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Complete the following bible verses.

1. Your _________ is a lamp that give __________ wherever I walk.

___________ 119: ______

2. Noah did _____________ hat the ___________ told him to do.

____________ 6: _____
Identify the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
_______________1. It rightly reflects the condition of your soul.
_______________2. It serves as your weapon against enemies
_______________3 It is your nourishment
_______________4 Itis how God bring about his judgement
_______________5 It was use to cover the ark in and outside
_______________6 He was only person who lived right and obeyed god
_______________7 It is a bible symble that cleanses impurities
_______________8 A bible symbol taht serves as guide through darkness
_______________9 They are God’s enemies
_______________10. How many people have been save after the judgement of God.
Enumeration. Who are the three sons of Noah?
Multiple choice.
1. God choose for the Old Testment to be written in what language?
a. Latin c. Greek
b. Hebrew d. English
2.Which of the following is the first book of the bible?
a. Exodus c. Numbers
b. Genesis d. Leviticus
3.The history of Israel is composed of how many books?
a. 8 c. 11
b. 9 d. 12
4.The major prophets books are the following Isaiah, Jeremia, Lamaentations, Ezekiel
and what book?
a. Joel c. Jonah
b. Daniel d. Micah
5.What books are called the good news for all humankind?
a. Old Testament c. Poetry
b. Gospel d. Letters
6.What is the book of prophecy called?
a. Acts c. Mark
b. Revelation d. James
7.What is the first book of the new testament?
a. John c. Mark
b. Luke d. Matthew
8.According to 1 Corinthians 2:13, who actually teaches you spiritual truths?
a. God’s Spirit c. Classmate
b. Teacher d. Parents
9. “But you need to realize that no one alone can understand any of the prophecies in
the Scriptures. The prophets did not think these things up on their own, but they were
guided by the Spirit of God.” (2 Peter 1:20-21). What does this verse mean?
a. God’s word is forever. c. It is the blueprint.
b. God is the source.

10. “ The Lord saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought
and planned was evil. He was very sorry He had made them.” (Genesis 6:5-6)
According to this verse every people in the earth was very bod except for one man and
his family. Who is that man?
a. Abraham c. Seth
b Noah d. David

Complete the abbreviation.
Memory Verse Lesson 5
Memory Verse Lesson 6

Memory Verse Lesson 7

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