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Fate of Bob near Strong Gravitational Wave Source

Kiran Adhikari

Department of Physics and Earth Sciences

Jacobs University Bremen

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Gravitational wave: For linearized metric: gµν (x) = ηµν + hµν (x),
Einstein’s equation Rµν − 21 gµν R = 8πG
Tµν gives gravitational waves
in the form of 10 differential equations hµv − ∂u Vv − ∂v Vµ = 0.

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Gravitational wave: For linearized metric: gµν (x) = ηµν + hµν (x),
Einstein’s equation Rµν − 21 gµν R = 8πG
Tµν gives gravitational waves
in the form of 10 differential equations hµv − ∂u Vv − ∂v Vµ = 0.
Motivation, Apparent paradox:If light waves are stretched by
gravitational waves, then how is it possible to detect the gravitational
waves using light?

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Gravitational wave: For linearized metric: gµν (x) = ηµν + hµν (x),
Einstein’s equation Rµν − 21 gµν R = 8πG
Tµν gives gravitational waves
in the form of 10 differential equations hµv − ∂u Vv − ∂v Vµ = 0.
Motivation, Apparent paradox:If light waves are stretched by
gravitational waves, then how is it possible to detect the gravitational
waves using light?
Metric: ds 2 = −c 2Rdt 2 + [1 + h(t)]dx 2 + [1 − h(t)]dy 2 , for light
ds = 0 gives τx = dt = c1
R p
1 + h(t)dx,
τy = dt = c1
R Rp
1 − h(t)dy gives path difference of:

4τ = h(0)

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Path difference of Information

Figure: Model of Bob with two arms of length L

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Path difference of Information

Figure: Model of Bob with two arms of length L

The particles carrying information in Bob are time like ds 2 < 0. This
implies c 2 dt 2 > [1 + h(t)]dx 2 + [1 − h(t)]dy 2 . Path difference of
4τ > h(0) (1)
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Effect on Hydrogen Bonding

For two molecules with dipole moment µ1 and µ2 separated by

2µ1 µ2
distance L, the potential energy is given by:V (L) = − 4π0L

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Effect on Hydrogen Bonding

For two molecules with dipole moment µ1 and µ2 separated by

2µ1 µ2
distance L, the potential energy is given by:V (L) = − 4π0L

In curved spacetime, the Maxwell Tensor Fv µ is written in covariant

form:∇µ F v µ = 4πJ v ,∇[µFv λ ] = 0. The metric tensor is:
 
−1 0 0 0
 0 1 + h(t) 0 0
gv µ = 
0 0 1 − h(t) 0
0 0 0 0

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Effect on Hydrogen Bonding

For two molecules with dipole moment µ1 and µ2 separated by

2µ1 µ2
distance L, the potential energy is given by:V (L) = − 4π0L

In curved spacetime, the Maxwell Tensor Fv µ is written in covariant

form:∇µ F v µ = 4πJ v ,∇[µFv λ ] = 0. The metric tensor is:
 
−1 0 0 0
 0 1 + h(t) 0 0
gv µ = 
0 0 1 − h(t) 0
0 0 0 0

Fµv = ∂µ Av − ∂v Aµ then for two moleuclues lying on x-direction, we

q 2µ1 µ2
E (x) = and V (L + L(0)) = − (2)
4π0 x 2 4π0 (L + L(0))3

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Hydrogen Bonding close to the source

The relationship between dimensionless amplitude (gravitational

distorition) h at a distance r due to radiating system of Mass M with
speed v is : h ∼ GMc2
× 1r × vc 2
Assuming the radiating source to be a black hole with merger velocity
c, we will get h ∼ rsch /2r where rsch is the schwarzchild radius of
black hole. With this relation, the potential energy between two
dipole moment becomes:
2µ1 µ2
V (L, r ) ∼ − (3)
4π0 (L(1 + r2r
2r 3
V (r ) ∼ V0 (4)
(2r + rsch )3

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Hydrogen Bonding Close to the source

(a) X-axis 1 (b) X and Y-axis

Figure: Hydrogen bonding as a function of distance from the source

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References: I

B. P. Abbott et al Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary

Black Hole Merger. PhysRevLett.116.061102, 2016
Bernard Schutz A First Course in General Relativity, Cambridge
University Press, 2009
Peter R. Saulson If light waves are stretched by gravitational waves,
how can we use light as a ruler to detect gravitational waves,
American Journal of Physics 65, 501 (1997); doi: 10.1119/1.18578
A. L. McClellan The significance of hydrogen bonds in biological
structures,Journal of Chemical Education 1967 44 (9), 547 DOI:

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