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Pedro et q SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND DEMOCRACY Copyright © Pedco Hbarta, 2003. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews, First published 2003 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN™ 1375 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. roore and Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England RGai 6XS, Companies and representatives throughout the world, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN IS THE GLOBAL ACADEMIC IMPRINT OF THE PALGRAVE MacaaLtan division of St. Martin's Press, LLC and of Palgrave Mactaillan Led, “Macmillan® is a registered trademark in the United States, Unized Kingdom and other countries, Palgrave is a registered trademark: jn the European Union and other countries, ISBN 0-312-29318-6 hardback Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Social movements and democracy / by Pedro Tharca (ed). pcm. Includes bibliographical references anid index, ISBN 0-312-29318-6 1, Social movements. 2, Social movememts—Political aspects. 3, Democracy. {, Thacea Gull, Pedro, HM&8r$628 2002 303.48'4—-dear 2002068422 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Desiga by Leta Libre First edition: January 2003 ina 8 kee we i | i I f CONTENTS Contributors vii ‘Introduction: The Social Movements: From Promoters to Protagonists of Democracy I Pedro Ybarra Chapter t: When Do (and Don't) Social Movements Promote Democratization? 2 Charles Tilly Chapter 2: Direct Democracy and Leadership in Social Movement Networks 47 Mario Diani Chapter 3: Identity Mobilization and Democtacy: a ‘An Ambivalent Relationship Klaus Eder Chapter 4: Landscapes of Political Interest Intermediation: . Social Movements, Interest Groups, and Parties in the Early Twenty-First Century Herbert Kitschelt Chapter §: Social Movements and Democracy at the Turn of the Millennium: The Italian Case Donatella della Porta Chapter 6: The Resurgence of Protest and the Revitalization of Democracy in Britain Chilstopher Rootes Chapter 7: Participation, Public Policies, and Democracy (International Solidarity and Ansi-Militaxism in the Basque Country and Catalonia) a near vt nabdan Af OF Br 10s 137 169 CONTEN Con trtbirtors Introduction: The Social Movements: From Promoters to anner Protagonists of Democracy Pedro Tbarva Chapter t: When Do (and Don’t) Social Movements Promote Democratization? Charles Tilly Chapter 2: Direct Democracy and Leadership in Social Movement Networks GRAVE, Mario Diani | ad other Chapter 3: Identity Mobilization and Democracy: An Ambivalent Relationship ‘ Klaus Eder Chapter 4: Landscapes of Political Interest Intermediation: Social Movements, Interest Groups, and Parties in the Early Twenty-First Century § Herbert Kitschelt Chapter 5: Social Movements and Democracy at the ‘Turn of oY the Millennium: The Italian Case To Donatella della Porta Chapter 6: The Resurgence of Protest and the Revitalization of Democracy in Britain B Christopher Rootes 68422 Chapter 7: Participarion, Public Policies, and Democracy (International Solidarity and Anti- Mifitarism in the

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