search for another weap- exposed for what they are: without er morale booster. All the different steps in yoga
was investigating if one existed. The with “legally admissible evidence”. on to fire at the Congress. It can no the necessary evidence required by The challenge for the Congress are intended to bring us closer
assumption turns out to have been longer openly holler that the Grand the special court, rumours and spec- and its newly anointed president Ra- to the superconscious state.
A Million Trials Now Old Party has ‘looted the country for ulation in a perception battle earlier hul Gandhi is to turn these boosts in- Meditation techniques help us
presumption. Can companies whose It’s not only a damning indictment of 70 years’ and hope to get away with it. won by BJP. to pivotal moments, which can turn observe the truth of suffering
licences were cancelled now seek compensation, besides the CBI that investigated the case — More than the acquittal, what sh- their fortunes around. within the nature of agitation,
restoration of licences? Will the court be more circum- and of the media, which conducted ould worry the BJP is the harsh lan- Back in the Battle There are many corruption charg- irritation or misery, none of
its own trial based on selective leaks guage used by the judge as he handed The judgement will also be seen in es flying around against Congress which is possible without the
spect in future scam allegations and forestall action that and half-baked conclusions that ulti- out his ‘not guilty’ verdict. He lashed the context of the current controver- leaders, some possibly true, some pos- mind’s involvement.
causes immense economic stress? What of the CAG, whi- mately proved to be legally untenable out at the manner in which public sy that’s raging as the BJP and Con- sibly unfounded. Does Rahul have the As you start observing, the
— Thursday’s judgement has the po- perception was created “by rumour, gress lock horns over Prime Minister necessary mojo to make something cause of misery becomes clear.
ch had estimated a loss to the exchequer of .̀ 1.76 lakh cro-
tential of altering the political land- gossip and speculation” and sternly Narendra Modi’s election rhetoric of the breaks Lady Luck has sudden- Because you reacted with nega-
re, based on the assumption that each MHz of the allocat- scape as radically as the alleged scan- reprimanded the prosecution that hinting at former Prime Minister ly decided to hand him? tivity, with craving or aversion,
ed 2G spectrum in 2008 would have been worth the 3G sp- dal itself did when it broke seven “public perception has no place in ju- Manmohan Singh’s involvement in a While the BJP versus Congress po- you are now experiencing an un-
years ago. dicial proceedings”. Pakistan-driven conspiracy to influ- litical battle will rage on, the 2G jud- pleasant sensation in the body.
ectrum price discovered in the 2010 auction, without tak-
The timing of the verdict is cruci- The judge’s warning has serious ence the outcome of the state poll. gement itself must serve as a wake- But as you keep observing that
ing into account the additional tax revenue skimmed from al. It has come just days after a nar- implications for current efforts to It will take some innovation for the up call for the institutions that are sensation, it loses its strength
faster growth arising from telecom spread? BJP to wriggle out of the Congress’ supposed to protect and defend Ind- and passes away. And the nega-
demand for an apology after this, ia’s democracy. These include suppo- tivity passes with it. Thus, me-
This is not the first time the courts have held that not
considering what they had drummed sedly autonomous investigative agen- ditation reveals deeper truths
holding auctions for allocating natural resources is not a The 2G verdict — and the judge’s strong language — home earlier as ‘truth’ about 2G has cies like the CBI and the media. Pub- about yourself.
scam. The Supreme Court’s response to the President’s must be sweet music to the ears of an embattled now been established by the court not lic perception, as the judge reminded Pay attention to your breath
to be so. us on Thursday, has no room in a sys- and follow its inflow and out-
reference on 2G had said as much. Hype is no guide for Congress that had lost the perception battle to the BJP The 2G verdict — and the judge’s tem guided by laws. flow. Or chant a simple mantra
the criminal justice system. and give your entire attention to
the sound and meaning of the
words. The ideal time to medi-

TAKE FIVE tate is at sunrise. Regular prac-

tice is necessary once or twice

Welcome Initiative No. 1 Book Sellers

A report from the non-profit International Publishers Association
found that in 2015, two countries dominated global book production—
Top 5 Matters About
Something That Matters This Week
a day. Every session is a step to-
wards greater inner freedom.

on Electric Transport “Art is like baby

China and the US. China produced 470,000 new titles while the United
States churned out just under 339,000...
Top publishing markets for new book titles in 2015
1 Vrushka! (Rejected. Too much like
Chat Room
Transport and highways minister Nitin Gadkari says he will
shoes. When a Soviet missile battery)
seek budgetary allocation of .̀ 5,000 crore to fast-forward elec- China 470,000
2 Vinushka! (Rejected. Feels defeatist) Simultaneous
tric vehicles nationwide. The plan is to set up special purpose you coat them
vehicles with state governments and road transport corpora- with gold, they
US 338,986 3 KohliSharma! (Rejected. Sounds like Polls Unlikely
UK 173,000 a coaching class)
tions, to procure electric buses, build world-class bus ports Apropos ‘Rahul’s Next Fight:
can no longer 4 Avirat! (Rejected. Means ‘very small’ Raj, MP & C’garh’ by Nidhi Sh-
and modernise public transportation fleets. The move makes France 106,760
in Sanskrit)
eminent sense.
be worn.” arma (Dec 21), in Gujarat’s 63
John Updike
Germany 89,506 5 Anusvir! (Rejected generally) million population, neither
It is desirable to transit from public transport based on the the ruling party nor the Oppo-
Novelist Brazil 88,685
rather inefficient internal combustion engine to e-buses. It is sition was able to put up a local
notable that the ministry plans to procure more than 5,000 e- Japan 76,445 face as their leader. The ruling
party needed the PM, even the
buses for inter-city travel from next fiscal. Estimates suggest Spain 73,233 party president was nowhere
Source: Statista

that by phasing out diesel buses, state transport corporations to be seen. The main Oppositi-
Italy 65,886
would be able to bring down their cost of on needed an individual who
operations by almost 50%. The govern- S Korea 45,212 his party says is the best man
Illustration: ANIRBAN BORA to become PM! Why this sorry
ment needs to leverage resources from state of affairs? Because back
the Clean Energy Fund, and also tap mul- in 1969, the then-PM — who em-
tilateral funding for the express purpose erged from hereditary inherit-
ance, later applicable to her son
of making the planned transition smooth
and cost effective. The change to e-buses
LOUD THINKING Citings and now her grandson — was
insecure because she did not
would doubtless have substantial macro- have a political base of her own

Rahul’s Lakshman Rekha Managing

economic and environmental benefits as well. The move can and had to destroy the local
satraps for her own survival.
drastically reduce our crude oil imports in the medium term However, the ruling party too
and beyond, and pollution abatement from vehicular exhau- Strategy has produced few local leaders
sts is likely to be much more immediate, especially if we strive and the prime minister devoted
to purposefully reduce the carbon footprint in transportation is not without disquiet. For most of the to rally Hindus. In contrast to Maya- an entire month to an election.
campaign, he did not emphasise the wati’s pitch of distributing tickets to It is in this context that the
by opting to recharge e-buses with renewable energy like sol- distinctiveness of the Congress’ ideo- 100 Muslims — which contributed to We think of organisational proposal to have simultaneous
ar power. The new bus ports proposed clearly need to have faci- logy from the BJP’s. Instead, he limit- polarising UP in no small measure — health as the organisation’s central and state elections loo-
lities for charging e-buses via solar panels, and we need such ed to critiquing Modi on economic the Congress was conservative and ability to align around a com- ks unlikely. It will need at least
charging along highways. policies. Gandhi also publicly flaunted fielded only six Muslims, against mon vision, execute against two or three months, and whe-
his ‘Shiv bhakti’ and allowed himself seven in 2012. that vision effectively, and re- re all will the leaders of the par-
In tandem, we also need a package of incentives for making e- to be referred as a janeu dhari (sacred Muslims in Gujarat, too, appeared to new itself through innovation ties campaign
Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay
buses. It would make sense to reduce GST on e-vehicles and thread-wearer). have understood that this tactic pre- and creative thinking.… apart from the-
batteries, and set a firm timeline to move to all-electric bus fle- Underlining his Hindu persona vented their targeting. The Congress Companies that work on the- ir own consti-
ets in the foreseeable future. Late Monday night, after the BJP during an election in a political ter- also maintained silence at the hate ir health, we’ve found, demo- tuencies? Go
settled a mark below the psychological rain soaked in communal history was murder of a Muslim migrant in Rajas- nstrate tangible performance back to the
three-figure mark, someone recalled proof of Gandhi’s decision to play the than. Most sections of civil society, too, gains in as little as 6 to 12 mon- 1950s and
an old L K Advani phrase, “The victor game within the BJP’s Hindutva were detached enough to prevent the ths. In our experience, there 1960s where
came second.” That is how he describ- template. The consequent absence of Sangh Parivar from mounting a cam- are four areas forward-look- each state had
ed the 1991Lok Sabha elections when Muslims in the entire electoral dis- paign against the ‘award wapasi gang’. ing leaders must invest in to a strongman
The most annoying word’s winning the party won 120 seats, the second- course was unprecedented. Electoral behaviour of Muslims in build a healthy, performance- who did not need the PM’s sup-
streak continues; whatever that implies largest block after the Congress. It raised critical questions regarding Gujarat struck at the root of the BJP’s driven organisation (strategic port. Till that era returns, we
If Rajiv Gandhi was not assassinated the commitment of the country’s ‘votebank ki rajniti’ (politics of vote- and organisational misalign- are virtually a leader-lacking
midway, the BJP may well have gained principal Opposition party to fight bank) theory. Not being able to demon- ment are a sure-fire path to po- nation, or, at best, a one-horse

Whatever Gets Your a few more seats. Though nothing as

tragic, if Mani Shankar Aiyar had not
used an inappropriate adjective for the
Prime Minister, giving the latter a
against social alienation and political
marginalisation of the largest reli-
gious minority.
Gandhi’s decision to visit temples,
ise Muslims and their ‘backers’ consi-
derably contributed to the tight result.
At great risk to its project of national
resurrection, can ‘Gujarat’ become the
or health and general operat-
ing dysfunction).
The first, most important
step is choosing the perfor-
country. Our political structu-
res need drastic transformati-
ons for the 21st century.

Goat Isn’t Fake News desperately required opening, the

Congress may have picked up a few
more seats. Who knows?
leaving out stops at mosques or dar-
gahs, during the polls marked a transi-
tional moment in electoral politics.
template for the Congress? Muslim
presence, their participative histories
and political aspirations vary state to
mance culture — the “recipe”
— that will best drive their
organisation’s performance.

If the BJP record of winning Gujarat for the sixth consecuti- The RSS, however, is aware of what
happened in the course of the Gujarat
The strategy infuriated BJP leaders
significantly, as their monopoly on
state. While warding off charges of
appeasing Muslims, Gandhi must not
Then it’s about moving to
adopt that recipe as quickly as Disruption is the
ve time has proved annoying to some, it is rivalled only by
“whatever” taking top spot as the most annoying word of the
election. In the assessment of the org-
anisation that doesn’t change evalua-
‘milking Hinduism’ was challenged.
The ploy, however, prevented the BJP
succumb to playing the communal ball
alongside the BJP.
possible, addressing the mind-
sets that will drive new forms
New Normal
year in the US for the ninth time in a row, in an annual poll tions of adversaries easily, ‘Pappu ban from polarising the electorate on The Congress must draw its Laksh- of behaviour, building a com- This refers to the Edit, ‘Vulner-
conducted by a US university. Curiously, “whatever”’s mar- gaya praudh’ (Pappu has turned ma- religious lines and enabled Muslims, man rekha, never cross it, and protest mitted team of people at all le- able World of Tech Business’
ture). This enhanced status coincided except in certain constituencies, to when others transgress it. vels to get involved, and, final- (Dec 21). We are living in a total-
gin of victory has been narrowing each year — down this ye- with Rahul Gandhi’s ascendance to decide on class lines. A dramatic resurrection of the Neh- ly, developing fast feedback lo- ly disruptive business environ-
ar to 33% from 38% — which presumably means growing ac- Congress presidency. In contrast to 2002 and 2007 in Guja- ruvian secular template may be cur- ops to monitor progress and ment and any tech company
ceptability; the same conclusion, however, cannot be drawn BJP leaders may not accept this pub- rat, and even to Uttar Pradesh earlier rently electorally counterproductive. course correct if necessary. with deep pockets or willing
from the reduced margins in Gujarat. That “whatever” licly. But the campaign has shown that this year, the BJP found no opportuni- But the Congress should ensure These actions will help com- investors will enter uncharter-
Gandhi can also be combative. As ty to resurrect the image of the ‘Other’ minorities — even Hindus who do not panies target resources on the ed domain today as they want
trumped “fake news” is significant given the high irritation eventually demonstrated, the timing back the BJP — are not constantly right priorities, move swiftly, to leverage their existing infra-
quotient of the American personality who uses the phrase of his elevation couldn’t have been forced to take the ‘loyalty test’. True, and make the new habits structure and platform to scale
liberally both on social media and verbally. Clearly, there are sweeter. On Monday afternoon, BJP the Hindutva idea appeals to more stick. It’s clear that there is no up other businesses.
more approvers of the phrase — if not its implication — workers in New Delhi and Ahmeda- Indians than before. But its reversal is such thing as a single winning Ensuring fair play is not easy
bad had to be goaded by TV reporters not an impossibility even though the performance culture.… To as the government could be
than generally presumed. to open sweets boxes, play the drums process shall be arduous. create rapid and lasting pro- seen to be favouring one over
“No offence, but” is a perennial candidate, so its third spot and burst crackers. The BJP underplayed three issues — gress on the set of practices the other. We have to accept that
indicates a moderate offence level. “Literally” is a word that No such prompt was needed in the the construction of the Ram mandir, that will drive health, compa- new dynamics evolve over a
has changed meaning dramatically in our times, so its fourth Congress office, even though volun- the abrogation of Article 370, and the nies have to identify and add- period of time in any sector, be
teers knew that the wait for power will introduction of the Uniform Civil ress the deep-rooted mindsets it online or offline, but the con-
place in the annoyance scale could reflect the view of the be longer than the 27 years and 10 mon- Code —when leading coalitions under influencing employee beha- sumer remains the true king.
language purists still left in our midst. And “you know what ths already spent without it. Unmis- Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Yet, it never viour and then define new
I mean”, placed fifth, should actually face stiff competition takably, the Congress and Gandhi are abandoned its core agenda, waiting for ones to replace them. BAL GOVIND
no longer presumptions, but have the opportune moment. The Congress, Noida
from “Um”, a word that seems to be the preface of far too ma-
become real challengers to the BJP too, must not deviate from its roots. If it From “Organisational Health:
ny sentences these days. A survey among Indians to identify Letters to the editor may be addressed to

and Narendra Modi. does, it will become the BJP’s B-team. A Fast Track to Performance
the most annoying words and phrases would also be useful. The emergence of Gandhi, however, So pray, what now? And duplicates never succeed. Improvement”
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18 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN T IMES, NEW DEL H I
F RIDAY, D EC EMBER 22, 2017

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24


at face value Indemocracy,invincibilityisamyth

Don’t conflate it with the SC Gujarat has opened a window of opportunity for Canitoffersubstantivesolutionstothestruc-

ruling on cancelling licences the Congress. But can it sustain the momentum? the unemployment epidemic or the plight of
SMEs?Istherea‘nationalistic’spirit thatthe

oly over the ‘India First’ rhetoric? And does
he vindication that some political parties, and some

namovie-crazycountry,electionvicto- mati riverfront? the Congress have enough committed foot-
of the accused, are expressing in the wake of the 2G ries too are often projected in ‘filmi’ By contrast, Rahul Gandhi and the Con- soldierstocombattheBJP’spannapramukhs
terms. When I referred to the narrow gress were down and out after their UP deba- and party workers on the ground?
judgment acquitting all accused should not be con- BJP victory in Gujarat as ‘jo jeeta woh cle. Rahul was seen as a non-serious politi- In Gujarat, the Congress could get away
flated with the Supreme Court’s 2012 decision, can- sikandar’, aCongressleaderresponded cian,flittinginandoutofthecountry,typecast with asking all the questions because it was
with a dialogue from Baazigar: ‘Kabhi as a non-meritocratic dynast, the party was theBJPthathadtodealwithanti-incumbency
celling all 122 telecom licences at the centre of the kabhi jeetne ke liye kuch haarna bhi padta dismissedas a patientin ICU with its Gujarat after a long stint in power. But if it wants to
scam. The special court’s judgment on hai, aur haar kar jeetne wale ko baazigar unit in disarray. Most political observers position itself as a national alternative to the

December 21 was on three cases that ourtake kehtehain!’SoweretheNarendraModi-Amit

Shah duo the ‘Sikandars’ of Gujarat 2017 or
was Rahul Gandhi the ‘Baazigar’?
expected the Congress to flop badly in Guj-
arat. But when a student who is expected to
BJP, the Congress will have to convince
enough Indians that the party under Rahul
has little to do with a discredited ancient
together constitute the 2G scam. One
The answer to that question depends on son to celebrate. Conversely, when the one regime;andisactuallyseekingtobuildamore
says there was a criminal conspiracy by then telecom minister which statistics you choose. The BJP could whoalwaysgetsdistinction scrapes through compassionate, inclusive India based on the
well claim that it has scored a remarkable with 60%, the jubilation is more muted. politicsofhopenotfear,andthatithasabetter
A Raja and several others to perpetrate the scam; another says sixthconsecutivevictoryinGujaratwhilethe The BJP made the mistake of taking the economicagendaforjobsandgrowththanthe
Loop Telecom was a proxy for the Essar Group, allowing the lat- Congress could argue that it has reduced the Gujarativoterforgrantedbutitwouldbefool- n Congress president Rahul Gandhi PTI BJP.Gujarathasopenedawindowofopportu-
BJP tally to double digits. Results may be ish for the Congress to think that a strong nity for the Congress but unless it is able to
ter to bid for licences and spectrum in violation of existing rules; aboutarithmeticbutthepoliticalnarrativeis showinginruralSaurashtrameansanational It was an astute strategy, one which almost sustain momentum, it will remain a case of
and a third says Raja and his associates laundered ₹200 crore of often about chemistry. For the first half of recovery. The semi-critical patient has only worked but for the fact that it was pitted ‘Dilli dur ast’.
2017,astheBJPsweptUP andprisedGoaand been given a small dose of fresh oxygen. In againstthemostformidableelectionmachine Post-script:Adaybeforethecounting,aHindi
scam-proceeds. ManipurfromtheCongress,thereseemedlit- Gujarat the BJP was up against 22 years of in the history of independent India led by a news anchor casually asked me: ‘Kya Modi
The first two cases were filed by the Central Bureau of Investi- tledoubtthattheModi-Shahcombinewerean anti-incumbency, yet the Congress had charismatic leader who still enjoys a huge aur BJP ko Gujarat mein harana muskhil
unstoppablejuggernaut.WhentheBJPpresi- become defunct. Rahul’s answer to the crisis emotional connect with his people. But the nahin, namumkin hai?’ That dialogue from
gation. The third was filed by the Enforcement Directorate. It is dent boasted of ‘Mission 150’ in the 182 mem- wastoco-optpopulistlocalcasteleadersfrom Congress’sproblemsgowellbeyondtheModi anotherShahRukhhitDonsuggestedthatthe
berGujaratassembly, fewdoubtedhim.After ‘outside’,encouragenewfacesinticketdistri- vs Rahul battle. Can the Congress offer a BJPwasinvincibleinGujarat.AstheGujarati
these three cases that the special court has ruled on. Judge OP
all, if the BJP could score a whopping three- butionand,importantly,plungeintotheelec- visionthatmakesitmoreattractivetotheris- voter has shown, in a vibrant democracy,
Saini said he is acquitting all the accused because the prosecu- fourths victory in the country’s most popu- tion campaign with unprecedented energy. ingaspirationsofurbanIndia(remember,the invincibility is a myth that can only lead to
lousandcomplexstate,thensurelythehome Bypositioninghimselfasthe‘underdog’chal- BJPswepturbanGujarat)? Canitre-defineits self-delusion and arrogance.
tion hasn’t managed to present any evidence to back its case. turf of the country’s two most powerful men lenging the Modi model in its fortress, Rahul standonsecularismbeyondtemple-hopping Rajdeep Sardesai is senior journalist and author
Indeed, in his order he has been severely critical of the prosecu- was a breezy sea-plane ride along the Sabar- wasabletogarnertractionifnotalwaysvotes. toavoidbeingstereotypedaspro-minorities? Theviews expressed are personal
tion’s inability to do so — which, once again, asks the same ques-
tions of the investigative processes of the CBI and the ED that
have been asked before.
This judgement, though, has nothing to do with the Supreme
The trans bill sends out a
Court’s decision to cancel 122 licences. The Supreme Court can
rule on anything, even government policies, and in the 2G case,
message of exclusion
it decided that there was enough proof to show that there were What if we all had to come before a medical officer to
irregularities in how licences and spectrum has been issued in
2008. Back then, there was a lot of ad-hocism about this, espe-
prove our gender before society recognised us as such?
they are not – i.e., female or male. But to
cially the allocation of spectrum, a critical national resource. GAUTAM define a person only in terms of what they
The apex court’s decision was not based on whether or not there BHATIA are not is to deny them self-expression. It is
was a criminal conspiracy to defraud the exchequer, but on “neither Hindu nor Muslim”, or a Punjabi
irregularities it saw in the process by which licences and radio speaker to identify themselves as “neither
waves were allotted. Indeed, in some ways, it was this decision thus, denies inclusion by forcing the trans-
gender community into the iron cage of the
that prompted the move to an auctioning regime for spectrum.

n his last speech to the Constituent male/femalebinary. But, as Indian history
This system has been in place for a few years now. But irregulari- Assembly, B.R.Ambedkar called upon shows, gender fluidity in our culture went
the newly-born Indian nation to hold farbeyondtheclosedconfinesof“male”and
ties and ad-hocism do not a scam make, which is why Justice n Pollutants flowing into the Ganga, Varanasi. In February, the NGT had rapped the State for fast to the value of fraternity, without “female”, including (as the Trans commu-
Saini’s order has to be taken at face value. It is now up to the CBI ‘wasting public money’ in the name of the river cleaning project RAJESH KUMAR/HT which “equality and liberty will be no nity has itself pointed out) “socio-cultural
deeper than coats of paint.” Ambedkar’s identities” like “kinnars, hijras, aravanis

The CAG rap on Ganga’s

and the ED to, on appeal, make a better case in the High Court ideaoffraternity–“acommonbrotherhood [and]jogtas.”AndnotjustinIndia:theFirst
than they did in the Special Court. of all Indians” that would overcome “sepa- Nations people in the Americas, for
ration in social life” – was taken up many instance, recognised as many as five gen-
decades later by the Delhi High Court, in ders, without privileging any one over the

pollution may be futile 2009.Initsjudgmentdecriminalisinghomo- other: “female, male, two spirit female, two

sexuality, the Court noted that “if there is spirit male and transgendered.”

Find gurus who can

one...tenetthatcanbesaidtobeunderlying Second, the transbill makes the recogni-
themeoftheIndianConstitution,itisthatof tion of transgender identity conditional
To clean the Ganga, the State must start with rejuvenating ‘inclusiveness’... the inclusiveness that uponacertificateissuedbyadistrictmagis-
Indiansocietytraditionallydisplayed,liter- trateandtherecommendationsofa“screen-

complement Google and cleaning the tributaries that feed the mighty river
problem at hand: the State has even lost the
four years after that, the Supreme Court
of a medical officer and a psychiatrist. Not
only does this recall the outmoded theory
capacity to plan and spend the money meant took up the baton when it recognised that that gender identity is a medical condition,
V-PNaiduiscorrect:Searchenginescan’t DASGUPTA to rid the river of pollutants. In a report, the transgenderpersonsinIndiahadbeensub- but it also sends a message to the transgen-
Comptroller and Auditor General has said jected to a history of oppression and vio- der community that if you want to be
replacegurus.Butwherearetheteachers? The National Mission for Clean Ganga lence, and affirmed their constitutional accepted into Indian society on your own
“could not utilise any amount out of the rights to equality, dignity, freedom terms,youmustfirstproveittooursatisfac-

mphasising on the importance of teachers and edu- Clean Ganga Fund”, which meant that the of expression, non-discrimination and tion.Onceagain,howdemeaningthisiscan
entire amount of Rs198.14 crore (March 31, reparative justice. be understood by reversing the situation:
cation, vice-president M Venkaiah Naidu recently 2017) was lying in banks. Slamming the Cen- Butifthearcofhistorybendstowardsjus- whatifyou–thereader–hadtocomebefore

said Google can never replace a ‘guru’ because a few years ago, I was in Varanasi for tre for inaction, the CAG said the mission tice,thenthegovernment’sproposedTrans- a medical officer to prove that you were
a short visit with a set of friends who “could not finalise the long-term action plans gender Persons Bill, due to be introduced actually a man or a woman, before society
“guru gives not mere” academic knowledge but swear by the place. After “soaking even after more than six-and-a-half years of this winter session in Parliament – ostensi- recognisedyouassuch?AConstitutionand
up the city”, as a friend loves to put signing of agreement with the consortium of blytorecogniseandprotecttherightsofthe a society that celebrates pluralism must
“insights as well”. What the V-P said is worth
it dramatically, we decided to do a touristy Indian Institutes of Technology”. In Febru- transgender community – looks like an acceptidentitiesontheirownterms,andnot
thinking about, especially at a time when search engines and thing: A boat ride along the Ganga. As we ary, the National Green Tribunal had rapped unwanteddetourthatbendselsewhere.Far impose upon them in the language and
slowly moved from one ghat to another — State agencies for “only wasting public from the Constitutional promise of plural- vocabulary of the dominant culture.
social media have a vice-like grip on our lives these days. How- stinking refuse of the city floating past us and money” in the name of the cleaning project. ism, and of accepting every Indian on their There are other problems with the trans
ever, blaming technology is unfair. It has its positives: Technol- children swimming next to them, noncha- To clean the river, spending on Sewage own terms as part of “a common brother- bill – such as the absence of affirmative
lantly — another boat with three Japanese Treatment Plants (STP) won’t be enough; the hood”, the trans bill sends out a message of action, and the criminalisation of begging
ogy today allows access to information to more people than ever tourists and their guide went past ours. Soon State has to ensure that the flow of the river subordination and exclusion to the very withoutanalternative–thathavebeeniden-
before in history. Sitting in India, one can now access courses enough, the tourists took out their fancy is intact. According to the Namami Gange community that it seeks to emancipate. tifiedandcritiquedbythetransgendercom-
pocket cameras and started clicking furi- Mission, rejuvenation implies restoring the Among the more glaring flaws with the munity, and at the very least, the govern-
taught by the top-class faculty at the best universities in the ously: Not the sunset, not the ghats, but the “wholesomeness” of the river and that trans bill are the following. First, it defines mentcanmakeastartbylisteningtothevoi-
world. Or re-skill oneself by doing a short course offered by filth in the river and the two open cremations includes three things: Aviral dhara (continu- a transgender person as someone who is ces of the very people that it claims it wants
on the riverbank. The guide was undaunted ous flow), nirmal dhara (unpolluted flow) “neitherwhollyfemalenorwhollymale”,“a tohelp.Atitsheart,however,theproblemis
platforms such as Coursera. by all this: He continued to regale them with and ecological and geological integrity. Yet combination of female and male” or “nei- this: our history of social violence against
stories of what the Ganga means to Indians the State it seems is overly focused on ‘nirmal ther female nor male.” Instead of taking certain groups and communities has been
But yes, as Mr Naidu said Google cannot replace a guru
and so on , but I think it was all lost on them: dhara’ but not ‘aviral dhara’, forgetting that transgenderpersonsontheirownterms,the conditionednotsimplybyactiveprejudice,
because a teacher brings something extra to a class. Like a par- the tourists were more moved by the present nirmal dhara is only a subset of aviral dhara, bill instead defines them in terms of what butbyunconsciouswaysofthinkingandthe
condition of the river than its historicity. not the other way round. To ensure that there structures of our language. Until the law
ent, a good teacher is a guiding force for children, mentoring It’s really surprising that a country that is aviral dhara, the focus cannot be only on makes an active effort to engage with – and
them to negotiate not just their careers but life. Unfortunately, views the Ganga as a some kind of a religious the main river but also on the smaller rivers,
INSTEAD OF TAKING THEM ultimatelydismantle–thesestructures,jus-
this is where Indian children, especially those who go to State-
entity, has failed so spectacularly to keep it which feed it. The main problem with the ON THEIR OWN TERMS, THE tice will remain an illusion. With the trans
clean. There is no point blaming successive
governments only; citizens are equally to
STPs was not only that they could not cope
with increasing pressure, but also bad main-
BILL DEFINES THEM IN bill, we have a great opportunity to take a
run schools, are losing out: Of the six million teaching positions
blame. There has been no dearth of plans and tenance. Is it surprising then that we areback TERMS OF WHAT THEY tional fraternity. Let us not squander it.
in government schools nationwide, about 900,000 elementary funding to clean up the river.
But now it seems we have a new (strange)
tosquareone on the Gangacleaning mission?
ARE NOT — FEMALE OR MALE Gautam Bhatia is an advocate in the Supreme Court
The views expressed are personal
school teaching positions and 100,000 in secondary school are n

vacant, according to an IndiaSpend study. It is not surprising

then that the learning levels in primary classes are so poor. At
M N Kundu While our stress concerns craving for a Almighty. Pray for the best performance
the university level, there’s 30% faculty shortage. desired output, non-acceptance of the kar- and get inspired by Him. Obsession with
There is a big misconception that stress is mic proceeds and inevitable tragedies of life selfish desires invariably causes stress.
The Centre and the states — education is on the concurrent
list — must figure out ways to tackle this challenge; investing
innervoice unavoidable. To an extent, stress is essen-
tial as it motivates and accelerates progress.
is not advisable. To this, the holy book prop-
agates, “The origin of creatures is shrouded
Unconditional love without expectation,
uproots all stress and opens the gateway to
But how much stress is optimum and harm- in mystery. So, in the far end, only parts of peace. Stress also vanishes when we render
in infrastructure will not improve our educational levels,
which can then seriously impact economic growth and high-
BELIEVE IN GOD’S POWER less? Medically, any stress is capable of
causing havoc with our psychophysical sys-
life are known. Then, why should we be
aggrieved for an unknown future?” More
service expecting nothing in return. We
have the choice to stay free of stress without

priority programmes such as Skilling India. It is imperative we TO HEAL AND HELP YOU tem. Is it possible to be totally free of it?
Indian spirituality offers an affirmative
so, while requisite action matters, stress is
of no avail. Our performance is obstructed
succumbing to cynicism and negativity.
(Inner Voice comprises contributions from our
find gurus who can complement Google. GET RID OF STRESS answer. According to the Bhagvad Gita,
“You are only entitled to make endeavours.
by anxiety and the fear of failure.
The best course, therefore, is to do our
The views expressed are personal
You can’t demand or crave for outcomes.” best and surrender the outcome to the n

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THE TRIBUNE The agenda for change

established in 1881 The 15th Finance Commission may throw up new ‘discontents’
Mythili Bhusnurmath the arm for balanced regional

Spectrum, scandals & scams growth since consuming states are

OR all the imperfections of generally the poorer states. The
our democracy, one of our problem, however, is that it is going
2G verdict has massive political ramifications strengths has been that we to be exceedingly tough for the FFC
have been able to create and to determine the taxable capacity of

N acquitting former Telecom minister, A Raja, Ms Kanimozhi and all nurture institutions such as the Elec- different States in a fluid, post-GST
other accused in the “2G scam”, the Special CBI court at Patiala tion Commission, the Comptroller tax regime. Yet this is an exercise
House has introduced a spicy flavour to the national political curry. and Auditor General (CAG), the from which it cannot escape. This is
To the extent, 2G had become emblematic of a supposedly corrupt gov- Reserve Bank of India, the Finance because traditionally, commissions
ernment and a broken down political economy, the Special CBI court ver- Commission, to name a few. While have adopted a normative approach
dict is bound to energise the discredited UPA crowd, as also take the bite each of these is important in itself, to determine States’ ‘taxable capac-
out of PM Modi’s messianic proclamations against the corrupt. Coming there is no gainsaying that when it ity’. The latter (i.e. taxable capacity),
close on the heels of an honourable electoral draw in Gujarat, the politi- comes to fiscal relations between the rather than actual tax collections, is
cal equations are poised to be redefined. Suddenly, the sinners are look- constituent parts of the Union, none then to determine the inter se trans-
ing less than sinners and the saints no longer come across so saintly. can match the importance of the fer between States in order to over-
The CBI has done a shoddy job but it will find its institutional arm Finance Commission (FC). come the free-rider problem of some
twisted to ensure that an appeal got filed against the Special Court’s Why? It is the FC that decides how states, opting to tax less so as to get
tax revenues are to be shared MONEY-SPINNER: Will the new FC replicate the independence of its predecessors? more from the general kitty.
judgment. Judge Saini’s magisterial dismissal of the prosecution case
between the Union and States and As the first FC to be set up after the
as nothing more than “rumour, gossip and speculation” goes to the very
among the States, inter se. Article 280 the interests of sound finance — and ernment of substantially enhanced Planning Commission was replaced
heart of the infirmities that have come to overload our public institu- (1) of the Constitution mandates the over the years the terms of reference tax devolution to States following rec- by Niti Aayog, which is a think-tank
tions. His elaboration that “public perception has no place in judicial setting up of an FC every five years. have widened considerably — in ommendations of the 14th Finance sans the financial powers of the Plan-
proceedings” is a bracing slap across the face of many in superior judi- ‘The President shall, within two practice it is the FC’s recommenda- Commission, coupled with the con- ning Commission, the FFC will have
ciary who tend to work “national conscience” and similar perceptual years from the commencement of tions on sharing of tax revenues that tinuing imperative of the national to look at funds transfer in totality.
constructs into their judicial reasoning. this Constitution and thereafter at assumes prime importance. Given development programme, including Agreed, the 14th FC also considered
A war of words has predictably broken out between the UPA and the the expiration of every fifth year or at how contentious this is bound to be, ‘New India-2022’. both plan and non-plan transfers, but
NDA partisans and practitioners over the verdict and its political ram- such earlier time as the President one might expect a great deal of con- Diehard federalists will object to the the difference is that the distinction
ifications. That war among politicians will continue and only intensify considers necessary, by order consti- troversy over FC recommendations. suggestion that the Union govern- has been done away altogether.
till 2019. But there are significant lessons for all those who preside over tute a Finance Commission’ to make But here’s the surprise! Though its ment is the best arbiter of what consti- Another notable change in the
our institutions. The former CAG, Vinod Rai, ought to be the most chas- recommendations regarding the ‘dis- members are appointed by the Union tutes a ‘national development pro- terms of reference of the FFC is the
tened man in India. His twisted logic produced a figure of Rs 1.76 tril- tribution between the Union and the government, over the years, commis- gramme’, let alone ‘New India-2022’. directive to use the numbers from the
lion loss to the national exchequer. This was only a notional loss but it States of the net proceeds of taxes sions have shown a remarkable Institutions, that in the words of dis- 2011 Census rather than the 1971 Cen-
which are to be, or may be, divided degree of independence in their rec- tinguished former civil servant and sus as the basis for its recommenda-
lodged itself in the national imagination as an act of ethical wrong-
between them... and the allocation ommendations. In all fairness, it must economist S Guhan, ‘bark at the Cen- tions. Given that the central and east-
doing on a gigantic scale. Arguably, the process was abused by the
between the States of the respective ern states have witnessed much faster
politician-bureaucratic axis, but Vinod Rai too did not play by the book. shares of such proceeds’. population growth, compared to the
He subjected the polity to great convulsions; in the process, the nation This is necessary because, as in all
In a fluid, post-GST tax regime, it is going to be challenging for the 15th southern and western states, this is
got a bad name globally, resulting in huge — unquantifiable — losses federations, we do not have a one-to- Finance Commission to determine the taxable capacity of States. The likely to skew the inter-state distribu-
in terms of businesses and investment withheld. Many more reputa- one relationship between the respon- tion of taxes, even more in favour of
tions and myths would come unravelling. sibilities and resources of the Union fact that it will be the first Finance Commission to be set up after Niti the poorer states. And, possibly,
and state governments (in technical Aayog replaced the Planning Commission won’t make it any easier. aggravate simmering resentment in
terms, there is a vertical imbalance). . the richer states.
The ability of different states to raise In another first, the FFC has been

Special crime control law resources also varies, depending on

factors such as terrain, soil-climatic
conditions, mineral wealth, access to
be said successive Union govern-
ments, too, have accepted their rec-
ommendations without demur; even
tre and bite the States’ have no place
in 21st century India!
That is not the only first. As the first
asked to examine whether there is a
need for revenue-deficit grants. This,
despite the fact that the Constitution
Now UP too feels the need ports and so on, resulting in what is when, as in the case of the 14th FC after the implementation of the makes specific provision for giving
known as ‘horizontal imbalance’. Finance Commission, the share of the GST, the FFC will have to deal with ‘grants in aid of revenues’ to the states

AHARASHTRA has it. So does Karnataka. Punjab, after suf- The cardinal principle of every feder- States was increased dramatically. the dramatic transformation in fiscal under Article 275 (1). Many of the poor-
fering the ravages of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities ation is that all citizens, regardless of Given that, of late, we have been balance, both between the Union and er states will not take kindly to this.
(Prevention) Act (TADA), is understandably circumspect, where they live, should have access seeing murmurs from the Union gov- the States and also inter se among All in all, the FFC has its task cut out
though its police is an ardent believer in a special gangster control to comparable levels of services at ernment about progressively higher the States, post GST. For one, the for it. As with all FC awards, there will
law. But UP may be the first among several eager states to introduce comparable tax rates. Hence, the devolution to States, it will be inter- GST expands the tax mandate of both be some ‘discontents’ among the
a legislation that will make it easy for the police to secure convictions underlying rationale for a body that esting to see if the Fifteenth Finance the Union and the States: of the States. The difference is: this time
and imprison gangsters for long periods. A subdued civil society and will examine (and correct) both the Commission (FFC) continues in the Union, to tax goods beyond the pro- round, the ‘discontents’ will, quite
vertical and horizontal imbalance is tradition of past commissions and duction stage, and of States, to tax possibly, be, well, different!
the visible impunity with which gangsters continue to straddle the
beyond dispute. hikes the States’ share. Especially services. For another, consuming
worlds of crime and politics in UP might pave the way for uncontest-
Though the Constitution, Article 280 since one of the terms of reference of states are expected to gain at the The writer is a senior consultant at
ed passage of the law; former UP CMs Mayawati and Akhilesh Yadav (2) (c) says the President may refer the FFC is to examine ‘the impact on expense of the producing states. National Council of Applied
though have drawn attention to the vulnerability and defenceless- any other matter to the commission in the fiscal situation of the Union gov- The latter is, undoubtedly, a shot in Economic Research
ness of the aam aadmi caught in the whirlpool of such laws.
Police all over the country face pressure because of the low con-
viction rate. Politicians succumb to the lure of such laws because the
offer of speedy trials through special courts helps position them as
tough on crime. Past experience shows that soon enough, the law
begins targeting petty criminals and small-time swindlers. The temp-
tation for overreach is also overwhelming. The Maharashtra Control
of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) has been invoked for the first time
Choose smart, junk phone
in an electricity theft case because an accused was a repeat offender. Rishabh Kochhar stories, Snapchat with its hilarious could be. I found myself focusing on haggling with drivers for loose
Regardless of recurring injunctions over the misuse of special laws, filters, and most of all Whatsapp, things which would help me improve change. But friends and family often
it remains the politician’s favourite.
There is by now enough evidence across the nation to suggest that
special laws invariably end up promoting rogue policing and invading
an individual’s liberties and civil rights. But there is complete bias
I T was a bad day for me when I
broke my foot, but what made it
worse was that my phone just
stopped charging. As I clutched my
foot, writhing in pain, I felt ashamed
with its power to connect me to
friends from afar.
But not a week had gone by when I
realised what a beautiful turn my life
had taken without my smartphone.
— reading, writing, photography and
finance. I found more time to read
books, finally acting on my resolu-
tion to read at least one book every
month. My efficiency and output at
came to the rescue, and I realised who
my true friends were — the ones who
would wake up in the middle of the
night just to book a cab for me.
No doubt, smartphones have made
among politicians who fall for these unconstitutional shortcuts of thinking about the impending The very applications which I had my workplace increased, and I found our lives extremely easy, but they
because the regular processes are inadequate. MCOCA was extended doom my iPhone was to face. There called my ‘pals’ became anathema myself completing my tasks at a pace have numbed our minds, and sup-
to Delhi during the UPA government while the Congress government were only a few more hours of battery for me — Instagram with its artifi- which I could not have imagined a pressed the basic human nature of
improved upon a similar law in Karnataka. The debate on a model life and I shuddered to even think cially coloured photographs; Face- few weeks ago. survival which has helped us scale
anti-terror law is unlikely to conclude and not much hope should be about it. Bereft of a spare smart- book with irrelevant posts about peo- There were times, however, when I new heights in the past. It is a pity
put on police reforms and expansion of the judiciary. The common phone, I painstakingly resorted to ple I had no interest in staying in dearly missed my smartphone, espe- that humankind grew dumber as
political desire for deterrence in the changed societal circumstances using a phone from yesteryear, the touch with; and Snapchat with its cially when it came to booking cabs phones got smarter. My journey with
could be bridged by more stringent provisions in the existing laws. one without even a camera. The only ridiculous filters. No longer do I for my daily commute. I even went as my ‘dabba’ phone began when my
saving grace was the FM radio. enter my friends’ houses and ask for far as to stick out my thumb to hitch- smartphone left me, but maintaining
Lamenting my loss, I could virtual- a charger and their Wi-Fi passwords hike a ride in the absence of Ola and this status quo has been a conscious
Thought for the Day ly hear my ‘old friends’ calling for before greeting them. Uber. On the rare occasion when I did decision on my part and I intend to
me — Instagram with artistic photo- A week without a smartphone manage to find an auto-rickshaw, my keep it that way as I feel myself grow-
People who don’t like scandals shouldn’t be in finance. Christina Stead graphs, Facebook with my friends’ helped me realise how productive I dependency on digital wallets left me ing smarter every day.

letters to the editor

Modi needn’t apologise or any other party. They should trum, it seems that the Congress has know that the ill-conceived decision plants without assessing the conse- women give birth, but they never get
Refer to ‘No need for PM’s apology, realise the importance of Rajya Sab- got a new lease of life. Due to the 2G regarding the name-change will not quences at a later stage. The short- equal berth in society. One Jhansi-ki-
says Naidu; Oppn fumes’ (Decem- ha sessions, instead of wasting time scam, the image of the Congress be implemented. Long-established fall of power during summer could Rani, one Indira Gandhi could not
ber 21); it does not behove the Leader and precious money of the taxpayers. took a beating, but will people’s names reflect our heritage. Nobody have been capped with technology improve the lot of the women. There
of the Opposition, Ghulam Nabi They should stop this blame game thinking change towards the party? denies the importance of Vande upgrade of the existing plants or is need for hundreds of such icons.
Azad, to suggest that but for refer- and do some constructive work. Though it lost in the Gujarat elec- Mataram. The management can opting for alternative sources. But a woman has great patience. And
ence to ‘Pakistan hand’, the BJP TARVINDER OBEROI, HOSHIARPUR tions, its performance has improved. establish any other institution by LALIT SEHGAL, MOGA she must wait.
would not have won the Gujarat elec- The way Rahul Gandhi fought back, this name. The college is a reminder KIRAN SHARMA, SUNDER NAGAR
tion. Parliament is ill-famed for wit- it seems that the Congress is now on of the generosity of Dyal Singh
nessing storms in teacups over trifle Focus on people’s issues the path of revival. Majithia who bequeathed his estate Long way to go
matters. Whatever PM Modi said The Houses are routinely adjourned, AMIT KUMAR, AMRITSAR to establish educational institutions. Refer to ‘Fairer sex gets unfair deal, Himachali voters show way
about Dr Manmohan Singh was a but issues of public interest hardly Even Pakistan has retained his only four out of 19 make it to Assem- The voters of Himachal Pradesh
result of his outburst in the wake of matter to our elected representatives. name in a college. Where was the bly’ (December 21); as a housewife, I have proved that ‘invincibility’ is
Mani Shankar Aiyar’s ‘neech’ They are elected, so they can take up Jumping the gun need for us to think of changing the feel the second-rate status for women limited only to the dictionary. Most
remark. It is strange that the Con- and resolve issues pertaining to the The foundation of the so-called 2G college name? It is appreciable that has been continuing. The convention of the MLAs with a record number
gress wants the PM to take such mat- people. Allegations and counter alle- scam fell today, which was raised by the HRD Minister has wrapped up of ‘civilised’ human society is that of past victories, sitting Cabinet
ters lying down. No doubt, Dr gations are being made against one the then Opposition parties nine this unnecessary controversy. women should follow menfolk in ministers, and even the BJP chief-
Singh’s image is clean, but he should another, with least concern to matters years ago. The historic judgment of JBS NANDA, LUDHIANA every walk of life. Even today, there ministerial candidate lost in the
have given a little thought to the fact that pertain to the public. The Chair the Special CBI court has proved that are two sets of ‘treatment’ for recent Assembly election. Not only
that his meeting with Pakistani offi- has an important duty to run the the report of the CAG, Vinod Rai, was women. One is for ‘display’ in socie- this, more than 50 per cent of MLAs
cials would not be welcomed in any House. Members of both Houses not based on clear findings which led Plan in haste, and regret ty, at gatherings, and the other, more from both parties were defeated.
corner of the country. The Vice-Presi- must maintain decorum for the to the acquittal of all the accused. It This refers to the news report ‘practical’, is followed in every So, anti-incumbency was not for
dent, Mr Venkaiah Naidu, is right in smooth conduct of the proceedings. is a matter of much importance and a ‘Bathinda thermal plant to be shut, household, within the four walls. any party, but for individuals. Thus
saying that there is no need for any India is the world’s largest democra- future lesson for political parties not employees shifted’ (December 21); Even if a wife is a working woman, there is no need for introspection
apology from the PM. cy and democracy runs from the to indulge in mud-slinging without the Punjab Cabinet decided to close she has to perform all domestic on party lines, instead individuals
RAJENDRA PRASAD SINGH, DELHI ‘temple of democracy’ — Parliament. sufficient evidence. down the plant citing the high cost chores. There are some rare men who must analyse their own perform-
AADIL BHAT, CHANDIGARH RAJESH CHANDER, MUKTSAR of generation. This is bound to hap- try to pitch in, in household chores, ance; more so, their conduct. Only
pen when hasty and illogical deci- but they are often mocked by their those who were in constant touch
Get back to work sions are taken by our politicians peers, surprisingly, even by some with the public were re-elected, and
The Opposition always finds excuses Scam that wasn’t College name stays just to cling to their chairs. The women. Poetically speaking, women none of them claimed to be ‘future
to disrupt proceedings of the House, After the acquittal of all the accused Apropos the editorial ‘Dyal Singh SAD-BJP government, in its 10-year are 50 per cent in nature, 100 per cent Chief Minister’.
whether it is the Congress, the BJP, in one of the biggest scams, 2G spec- College’ (December 21), good to rule, decided to go for three private in literature, a woman is earth, RR ROHI, HAMIRPUR

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

2G verdict damaging for Modi govt

The acquittal of all 17 accused in the 2G scam case by the CBI court punctures the pride the BJP takes in
boasting of its spectrum auctions, rendering it questionable or, at least, less justified.
Karan Thapar not provide any proof of corruption. But then doesn't a minister have a right to
Hereafter, the claim that the UPA was cor- create new procedures and depart from old
Senior journalist and TV commentator
rupt is difficult to sustain and that will con- ones? That's a question that could be legit-

ITHOUT waiting to see the clusively be the case if the coal scam case imately raised today.
full judgment, it's clear that ends with similar acquittals, as some, at Second, in 2012 the SC judgment finding
the acquittal of all 17 least, believe it could. Mr Modi can't recant first-come-first-serve to be fundamentally
accused in the 2G scam on what he has already said but this will flawed and violative of constitutional prin-
case by the CBI court is a make further accusations difficult which, in
huge embarrassment for the Modi govern- turn, will certainly curb his rhetoric.
ment and, conversely, a belated but ringing However, the CBI verdict could also
How it is embarrassing for BJP
vindication of the position taken by the for- raise questions about the Supreme ■ Now that the CBI has been unable to prove its case
mer UPA government and Kapil Sibal, in Court's decision of 2012 scrapping all 2G that's likely to suggest that its efforts under this gov-
particular, when the allegations of corrup- allocations made on a first-come-first- ernment were inadequate and, therefore, the BJP
tion first surfaced. This is bound to have a serve basis since January 2008. Even has not improved its performance.
serious and lasting impact on Indian poli- though the top court was only looking at ■ This acquittal removes one of the two key pillars sup-
tics. Not just on the Congress versus BJP the legitimacy and constitutionality of the porting Mr Modi's claim that the UPA was the most
relationship but also on the fortunes of the first-come-first-serve procedure and not corrupt government ever.
DMK in Tamil Nadu and its rivalry with the whether any criminality was involved, ■ The verdict is also a huge embarrassment for the
presently ruling AIADMK. nonetheless the sharp contrast with the Office of the CAG as it alleged a presumptive loss of
The words of special CBI judge OP Saini ACQUITTED OF 2G SCAM: A. Raja (L) and Kanimozhi. FILE PHOTOS CBI verdict may raise questions about the 1.76 lakh crore in the coal scam case.
are an embarrassment for the CBI, which stand the top court took. Two matters, in
brought the case, and the Modi govern- ment were inadequate and insufficient and, tor-General and, specifically, Vinod Rai, the particular, could attract fresh attention. ciples added "when it comes to alienation of
ment, under whom it has functioned for therefore, the BJP has not improved its per- incumbent when the CAG alleged a pre- First, although the Supreme Court judg- scarce natural resources … the state must
over three and a half years. "I have absolute- formance as it repeatedly claims. sumptive loss of 1.76 lakh crore in the coal ment of 2012 explicitly stated it does not "in always adopt a method of auction."
ly no hesitation in holding that (the) prose- Equally importantly, this acquittal scam case. Conversely, the position taken by any manner prejudice the defence of those Although that statement was amended by a
cution has miserably failed to prove any removes one of the two key pillars support- Kapil Sibal, that there was no loss, seems to who are facing prosecution", nonetheless, later Bench, today that injunction could
charge against any accused," the judge said. ing Mr Modi's claim that the UPA was the have been upheld. The CBI court, it would it found Mr A. Raja guilty of "wholly arbi- have been rendered even less valid. If a gov-
For Mr Modi and the BJP this is damaging most corrupt government ever. The other appear, has accepted the argument, most trary and unconstitutional action". Now ernment does not wish to sell resources at a
at two levels. First, even though the CBI pillar is the coal scam case which could now forcefully put forward by Mr Raja, that he that the CBI court has found he is not profit, for good and justified social reasons,
brought the case under the previous UPA end with similar acquittals. Indeed, social did not intend to make a profit through the guilty of any criminality whatsoever where and there is no criminality involved in the
government, what people will remember is media is already questioning whether the sale of spectrum. His intention was to pro- does that verdict on his behaviour stand? procedure it adopts, it cannot be forced to
that most of the prosecution happened Modi government won the 2014 election on vide a facility, at the cheapest price, so that it Presumably, if you read the two judgments resort to an auction. The court was wrong to
under the BJP and now that the CBI has false accusations of corruption. was availed off by the largest number. In this together, it means Mr Raja's behaviour was do so. This also means the pride the BJP
been unable to prove its case that's likely to The verdict is also a huge embarrassment context, the concept of presumptive loss is unconstitutional but not corrupt. He flout- takes in boasting of its spectrum auctions is
suggest that its efforts under this govern- for the Office of the Comptroller and Audi- purely an academic calculation which does ed procedures but did not act criminally. now questionable or, at least, less justified.

Now, 2019 poll bears close watch

Vivek Katju not be glossed over. supporters. The general economic slow- try and the international community that
As Modi moved to take up the prime-min- down partly due to the reform process despite the reduction in seats, he will con-
Former secretary, MEA
istership he left shoes which Gujarat's BJP helped in pushing these arguments. This tinue with his reform agenda. He has
My dear Foreign Secretary, leadership simply could not fill. He also forced Modi on the back foot. So, while sought to quell any emergence of a ques-
I would not have brought an Indian state moved his close associate Amit Shah to the Prime Minister showcased popular tioning of why the party's seats fell signifi-
election to your direct attention, but the take over the party's presidency. With their schemes for the poor, he had to fall back cantly by emphasising that it now controls
recently concluded one for the Gujarat attention not given full time to the state on the BJP's familiar themes of Hindu 19 states; it won the small state of Himachal
state Assembly has a bearing on the larger incipient forces which they would not have consolidation and Pakistan-bashing; the Pradesh from the Congress simultaneous-
Indian political scene, including the allowed to grow began to cause difficulties possibility of Pakistan interfering in the ly with retaining Gujarat.
strength and future of Prime Minister to the party. Social groups traditionally electoral process was raised too. The The Gujarat result has demonstrated that
Narendra Modi and the Opposition parties, aligned with the BJP became alienated and opportunity arose through a prominent Modi is by far India's pre-eminent politi-
principally, the Congress. This is signifi- under young leaders challenged Modi. His- Congressman and former diplomat, Mani cian. At a stage when opinion polls showed
cant as Parliament elections are due in torically disadvantaged groups vented Aiyar, calling Modi a "low person". Modi that the Congress had got the same
spring 2019, unless Modi brings them for- their frustration at the so-called forward pounced on the obnoxious reference approval rating as the BJP he purposefully
ward of which there is, as yet, no indication. castes that the BJP has been accused of which has social connotations in India entered the campaign and turned it around
Gujarat is Modi's home state. He was its favouring. and naturally milked it, though Gandhi although on the foundation of the party's
Chief Minister for 13 years. A failure to Gandhi took advantage of these forces suspended Aiyar from the Congress. organisational strength. The result has also
retain it would have greatly weakened him. while Modi and Shah had to rework caste A remarkable feature of Gandhi's strate- shown that Congress is reviving and it has
Rahul Gandhi, who was anointed as the alignments in a background of anger gy was deliberately trying to dispel the a new energy under Gandhi. The run-up to
Congress President on December 16, two among influential BJP supporters in the charge that the Congress is a pro-Muslim 2019 will, therefore, bear close watch, for if
days before the results were declared, was trading community of Gujarat. This was on party. He did so by visiting temple after Gandhi is able to stitch effective opposition
on test, for he led a committed campaign account of the GST which is a major and temple. Some Congress spokesmen alliances, a real contest may occur.
from the front and so had to take complete positive move for the transformation of the emphasised that he is devotee of God Shi- Modi will be under pressure to show
responsibility for the party's performance. Indian economy, but has been poorly va and a sacred-thread wearing Hindu! The results and is likely to give an impetus to
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has implemented. Besides, it is a difficult tran- BJP, with some justification, called all this his schemes for the betterment of the poor
held Gujarat except for an interregnum sition both systemic and psychological for cosmetic. That Gandhi was forced to and the battle against corruption and unac-
between September 1996 and March 1998 the small traders, who in many cases prefer undertake this temple-hopping and also counted wealth. A trial court verdict acquit-
since 1995. It returned to power in this elec- to remain in the informal economy. The avoid any mention of the minorities ting the accused in a telecom scam during
tion too, although with a reduced majority. BJP strongholds in the cities would crack although he underlined Congress' inclu- the Congress-led government will make
What is the external In the 2012 polls, it secured 115 seats in a because of the GST, some observers felt. sive approaches is an acknowledgement of this issue electorally tricky for Modi has
House of 182; its majority was reduced to 99 Despite the anger, the cities held. Not so the the hardening of Hindu opinion on minor- contrasted his incorruptibility with the cor-
world to make of the this time around. On the other hand, the rural areas and this would be a matter of ity issues. After Jawaharlal Nehru, the Con- ruption of the Congress. Will he put an
Congress increased its tally from 61 to 77. serious concern for Modi for 2019. Indian gress has, occasionally flirted with soft Hin- effective curb on the fringe elements
post-Gujarat India? A Modi has asserted that the BJP's return to agriculture is in difficulty and disparities dutva, but never so determinedly as during remains to be seen even with the party
fictionalised view, power for a sixth time is a remarkable suc-
cess. He has glossed over the reduction in
between city and village have grown espe-
cially in the more backward states.
the Gujarat campaign. It is difficult to see
this yielding it dividends for its ethos is dif-
going strong on its Hindu credentials?
Finally, with his attention turning
from the perspective the winning margin. For the Congress, the
result is disappointing, but it is claiming a
There is no doubt that Gandhi ran an
imaginative campaign, thus dissipating
ferent and it can hardly take on the BJP on
its strong wicket.
inwards how much time will Modi have for
foreign policy initiatives especially after
of a foreign envoy moral victory both for the manner it ran the
campaign as well as for bringing the BJP
his image of basic disinterest in politics
and complete incompetence. Apart from
Immediately after the results, Modi
moved swiftly to assert that the party had
mid-2018? The window to take meaningful
steps with India is, therefore, now.
based in New tally below 100, a first in over two decades. stitching caste alliances, he questioned achieved unprecedented success and also
There is a silver lining for the Congress in Modi's economic achievements, includ- spoke at length of reform and inclusive Regards,
Delhi.... its loss, but a defeat is a defeat and that can- ing the Gujarat model flaunted by Modi's progress. This was as a signal to the coun- Ambassador

on this day... 100 years ago quick crossword su do ku forecast

1 Check-up, 4 Final,
8 7 3 6
The Press Act.
7 Mood, 8 All right,
10 Apoplectic, 12
9 Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

IF there is one measure which is unpopular among all sections of the Flimsy, 13 Chancy,
educated Indian community it is the Press Act. It has been con- 15 Astuteness, 18 7 3 2 Chandigarh 22
New Delhi 23
Normally, 19 Oval,
demned by the Press; it has been condemned by our Congress, Con-
ferences and Leagues and by hundreds of public meetings. But the
20 Lapse, 21
2 5 1 PUNJAB
Amritsar 24 07
bureaucracy will not yield. Even the presence of the Secretary of Bathinda 23 06
State will not deter them from exercising their powers under this Down 4 6 Jalandhar 24 06
1 Comma, 2 Ludhiana 22 06
extraordinary measure. The demand of security from the Bombay
Chronicle and the forfeiture of the security deposited by the New Era
Economic, 3 Policy,
4 Far-sighted, 5
8 2 6 Patiala 22 10
are measures which should open the eyes of Mr. Montagu to the true HARYANA
Nigh, 6 Liturgy, 9
nature of this Act. We have nothing to say about the merits of either Close shave, 11 1 5 7 Ambala 22 11
case. In one case the matter will presently be, if it is not already, Interval, 12 Flannel, Bhiwani 23 06
before the High Court.
14 Muslin, 16 Silly,
17 Grip.
8 Hisar 23 06
Karnal 22 10
Women and Constitutional Reforms. 3 7 4 9 Sirsa
23 07

IT will have been seen from a telegram published in these columns Dharamsala 20 08
yesterday that a deputation which waited upon Mr. Montagu at Yesterday’s solution calendar Manali 16 03
Madras, on behalf of the women of India, expressed perfect agree- Nahan 22 08
3 8 7 4 6 1 2 9 5 December 22, 2017, Friday
ment with the Congress-League scheme. In one respect it went even Shimla 18 08
ACROSS 20 Wanting food (6) 5 Fastened (4,2) 9 1 2 7 3 5 4 6 8 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2074 Solan 24 05
further. It claimed that women should be allowed the same opportu- ■
1 Unsentimental (4-5) 21 Old hand (7) 6 Rejection of belief in deity (7) Shaka Samvat 1939 JAMMU & KASHMIR
nity of representation as men and asked for a pronouncement in 5 6 4 8 2 9 1 3 7 ■ Posh Shaka 1
8 Surpass (5) 22 Passage between rows (5) 7 Make a full confession (4,5) ■ Jammu 26 09
favour of compulsory primary education for girls as well as for boys 1 2 6 5 9 8 3 7 4 Posh Parvishte 8
and the immediate provision of an equal number of schools for girls
9 Repartee (7) 23 Non-alcoholic beverage (4,5)11 At a very low price (4-5) ■ Hijari 1439 Leh 03 --10
7 5 8 1 4 3 9 2 6 ■ Srinagar 10 01
and for boys. Those who want India to proceed at snail’s pace and
10 Unruffled (6) 13 Grounds (8) Shukla Paksha Tithi 4,
11 To slander (6) DOWN 14 Indisposition (7) 4 9 3 2 7 6 8 5 1 up to 10.23 pm UTTARAKHAND
who urge in support of their view that other countries have in the past 6 7 1 9 8 2 5 4 3 ■ Harsh Yog up to 7.14 pm Dehradun 24 08
done the same thing will find something in these demands made by 12 Sale (8) 2 Tolerate (5) 16 Anxiety (6) ■ Shravan Nakshatra
15 Having special ability (8) 3 Czech composer (6) 17 Seem (6) 8 3 9 6 5 4 7 1 2 Mussoorie 18 06
the women of India that should give them furiously to think. up to 7.11 pm Nainital 18 09
18 Call in question (6) 4 Exactly at agreed time (2,3,4) 19 Tiny hard particle (5) 2 4 5 3 1 7 6 8 9 ■ Moon in Capricorn sign. TEMPERATURE IN OC

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GST, a work in progress

We need to immediately move towards three tax slabs, and eventually two

Scam, or folklore? four. In addition, the levy of three

rates of cesses has further compli­
vertheless, it is a desirable objec­
tive and the GST Council must act
cated  the  structure.  Having  four on  it.  International  experience
2G acquittals call into question the political, tax rates and three rates of cesses shows  that  including  real  estate
investigative narratives of the past decade should  have  been  avoided.  As may not be easy.
mentioned  above,  multiple  rates

hat is illegal from the point of view of admi­ C. Rangarajan
create  problems  of  classication, Steps ahead
nistrative law may not necessarily be an of­ and M. Govinda Rao
inverted duty structure and large­ There is some concern that the re­
fence  from  a  criminal  court’s  perspective. scale  lobbying.  It  enormously venues  from  GST  in  the  past  few


The Supreme Court declared in 2012 that the allocation he introduction of the Goods complicates  the  technology  plat­ months  are  somewhat  below  ex­
of 2G spectrum by the Congress­led UPA government and  Services  Tax  (GST) form  to  ensure  input  tax  credit pectations. Things could improve
was illegal and an arbitrary exercise of power. It went raised  much  hope  that  it mechanism.  It  therefore  appears as the new changes bring in stabil­
would herald the emergence of a desirable to move immediately to­ ity and technology platform stabil­
on to cancel all 122 telecom licences allotted to compa­
‘good and simple tax’ with ‘one na­ wards  three  slabs  with  the  nal ises.  Hopefully  the  implementa­
nies in early 2008 during the tenure of A. Raja as Com­ tion, one market, one tax’. Howev­ goal of reducing the slabs to two. It tion  of  GST  may  help  in
munications Minister. With the trial court’s en masse ac­ er,  there  has  been  considerable would also have been desirable for augmenting income tax as well.
quittal of all those arraigned by the Central Bureau of concern with the new tax, both in the “tment committee” to evolve Strong political commitment, to
Investigation in the 2G spectrum allocation case, the its  structure  and  operational  de­ the competitive reduction in cor­ of tax to be higher. It would also in­ the  rates  by  thinking  afresh  in­ implementing  the  reform,  tho­
claim that this was the biggest scam in India’s history tails, including the ease of paying poration tax rates due to high mo­ vite a lot of lobbying by special in­ stead to merely adding up the ex­ rough advance preparation, adeq­
lies in tatters. Every ground that the CBI had adduced to the  tax  and  ling  returns.  Trade bility of capital. It is also true that terest  groups.  Third,  it  is  impor­ cise and VAT rates to t the item to uate investment in tax administra­
prove that Mr. Raja manipulated the rst­come, rst­ and industry have been grappling there is no “one­size ts all” GST tant  to  prepare  well  before  the the  nearest  rate  decided.  This  is tion  and  taxpayer  services,
with the problem of payment, l­ and each country has to adopt the plunge.  Most  countries  take  at particularly relevant in the case of extensive  public  education  pro­
served  system  to  favour  Swan  Telecom  and  Unitech
ing the returns and claiming input structure  depending  on  political least two years to prepare for the commodities which are predomi­ gramme,  support  from  business
Wireless, among others, and helped them make a wind­ tax  credit,  and  exporters  have bargains and operational feasibili­ introduction of reform to ensure a nantly inputs as in the earlier VAT community and good timing of re­
fall prot by ooading their stakes, has been rejected been facing liquidity crises as the ty. It is a major reform, and even as smooth transition. This is particu­ regime  they  were  placed  in  the form are the important pre­requi­
by Special Judge O.P. Saini. The immediate fallout is that zero­rating  of  the  tax  has  not every country makes a lot of prep­ larly necessary for developing and lower rate category. Hopefully, the sites  for  successful  implementa­
the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, to which Mr. Raja be­ worked and refunds have not been arations before it is introduced, it testing  the  technology  platform, GST Council will act soon on this. tion of the GST. It is also important
longs, and its national ally, the Congress, will at last be forthcoming, with diculty in l­ takes time to smoothen the rough educating  the  tax  collectors  and to note that problems of transition
in a position to shake o the perception that they were ing  returns.  Of  course,  the  GST edges  and  settle  contentious tax  payers  and  to  avoid  any  ano­ Raising the threshold to a major tax reform are unavoid­
Council has been quite responsive issues. malies in the structure of the tax.  As  mentioned  above,  expert  opi­ able  and  most  countries  go
irredeemably  beset  by  corruption.  The  Congress,  in
to tweak the structure and opera­ International experience shows nion based on international expe­ through this. In this regard, the ap­
particular, is now in a position to reiterate that the spec­ tional  details  to  make  it  simpler. that  some  features  of  the  reform The Indian version rience shows that there is much to proach of the GST Council must be
trum allocation resulted in ‘zero loss’; also, that its rule Yet, considerable work needs to be are  inherently  desirable.  It  is  im­ In  the  Indian  context,  given  that be gained by having the threshold commended for being receptive to
between 2004 and 2014 was not as scam­tainted as it done  to  ensure  a  smooth  transi­ portant not to have too low thresh­ the  reform  had  to  be  evolved  by at reasonably high levels. As men­ the concerns of businesses and in
was generally made out, a perception that has impacted tion and to reap the revenue and olds.  In  fact,  reasonably  high taking into account the views of 29 tioned above, international expe­ dealing  with  the  glitches  in  tech­
its electoral performance since. Attention will now turn productivity gains to the economy.  thresholds  will  reduce  the  com­ States, two Union Territories with rience is that a threshold closer to nology. Some of the noise heard is
to Vinod Rai, whose sensational report as Comptroller pliance burden to a large number legislatures and the Union govern­ $100,000 would eliminate 75% of also due to the fact that all traders,
History of GST of small businesses without much ment, compromises are inevitable the taxpayers and the sacrice in in  one  way  or  the  other,  are
and Auditor General, pegging the loss as a result of not
Introduction of the GST is an im­ impact  on  revenue.  Richard  Bird and it is impossible to expect the terms  of  revenue  would  be  less brought  into  the  formal  sector.
auctioning spectrum at 1.76 lakh crore, contributed to portant reform and is a standard and Pierre­Pascal Gendron, after a structure of the tax to be ideal. As than 4%. Moreover, it is the small That hurts some. The GST Council
the perception that a huge scam had taken place. policy recommendation for every detailed examination of a number stated by Bird and Gendron, some businesses  which  produce  and has  recognised  that  it  needs  to
Many had argued that the gure was only notional. country going in for the structural of countries adopting GST, suggest bad initial features may be an es­ trade in commodities and services carefully calibrate the reform until
Mr. Raja said that not revising the entry fee and not auc­ adjustment programme of the In­ that  in  developing  countries,  a sential compromise to get the tax which  are  predominantly  con­ the  desired  goal  of  a  Good  and
tioning  spectrum  ensured  cheaper  telephony,  in­ ternational  Monetary  Fund.  This threshold  closer  to  $100,000 accepted in the rst place.  sumed by low income groups and Simple Tax is realised. Hopefully
creased tele­density and contributed to the sector’s ov­ has been a major money spinner would  eliminate  75%  of  the  tax­ It  would  have  been  preferable therefore,  keeping  the  threshold the GST Council will keep the goals
and a source of productivity gain. payers with a revenue loss of less to  evolve  the  structure  with  two high would be desirable from the clear and consider the reform ef­
erall  development.  He  has  been  undoubtedly
According to Michael Keen, of over than 4%. (See Bird and Gendron, rates, one lower on items of com­ viewpoint of equity as well. Consi­ fort as a work in progress. 
vindicated, but there is a lesson for everyone in the long 165 countries which have adopted The VAT in Developing and Transi- mon  consumption  and  another dering  this,  going  further,  it  may
2G saga: public perception and audit reports cannot be GST in one form or another, only tional Countries, Cambridge  Un­ general  rate  on  consumer  dura­ be desirable to x the threshold at
the sole basis for criminal trials; investigating agencies ve have repealed it (Belize, Gha­ iversity Press, 2007). Another de­ bles  and  luxuries.  Notably,  given 50 lakh. The revenue loss will be C. Rangarajan is former Chairman of the
must carefully sift the available material before decid­ na, Grenada, Malta and Vietnam), sirable feature of a successful GST that the VAT in the earlier regime minimal  but  ease  of  doing  busi­ Economic Advisory Council to the PM and
ing to prosecute. Eliminating graft from public life is not but have reintroduced the tax la­ is  to  have  fewer  rates.  Multiple had  predominantly  two  rates,  it ness will be high. The inclusion of former Governor, RBI. M. Govinda Rao
only  about  making  allegations  stick  during  election ter.  The  GST  has  taken  centre­ rates  create  classication  pro­ should have been possible to con­ petroleum  products  in  the  GST was member, 14th Finance Commission,
stage  in  many  countries  and  is blems,  are  harder  to  administer vince the States of the need to x base will depend on mainly the re­ and is Emeritus Professor, National
time, but also about diligent investigation and ecient
considered  important  in  view  of and would require the general rate the  GST  rates  at  two  rather  than venue gains from the reform. Ne­ Institute of Public Finance and Policy
prosecution. The CBI’s image has taken a beating, with
the court calling it out for its waning enthusiasm in pur­
suing the case. There is a cloud over the present govern­
ment’s commitment to ghting corruption. It may yet
have a chance to redeem itself, as the CBI has said it will
appeal  the  verdict.  An  appeal  is  in  order  given  the
From owning a home to feeling at home #

sweeping dismissal of the CBI’s contentions, so sweep­ Ownership of modest homes is transformative for Sri Lanka’s hill-country Tamils
ing that it dismisses, arguably a tad too breezily, what
day, most of them live in colonial­ here, they have been invisible not has  no  easy  access  to  the  main
the prosecution said were suspicious quid pro quo tran­ era  line  rooms  —  closely  packed just to the Sri Lankan state, but al­ road,” says M. Vamadevan, an ad­
sactions. It is said that the folklore about corruption is match­box  like  dwellings  on  the so  to  New  Delhi  and  Tamil  Nadu viser to the Minister. 
bigger than the actual incidence of corruption. Could hills — and many still work in the for most part. Without doubt, they The  gap  between  required  re­
this be true of the 2G ‘scam’ as well?  estates in dicult working condi­ feel  some  anity  towards  Tamil sources and the actual allocations
tions and with poor wages. Their Nadu and India, through ancestral is also glaring. While the national
Meera Srinivasan story is better known as the global and cultural links. “My father gave action plan points to an estimated
Austrian shift . Indira Gandhi owns a brand­
rise  of  the  famed  Ceylon  Tea,  a
product  that  fetches  precious  fo­
me that name because I was born
the day Indira Gandhi died,” says
15 billion Sri Lankan rupees invest­
ment in 2018 needed for the pro­
The presence of the far-right in the governing S new house now. She is one of
the rst few from Sri Lanka’s hill
reign revenue, about $1.2 billion in
her namesake, smiling brightly. 
All the same, many in her gener­
ject – it will cost 70 billion rupees
over ve years – the annual alloca­

coalition is rattling nerves in Europe

country  Tamil  community  –  that Following  the  transition  from ation  feel  that  the  oft­used  “In­ tion in the recent budget is only 2
has a two century­history in the is­ being  stateless  to  becoming  citi­ dian­origin” tag is both dated and billion rupees.

ustria’s new coalition government of the conser­
vative People’s Party and the extreme right Free­ land – who can call this home, and zens in 2003, the ongoing change distant. “Even my national ID de­ Housing is only one of the many
the  piece  of  land  beneath  it,  her from  being  landless  to  owning  a nes  me  as  a  ‘Sri  Lankan  estate long­ignored  demands  of  the
dom Party is a sobering reminder of the persis­
own.  modest  house  on  a  small  plot worker’,” says her husband, K. Vi­ workers, who face historic neglect
tent danger of the populist upsurge across Europe. The A full­time  worker  in  a  tea  es­ marks another signicant shift for jayakumar. “We are people of this For pensioner E. Sellappan, his and exploitation. From education,
deeply eurosceptic and anti­immigrant Freedom Party tate,  the  33­year­old,  along  with the  community.  Neither  was  an country.” That is how they would new  home  in  Hauteville  Puram, to  health  to  fair  wages,  many  of
registered its best performance in nearly two decades her husband, is busy giving nish­ outcome of state benevolence. In like to frame their demands to the built by the Minister of Upcountry their  concerns  remain  unad­
in the October general election, polling about 26% of ing touches to her cement­walled fact,  both  followed  persistent state – in the unmistakable voice of New Villages, Estate Infrastructure dressed. 
the vote. Such a showing may in eect have ruled out a home in Dayagama, in Nuwara Eli­ struggles  by  the  nearly  million­ a rightful  citizens,  without  tags and Community Development, is “Even  if  wasps  attack  us,  we
repeat of the outgoing coalition between the Social De­ ya district in the Central Province. strong community and larger pol­ that  bear  the  baggage  of  uneasy the  only  asset  for  his  children. have to put in our own money and
They have recently cut a path lead­ itical dynamics.  histories.  “This sonda veedu (own home) is get treated. Our struggle for a mi­
mocrats, which came second, and the conservatives led
ing to the entrance of their home, Houses such as Indira Gandhi’s In  an  apparent  recognition  of the rst recognition of my labour nimum wage of 1,000 (Sri Lankan)
by the new Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz. Moreover, re­ where  saplings  bearing  sprightly have been built by the Indian go­ that  emphatic  voice,  the  Maithri­ for  my  36  years’  work  at  the  es­ rupees earlier this year also failed
ecting a continent­wide erosion of the political mid­ pink  owers  pop  up  from  either vernment as part of an initiative to pala  Sirisena­Ranil  Wickremes­ tate,” he says. after our political leaders signed a
dle­ground, Mr. Kurz had openly embraced the Islamo­ side.  For  the  young  couple,  the construct 14,000 dwellings for Hill inghe government put out an am­ collective  agreement  with  the
phobic and anti­immigrant stance of the far­right in an home is much more than a secure Country  Tamils,  to  supplement bitious National Plan of Action for The road ahead companies. We are now stuck with
attempt to shore up popular support in the run­up to place of residence, or a permanent the Sri Lankan government’s own the  social  development  of  the The government points to its share 630  rupees  a  day,”  says  estate
the polls. A further demonstration of the inroads the dwelling.  eorts towards providing housing plantation  community,  spanning of  challenges.  Despite  a  wides­ worker  R.  Pushparani,  squinting
in the region. In an earlier project, ve years beginning 2016. Among pread campaign from workers for her  eyes  against  the  glaring  sun,
Freedom Party has made is the key ministerial portfo­
Longstanding demands India built 46,000 homes in the is­ other  initiatives,  the  plan  envi­ 20 perches land each, the govern­ while she rapidly plucks tea leaves
lios  it  has  bagged,  besides  the  vital  position  of  Vice­ From the time the British brought land’s  Tamil­majority  North  and sions building 1,60,000 homes, ­ ment  could  manage  only  seven with both hands. 
Chancellor that its leader Heinz­Christian Strache has down  hundreds  of  thousands  of East for the war­displaced.  nanced partly with a government (about 2,000 square ft). “Finding In  pointing  out  their  current
assumed. The interior ministry, which holds the levers Tamils from south India in the 19th Malayaha (Hill Country) Tamils grant  and  the  remaining  with  a land  is  our  main  challenge.  The reality,  she  highlights  the  die­
of immigration control, is in its hands, rattling nerves in century  to  Sri  Lanka,  successive are quick to appreciate India’s at­ 7.5%  interest­loan.  About  30,000 plantation  companies  are  rather rence between a few workers own­
Europe. A similar concern arises from the charge of de­ generations  have  been  toiling  in tention to their community. As Ta­ homes  have  been  constructed  so reluctant to part with productive ing homes, and all of them feeling
fence and foreign aairs, in view of the Freedom Party’s the country’s plantations. Even to­ mils of most recent Indian origin far.  land,  or  end  up  giving  land  that at home. 
strong anities with far­right parties in Hungary and
Poland and close ties with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
When the Freedom Party under Jörg Haider went in
for  a  power­sharing  arrangement  with  the  conserva­ Acquitted in 2G Mr. Raja, which caused an Chennai, it triggered proceedings on the basis of party’s victory. Mr. Modi’s dangerous precedent as the
tives around the turn of the century, Austria was briey Former Telecom Minister enormous loss to the public speculation that the BJP a presumptive loss to the campaigning is a case in 16­year­old boy, according
ostracised  by  the  European  Union.  But  the  political A. Raja and Dravida exchequer, are glaring. The would align with the DMK tune of a staggering 1.76 point. The BJP released its to the CBI, killed
realities  in  2017  are  dierent.  Following  the  populist Munnetra Kazhagam Rajya Comptroller and Auditor for the 2019 Lok Sabha lakh crore was itself grossly manifesto just a day before Pradhyuman Thakur
tide that led Britain to vote to leave the EU last year, and Sabha member Kanimozhi’s General estimated the elections. Since all is not awed.  the rst phase of polling because he wanted to delay
acquittal is a big victory for losses to be more than 1 well in the AIADMK, Mr. S.K. Choudhury, began, but Mr. Modi the school examination
the extreme right Alternative for Germany’s 13% vote to Bengaluru 
the DMK (“2G scam verdict: lakh crore. If all the accused Modi has no other option campaigned tirelessly (“Ryan student to be tried
enter the Bundestag in September for the rst time un­ Big day for us all, Rahul come clean, what explains but to strike an alliance (“Why leaders matter?” as an adult”, December 21).
der the 1949 constitution, unsurprisingly Brussels has Gandhi tells Kanimozhi”, the losses to the public with the DMK if he wants a The verdict has given the December 21). Issues like This reveals the boy’s
been more muted in its response to the emergence of December 21). The verdict exchequer? If there is foothold in Tamil Nadu. accused an opportunity to demonetisation, GST, and highly immature mindset. It
the new coalition in Austria. It has sought to emphasise may lead to a change in the daylight plunder and not a The question is, will the cloak themselves in piety anti­incumbency could not appears as though he had
the pro­EU features in the governance agreement, even DMK’s alliance partners. single culprit is traced, is verdict work in the DMK’s and claim to be exemplars make much of an impact in no idea about the
as the government’s explicit rejection of a referendum There is no hurdle now for this not a mockery of the favour in the R.K. Nagar of probity and justice. Like Gujarat compared to Mr. heinousness of the crime
the Bharatiya Janata Party justice system? The judge’s bypoll too?  in the disproportionate Modi’s charisma. From and its consequences.
on Vienna’s EU membership comes as a relief. The sup­
in aligning with the DMK comment, that the Shefa Rafi, assets case against former Indira Gandhi to Jyoti Basu There was plenty of
posedly pro­European stance of an overtly anti­immi­ for the 2019 general prosecutors had become Coimbatore  Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and from Jayalalithaa to N.T. opposition to the Bill that
grant platform is an obvious contradiction, as freedom election as the DMK is free direction­less, speaks Jayalalithaa and Sasikala, Rama Rao, the roots of the was passed by the Rajya
of movement is one of the EU’s four founding princi­ of corruption charges.  volumes about the case and Former Prime Minister we must wait for the verdict personality cult in India run Sabha to treat 16­year­old
ples.  Similar  issues  intended  to  strike  at  the  root  of G. Purushothaman, shows the weakness of the Manmohan Singh must be from the higher courts. long and deep. There is a accused as adults, for good
Tirunelveli system.  feeling vindicated as he was saying that ‘no individual is reason. This decision
deeper integration are bound to surface when Austria S. Vasudevan,

assumes the six­monthly rotating presidency of the EU V.G. Sankararao, mercilessly pilloried by the Secunderabad  greater than the appears to be retrograde

The acquittal of A. Raja, Vizianagaram BJP in this regard. A. Raja organisation’, but this may and certainly deserves a
in the second half of 2018. The electoral consolidation
Kanimozhi, and all the became synonymous with Towering leaders not be true always. rethink.
of the far­right in dierent member states will necessa­
other accused is When Prime Minister corruption and the Very often, it is the Kshirasagara Balaji Rao, C.V. Aravind,
rily  impede  the  process  of  further  integration.  The disappointing. The Narendra Modi recently allegations cost the personality of a leader Hyderabad Chennai
priority for Europe’s leaders therefore ought to be to irregularities in the process visited DMK supremo M. Congress dearly in the 2014 rather than the election
more letters online:
win greater legitimacy for the project as it obtains now. of allotment of 2G spectrum Karunanidhi at the latter’s elections. The very basis of manifesto of a political A dangerous precedent
by the Ministry headed by Gopalapuram residence in launching criminal party that results in a The decision sets a



Should adultery be a crime? 
Critics of Section 497 are those who dene Critics of Section 497
allege that the law is sex­
penal code. The Commis­
sion rendered liable only
ter the adulterer from committing
such a crime again. One may argue
preme Court were to decriminalise
adultery, it would still remain intact
morality according to their whims and fancies ist in nature, for it only the male oender, keep­ that  the  law  has  failed  to  prevent in various personal laws, eventually
criminalises the conduct ing  in  mind  “the  condi­ the act of adultery. Such failure can­ leading  to  harrowing
Indian criminal law explicitly crimi­ Sex  is  a  sound  classication  and of the man while excus­ tion of the women in this not  be  attributed  to  the  law  itself inconsistencies.
nalises acts that deceive a person. although there can be no discrimi­ ing the woman. They say country”  and  the  law’s but to its enforcement. If such rea­
However,  it  is  surprising  that  the nation on such account, the Consti­ that  in  making  the  hus­ duty to protect it. soning is to be taken into account, it Need for amendment
criminalisation  of  an  act  that tution  itself  provides  for  special band  the  only  person While critics of Section would  apply  similarly  to  laws There is no denying that there exist
breaches the sanctity of a pure so­ provisions  with  regard  to  women who can prosecute for adultery, the 497  argue  that  the  adultery  law against  rape,  murder,  tracking, ambiguities  within  Section  497  of
cial institution such as marriage, by and children. Thus, Articles 14 and law is founded upon the idea that tries to dictate and intervene in the etc., but we do not talk about decri­ the IPC. First, it only regulates the
way of deceit and lies, is facing chal­ Article  15  read  together  validate the status of the wife in a marriage lives of two consenting adults, they minalising them, do we? If we were seemingly  sordid  conduct  of  the
Sudhir Mishra lenges in the past few decades. Section 497 of the IPC. is akin to that of the property of the forget how adultery wrecks the life to  bring  down  a  single  brick,  the man who commits such a crime, all
is  managing  partner  in The  constitutionality  of  Section Criminal law everywhere in the husband. of  another.  Generally,  the  people whole house would collapse. the while exonerating the voluntary
Trust  Legal,  and 497 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) world  serves  as  a  guardian  of  the who  advocate  the  decriminalisa­ A welfare­oriented and inclusive conduct  of  the  wife  involved.  Se­
advocate,  Supreme was  previously  challenged  before moral principles of society, protect­ Legislative intent tion of adultery are those who de­ country like India, while demand­ cond, the benet of such a law has
Court  of  India the Supreme Court in Yusuf Abdul ing a society’s historical roots while However,  the  legislative  intent  be­ ne  morality  according  to  their ing that a marriage be registered in not  been  extended  to  the  wife
Aziz v. The State of Bombay (1954). leading it towards a progressive so­ hind the enactment of Section 497 whims and fancies. order to acknowledge and protect whose husband engages in such an
A constitutional  bench  held  then cial  order.  If  we  start  subjecting is quite dierent from what is per­ the  rights  of  the  parties  involved, oence  with  another  woman.  Ho­
that Section 497 did not violate the laws  to  our  personal  rationale,  it ceived by these critics. In 1847, the The law deters the adulterer cannot do away with a crime which wever, such a plight can be resolved
right to equality as enshrined in Ar­ would lead to chaos, as a counter­ Law Commission of India was given The intention behind criminalising undermines the same legally recog­ eventually  by  way  of  an  amend­
ticles 14 and 15 of the Constitution. narrative would always exist. the responsibility of drafting a new adultery in the present day is to de­ nised  institution.  Even  if  the  Su­ ment.

Section 497 will have to be struck down to claim to her body. A wo­
man  cannot  bring  this
ship with another man. If
it is so obviously discrim­
surprising that apologists often qu­
ote the argument of the sanctity of
tithetical  to  the  notion  of  human
rights and dignity?
uphold human life and dignity particular  charge inatory,  why  does  it  still marriage to support the criminali­
against  a  man  as  she  is exist in the statute book? sation  of  adultery.  The  laws  lend Right over one’s body
Even within the narrow connes of fundamental right to equality. an  object  of  possession The answer lies in the ov­ themselves well to bring about the No  marriage  or  alliance  can  take
the  heteronormative  denition  of in this entire awed dis­ erarching  patriarchal submission of women, with the pa­ away one’s right over one’s own bo­
marriage  as  recognised  under  In­ Power equation in marriage course.  She  has  no  say structure  of  society  and triarchal  structures  prevalent  in dy.  Therefore,  while  the  law  on
dian law, the provisions of the IPC Under Section 497, what stands out not  only  over  her  own the  state.  That  any  wo­ marriage as an institution. adultery as it is today in the IPC is
regarding adultery seem particular­ is  that  only  a  man  can  prosecute body but even the body of the man man  may  choose  to  have  a  sexual Technology  has  unleashed  a discriminatory  on  the  ground  of
ly medieval. The Constitution gua­ another man for adultery. The pow­ to whom she is legally wedded. This relationship disregarding the insti­ freedom unknown to civilisation ev­ sex, the very existence of adultery
rantees  the  fundamental  right  to er is vested in a husband to control itself is an archaic provision. It rein­ tution of marriage does not lend it­ er before. The same technology has in the criminal statute is violative of
Talish Ray equality and that is inconsequential the sexuality of his lawfully wedded forces  the  submissiveness  of  wo­ self well to patriarchy or our laws. also enabled surveillance. The pow­ the fundamental right to life and to
is  a  partner  at  TRS
of gender. It also gives right to life wife. Monoandry, therefore, seems men within the marriage. Patriarchy is about controlling the er  in  the  hand  of  a  disgruntled live with dignity. These issues will
Law  Oces  and  project
and liberty. Life means dignied ex­ the basic premise in the power eq­ Even the apex court in its recent behaviour  of  women  so  that  they spouse exercised through the might therefore remain unaddressed even
director  of  Girls  Gotta
istence.  It  has  been  widely  inter­ uation of a marriage. The wife be­ observation opined that this provi­ do not demand equality, and sexual of state machinery is immense and if the court reads down Section 497
Know  India,  a  website
oering  legal
preted. From it ow many rights to ing the sole and exclusive property sion treats women as personal pro­ equality  is  a  particularly  sensitive so is its potential for abuse and mis­ and gives women also the right to
information secure the principle of human dig­ of  a  man  must  be  protected  from perty. It observed that the fulcrum area.  Marriage  remains  a  strong use. How can a society which calls send their husbands to court. This
nity.  any other man. Her sexuality must of oence within the Section is des­ bastion  of  patriarchy.  At  its  core, itself  civilised  use  its  power  and Section will have to be struck down
The law on adultery, as it exists be controlled by the husband in or­ troyed if the husband were to con­ marriage builds a power hierarchy might to enforce a certain notion of to do justice to the very notion of
today, prima facie is violative of the der to assert this sole and exclusive sent  to  the  wife  having  a  relation­ that is unequal for women. It isn’t puritanical behaviour, which is an­ human life and dignity.

IT'S The premise that the woman is always the victim ween a man (married or

unmarried) with a mar­
for  its  deletion  on  the
ground  that  “it  is  the
preme Court will decide according
to the present notions of a woman’s
tion as a rule doesn’t work in prac­
tice in altering social behaviour. 
COMPLICATED undermines the notion of women’s agency  ried  woman  but  also right time to consider the place in a marriage. Much is depen­ That  apart,  the  burden  is  too
between a married man question whether the of­ dent on the views of the Bench that heavy in a criminal case for the pro­
Section 497 provides that if a man to be the innocent victim and there­ and  an  unmarried  wo­ fence  of  adultery  as  en­ hears the matter. Therefore, the le­ secution to discharge. Also, the cri­
(the oender) has sex with the wife fore not punishable. It has been jus­ man.  The  institution  of visaged in Section 497 is gislative route is an option. In any minal justice system in India does
of  another  man  without  his  con­ tied on the basis of the integrity of marriage  was  consi­ in tune with present day event, this antiquated law has to go not  encourage  genuine  prosecu­
sent, he is punishable with impri­ marriage  as  an  institution  that  an dered  sacrosanct  and  a notions  of  woman’s  sta­ completely,  whether  by  a  judicial tions. It only targets the most vul­
sonment  of  up  to  ve  years.  The adulterous man is supposed to have breach actionable. It was cause of tus within marriage.” The Supreme decision  or  by  an  amendment  by nerable — in this case, the woman
wife of the other man is not punish­ breached. Thus, it does not apply to annulment and divorce as also pun­ Court  again  upheld  the  constitu­ the legislature. who  would  be  castigated  even
able even as an abettor. an  unmarried  woman.  But  it  has ishable with diverse sentences. tional  validity  of  the  law  in  Sow­ though she is not considered to be
Anand Grover not always been like that. In  the  present  form  in  India, mithri  Vishnu  v.  Union  of  India The law should go criminal. The wrong should only be
is  a  senior  advocate  in
History of adultery Adultery is of ancient vintage. It adultery was considered to be ap­ (1985), where it was held that even First,  the  very  premise  is  against considered to be civil wrong and be
the  Supreme  Court 
The  plain  reading  of  it  makes  it is found in the Code of Hammurabi, propriate in early independent In­ though  the  social  scenario  may women’s autonomy and dignity. Se­ the basis of divorce only. It is sur­
clear that the oence of adultery, as was embraced in the Seventh Com­ dia by the Second Law Commission #
have changed, it is not for the court cond, even if the argument is that prising that the government, which
it exists in India today, is premised mandment, and used by Henry the and upheld by the Supreme Court but for the legislature to decide the marriage as an institution must not is getting rid of antiquated laws, is
on the personality of the wife being VIII of England to get rid of his wife, in Yusuf Abdul Aziz. The 42nd Re­ policy of law.  be breached, it is not understanda­ not  doing  anything  about  the  of­
merged  with  that  of  her  husband. Catherine Howard. Pertinently, his­ port of the Law Commission conti­ Though the Supreme Court has ble why an unmarried woman hav­ fence of adultery. It is high time that
She has no independent existence torically it had wider application, in nued it, though there was a strong issued notices in the matter recent­ ing sex with a married man should this law is put in the dustbin of his­
in the eyes of law. She is supposed that it applied to sex not only bet­ dissent by Anna Chandy, who voted ly, it is anybody’s guess what the Su­ not be culpable. Third, criminalisa­ tory where it belongs.



For a wider food basket FIFTY YEARS AGO DECEMBER 22, 1967

Pneumonia kills man with borrowed heart

While undernutrition remains high in
India, over­nutrition too is becoming an Mr. Louis Washkansky early to­day [Dec. 21] lost the dramatic
18­day battle to cling to his second lease of life. The 55­year­
emergency old grocer, the only man to have another human heart beat­
ing inside him, died at Groote Schuur Hospital here [Cape
Town] when his overburdened lungs collapsed. His wife Ann
and 15­year­old son Michael were summoned to the hospital
In  the  last  few  decades,  with  strides  in
but  left  his  bedside  just  before  Mr.  Washkansky  died.  His
technology, irrigation practices, and ex­
death saddened doctors and nurses at the hospital where he
tension  services,  and  with  progressive
made near miraculous progress in the first fortnight after his
agricultural policies, India has seen im­
historic operation. Doctors said the cause of death was pneu­
provement in food and nutrition secur­
monia and that a post mortem showed that there was nothing
ity.  Agriculture,  food  grain  production,
wrong with the transplanted heart or with the technical fea­
and agricutlural export have grown. This

tures of the transplant operation. They also said both lungs of
is good news.
the patient were affected by patches of pneumonia caused, in
However, despite hunger (as measured by undernutrition)
spite of every possible precaution, by a virulent form of germ.
decreasing, the level of undernutrition remains unacceptably
Treatment with massive doses of penicillin failed to improve
high in the country. India ranks 114th out of 132 countries in
the lung condition, which was followed by a drastic slump in
stunting among children aged less than ve and 120th out of
the number of his white blood cells. Doctors tried to arrest
130 countries in under­5 wasting, as per the Global Nutrition
the fall in the white blood count with immense injections of
Report, 2016. The burden of vitamin and mineral deciencies
white blood corpuscles. Yesterday Mr. Washkansky relapsed
This is because a vast majority of Indians eat cereal­based
CONCEPTUAL ACT ONE lungs were kept going with “artificial ventilation”. 
food, mainly wheat and rice. There is an insucient intake of
food such as milk, pulses, and fruits and vegetables, which are Paradigm shift
rich sources of micronutrients. Women and children are the
most  vulnerable  to  micronutrient  deciencies.  This  has  ad­
Philosophy Overseas votes A HUNDRED YEARS AGO DECEMBER 22, 1917.

verse aects on their health. Deciency of iron in women not This  refers  to  any  revolu­ An amendment to allow NRIs to vote by proxy  Russian Situation: Peace Negotiations.
only reduces physical work capacity and causes fatigue, but tionary change in the fun­
could lead to depression and post­partum maternal haemor­ damental  intellectual Krishnadas Rajagopal for  Voting  by  Overseas tion  of  the  original  pass­ Herr Kuehlmann and Herr Czernin telegraph that they will ar­
rhage. In children, it impairs growth and cognitive develop­ framework that has tradi­ Electors’ and presented it port  at  the  time  of  voting rive at Brest Litovsk to­morrow [December 19] and invite M.
ment.  tionally  been  adopted  by The Representation of the in the apex court. The EC at  the  specified  polling Trotzky to join them in order to initiate a general peace. The
What is ironic is that over­nutrition is emerging as an emer­ practitioners of a subject. People  (Amendment)  Bill said  NRI  voters  could  be booth. Maximalist newspaper ‘Pravda’ announces that the Maximal­
gency in India. As per the recent ndings of the National Fam­ The idea was proposed by of 2017, introduced by the empowered  better  if  the Thus, the rules demand ist Commissioners have sent Ukraine Rada forty­eight hours’
ily  Health  Survey­4  (2015­16),  the  Body  Mass  Index  (BMI)  of American  philosopher government  during  the law was amended. for  the  physical  presence ultimatum, declaring that, unless the Rada renounces all fur­
15.5% of urban women was found to be less than 18.5 kg/m2, Thomas Kuhn in The Struc­ winter  session  of  Parlia­ In the statement of ob­ of  overseas  electors  in ther attempts to support General Kaledin, the Maximalists
whereas 31.3% of urban women were in the category of over­ ture  of  Scientific  Revolu­ ment,  proposes  to  allow jects  and  reasons  for  the their  respective  polling will declare war on Ukraine.
weight or obese (BMI of or more than 25.0 kg/m2). Around 15% tions.  Kuhn  believed  that non­resident  Indians 2017 Amendment Bill, the stations in India on the day The Ukrainian Rada is proclaiming Ukraine a democratic
of urban men were underweight, while 26.3% belonged to the the  central  ideas  of  a  dis­ (NRIs)  to  emerge  as  a  de­ government explains that of  polling.  “This  causes republic forming part of the new all­Russian Federal Republic
category of overweight and obese. Dramatic changes in life­ cipline  generally  do  not cisive  force  in  the  coun­ the  original  Representa­ hardship  to  the  overseas and including Kieff, Pedolia, Volhynia, Gherningoff, Peltava,
style and dietary patterns in recent decades have contributed change within a short span try’s  electoral  politics  on tion of the People Act was electors,”  the  statement Kharkoff,  Ekaterinoslav,  Kherson,  and  Taurdia  without
to an increasing prevalence of non­communicable diseases. If of time or because the cur­ their  own  terms.  The enacted  as  an  all­encom­ said. This amendment pro­ Crimea and also Kursk, Holm and Voroness, if the inhabitants
this double burden of undernutrition and growing percentage rent  practitioners  readily amendment paves the way passing  law  for  the  con­ poses  facilitating  an  ex­ so decide. The Cossacks have occupied the eastern part of
of obesity and associated non­communicable diseases is not change  their  minds  when to  remove  an  “unreason­ duct of elections, delimita­ ternal mode of voting, that Voroness Government.
controlled, it can have serious implications for the economy. they are introduced to new able restriction” posed by tion  of  constituencies, is,  voting  by  proxy,
How has this happened? While the Green Revolution phase and better ideas. Instead, Section 20A of the Repres­ allocation  of  seats  in  Par­ whereby such electors can CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
saw  new,  fast­growing  varieties  of  staples,  especially  wheat he argued, paradigm shifts entation of the People Act, liament  and  State  Legis­ exercise  their  franchise
and  rice,  the  following  decades  saw  a  steady  decline  in  the happen  when  people  of which  requires  overseas latures,  corrupt  electoral from their places of resid­ DATA POINT
food basket diversity, especially of traditional grains such as the  older  generation  die electors  to  be  physically practices, and so on. ence abroad.
bajra and millet, which have high nutritional value. The 1990s, and  are  replaced  by present  in  their  electoral Section  20A  of  the  Act If  the  Bill  is  passed,
though, saw a focus on the role of micronutrients. Deciencies younger  people  who  are constituencies to cast their provides  for  registration overseas  voters  can  ap­
of micronutrients such as zinc, folic acid, magnesium, selen­ more  receptive  to  newer votes. and  inclusion  of  overseas point a proxy to cast their
ium and vitamin D started receiving more attention.  ideas. The  effort  to  empower electors  in  the  electoral votes on their behalf, sub­
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC NRI voters began with two rolls.  The  Registration  of ject  to  certain  conditions
hunger,  achieve  food  security  and  improved  nutrition  and PILs  filed  by  V.P.  Sham­ Electors  Rules,  1960 to be laid down in the Con­
promote sustainable agriculture”, is a priority area for India. sheer, a U.A.E.­based doc­ provide for overseas elect­ duct  of  Election  Rules,
To ensure food and nutrition security, there is a growing need THE WEB tor,  and  Nagender ors to register themselves 1961. 
for a multisectoral approach. The policies and programmes of Chindam,  chairman  of in  the  electoral  rolls  of “This  would  consider­
various ministries should be converged for better results. This Interactive: the countries Pravasi Bharat in London, their  respective  constitu­ ably  mitigate  the  diffi­
will not only transform India’s agricultural practices, but also that have legalised same- in the Supreme Court. encies on the basis of self­ culties presently faced by
spread  awareness  about  nutritious  food  among  key  target sex marriages The  Election  Commis­ attested  copies  of  their overseas  electors  in  exer­
groups, including tribals, women and children. sion  prepared  a  report passport  and  valid  visa, cising their franchise,” the titled  ‘Exploring  Feasibil­ and  exercise  their  fran­ statement  in  the  Bill
Shyam Khadka is FAO Representative in India ity  of  Alternative  Options chise in person on produc­ reasoned. 

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