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Solutions — Chapter 2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 2.4. (a) T(e{n) = ginlain} ‘« Stable: Let |z[n]| < M then |T[z{n}| < lo{n}]A/. So, it is stable if lg[n]| is bounded. * Causal: saln] = ginjzi[n] and y2in] = gfnjz2{n}, 60 if zn] = z2[n] for all n < no, then slr] = valn) for all n < no, and the system is causal. Linear: T(az,[n} + dz2{n]) = gjn|{azs[n] + balm] ag{n}za[n] + d9[n}za[n} = aF(2[n}) + 67 (z2In)) So this is linear. + Not time-invariant: T(z[n -ne]) = glnjzin - no] # ln — no} = g[n — nojz[n — no) which is not TI. ‘+ Memoryless: yjn] = T(z{n}) depends only on the n** value of 2, so it is memoryless. (0) T(z[r)) = Dheene 214] 4 Not Stable: [z{n]| no, 0 this is not memoryless. (©) Tela) Doren 2H . Suble: ITEetn))l < CAEN Halk] < CAEN, ZAHA < J2ng + 1M for [z{n]] < M, 50 it is . fat Gena T(z{n}) depends on future values of z[n], s0 it is not causal Linear: Tlazsln) + boxinl) = "5 aaslh) + bale] etna te nie = 2 SY atl+e So salt] =or (etn) +o7(exim) ns sence This is linear. °T: nine T(ein—nol = afk -no} Pam = YW kenane = yln~no] This is TI * Not memoryless: The values of y{n] depend on 2no other values of z, not memoryless. (4) T(zin}) = z[n ~ no] © Stable: {7(z{n])| = [a(n — nol] < M if jzfn] 0, this is causal, otherwise it is not causal Linear: T(az,[n] + bea{n}) = azy{n— no] + brain — no) = aP(24{n)) + 87 (22{n) ‘This is linear. © TE T(z[n ~ ng] = 2{n — no ~ na] = yln — ng). This is TL » Not memoryless: Unless no = 0, this is not memoryless. (e) T(zjn}) = et" * Stable: |z[n]i

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