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Kaylie Yale’

Ms. Jelks

2nd Period

November 27, 2018

Annotated Bibliography

1. Rebecca A. Ledger, and David J. Mellor. “Forensic Use of the Five Domains Model for Assessing

Suffering in Cases of Animal Cruelty.” Animals, Vol 8, Iss 7, p 101 (2018), no. 7, 2018, p.

101. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3390/ani8070101.

Abstract: This case study assesses how cruelty towards animals affects them both psychologically and

physiologically using a five-domain platform. This platform is based upon understanding how

healthy care-taking looks like, what unhealthy habits are, what happens as a result of each

practice, and the significance of the lasting psychological and physiological effects each practice

has on animal. This study breaks down the enter workings of an animal’s brain. While reading and

analyzing this study, I was able to ascertain that even customary practices used in the care of

animals in their early years can have the greatest impacts on how the animal will live the rest of its

life. This study has helped me acquire a deeper understanding of how human practices effect

animals in the long run and how an animal functions and reacts naturally in contrast with human

interaction. Which in turn will enable me to write a more profound essay on my chosen topic.

Finally, the audience would scientists, students taking a veterinary science class in college, or an

animal protection agency due to its intense vocabulary and content.

2. Dawn, Karen. “Making Progress Against Animal Cruelty.” Progressive, vol. 80, no.7, July 2016,


37–39. EBSCOhost,


Abstract: This interview speaks with Wayne Pacelle, President and Chief Executive of the largest animal

protection organization in the world, The Humane Society of the United States. In this interview, Pacelle

explains the positive direction he and his organization has moved in promoting wildlife awareness,

assisting in the passing of laws protecting animals and preventing cruel practices, and the innovations

undertaken to lay such cruelties to rest. In this interview, I learned that yes there are people who fight

hard against the “changing of the times” in order to protect their way of life, but there are still things being

done to protect the wildlife for future generations, such as fighting against agribusiness laws, and fighting

for better treatment of animals on movie sets. I feel that this interview assisted me in proving my

argument because it shows that there are some things that are being put in place to protect animals and

defend against cruel practices towards them with the idea of preserving nature’s wonders for the

prosperity to enjoy. The ideas presented here fall under all three of my points listed in my thesis

statement/ claim. Finally, the audience would be the general public watching a news segment or those

concerned for the environment.

3. Suckow, Mark A., et al. The Laboratory Rat. Vol. 2nd ed, Academic Press, 2006. EBSCOhost,


Abstract: This ebook focuses on how laboratory rats are used in larger scale drug testing and

experiments and how they are housed in state-of-the-art technological facilities. The article goes even

further by stressing how essential these creatures in order to ensure that their tasks are a success.

However, despite how useful these small creatures may be, anyone who is arguing or fighting against

these methods of information extraction would not find said practices appealing. Therefore, although I do

not agree with this program, I can say that it is very useful to for the counterclaim portion of my argument.

Finally, the audience of this book be, senior graduates, graduate students, medical students, researchers

and post-doctorate students who need to ultilize such practices.

4. McMillan, Sara. “What’s Driving Our Planet’s Destruction: IN CONVERSATION WITH

PROFESSOR DAVID GRIGGS.” Habitat Australia, vol. 45, no. 2, Oct. 2017, pp. 6–
9. EBSCOhost,



Abstract: In the interview with Professor David Griggs from Monash and Warwick University, dissects the

issue of environmental destruction, the causes, and explains other major components to the interviewer.

Dr. Griggs carries on by giving listeners the significance of such research and the reason why preventing

the causes of environmental destruction, such as over usage of resources, is much more effective and

impactful. From this interview, one would discover, myself included, that rectifying the cause of a problem

is a much more effective and a more permanent way of solving an issue than just delaying the effects.

Thus, making this resource a perfect addition to my argument. This is because Professor Griggs gives

specific examples, such as logging, and presents a more precise way of accessing and correcting a

problem that would useful to me in topic. The audience would be those individuals who are concerned for

the environment and professional settings, such as a college class for environmental studies.

5. Barrera, Magda, and Jody Heymann. Ensuring a Sustainable Future : Making Progress on

Environment and Equity. Oxford University Press, 2014. EBSCOhost, proxygsu-


Abstract: In this book, the author explains how important is it to maintain the environment for the

prosperity and the future. This is done by showing what would happen if future generations did not have

the resources, such as air, land, and water, to survive. The authors, Jody Heymann and Magda Barrera,

rather stress their topic by providing simple ways to maintain the environment by picking up trash, car-

pooling, and no dumping in oceans, rivers, and lakes. This source would can be used to prove my point

because it shows the simples ways the day-to-day person can assist in protecting the environment,

essentially making it easier. The audience is the average person.

6. Kolbert, Elizabeth. “THE SIXTH EXTINCTION? (Cover Story).” Science World, vol. 71, no. 11,

2015, pp. 8–11. EBSCOhost,



Abstract: The book, “The Sixth Extinction,” by Instared gives puts into spectrum many animals were forced

to the brink or are extinct due to human evolvement. The author does so by stating that we are in a period

where thousands of species are vanishing from this earth and many more are endangered over a span of

many centuries. The author goes even further by putting stories with these creatures. The author delivers

the final blow by saying the same reasons why these creatures are going extinct, could result in the mass

extinction of human beings as well. Thus, connecting both topics. This book is crucial for the development

of my argument in stating that there is a direct connection between human actions and what happens to

Earth’s creature as a result. The book makes the issue more personal and that is exactly what is needed

for this argument. The audience is the general public as it is a message for all people and written in standard


7. Akito, and Yasuda. “Is Sport Hunting a Breakthrough Wildlife Conservation Strategy for

...” S.A.P.I.EN.S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society,

Institut Veolia Environnement, 27 Feb. 2012,

Abstract: This article supports sport hunting as a means to control the populations of wildlife and

as a way of income for the local communities. The authors state that by allowing tourists and

game hunters to slaughter these animals, money goes back into the community, lives threatened

by huge predators are saved, growing populations are controlled. Nevertheless, these practices,

which seek personal gain, cannot ensure the survival of wildlife. These actions do, however, put

money into the pockets of the community. I sincerely believe that incorporating this information

would indeed assist me in constructing my counterclaim argument. The audience for this article
would be those individuals who support game hunting, the community leaders, and game hunters

who find no fault in their activities.

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