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NWN Community Expansion Project

Pack v2.0
Bioware-CEP forums:
CEP Website:

Welcome to the Community Expansion Pack (CEP) version 2.0! After a long and twisted
road you finally have in your hands on the most up to date collection of community work
for NWN. I’m sure what you create with this content will far exceed anything we have

For those of you who are new to the CEP, let me take a moment to describe its contents.
This is a collection of hak packs from the previous six years of custom content, designed
to work with BioWare's Neverwinter Nights. These hak packs have been grouped and
modified to work together for the betterment of the NWN community as a whole. You’ll
find some of the best and most popular work available for NWN. Please join me and the
rest of the CEP Team in thanking every person who has created this content for the
community’s use.

Now, the CEP Team hasn't just sat back and mashed these haks into one huge collection
of material. As you look through the content you’ll notice model, animation and texture
corrections, new scripts, and completely new content unique to the CEP itself. All of this
has been designed to work alongside the official content of Neverwinter Nights and all
patch updates by BioWare; so you will be able to enjoy their high quality with as little
fuss as possible.

Those of you who have traveled this long road with us will be pleased to see hundreds of
new custom content items added to the already vaulted list available in the CEP. In
addition to this new content, you’ll see some new tricks, scripts, and corrections to the
previous content that you already have at your disposal.

The following documentation will help guide you through the installation and use of the
CEP. We certainly hope that you are as excited about this new content as we are!

Enjoy the CEPv2!

- CEP Team

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Requirements to Use CEP v2.0 ............................................................................. 3
Download Options ...................................................................................................... 3
Installation of CEP to NWN ...................................................................................... 4
Step 1: Open up the Compressed Folder(s) ................................................ 4
Step 2: Move the Files to their New Homes................................................. 5
New Features of the CEP Hak-Set ........................................................................ 6
The TOP hak ............................................................................................................. 6
The CORE haks ........................................................................................................ 7
The ADDitional haks .............................................................................................. 8
Scripts & Blueprints................................................................................................ 9
The sb-hak method ............................................................................................ 9
The script/blueprint .erfs method ............................................................. 10
Adding CEPv2.0 to Your Module ........................................................................ 11
Introduction & Basic Installation .................................................................... 11
How to install the script/blueprint .erfs .................................................. 13
When it already has CEPv1.x ........................................................................... 14
When it already has other haks... (and/or tlk file) .................................. 15
In Combination with Tileset Haks .................................................................. 20
cep2_add_tiles & loadscreens.2da............................................................. 20
The Phenos Expansion Project ........................................................................... 21
include “zep_inc_phenos” ................................................................................. 21
Basic “Mount-Up” on Conversation ............................................................... 22
Basic “Dismount” Using a Placeable Object .............................................. 25
Intermediate “Fly & Land” Using a CLOAK! ............................................... 26
CEP Content Contributions ................................................................................... 28
Obligatory Disclaimer .......................................................................................... 28
Contributor Acknowledgements ..................................................................... 29
CEPv2.0 – 2DA Files & Locations....................................................................... 30
cep2_top_v1.hak .................................................................................................... 30
cep2_add_phenos2.hak ...................................................................................... 30
cep2_add_tiles.hak ............................................................................................... 30
CEPv2.0 Team Credits ............................................................................................ 31
Harley59 – Public Relations & Team Spirit Motivator ............................ 31
Shadow_Weaver – Senior Blueprint Specialist, Website
Administrator, Expert Troubleshooter ......................................................... 31
TheExcimer-500 – Hak ‘Combinulator’, TLK Editor, Model &
Animation Repairman ......................................................................................... 32
Ginasue – Public Relations & Tail-end of v2.0 Team Leader ............. 33
420 & Throbblefoot – Blueprint Specialists ............................................... 34
1st Order of Role-Players’ Guild – Dedicated Play-Testers................... 35
Former CEP Team Credits..................................................................................... 36
Kephisto – CEPv2.0 Team Leader until its tail-end. ............................... 36
Doorman & NinjaTroll – Pre-CEPv2.0 Beta1 hak specialists .............. 36
Eligio_Sacateca – CEPv1.x Team Leader .................................................... 36

Requirements to Use CEP v2.0
CEPv2.0 requires Neverwinter Nights version 1.68 with both expansions (HotU & SoU).
This includes the following compilations: Neverwinter Nights Diamond, Platinum, or
Gold (with HotU). When Neverwinter Nights patch 1.69 is available, we will update the
CEPv2 files. At this time there are no plans to create a non-expansion edition of CEPv2.0
(i.e. without HotU & SoU).

Download Options
There are three download options available for you to choose from:
FULL Version (i.e. all the files in one download) in ZIP-compressed format
FULL Version in RAR-compressed format
Individual Hak Version – presented only in rar-compressed format. This allows you to
download each hak separately and is provided primarily for our low-bandwidth users.

FULL Version File List

All of these files are located in the one compressed file you downloaded:
cep2_top_v1.hak cep2_core5.hak
cep2_add_phenos2.hak cep2_core4.hak
cep2_add_phenos1.hak cep2_core3.hak
cep2_add_tiles.hak cep2_core2.hak
cep2_add_sb_v1.hak cep2_core1.hak
cep2_bluept_v1.erf cep2_v1.tlk
cep2_scripts_v1.erf cep2_starter.mod

Individual Hak Version

In order to reduce the number of downloads, we’ve tried to keep each package at around
50mb, sometimes including more than one hak. Here is the download breakdown:
Download Files in Compressed Folder
cep2_top_multi.rar cep2_top_v1.hak, cep2_add_phenos2.hak,
cep2_add_phenos1.hak, cep2_v1.tlk.
cep2_add_tiles.hak cep2_add_sb.hak
cep2_scripts_v1.erf cep2_bluept_v1.erf
cep2_core1.part1.rar cep2_core1.hak - You must download both parts before
cep2_core1.part2.rar uncompressing this hak!
cep2_core2.rar cep2_core2.hak
cep2_core3.rar cep2_core3.hak
cep2_core4.part1.rar cep2_core4.hak - You must download both parts before
cep2_core4.part2.rar uncompressing this hak!
cep2_core5.rar cep2_core5.hak

Installation of CEP to NWN
Step 1: Open up the Compressed Folder(s)
There are many compression options, however the most universal are the .zip & .rar. The
.zip & .rar extensions represent compressed folders, which must be uncompressed before
being usable by NWN. If you do not know how to uncompress these files, please read on.
If you are already in the know, skip ahead to step two.

.zip has a lower compression rate (hence larger file size), however .zip is also integrated
into the Windows XP platform. If you are using Windows XP just double-click the
compressed folder you downloaded and it will open just like any other folder on your
computer. You can also use the ZIP utility, called WinZip; it is much more powerful and
usable with many operating systems. You can download a “free trial” version of winzip
from More details on WinZip are found on Wikipedia: If you install WinZip, then you
can open WinZip up first and then under file->open open the CEP .zip file you

The second most popular compression method is .rar. This has a higher compression rate,
thus lower file size. However, you need a .rar program to uncompress the files. The trial-
versions of the official .rar programs for Windows, Mac, & Linux platforms are available
from After you install winrar, you can use that
program to open up the downloaded .rar version of CEPv2.

NOTE: if the file you are downloading comes in “parts” (for example the filenames
contain part01, part02...), then you must download ALL parts to the same folder before
uncompressing with winrar!

More information about .rar is available on Wikipedia:

Step 2: Move the Files to their New Homes
Open up a window that shows your Neverwinter Nights Directory. Your NWN directory
should contain these four folders: erf, hak, modules & tlk. If you do not see a tlk folder,
don’t panic! Simply create a new folder called tlk.

To move the files:

From the downloaded compressed folder(s) that you’ve now opened:

Move (click & drag) all cep2_XXX.erf files to the erf folder

Move (click & drag) all cep2_XXX.hak files to the hak folder

Move (click & drag) all cep2_XXX.mod file to the modules folder

Move (click & drag) the cep2_XXX.tlk file to the tlk folder

If you are a player only and not interested in Building modules with CEPv2 – then
you’re done! Go forth and enjoy the many multi-player Persistent Worlds, Guilds, and
single-player modules (from NWVault) that use CEPv2.0.

Feel free to drop a note or two at our Bioware provided forums:

If you want to contribute to the CEP project as a playtester, then please join up at our
CEP website:

If you are a builder or just want to know more, then by all means continue reading.

New Features of the CEP Hak-Set
Top, Cores, and Adds – oh my!

Before discussing how to install the new CEP into your worlds, it is important to
understand the new structure of CEPv2.0.

CEPv2.0 is all about options! The community of NWN builders is vast, and diverse. It
seems everyone wants the CEP made their way – which is all well and fine - after all, a
Community Expansion Pack should suit the needs of the community. To this end we’ve
spent countless hours, even days, just talking about how to improve CEPv2.0 so that it is
flexible enough for the individual needs of a builder, without sacrificing its universal

And so the CEP team paced and paced, then one day TheExcimer jumped up in his cage,
striking his head: “Ow! I mean, Eureka! Let’s separate the hak-set into TOP, CORE, and
ADDitionals!”. The rest of the team thought he had finally lost it, but he explained:

The TOP hak

The Top hak goes on top of all the others. It contains only the 2DA files (except
phenotypes.2da) and the ITP (palette structure) files for the entire CEPv2.0 package. This
is a significant advantage over CEPv1.x for two main reasons:

A) Updating CEPv2.0! When new official content is released, the majority of the
work in “updating” CEP to incorporate such material is in fixin’ 2DAs. Having a
separate 2DA TOP hak should make CEP updates easier & faster (and require
smaller downloads).

B) Combining CEPv2.0 with “other” haks. 99% of the time when you combine haks
you need to incorporate the new content into the appropriate 2DA files. Having all
of the CEPv2.0 2DA files in a separate hak in very convenient for builders to
create their own TOP haks! Furthermore – if they combined some popular haks
from the vault to work with CEPv2.0, then they can share their new TOP hak with
others! PLUS – they can advertise their new TOP hak on the CEP forums.

“This will be great!” And someone heard the rejoicing in the CEP Team cage and threw
down a plate of cookies.

Speaking of 2DA manipulations, TheExcimer-500 created a 2DA program (a Beta

version that works well, but soon will be updated now that CEPv2.0 is out):

The CORE haks
The bulk of the goodies are contained within the CORE haks. These contain the item,
creature, and placeable models and textures, but not the 2DAs, blueprints, scripts, or
palette organization. Thus, builders can use all of the great content from CEPv2.0 in any
way they want - with their own 2DAs, blueprints, or scripts.

Furthermore, when even more content is added in future CEPv2.x installations, additional
CORE haks will be added alongside a new TOP hak.

The current CEPv2.0 CORE file distribution includes:

Core 5 Items & Placeables
Core 4 Body Parts & Portraits
Core 3 PC Body Parts (example: armors, heads)
Core 2 Critters & some Textures/Sound Sets
Core 1 Textures for the Above

TECH NOTE: We’ve tried to keep the core haks to around 300mb & 15,000 or less

Builder Note: Of course, later we’ll discuss this in detail, but the CORE haks are placed
at the bottom of all CEPv2.0 haks starting at the very bottom with #1 and ascending the
list to #5.

The ADDitional haks
Now the “fun” begins...

Additional CEP haks means content that you can add to your modules IF you want to!
For builders, these are OPTIONAL to use, yet since everyone downloads the entire
CEPv2.0 set of haks, all of the players will have them. In the CEPv2.0 package there are
four Additional haks:

SB_v1 All of the Scripts & Blueprints for CEPv2.0 (not including any crafting).
We’re also providing an .erf for Scripts & Blueprints as an alternative to
using the hak (see the section on Scripts & Blueprints for the details)
Phenos2 These add in new phenotypes for the PC Races: Flying, 5 Rideable Horses,
Phenos1 and 3 Rideable Ponies. See the section on Phenos Project for more info.
Tiles Approximately 50% of those we surveyed from the PWARP program
suggested that we combine the six Bioware Tileset Haks into a single hak
file. This is that file! Adding this hak to the custom content list will replace
the following Bioware haks (and we’ll update if they update):
potsc_lscrns_2da, aurora_ttzinfo, aurora_tdtinfo, potsc_lscrns, aurora_tdt,

cep2_add_phenos2.hak contains the phenotype.2da file – This file will need to be
updated once NWN1.69 is released & its info incorporated with your own module’s
Phenotype.2da. The phenotypes in CEP occupy spots 10 and up.

cep2_add_tiles contains a loadscreens.2da file and its info incorporated with your own
module’s loadscreens.2da file. Note this 2da is CTP Release 1 compatible!

All cep2_add_xxx haks should be placed below the TOP hak and above the CORE haks.
cep2_add_phenos2 should be above cep2_add_phenos1 & you must use both of these, or
neither – you cannot use just one as their files for flying & riding are distributed amongst
the two.

At the request of a community member, we’ve made the Phenos haks usable without the
CORE haks and fully independent of CEP. This means if you only want to use the added
phenotypes in your module, without the rest of CEPv2.0, in theory just add both of the
phenos haks and it should work fine. We haven’t had the time to playtest their usage
outside of the package, though. Nor will we provide immediate tech-support if they’re
used this way.

Scripts & Blueprints
A number of module builders requested that the CEP Scripts & Blueprints be either
removed entirely from the hak-set, or placed in an .erf file so that they can be edited in
the toolset. We’ve listened and thus in CEPv2.0 provide the scripts & blueprints in an
optional hak file (noted above) and as an “import-able” erf. Thus, allowing a module
builder to decide if and how to incorporate them.

Here I will only briefly mention the advantage & disadvantage to using either the hak or
erf version. Experienced builders can edit or create their own sb_hak or erfs, and I’ll
leave the details of “how-to edit” for our forums.

One advantage of both the hak and .erf is that they are small files that can be quickly
updated should any fixes or additions be necessary.

The sb-hak method

This is the easiest way to add in all the blueprints and scripts into your module.

It “hides” the cep scripts from the main toolset page; so that you’ll only see your own
custom scripts in your module.

It uses no in-module resources! There’s a 16k limit to the total number of resources for
your module [resources include areas, palette blueprints, scripts, etc...]. If these are part
of a hak they do not count towards the maximum module limit.

To access a CEP script’s code, you can open the script editor (under Tools), then press
the Open Existing File button and select the Hak Pak Resources Only radio button.

The main disadvantage is that you CANNOT edit a blueprint or script directly. You must
edit a copy of them! Otherwise, when you load the module the hak will overwrite any of
your edits. Thus, to change a blueprint or a script requires a NEW blueprint or script to be

The script/blueprint .erfs method
This requires additional work to include these files.
Under File in the Aurora Toolset, select Import, then find and import the .erfs as you

The main advantage is that these resources can be edited as they are! Thus, you can easily
open up a blueprint or script and make your changes.

Importing both the scripts & blueprints will use up module resources! Together they will
use over 3.4k of the 16k resource limit! Most large modules importing the .erfs might be
pushed “over” the maximum limit if these .erfs are imported.

Experienced builders can create their own .erfs or haks which contain only the resources
they want to use. For more information, please visit our website.

TECH NOTE: To quickly determine how many resources your module is using:
Step 1: open the module in the Aurora toolset
Step 2: while that is running, open up your NWN directory and open the Modules Folder
Step 3: right click on temp0 to examine its properties.
Step 4: The # of files in temp0 is about the number of resources your module is using.

If this number exceeds 16k you’re in for some trouble; as excess resources will not load
into your module leading to bizarre errors (missing areas, scripts, blueprints, encounters,

Adding CEPv2.0 to Your Module
Introduction & Basic Installation
Due to the enhanced flexibility of CEPv2.0 as mentioned in the previous section, you
may wonder just how difficult installing it can be. Not to worry folks, bringing CEPv2.0
into your worlds is really quite simple. The procedure below shows how to add CEPv2.0
to a module without any other existing haks. You should read over this section even if
your module contains other haks (including CEPv1.x), just to familiarize yourself with
the order in which CEPv2.0 haks are to be added. There are sections following this one to
discuss how to add CEPv2.0 to a module that already has CEPv1.x installed, as well as
how to add CEPv2.0 to a module that has other haks (such as the CTP). First things are
first, and here’s how to add CEPv2.0 to a “blank-hak” module:

Installation to a Module without any Existing Haks

Step 1: Open your Module in the Aurora Toolset
Step 2: Click on EDIT from the menu-bar
Step 3: Select MODULE PROPERTIES from the Edit drop-down menu
Step 4: Click on CUSTOM CONTENT tab from the Module Properties Dialog-box

Step 5: Click on the TLK-LIST DROP-DOWN

button and select cep2_v1.

Step 6: Click on the HAK-LIST DROP-DOWN

button and select cep2_top_v#. Click

Step 7: In the same manner as Step 6, select

and add any of the cep2_add_xxx
haks that you want to use. If these
haks have a #, then the highest number
is added first (i.e. phenos2, then

Step 8: In the same manner as Step 6, select

and add the cep2_core# haks starting
with the highest number and adding
ALL of the core haks ending with

Step 9: Click OK – you’re done! – NOTE this will cause the module to REBUILD which
can take a long time depending on the size of your module. (yes, long can be

The Order of the haks shown on the custom content list IS IMPORTANT!
It is always TOP on top, then any optional “ADDitional” haks you want to add,
followed by ALL the CORE haks (with the highest number on top). If a hak is out of
order, click on it and then use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to put it in its
proper place.

Keep in mind that cep2_add_xxxx haks are OPTIONAL to use. You do not have to
include any of them at all! See the section on The Additional Haks for more information.

Regardless of whether you use a CEP2 TOP hak or any CEPADD haks, you must use all
of the CORE haks and they must be in the order shown (highest # above the others and
counts down to core1).

How to install the script/blueprint .erfs
If you decided to not use the script/blueprint HAK (cep2_add_sb_v1), but want to install
the CEP scripts & blueprints via importing as .erfs (and hence editable), this section
shows how to do it.

Note: as mentioned in the Scripts & Blueprints section you do not have to install either
the hak or the .erf – you can opt-out and not have either “cluttering*” up your module.
[*a common term used by those giving us “constructive criticism” – not meant to be derogative or
dismissive of all the hard work done by the CEP blueprinters.]

How to Import an .erf

Importing .erf files is as easy as can be!

Step 1: Open up your module in the Aurora Toolset
Step 2: Click on FILE on the menu-bar
Step 3: Click on IMPORT on the FILE drop-down menu
Step 4: Find the .erf file you want to import and click OPEN

That’s it. Some .erf files give you warnings regarding missing resources. For the most
part that’s fine. These generally refer to script libraries that are included in the .erf. They
work, they just trigger an “alert” message when importing. For CEP .erfs, you can ignore
these alert messages and continue with the installation.

Currently there are only two CEPv2.0 .erfs:

cep2_bluept_v1.erf <- contains all the blueprints of critters, placeables, items, etc...
cep2_scripts_v1.erf <- contains all the CEP scripts

TECH NOTE: there are some scripts in the blueprint .erf. These are scripts used by the
blueprints and hence are exported along with them when creating the .erf file.

Builder’s Note: We plan on creating more .erfs and updating them as necessary.

You can delete unwanted blueprints/scripts very easily by the following procedure:
Step 1: Click on FILE on the menu-bar
Step 2: Click on Export on the FILE drop-down menu
Step 3: Click Add Resources (you’re not adding, but this brings up...)
Step 4: Select the type of Resource you want to delete
Step 5: Select all the resources you want to remove and hit DELETE!

Now, if you want you can export the remaining resources you wish to keep as your own

More info on importing/exporting .erf files can be found on the Bioware Forums. Search
Forums is your friend :)

Adding CEPv2.0 to Your Module
When it already has CEPv1.x

So, you’ve been using CEPv1.x all along have you? Great! Now you want to update your
world to CEPv2.0 and use all the added goodies, yet you’re concerned over what
problems it will cause your module. Here’s where you’ll find the How-To and What-
Happens-When info.

Installing CEPv2.0 in a CEPv1.x Module

Step 1: Open the CUSTOM CONTENT tab of the MODULE PROPERTIES Box (see
Steps 1-4 of the Basic Installation)
Step 2: Select each of the CEPv1.x haks and hit the REMOVE button (thus removing
ALL CEPv1.x haks from the list)
Step 3: Follow steps 5-9 of the Basic Installation (adding the CEPv2.0 haks – DO NOT

NOTE: this will cause the module to REBUILD which can take a long time depending
on the size of your module. (yes, long can be hours)

What are the Consequences of CEPv2.0...

You may have heard the phrase “CEPv2.0 will be 100% forward compatible with NWN”.
Here are the changes that NWN1.67 & 1.68 have introduced and how they will affect
your module & characters.

Cloaks: By cloaks I mean the inventory item cloaks, not the “capes” that are attached to
an armor’s neck slot. All CEPv1.x cloaks will become NWN1.68 3D Cloaks. This means
that when placed into an NPC or PC’s cloak slot a 3D cloak model will appear on that
character. Furthermore their inventory icons will take on the new 3D icon appearances.
We created a new Cloaks (non-appearing) base item which has 200+ 2D icons and which
when used will operate just as they did in CEPv1.x. You will need to create a new
blueprint for these 2D/non-appearing cloaks in your module.

We apologize to any builder who does not wish to have their modules “converted” to the
new items introduced into Neverwinter Nights. We hope that you understand that the
Community Expansion Pack must be 100% forward compatible with Bioware’s
Neverwinter Nights. We spent many hours to create a “best-of-both-worlds” in CEPv2.0
where you can restore the original Cloaks by creating them under a new base item. For
those that wish to override the new material, it is a “simple” matter to alter the
baseitems.2da and cloakmodel.2da that are provided in the CEP2_top_v1 hak. We
however cannot support such an alteration and you will need to update your version if
those 2da files are updated by Bioware or CEP in the future. [If you do so, please leave
the CEP lines intact – to prevent characters having the inventory bug – this means you’ll
wind up with two sets of the identical base-items.]

Adding CEPv2.0 to Your Module
When it already has other haks... (and/or tlk file)
Well now this gets... complicated. What makes content compatible with one another is
how it is referenced in 2DA text files (i.e. files with the .2da extension) & its TLK file.
2DA stands for two-dimensional array, which means that it takes on a spreadsheet
appearance with rows & columns. As it is a text file, it also means you can easily edit
them with just about any text manipulator (such as Microsoft’s notepad). There are 2DA
editors available for free from “The Vault”:

TheExcimer-500 created a 2DA editor which was used exclusively for CEPv2.0. It is in
BETA are there are two known bugs that appear once in a blue moon (which will be
fixed soon now that CEPv2.0 is out), however it is awesome for quickly comparing the
differences between two large 2DA files (like the creature appearances.2da). You can
download the Excimer-2DA Combinulator Windows program here:

The TLK file is a binary file, which means you need to use a TLK editor.

We tried a variety of TLK editors initially.

The one used for the early work was a JAVA program called TlkEdit-R12b by

During the last two months of CEPv2.0 a new TLK editor hit the scene and we gave that
a go and added a few hundred TLK entries with it. It is a Windows application created by
Axe Murderer’s Killer TLK Program:

While we’re on the subject of programs that you’ll need to “combinulate” haks together,
to open any hak file, you’ll need to use a hak-pack editor. Luckily you already have one –
Bioware’s “Hak Pak Editor is the 'nwhak.exe' program located in the 'utils' directory
where you have installed Neverwinter Nights”.

You should also know that with each Bioware update there can be 2DA changes made.
CEPv2.0’s 2DA files were built using NWN version 1.68. When 1.69 is released we’ll
released a new TOP hak with new 2DA files. To obtain a list of the current NWN 2DA
files, visit the Bioware website:

The discussion on Hak-Pak combinulating can be quite complex depending on the
particulars of the hak you’re using. For this documentation, we’ll just try adding together
a “recently released hak called Spawns of Tiamat. And leave further discussion on other
hak pack combination info to our forums. This “basic” instructions does not deal with
cases when new models conflict with existing ones, that will be left to the forums for

Spawns of Tiamat by nirvy is available for download from NWVault:

We’ll start with the non-CEPv2b2 version, so download the spawns1.rar file (<6mb).

In general all haks except Tileset haks will conflict with one or more 2DA files in the
CEP. So, unless the author states that he or she has made their hak compatible with
CEPv2.0 & NWN1.68 (or the latest versions of them), then you’ll need to alter the 2DA
files and create a new TOP hak:

Step 1: Open the .rar compressed file & extract the spawns1.hak
Step 2: Open the spawns1.hak using the nwhak.exe in your NWN utils folder
Step 3: Press the TYPE column to arrange the 52 files by type (thus seeing the 2DA files)
Step 4: Now open the cep2_top_v1.hak in a new nwhak window (i.e. open another
instance of that program) & press TYPE there as well.

Step 5: Check both haks for the same named 2da file. In Spawns of Tiamat, you’ll see
there are three identical 2DA files. These are the ones that are of the greatest
Step 6: Extract both sets of duplicate 2da files to separate folders on your hard drive. To
extract, click on each file (hold down Control and click to select multiple files)
and then click on Resource on the menu-bar, then Export.
Step 7: You can now open up the identical 2DA’s using a text editor and compare them
line for line, or you can use my program, Excimer’s 2DA Combinulator, for this

Using Excimer’s 2DA Combinulator steps:
Step 8: Click on Load 2da#1 and open CEPv2.0’s appearance.2da file
Step 9: Click on Load 2da#2 and open Spawns of Tiamat’s appearance.2da file.

The first thing you’ll notice here is that there’s a long list in the “difference list” in the
lower left corner. You’ll also notice that line 7 is highlighted on both 2DA’s, in the CEP
2da we have an entry for the “Parrot” which was introduced in NWN1.67. That bird is
missing from Spawn of Tiamat’s 2DA, so if you used only Spawn’s hak, the NWN1.67
added critters would not appear. Since we’re building on 2DA#1 which is the CEPv2.0
2DA, we only care about finding the specific creatures in the Spawn of Tiamat hak. I
thorough way is to scroll to the bottom of the “Difference List” and then click on the last
entry (typically where the author’s add their content).

Hey, it worked! There’s all the new stuff! Notice that in CEPv2.0’s 2DA that the LABEL
is **** which means it’s available, however, two columns over you’ll see under NAME
“Bioware_Reserved”. Well, this means you shouldn’t add the critters at those row
numbers because they could be replaced with “official” content in NWN1.69 or later
editions. These should be left blank.

For this demo we’re just going to add in the Spawns and not the Colossal Black Dragons:

Step 10: Click on Item 40 in the Difference List, then click on the big button “Select a
Row in 2da#1 to Replace”.

Notice that only that row appears in the 2DA#2 box, find a suitable row in the 2DA#1
(top) box to replace it with. There are 500 safe USER lines between 2000 and 2499.
There are some USER lines below 1000, but I wouldn’t use them just in case NWN1.69
has a lot of content coming out and it overflows into those “safe” lines.

Step 11: Scroll down to line 2000 on the top 2DA box and CLICK on the **** under

Step 12: Click REPLACE!

Step 13: Click on Items 39-33 and similarly add those critters to lines 2001 and up.

Step 14: When you’re done, Select “Write new 2DA from #1” from the menu-bar, and
save the new 2DA in a different location.

Step 15: Clear both 2das and then load 2DA#1 for the next CEPv2.0 2DA you want to
compare with the Spawns of Tiamat 2DA. Follow a similar procedure to add in the new
lines to the CEP 2DA lines.

Now that you have all new 2DAs to use, you’ll need to add them into a new TOP hak for
your module.

Step 16: Return to the hak file cep2_top_v1.hak and click FILE, then NEW.

Step 17: Drag the new 2da files you created into the hak spaces under RESOURCE

Step 18: Click on File then SAVE with a new hak name.

Step 19: Open your module up in the Aurora Toolset

Step 20: Under EDIT – MODULE PROPERTIES click on the CUSTOM CONTENT tab

Step 21: Add your new TOP hak above all the other haks, and the original Spawns of
Tiamat at the bottom.

That’s it. You should now be able to use the new critters, if there are no new blueprints
provided with the Spawns of Tiamat hak, drop down a chicken or another critter, and
then look through the critter’s properties/Appearance list for one of the new critters
(they’ll have the same name as in the 2DA file).

I know this was a very basic introduction to hak-combining. Every hak can be easy or
complicated to combine, there can be lots of little quirks to get around (such as duplicate
critters). In general, you’ll need to do some “2DA work” to get everything to play well
together. We’ll be improving upon this documentation in our forums and in future
CEPv2.x editions. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Adding CEPv2.0 to Your Module
In Combination with Tileset Haks
In general CEPv2.0 will not conflict with any Tileset-Only haks. Haks which contain
only tilesets (not placeables, critters, or items) can be placed “anywhere” on the custom
content list. However, for playtesting & troubleshooting purposes, you should place
these tileset haks at the bottom of the list – below all CEP2 haks.

The exception to this rule of non-interference...

cep2_add_tiles & loadscreens.2da

The loadscreens.2da file in the optional-to-use cep2_add_tiles hak can “conflict” with
tileset haks. We have updated it to work with the recently released CTP Release 1 by the
Community Tileset Pack Team. This file includes all the loadscreen references for the ten
tilesets in that pack – it DOES NOT contain the loadscreens themselves! What this means
to you is that if you use the CTP Release 1 & cep2_add_tiles (which contains the six
NWN1.67 tileset haks) that there will not be a loadscreens.2da conflict, but that you’ll
still need to use the ctp loadscreens hak if you want to see their new loadscreens in your

However, we did not include any loadscreen references for TNO or other DLA images.
We will include them once we know how they’ll be released to the public (as far as we
know at the time of writing this document they’re only available through the premium
module). If these are released officially by Bioware, we will update our loadscreens.2da
file appropriately.

This doesn’t mean that you’re left in the waters without a raft when it comes to
loadscreens & tilesets. You can edit & combine any loadscreens.2da with the CEPv2.0
one in cep2_add_tiles.hak. Follow the same procedure as outlined for combining

The Phenos Expansion Project

I started this project to incorporate two of my favorite haks into CEP: GuS/NIC horses &
NPC/PC Flying. Bioware greatly improved upon the usefulness of phenotypes with their
NWN1.67 patch. Thus making it very easy to use phenotypes in the toolset & to also
reduce duplicate armor models being required (hence dramatically decreasing the hak file
size required for multiple phenotypes).

With the cep_add_phenos 1 & 2 optional haks installed into your module, PCs & NPCs
can ride horses or ponies, and can “fly” with relative easy scripting. How easy? As easy
as typing this:

include “zep_inc_phenos”
An include “script” is not an executable script, but rather a function library. This
particular library in available through the scripts.erf or sb_hak and contains the following
four functions to make all your flying & riding dreams possible:

zep_Mount For PC Races & Dynamic Skeletons to ride either *P1* Horses or
zep_Dismount A function called to dismount a mounted rider
zep_Fly For PC Races, Dynamic Skeletons, Brownies, Kobolds, succubus,
Male/Female Vampires, and Eryines to switch to “fly mode”.
zep_Fly_Land A function called to “land” a flying critter.

These four functions have a number of options available as to how to use them. They are
also set with some default settings so that even the most basic scripter can use them.

Basic “Mount-Up” on Conversation
with a *P1* Horses/Pony
What’s a *P1* horse or pony? Simple: any horse or pony that has the added *P1* to its
appearance name. There are the “fatter” more Horse/Pony looking versions – they look
rideable, compared to the thinner more “deer-like” horses. Currently there are five horses
and three ponies that are rideable:

Let’s take one and make it “rideable” via a conversation event script. Place your *P1*
horse (or pony) in the toolset and right click on it to open its object properties. Click on
the Scripts Tab and write “mountup” as a new script name.

Press EDIT and then enter the following “code”:

#include "zep_inc_phenos"
void main()
object oPC = GetLastSpeaker();
zep_Mount(oPC, OBJECT_SELF);

Save the script and exit. Now your horse is rideable upon conversations with a PC or
NPC of the appropriate race.

See, that was easy.

So what will happen when a PC rides this horse?

There are some default settings I mentioned, here’s what will happen under those

1) The horse critter that the PC talked to will be “stored” in the module (and vanish
from the game)
2) The PC will have its phenotype changed to the appropriate type for both
Normal/Large and that horse
3) The PC’s Movement Rate will increased to an appropriate amount for that horse.

That’s it. However, please note we’ve not given any method for the PC to dismount from
the horse. Until we do, he or she will be stuck riding. But the dismount is just about as
easy as mounting, as you will soon see.

Here’s the zep_mount function in all its glory:

zep_Mount(object oRider, object oMount=OBJECT_INVALID, int nMount=0,

float fWalk_Speed=fDEFAULT_SPEED, string sItem_ResRef="")

My that looks complex... and the reason for it is to give experienced builders a few
options so that y’all won’t have to script it yourselves.

oRider – this is the object you want to mount-up. As stated it can be any PC Race or a
Dynamic Skeleton. So Dwarves, Halflings, gnomes can ride horses despite looking a bit
silly. Likewise Humans, Elves, and Half-Orcs can ride the ponies.

To state what mount oRider will use you have two options:

oMount <= This is a horse or pony creature in your module that the PC or NPC will
interact with. Like in our example of placing the horse and using the MountUp script in
its conversation event. Use OBJECT_INVALID if you DO NOT want to use this method.

If you do not use an object to Mount, then you specify directly the type of mount to
create under the PC/NPC:
nMount <= This is an interger to represent the specific mount to use.
Constants built-in that you can use:

You can type those constants directly into the function. For example:
will make oPC suddenly appear on a black horse.

fWalk_Speed <= This is the speed adjustment that you wish to make. The Default settings
will use the values we believed to work well. However, you may want to try others if
you're not satisfied. It is given in meters/round. A human walks 1.6 m/r. Our default
horses walk at 2.2 m/r. This compensates for any Haste/Slow effects (removing their
speed adjustment, but leaving their attack/round and AC bonus). Under Default: Ponies
are slower than horses. Aurenthil/Nightmare are faster. Use 0.0 to disable any speed
changes. This is nifty if you want to sell different quality horses to the PC.

sItem_ResRef <= This is the RESREF for a blueprint item that you want the PC to be
given. It will check the PC's inventory and if missing, it'll add it. Typically this is used to
create a “dismount” object. Keep in mind RESREF is not the TAG NAME!

More examples & information on this function will be available from the

Basic “Dismount” Using a Placeable Object

You can use any placeable object’s OnUse event script to have the PC or NPC dismount
(you can also use triggers or door scripts to stop PCs from entering a building mounted).

It is very easy.
Step 1: Place your placeable (hitching post, hay, etc...) and then right click-edit properties
Step 2: Make the object Useable (and PLOT is probably a good idea)
Step 3: Click on Scripts & enter dismount on the OnUsed Event, then hit EDIT
Step 4: Enter the following script code:

#include "zep_inc_phenos"
void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();

That’s it. Now when a PC uses the hitching rail or other object – under the default
conditions, here’s what will happen:

1) The horse critter that the PC talked to will be restored to the location of the PC (if
there was one).
2) The PC will have its phenotype restored
3) The PC’s Movement Rate will be restored.

Here’s the zep_dismount function in all its glory:

zep_Dismount(object oRider, string sRemoveItem_ResRef="")

sRemoveItem_ResRef <= This is the ResRef for a blueprint item that you want to remove
from oRider

It should be stated that if oRider is not riding a *P1* critter, then nothing will happen – so
it’s safe to use zep_dismount on any area transition you want without fear of it causing
havoc in your games.

Intermediate “Fly & Land” Using a CLOAK!
Here we’ll use the zep_fly and zep_fly_land functions but as a twist we’ll make them take
place whenever a PC wears a particular cloak.

First let’s make a 2D cloak (NOTE: all the new 3D cloaks are not yet functional):
Step 1: Go to the ITEMS palette, and select CUSTOM
Step 2: Right-click PLOT from the list and select NEW
Step 3: Scroll down to “CLOAK, NO APPEARANCE” and select it (press next)
Step 4: For name how about “Winged cloak” (something simple) – press next)
Step 5: Select where you want to store the blueprint – how about PLOT?
Step 6: Check Launch Item Properties & hit Finish
Step 7: Select an appropriate APPEARANCE (how about #171?)
Step 8: Feel free to enter a description – but at this point you’re done with the cloak.


Step 9: Open the script editor (under tools). Enter the following script code:
#include "zep_inc_phenos"
#include "x2_inc_switches"
void main()
object oPC;
object oItem;
int nEvent =GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber();
if (nEvent == X2_ITEM_EVENT_EQUIP)
oPC = GetPCItemLastEquippedBy();

oPC = GetPCItemLastUnequippedBy();
zep_Fly_Land(oPC, TRUE);

Step 10: Save this script with the same TAG NAME as the cloak!

That’s it... drop this cloak somewhere in your module to test it out. Notice that your PC
will grow Red Dragon Wings if he/she doesn’t already have wings attached.

NOTE: There is a known bug involving 3D cloaks & wings. This bug carries through if
you “fast-switch” between a 3D cloak and a 2D cloak. PCs can avoid this by “slow-

switching” – i.e. place the 3D cloak into one of the inventory tabs, thus emptying the
cloak slot & then placing the 2D cloak with a Wings-Appearance as with the above script
into that slot.

More examples & information on these functions will be available at the


CEP Content Contributions
Obligatory Disclaimer
All of the materials collected for this project were publicly made available on or to our members. The CEP Team wishes it to be known that we
believe all work to be originals of the stated author on Where the
provenance of an item was in doubt, we did not include it.

This project was not an exercise in showcasing the work of any author or authors. It was
a practical exercise integrating available content and bringing it up to quality standards
where we had the time and interest in doing so. To this extent, the CEP team took the
liberty of:

Ø Making decisions on technical and functional quality

Ø Renaming and renumbering models to play well together and with existing and
expected Bioware content
Ø Re-texturing models where we felt it appropriate (for example, many creature
models were originally reskinned from low resolution .tga textures and we redid
many of those textures in higher resolution versions)
Ø Tweaking and cleaning up models where we felt necessary
Ø Cleaning or replacing icons
Ø Deleting redundant animations and super-modeling creatures to an appropriate
Ø Creating DDS versions of large .tga files
Ø Including only compliant models from a hak
Ø Pretty much anything else we felt was necessary to maintain the integrity of the
expansion pack

If content creators have concerns with the treatment of their material in the CEP, please
contact us and we will try to resolve the matter with you.

We of the CEP Team thank every member of the Neverwinter Nights Community for
their amazing work and dedication to the game. CEP would not have been possible
without the generous contributions they gave to all of us.

CEP Content Contributions
Contributor Acknowledgements

The content in the CEP was not developed by the CEP Team – it was
developed by the community!

With our new website in place, we are enhancing the Content Contributor
acknowledgement section of CEP. Making it “3D” – well web-enhanced anyway. Our
website will include each work alongside the authors’ NWVault link to make it easy for
that author to receive votes and user feedback on their works. We are also planning on bi-
monthly features detailing all the work of specific authors. Furthermore, space will be
provided on our website for authors to discuss their works in the CEP packs as well as
discuss any works in progress.

Though we will try our best to avoid any omissions from the list of credits, if you are the
author of a particular work and have not received an acknowledgement for it then please
TELL US immediately! We apologize in advance for any omissions, and hope that if
such an omission has occurred that you understand it was accidental and we will gladly
make an amendment.

It is our hopes that this extra effort to develop a better symbiotic relationship between the
hak-organizers of the CEP Team and the content authors; that this relationship will also
inspire new talents to emerge and contribute to the Neverwinter Nights community. If
you are a content author, please join us at the new CEP website as we want you to receive
the credit you are due and the acknowledgement of the entire community that has
benefited from your works.

We are looking forward to show-casing your incredible contributions to CEP and the
Community at our new webpage.

To each and every author that has made the Community Expansion Pack possible:


CEPv2.0 – 2DA Files & Locations
This section lists all of the 2DA files included in the CEPv2 TOP & ADDitional haks.

appearance parts_belt
appearancesndset parts_bicep
baseitems parts_chest
cloakmodel parts_foot
creaturesize parts_forearm
placeableobjsnds parts_hand
footstepsounds parts_legs
placeables parts_neck
portraits parts_pelvis
ranges parts_robe
soundset parts_shin
tailmodel parts_shoulder
wingmodel des_crft_aparts
traps itempropdef
vfx_persistent itemprops


ttz01_edge loadscreens

CEPv2.0 Team Credits
Listed in the Order they Joined

Harley59 – Public Relations & Team Spirit Motivator

Forum Crawler, Data Miner, polite, nice and helpful to a fault. I have probably read every
post in the CEP forums since they were started. More than willing to do a 'search' for
someone, especially if I 'remember' something about the question. I will search the
internet for them also if I think that it would help.

Server admin of Terrapin with my husband CTripps, Terrapin on the
Vault, he is the main builder I keep track of the community, what is going on with certain
things like say the CEP, CTP etc.

My natural skill you could say is Lore.


The Devil's in the details..... also in the basement (this is a reference to a place in our

Shadow_Weaver – Senior Blueprint Specialist, Website

Administrator, Expert Troubleshooter
I joined the CEP team before the release of version 1 to help with 2da and tlk editing. I
also helped out here and there squashing bugs and making sure the haks worked out with
the right general idea.

Now, I administer the new CEP forums and website, offer advice and help
troubleshooting any problems that arrise, and I helped in getting the blueprints out the
door for CEPv2.

My personal NWN/NWN2 love is the Veiled in Mists Project:, which I have been working on and off again for the last,
well, 4 years.

I hope that you enjoy the CEP version 2 as a lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into
it. I know I personally thank every last member of the CEP team that has helped this
project see light since the first days.

Shadow Weaver

TheExcimer-500 – Hak ‘Combinulator’, TLK Editor, Model &
Animation Repairman
(also a script-wizard)
Combined an additional 70+haks since joining the Team
Completely updated the TLK to reference all objects – this will be now translated into other languages
Fixed over 300 models – with some major fixes, including adding model parts and completely re-animating
some critters.

Around September of last year I began a hak-compilation project that would work with
CEPv1.x. Each and every critter and placeable was thoroughly checked and fixed before
it went into the compilation. It was a vast undertaking, but I felt it absolutely necessary as
it seemed to me that CEP would only be patched and that a v2.0 was not in the making.
Around January this year I realized that a CEPv2.0 might just happen, and I noticed that
their critter list resembled my own. So, I contacted Doorman (the hakman at the time)
and offered a slew of my own model & animation fixes to the team. We worked well
together through February until ill-fortunes befell Doorman. At this point the project
seemed doomed. Doorman was the main “hakman” for CEPv2.0. So I took a deep breath
and joined the CEP Team full-time to carry on the work.

Since then I have clocked a minimum of twenty hours per week on the project, many
weeks easily forty hours and even some exceeding sixty hours (goodbye this year’s

Why? Well it’s all Bioware’s fault for creating such a perfect game. The moment they
pre-released the Aurora toolset I was hooked! It was provided with a great multiplayer
module (NWN) that ended with the phrase “endless adventures” – and never had truer
words been spoken. As a self-taught C++ programmer (learned Basic back on the Atari
400), I immediately took towards creating elaborate scripts to enhance the modules I was
tinkering with.

Then on Feb. 4th, 2004 I formed the 1st Order of Role-Players’ Guild. With its emphasis
on pen-n-paper campaign style modules geared towards a steady party of role-playing
adventurers, I found myself expanding my knowledge into every aspect of module
building – from creating a waypoint-driven cutscene suite of functions, to learning 3D
model & animations for altering tiles and creating new placeables and critters. I
discovered that with a lot of effort one could create an adventure with the precise
atmosphere dreamt up by your imagination.

Well that’s part of my story, anyway. I am glad that CEPv2.0 is now in your hands, and
that it forms a solid foundation for the continuation of the project both for NWN and for

TheExcimer-500 (aka TJ) : website –

Ginasue – Public Relations & Tail-end of v2.0 Team Leader
First off, hello everyone. Some of you knew me others do not. Let me give you an idea
on who I am, and how long I have been a Role Playing Gamer.

Back in the 80's I got my first computer. It was a Tandy from Radio Shack and at that
time there was no internet, or if there was, it was still in it's begining stages. The Tandy
didn't even have a modum with it. It used Floppy Disk, for storing items. At that time, it
has a 1gb hard drive, and everyone wondered if they would ever fill up that much space.

Over the years, as RPG's came out, I would get them and play them on my computer. As
people learned more about these types of games the people out there started making them
bigger and bigger, and then in time they realized that young people and some not so
young, enjoyed playing them.

At the age of 42 I went to school to learn to repair computers. Received my AA degree in

computer repair. Then found no job for an old lady, so did other things, but still
computers where something I really enjoyed fooling with.

When BG2 came out, the list of codes, that people had had for BG1 wasn't available, so I
found a program that allowed me to get those codes, and then I posted them on the BG2
board, on Bioware. A young man saw them, and asked me to come see his RP site, which
I did, and over time, built my own RP Site.

Then one day a couple of friends from those two sites, asked me if I played NWN. I told
them I did, and then they asked if I had ever played on line. Well I hadn't, so I joinned
them on line one night, and that was it.

They took me over a few week to a few sites that they liked, and then one day we went to
a place called Menzoberranzan. Well, that's where I found a home on line, and have
now been there for the last three years. I started off as just one of the many players on
there, and because of my background in running RP sites, and dming them, they asked
me to become a DM on there.

My brother joinned me there on that site, and over time, we both came to be more than
just players and dms of this site. My brother now hosts it on line, and I am the main
builder of the areas for the module.

We first put CEP 1 on the site, about 2 years ago. Now we will be adding CEP 2 to it.

420 & Throbblefoot – Blueprint Specialists
420: CODI placeable blueprints (~30) and creature blueprints (~200)
Throbblefoot: CODI creature blueprints (~30)

My wife and I started dating in the mid ‘90’s and together we got into multiplayer games
like Diablo 2 and Quake. When Bioware announced Neverwinter Nights I dusted off my
old Monster Manuals and Unlimited Adventures and introduced CRPG construction to
my wife. Then I started buying the 3.0 D&D manuals in preparation for NWN.

Well, we’ve been addicted to NWN ever since and even turned one of our pet projects
into a semi-persistent server called ThrobbleServ (after my wife’s NWN handle
“Throbblefoot”). Having a few years of C++ under my belt (as well as a few scripting
languages) it was pretty easy to teach myself to script in NWScript.

Being a big fan of Planescape: Torment I was sad to see CODI dissolve but was happy to
get my hands on the CODI content released by Papermonk. In celebration I decided to
run a Sigil server for one weekend featuring the CODI content, the Sigil tileset
( and the extracted
music from Planescape: Torment
( In order to
accomplish this my wife spent an entire weekend looking up official stats for the various
CODI creatures and made blueprints for all of them while I made blueprints for the

Shortly after mentioning this project on the Bioware forums I was contacted by Shadow
Weaver who was very interested in using our CODI blueprints. He was so impressed that
I got the offer to do as many blueprints for the CEP v2 creature models as I could before
it was released.

My efforts were rewarded first by a membership in the PWARP and recently membership
into the CEP team!

Details on our server can be found here: ThrobbleServ :

1st Order of Role-Players’ Guild – Dedicated Play-Testers
Began playtesting with CEPv2.0 Beta1; approximately seven guild bug-sleuths contributed towards making
CEPv2.0 as bug-free as possible.
Founded on Feb.4, 2004 by a group of experienced Dungeons & Dragons players, the 1st
Order of Role-Players’ Guild embarked on a mission to bring a “pen-n-paper campaign”
experience into Neverwinter Nights. Several of its founding members became expert
module builders and storytellers integrating complex scripts, visual effects, and cutscenes
to enrich the experience.

Passing its 2.5 year mark, the guild is comprised of about 18 gamers, half of whom are
from the original D&D generation, and the other half mature younger role-players
looking for a more satisfying approach to NWN. We have also expanded to other online
games bringing to them a role-playing twist.

The guild currently features three DM’d campaigns using guild built modules customized
towards the goals & storylines of each campaign’s party of heroes (or anti-heroes). Each
active campaign is currently in need of a few experienced role-players who prefer gaming
at a pace that permits us to savor emotional, intellectual and social challenges and where
in-character tavern discussions about our encounters, plots, and backgrounds can
sometimes consume an entire gaming session.

If you are a seasoned role-player with the desire to join a small guild of gaming friends
and embark on a campaign-style adventure, then perhaps our guild is the right one for

We are also interested in other serious role-playing guilds wishing to combine resources
to form a Community Role-Playing Network.

Our web-page:

Our web-forums:

Former CEP Team Credits
Kephisto – CEPv2.0 Team Leader until its tail-end.
Doorman & NinjaTroll – Pre-CEPv2.0 Beta1 hak specialists
Eligio_Sacateca – CEPv1.x Team Leader

Other Members from CEPv1.x: CFX, Devon_V, Lilac Soul,

Loki Hakanin, Maximus_IGN, Mermut, Rubberducky78,
Seryn, Squidget, Aethelwyn, Geekgirljess, Koffein, Luna_C,
SBird, & Shealladh


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