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Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

Diagnosis of assessment methods for weatherability of stabilised

compressed soil blocks
F.O. Ogunyea,*, H. Boussabaineb
University of Liverpool, cyo 66 Colin Drive, Eldon Wharf, Liverpool L3 6LL, UK
Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK

Received 20 May 2000; received in revised form 9 October 2001; accepted 9 January 2002


Stabilised compressed soil blocks (SCSBs) in building fabrics are susceptible to deterioration if their choice conflicts with the
required functionality. Various investigators to determine the weatherability potential of these materials have applied different
assessment procedures, observed to be fraught with limitations. Such procedures have produced results that often conflict with
real life situations. The current inadequately defined weatherability performance measurements require more qualitative descriptions
of the field conditions. The underlying premise in this paper is to review the practicality or otherwise of the various testing
techniques. The paper highlights some generalised framework essential for SCSBs weatherability assessment method that are
rational, explicit enough and applicable to specific and almost all intended uses under a broad range of environmental concerns.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Weatherability; Building material; Accelerated weathering test; Performance measurement and weatherability assessment methods

1. Introduction material and to evaluate the product using prescribed

All externally applied building products would nor- The most commonly used artificial test method used
mally undergo high profile weather impact assessment in soil construction is the wet-dry cycling test. This test
tests to avoid over-estimating their durability capability. was basically derived from the ASTM D559: 1989 w3x,
Soronis w1x has given a synopsis of the critical current which was first published in 1939 and designed explic-
reasoning and scientific overture to durability issues. itly for testing the durability of soil-cement mixtures
The vulnerability of most materials to differential dete- used for highway pavement and airfield construction.
rioration on exposure demands that every material be Variants of this test and other conventional tests (such
designed against the damaging influences of the weather, as spray tests) have evolved since then, and are broadly
with each specific design proven and tested for adequate categorised in this paper as accelerated weathering tests.
performance. While conceding to the notion that artifi- Although the tests are completely empirical, they do not
cial weathering devices offer the most suitable approach accurately model the full-scale field experience. Conse-
to direct comparison of a wide range of material types; quently, the results obtained in the laboratory seldom
the use of accelerated devices, incorporating as many of agree with those observed in actual practice.
the outdoor weather factors as possible allows these Different operators at various capacities have exten-
factors to be controlled more uniformly so that standard sively applied the accelerated weathering tests, and
test conditions can be set up w2x. In this regard, artificial opinion appears to be unanimous on their performance
test methods are used to accelerate but reproduce the
scale. The tests are too aggressive, excessively simpli-
effects of exposure to weather, for quality control pur-
fied, fail to replicate the actual environmental conditions,
poses to check variations between different batches of
bear little practical correlation with actual long-term
*Corresponding author. field performance and hence provide a conservative
E-mail address: (F.O. Ogunye). estimate of durability. This opinion has far reaching

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164 F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

effects on the investigative approaches to the accelerated framework that could feature in a reliability-based meth-
weathering test. The emerging limitations have become odology for testing and assessing the weatherability
more apparent as a number of soils that failed the tests potential of SCSB in a more rational and explicit
have subsequently performed quite well in practice. manner. It should be applicable to specific and almost
Houben and Guillaud w4x have viewed the erosion of an all intended uses under any given climatic considera-
exposed wall as insignificant compared with the erosion tions. The failure of this approach will make accelerated
observed in the tests. Undoubtedly, many successful weathering test methods remain somehow superficial,
earth buildings that have survived for centuries would evasive, dotted with unhelpful compromise and variety
be in violation of the accelerated test methods. Further- of incompatible standards and tend to revolve around
more, examples equally abound in many countries the peripherals while the main core-the anticipated target
around the world of soil block (both stabilised and non- of adequate resistance assessment through practical
stabilised) buildings performing satisfactorily for the weatherability procedure-remains relatively unexplored.
past several years. Apparently, the structural survival of
these block samples when exposed to the weather 2. Weatherability profile
confirmed that their initial resistance was higher than
originally assumed. As buildings are expected to function at a high level
Although the acceptability and utilisation of concrete of quality and reliability, all materials and components
and burnt brick products for permanent structures due in the building envelope are required to perform their
to their anticipated superior environmental stability functions and retain them with minimum maintenance
seems to be gradually eroding the status of soil blocks for the period of their stated lives. Failure to attain this
as effective alternative materials, the latter cannot be performance level requirement implies that the weath-
completely displaced in building programmes world- erability threshold has been exceeded. As part of dura-
wide, nor will their application diminish to zero or be bility, weatherability deals with the weather resistance
eclipsed by other materials. Fundamentally, the credibil- of materials exposed to the impact of environmental
ity of SCSBs is rooted in its environmental appropriate- degradation factors over a specific period of time. It
ness, low energy input in processing and handling soil, connotes a substantial deterioration in the material’s
ease of use, cheapness and affordability, availability, fire original entity on exposure to the outdoor environment.
resistance and beneficial climatic performance in some This material deterioration generally occurs when the
regions. However, the proven weather impairment ten- environmental forces are sufficiently strong to disrupt
dency and poor moisture retardance are the major the binding together of the constituent particles at the
drawbacks to their structural integrity and degree of moisture imbibition point. According to Heathcote w6x,
appropriateness in the building envelope. the principal mechanism causing removal of material
It is against this background, coupled with the prob- from the surface of earth walls is the release of the
lems associated with the accelerated weathering test that kinetic energy associated with raindrops impacting on
a new trend for soil block weatherability performance the surface; but reiterated that the resistance of earth
assessment is inevitable. Essentially an understanding of wall buildings to attack by driving rain is related to the
the principle mechanisms by which a material deterio- magnitude of the bond strength between particles. Clear-
rates should form the basis for the weathering perform- ly, it is recognised that of all the degradation elements
ance analysis. One reason that some accelerated affecting building materials and components, weathering
weathering tests have not proved satisfactory, according factors w7x are the most severe, even though not all
to Ramachandran w5x, is the method of developing the materials are susceptible to all the weathering factors.
tests by presupposing important exposure factors and The complexities associated with the interaction between
incorporating most of them in a test chamber. He argues the various factors that affect deterioration account for
that it is more effective first to determine the degradation the weatherability process; the consequence of which
processes and then design the test to reproduce them. may lead to loss of surface quality w2x. This can also
Although accelerated weathering test, as a research account for defective components as in metals and
devise, has been so highly regarded and widely used plastics, breakdown in aggregate stability and loss of
and our understanding of building-related construction constituent material as in earth-wall products, and struc-
issues is somehow illuminated, the expectations in the tural failure; the latter being very catastrophic. In porous
context for which it has been developed are yet to be building materials, the external surface-subject to pre-
fully realised. It is obvious then that the key to the dominant variations in both temperature and moisture
effectiveness and acceptability of accelerated weathering content-experiences a very different environment from
test lies in the quest to reflect significant modification that of the internal surface, which is normally dry. The
in the testing procedures and measurement parameters. continuously changing moisture and temperature gradi-
This paper seeks to review existing literature on accel- ents across the block samples result in differential
erated weathering test and to suggest some generalised moisture movement which triggers the phenomenon of
F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172 165

expansion and contraction, and generates tensile strain time means that efforts must be geared toward the
and internal stress sufficient enough to cause such production of walling material that could offset the
damage as cracking, spalling and other defects in a destructive tendencies imposed upon them by the cli-
building. In practice, all materials deteriorate through mate. In spite of the fact that the practice of vernacular
time, at varying rates and under varying degradation technology of earth construction reflects the materials,
factors, and it is generally a steady process w8x. culture, climatic conditions and skills available in a
The significant advancement in the weatherability particular society w12x, the production of quality material
prediction of some materials used outdoors provides the should be given a prominent place. The composition
scope for more materials to be probed; while in others, and character of the soil constituents, fabrication method
they have not been analysed in detail w9x. The require- and block properties constitute important elements in
ment to advance the state of knowledge of weatherability influencing the susceptibility of block material to
prediction and thereby minimise the obstacle to inno- disintegration.
vation and improve the choice of materials has provoked Although the criteria for establishing the quality of
a renewed interest in research opportunities in this area. material are diverse and highly variable, it appears that
Although the research approach needed to advance the strength is the overall-controlling factor. It has been
state of knowledge can be a complex, time-consuming found that compressive strength is an indicator of
and costly exercise, it must be purposeful in identifying durability quality w13x, and that soil block materials that
the formidable obstacles to the weathering performance satisfy the durability test must have ample strength, dry
of soil block materials. density and low permeability characteristics. Heathcote
The following general guidelines summarise the pri- w6x has also proposed that the ratio of wet to dry strength
mary technical obstacles to weatherability prediction of in the range of 0.33–0.50 be used as an indicator of the
soil block materials (cf. reference w10x). These involve durability of earth-wall components. Venkatarama Red-
the need for: (i) a methodical framework for defining dy and Jagadish w14x affirmed that pressed soil blocks
the problem explicitly before describing it, (ii) defining with more than 5% clay content and having dry density
the concept of durability such that it can be measured greater than 1.9 gycc will possess good erosion resis-
and be related to the actual in-use conditions of the tance. Ransom w15x noted that brick materials with high
materials, (iii) specifying all possible environmental water absorption have low resistance; for resistance
factors causing degradation, (iv) simulation of actual depends not only on total porosity of the material, but
environment and (v) mathematical models describing also on the pore structure and in particular upon the
the material behaviour in specific environments or appli- proportion of fine pore present: the resistance to attack
cations. This line of thought offers the opportunity to increasing as this proportion decreases. For satisfactory
explore the full extent of what is involved in the performance of soil block materials, the authors are of
weatherability study. the opinion that strength enhancement with good mois-
The weather-tightness of soil block materials to the ture retardance ability and excellent weather resistance
erosive energy of raindrops is reflected in the block should be mutually inclusive. This opinion can only be
quality and type of rain event, just as the erosivity of justified if appropriate weatherability assessment meth-
the eroding agents and erodibility of soil are key ods are put in place for evaluating the performance of
determining factors in soil erosion studies w11x. Further- these materials across a broad range of environmental
more, the amount of erosion is related to two types of considerations.
rain: the short-lived intense storm and the prolonged
storm of low intensity that saturates the samples. While 3. Testing techniques
well-stabilised blocks may perform better than poor
quality blocks under any given climatic influence, low Most non-stabilised earth structures experience some
intensity rain falling at low velocity and hence low form of consistent and drastic deformation arising from
energy may not induce significant erosion, even in poor the aggressive actions of the environment under the
quality blocks. impact of rainstorm effect, but in stabilised and com-
It has been recognised in soil erosion that rain falling pressed form their resistance to weathering is greatly
at low intensities is non-erosive and the threshold level improved w16x and their water resistant ability w12x
of intensity at which it becomes erosive is 25 mmyh. enhanced. This treatment not withstanding, SCSBs are
From what is already known, the erosive power of rain still prone to one form of deterioration or another.
on soils is related to the compound parameters derived Attempts at improving their performance such as plas-
from combinations of more than one physical property— tering and external coating application, and designing
the product of the kinetic energy and intensity of the of overhangs, surface protective features and surround-
storm. This forms the basis of the universal soil loss ing structures w17x have yielded little positive result.
equation (USLE) used to quantify soil erosion. How- Several testing techniques have been developed
ever, the unpredictability of the climate at a point in w6,14,18x to assess and predict the performance of soil
166 F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

block materials. They include wet-dry cycling (Wire tions and limitations to the test procedures that could
brush), abrasive wear, spray and drip test methods as jeopardise the results and make them unrealistic for real
described below: life applications. Some of these are common to all the
a. In the wire brush (ASTM D559) test, the samples tests while others are specific to a particular test. The
are totally immersed in water at the same temperature following are regarded as limitations common to all the
as the laboratory for 6 h, removed and oven-dried at tests:
70 8C for 42 h and then brushed firmly with an ● Absence of full-scale simulation of the appropriate
applied force of 1.5 kg on each surface and in both environmental conditions.
directions for a total of 18–25 brush (metallic fibre) ● The aggressiveness of the exposure conditions.
strokes. This procedure constitutes one 48 h wetting- ● Comparative analysis of results from different work-
drying cycle, and is repeated for 12 cycles. After ers is difficult and unreliable.
twelve test cycles, the samples are oven-dried to a ● Lack of correlation with actual long-term field
constant weight at 110 8C, and the weight loss with performance.
respect to the initial weight calculated. Table 1 shows ● The standard weight loss (%) assessment basis is
details of three different wire brush tests and their misleading.
limitations on weight loss and water absorption. The
water absorption value is obtained by total immersion Other specific limitations include:
of the specimen in water for a period of 24 h and on
removal the difference in weight is expressed as a ● The material loss during the process of immersion is
percentage of the initial weight. unaccounted for wsee (3a) abovex.
b. The abrasive wear test illustrates the erosion of block ● The difficulty of maintaining a consistent abrasive
samples under the abrasive action of wind-borne sand effort throughout the test cycles wsee (3a) and (3b)
by attempting to simulate conditions in dry arid areas. abovex.
The samples are tested dry. A 6-kg metal brush is ● Unspecified wind-borne sand characteristics for
used to scrub the face of the blocks in a single back assessing the accuracy of the simulated condition wsee
and forth motion; the procedure constitutes one cycle. (3b) abovex.
Brushing is continued for 50 cycles. The dry weight ● Undue simplification of the test procedures wsee (3c)
of the materials detached is recorded per cm2 of abovex.
abraded area in order to obtain a test result that is
independent of the shape and size of the block w4x.
Smith and Webb w16x used different size of block 5. Evaluation of the testing techniques
samples with unspecified number of cycles to deter-
mine the dry weight (mm) of abraded material. The performance of soil block samples has so far
c. The simple accelerated spray erosion test involves the been assessed either by intensifying or by lowering the
use of a shower head with a horizontal or vertical factors of deterioration during the testing process. While
spray-jet, allowing water at a chosen pressure to the latter gives a false sense of performance capability,
impinge on the block surface at a pre-determined the former is suggestive of the ability to perform under
distance from the shower head. Test details by differ- the worst exposure condition. The intensification of the
ent operators are graphically displayed in Table 2. environmental factors in the test procedure to which
d. The drip test was devised to determine the suitability SCSBs are vulnerable is capable of inflicting consider-
of adobe soil in building. The test involves releasing able rigour on the specimen ingredients. Such aggressive
100 ml of water in drops via a cloth wick that falls exposure regime can cause both physical and chemical
400 mm onto the brick samples inclined at an angle changes that can be potentially harmful to the integrity
of 27 8C from the horizontal. Frencham w23x devel- of the specimen and possibly influence the test values.
oped the approach further using brick samples from In similar manner, the rapid and complete submersion
the least exposed areas of the buildings that have in water of the specimen is likely to impose far greater
existed for periods between 60 and 120 years in an stress than when one face were wetted in turn and water
area with average rainfall of 520 mm per year, and allowed to rise through the specimen by capillarity. An
related the depth of pitting in test sample to an accurate simulation of environmental conditions in the
Erodability Index. This Index ranges from 1 (non- test will invariably produce reliable data and enhance
erosive) to 4 (very erosive). the quality of durability predictions and the difficulty
and unreliability attendant to making comparative anal-
4. Inbuilt limitations of the techniques ysis of results from different source will be minimised.
By building upon existing research work in a systematic
Although the techniques provide a very rapid assess- and coherent manner, information will be consistent and
ment of durability, there are observed in-built assump- the knowledge available will not be locked into inacces-
F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172
Table 1
Wet-dry cycling (Wire brush) test

No Test parameter References

w3 x w19x w20x

1 Block specimen type Compacted soilycement mixtures in 290=90-115=80-115 mm cement 105 mm diameter cylinder and
100 mm diamater cylinder and 125 mm stabilised blocks 115.5 mm in height
2 Water immersion duration (h) 6 6 6
3 Durationytemperature of oven- 42 h at 71 8C 42 h at 70 8C 42 h at 70 8C
4 Brush specification Metallic fibres Wire scratch Wire scratch
5 Numberydirection of strokes 18–25, in both surface direction 18–20, vertically 20, with equal force
6 Applied abrasive force (kg) 1.5 1.5 1.5
7 No of cycles 12 12 12
8 Weight loss (%) % wt. loss with respect to initial wt., Not exceeding 10% with respect Relative performance assessed
after oven drying to constant wt. to initial wt., after oven-drying rather than compliance
at 110 8C unspecified to constant wt. at 110"5 8C with absolute standard
9 Water absorption (%) Not specified Not exceeding 10%, but 15% 17–25%

Table 2
Spray erosion test

F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

No Test parameter References
w4 x w14x w16x w20x w21x w22x

1 Shower head design 100 mm diam 90 mm diameter (226 holes of 100 mm diameter 100 mm diam. Unspecified Unspecified
1.15 mm diameter and densi-
ty of 3.2 holes per cm2)
2 Spray orientation Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal – Vertical
3 Incidence angle (deg) 90 90 90 90 – 90
4 Water pressure 1.4 0.7 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5
5 Impingement distance 200 175 200 200 470 250
6 Precipitation rate – 566 – – – 227.3
7 Exposure duration (h) 2 Varies, (-2) 2 2 1 0.55
8 Dimension of exposed – 305=144 290=140 105 mm diameter 150 mm diameter –
test surface (mm) cylinder cylinder
9 Specimen type – 305=144=100 mm press- 290=140=100 105 mm diameter 150 mm diameter Blockybrick
ed soil blocks of varying mm lime stab- cylinder and cylinder
soils ilised blocks 115.5 mm ht.
10 Estimation of eroded Av. depth of Erosion ratio (av. depth Considerable Considerable Max. depth of % weight loss
material 18 deepest eroded at large pointsy erosion at low erosion at low erosion
holes (mm) precipitation rate) is and less at high and less at
0.012 for laboratory and compaction high compac-
0.039 for field values pressure tion pressure
11 Extentylimits of failure Result is only Erosion should not Visual examina- Visual inspec- Depth of erosion Erosion -ys 10% of
indicative exceed 20 mm in -1 min tion for erosion tion for erosion -ys 60 mm or when the weight of the
for clay content -2% and pitting and pitting water penetrates block and -ys two of
to back of its corners
specimen deteriorate
F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172 169

sible individual research nor be seen as irrelevant with highly critical when several tens of SORPY are experi-
current thought. enced. The impracticality of this view points to a lower
Soil blocks have enormous potential for use as durable specification requirement. But when viewed against its
and functional building materials, but the available test final position in wall on the other hand, the interpretation
techniques applied have generated data that are rarely becomes more tolerant, and the building is expected to
appropriate and sufficiently well defined to reliably last for not less than 10 years: though this is relatively
forecast their short- and long-term performance. The lower than what is obtained in the field. Again, applying
replication of natural conditions in accelerated weather- this specification of maximum 10% weight loss of
ing test methods is not necessarily appropriate for material to field exposures may present some difficulties;
generating stressful conditions pertinent to the long-term and the issue of quantifying field measurement is rela-
durability of SCSBs, rather long-term exposure tests in tively unresolved. For all field measurements, it is
the field are a more reliable method for assessing the suggested that the estimate of material loss be based on
durability of these materials. This can be achieved when the percentage weight loss per exposed wall surface
tests performed on individual block samples in the area, as opposed to the maximum depth of pitting often
laboratory are also done in conjunction with their final used; otherwise a scale factor be developed to correlate
position in wall. Unfortunately, few such tests have been the two measurements.
carried out on SCSBs. Consequently, laboratory tests In the wire brush test, there is the difficulty of
have been observed to bear little practical correlation maintaining a consistent abrasive effort throughout the
with actual long-term field performance, provide limited test cycles. The use of varying brush specifications (see
data availability for field exposure performance and Table 1) can cast a shadow on the integrity of the
yield predominantly conservative estimates. This view method. Doubts can equally be expressed when this
has long standing implications on the investigative abrasive force applied is made equivalent to the simu-
approaches to accelerated weathering test. A lot of lated rainfall impact. When materials are immersed in
misgiving has been expressed recently regarding the water, there is the tendency for some of the constituent
applicability of these tests, which have been developed particles to destabilise and eventually loose out due
from techniques used to assess other materials without perhaps to the weakening of the bonds structure by the
significant modification either to the test procedures or ingress of water or to the constant collision of the water
to the assessment and interpretation of the laboratory molecules on the material’s surface. Such lost out
results. It shows the dilemma that occur when what materials have been largely unaccounted for, and their
appears to be beneficial strategies for weather perform- probable insignificance is yet to be ascertained.
ance measurement may turn out as unpredicted triggers In the abrasive wear test, the impact of the wind-
for improper weathering assessment. One aspect of this borne sand on surface hasn’t proved to be equivalent to
problem is the manner in which laboratory results are the abrasive force applied in the test, hence the resistance
interpreted. Result interpretation can be misleading if to the abrasive action of wind-borne sand, in the authors’
not handled by experts or caution exercised. Many opinion hasn’t been firmly established. Moreover, the
researchers (see the references in Table 1 for example) wind-borne sand characteristics for assessing the accu-
have specified a maximum 10% weight loss of material racy of the simulated condition have neither been quan-
as standard requirement for adequate performance, while tified nor specified.
others have put forward lower range of less than 4% In the spray erosion tests, the authenticity of the
weight loss for earth bricks stabilised with between results has been marred through undue simplification of
2.5% and 10% cement content and less than 1% weight the test procedures. The failure of the system to char-
loss for well stabilised blocks. The specified maximum acterise the rainfall to which samples are exposed is
10% weight loss deserves consideration. This specifi- largely dependent on the claim w14x that no simple
cation is applied both in relation to individual block mechanisms are available which can produce a sparsely
samples and to wall units. When viewed against indi- distributed collection of droplets moving at velocities in
vidual block samples on the one hand, the interpretation the range of 2–9 mys. This barrier has long been
is observed to present a gross under-estimation of the overcome from what is now known of rainfall simula-
actual field occurrences; in which case, the sample tion. Compromise, as evident in Table 2, were made
deteriorates in less than five years, assuming one spell regarding:
of rainfall per year (SORPY) and an end of the service
life when 50% of the material is eroded. Variation to i. Water pressure which has not proved an equivalent
these assumptions will invariably influence the material measurement of the pressure exerted by the prevail-
longevity. Increase in the number of SORPY and ing storm in a specific locality.
decrease in the assumed amount of material eroded will ii. Spray orientation and impingement distance, which
progressively reduce the longevity. A complete deterio- fall short of the requirement for water drops falling
ration is imminent with five SORPY, and becomes vertically through the air to approaching a terminal
170 F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

velocity. confirmed. However, the major defect is in its inability

iii. Flow rate, which forms a continuous jet and is to simulate rain droplets.
excessively higher than what is obtained during a Thus, the continued adherence to the shortfalls of
heavy rainstorm. accelerated weathering test needs re-examination or
iv. Exposure duration which doesn’t consider areas of complete reversion of the trend for a more constructive,
high rainfall and severe exposure and positive and qualitative approach to the assessment scale
v. Shower head design, which does not mimic the if a meaningful long-term performance and service life
actual rainfall distribution pattern. prediction of SCSB is to be firmly established. At best,
accelerated weathering test may be seen as forming
A marked divergence of laboratory test methods from useful guidelines, more precise for trial plots and serving
those of real-life field experience is observed and a few as a means to an end and not an end in itself.
of these deserve specific reflection: (i) laboratory-scale
samples were tested only against the impact effects of 6. Weatherability assessment method
raindrops. The mechanisms of raindrops impinging on
surface, the tractive force of running water down the Weatherability assessment methods are appropriate
wall surface and the turbulent erosion in areas of techniques developed to specifically evaluate the per-
concentrated flow, particularly in projecting areas of formance of a wide range of building materials across a
walls such as window-sills, are common phenomena in broad range of environmental conditions. The variation
the field; although the impact effects exert greater in the techniques depends on the type of material being
control in the process. The magnitude of this effect may investigated. For example, the effects of weathering on
be a subject for further investigation, (ii) laboratory- polymers—paints, plastics and rubbers—can be accel-
scale mixing is more efficient and attains thoroughness erated using artificial weathering machines such as
more than any feasible field-scale method of stabiliser xenon arc artificial weathering machines, or QUV cab-
incorporation. Consequently, there is the likelihood that inets w24x. These machines use combinations of heat,
a significantly higher stabiliser content would be water spray, and normal or uv light as the factors that
required to ensure uniform distribution at all points degrade organic polymers and speed up the process. The
throughout the material medium, (iii) the curing proce- application of different set of degradation factors on
dure used is unattainable in field-scale application. metallic building products including factory-coated
Drying a sample in a thermostatically controlled drying products such as galvanised steel, using a combination
oven at 110"5 8C in the laboratory does not have an of salt spray and xenon arc testing w25x, provides another
exact counterpart in the field, especially in regions where improved technique of assessment. A multitude of pre-
the hottest temperature does not exceed 36 8C, (iv) the dictive and measurement techniques also exist to eval-
constantly changing environmental conditions can influ- uate specific aspects of building performance such as
ence the permanence of the application in field expo- annual energy use, illuminance distribution, daylighting
sures. The weakening effect of the environmental factors etc. However, in all cases, an expert opinion is necessary
on the attractive forces binding the particles together to make sure the test methods proposed would provide
results in erosion. The erosion resistance developed has a realistic assessment and that what has happened in the
been tested only with laboratory-scale specimens not machine is indeed typical of what occurs in natural
subject to the vagaries of environmental influences weathering. The requirement to update knowledge and
before exposure to the rainstorm. Whether such resis- keep track with methods that could improve the quality
tance is permanent in field-scale exposure is a subject of various shades of material is a global phenomenon.
for further testing. Sharman w26x asserted that testing of paints or plastics
Lastly, the formula proposed by Frencham in the drip by simple exposure to short-wave uv light is useless
test, takes into account buildings with very exposed and likely to be misleading, since the radiation energy
walls (add 2 to index) or for higher rainfall (add 1 to is too high and only one factor is being assessed.
index). The latter is deemed illogical w6x as one would Moreover, applying xenon arc accelerated weathering
expect the variation to be proportional to the block tests on fibre-reinforced cement sheet has been found to
sample durability not additive. Hatton in Heathcote w6x be totally inappropriate, since uv light does not degrade
also pointed out an apparent problem in that when a cement-based materials. While heat and moisture are
small pool of water remains trapped the pitting depth is known to affect cementitious materials in real life, the
limited to a maximum of 12–14 mm although it is heat and moisture regimes used in such tests will
conceded that this indicates a very erosive block that produce little damage. Thus, the method selected to
would be unsatisfactory anyway. In general, the drip test critically assess the weatherability of any material must
somehow provides a cheap method of testing bricks in be representative and realistic.
areas of rainfall approximately 500 mm per year, but its For all intent and purposes, the most urgent need for
application to areas of higher rainfall has yet to be advancing the current weatherability procedures of
F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172 171

SCSBs is to develop a systematic, functional and per- rainfall simulator used in soil erosion research or rain
formance-oriented methodology to facilitate the weath- erosion rig used for determining the rain resistance of
ering process. This development would invariably stabilised soil blocks w29x. This is intended to be a
involve the application of the appropriate rainfall para- simple, efficient and adaptable equipment aimed at
meters derived from the rain simulation device. For the reproducing the weather factors close to ‘real’, and
method to be applicable to specific and almost all having the capacity to define appropriate targets in
intended uses under a broad range of environmental assessing relative improvements in the performance of
concerns, the test parameters of rainfall intensity, drop SCSBs, and to provide the technique for obtaining block
size, terminal velocity, kinetic energy and height of fall erosion data which can be valuable for their service-life
etc considered as stress factors can be increased or prediction, rain resistance and maintenance strategies. A
decreased to produce different stress level according to detailed description of this equipment will be a subject
the experimental design w27x. The following are there- for further consideration in another paper. The establish-
fore advanced as common set of generalised features ment of a coherent research programme in the area of
that would give credence to the weatherability assess- life-cycle performance evaluation of stabilised soil block
ment of SCSBs: structures and the influence of mortar on individual
● A rainfall intensity typical of what exists in the field. block samples used in the field need further investiga-
● Wide range of drop sizes from near zero to 6.1 mm tion. Thus, to accurately evaluate the weatherability of
diameter that are representative of the natural rain- SCSB quantitatively, the major rainfall characteristics
storm, and that which show systematic variation with such as intensity, drop-size, impact velocity, kinetic
the intensity; the relative number of large drops tends energy and angle of impact must be nearly identical to
to increase with the rainfall rate. those of natural rainfall.
● Raindrops falling from a considerable height–not less
than 2 m–to reach their terminal velocity close to 9 7. Concluding remarks
mys; a common sized drop of 2 mm falls between 6
and 7 mys and while raindrops terminal velocity The following are the major findings from the anal-
increases with the size, the fall height necessary to yses of the assessment methods of SCSBs:
attain terminal velocity is also dependent on the drop
size. 1. The proven weather resistance of soil block samples
● An average kinetic energy value of 30 J my2 miny1 has generated the requirement to measure the weath-
identical to natural rainfall; although very high energy erability potential of these materials using accelerated
values of 69 J my2 miny1 with 7.5 min intensity of weathering test. There appears to be considerable
112 mmyh w28x, or as high as 34 J my2 miny1 when inconsistencies between the accelerated weathering
the intensity is 150 mmyh have been recorded. test and the field performance, and significant modi-
● The angle of drop impact corresponding to the hori- fications to these testing procedures are needed.
zontal velocity component due to wind. 2. Soil block building product offers resistance to the
It should be emphasised that all the features must act external forces of disruption only in so far as it can
together to produce adequate comparison with natural furnish strength adequacy, excellent moisture retard-
rainfall, and that an appreciable sacrifice of either for ance ability and tolerance to weather impact forces;
the other is irrational. Moreover, these features if prop- either of which should make no appreciable sacrifice
erly construed and constituted, have enough potential to for the other.
offset the deficiencies of the accelerated weathering 3. Characterising the erosion resistance of SCSBs is, in
tests. It is suggested that a scale factor be applied at the final analysis, a field-scale problem, and long-
any desirable stage of the testing programme for a more term exposure test based not on laboratory test but
reliable result. Other characteristics that might be simu- on field demonstration is a more reliable method for
lated include drop and block temperature and drop shape assessing the weatherability potential of these
at impact, but they–like drop impact angle–are rather products.
subtle differences for most research goals. However, the 4. The quality of the weatherability prediction is inti-
addition of unnecessary sophistication to criteria for mately related to the accuracy of the environmental
rainfall simulation studies may seriously complicate the simulation performed in the test.
research and limit the amount of data that can be 5. The common set of generalised features, based on
obtained. rainfall parameters and derived from the rain simula-
Importantly, the characteristics that influence the tion device, have sufficient capability to counterbal-
block erosivity must first be understood and then simu- ance the shortcomings of accelerated weathering tests
lated using an appropriate simulation device or what and to give solidity to the weatherability assessment
can be called a ‘hydrospill-1’, synonymous with a methods. A detailed description of the equipment
172 F.O. Ogunye, H. Boussabaine / Construction and Building Materials 16 (2002) 163–172

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