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Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, October 28th – November 1st, 2018

Identification of Accretion Stage (SFA 2) from Sand Ridge Reservoir in Main Interval
of Upper Cibulakan Formation, South Ardjuna Sub-basin, GO-Field, Offshore
Northwest Java, Indonesia, Using Well log and Core Data

Muhammad Rahmat Redho Akbar1 Rahmatullah Ramadhan1 Raditya Bagus Kurniawan1 Sugeng Widada2
Bertha Sondang M.3

1) Geological Engineering Student of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

2) Geological Engineering Lecturer of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Abstract - Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) Block is well known as an oil and gas producer. GO Field is part of ONWJ Block,
and a hydrocarbon field that produce oil and gas from Main Interval. Main interval deposited as a shallow marine deposit and
formed a sand ridges reservoir. This sand ridge usually have N-S to NE-SW orientation. Detailed interpretation of sandstone body
reservoir is necessary to get better understanding of the reservoir behavior and can improve future development strategy that have
the same character, in the other interval at ONWJ Basin. Identification of the sand ridge acrretion stage (SFA 2) in Main Interval
is accomplished through detail interpretation of sequence stratigraphic at well log and core data description. Also from previous
study and literature. Core description is significant to identify the sub facies association (SFA). Those stages are embryonic stage
(SFA 1) and accretion stage (SFA 2) (Lopez et al., 2016). Sub facies association (SFA) is used to help in determining parasequence
marker in core description. Well log interpretation used to calibrate and confirm the parasequence marker that have been interpret
from core. Two core descriptions are used from two depth intervals at GO-2 well to identify the sub facies association. And it show
good correlation between the core and well logs interpretation. Therefore, GO-2 Well is used as a key well to identify other acrretion
stage (SFA 2) of sand ridge reservoir at Main Interval. Detail interpretation also conduct in 6 other wells, GO-1, GO-3, GO-4, GO-
5, GO-6, and GO-7 to determine the acrretion stage of sand ridge reservoir (SFA 2). Accretion stage of sand ridge reservoir (SFA
2) at GO Field show a consistent hydrocarbon bearing, therefore the SFA 2 can be classified as good reservoir.

Keywords: Main interval, accretion stage, sand ridges, sub facies association, and reservoir.

Copyright PIT IAGI – 2018. All right reserved

(2017) made sub-facies coding of single sand ridge to
INTRODUCTION make the detail facies reservoir model (sand ridge
reservoir) based on 12 sand ridge facies (Lopez et al,
GO Field is part of Offshore North West Java
(ONWJ) Block (Figure 1) which has been producing 2016). This paper will explain the interpretation by
oil and gas from Main Interval of Upper Cibulakan using that coding method and principle of sequence
Formation Since 1967, ONWJ Block is well known stratigraphy as framework.
as an oil and gas producer (Setiawati et al, 2017). The
interesting point related with Main Interval is 85 % of
production came from Main Massive Interval of Upper
Cibulakan Formation (Setiawati et al, 2017). Although
ONWJ Block have produced about 50 years, better
understanding about reservoir characteristics include
litologi variant, geometry, and orientation depositional
is still need it.
Reksalegora et al (1996) made depositional model
for the Main Interval, Upper Cibulakan Formation to
reveal reservoir distribution. There are many sand
body with NS- NE-SW, and NW-SE orientation as
reservoir and Posamentier (2002) mention that sand
bodies as transgressive sand ridges. Ramadhan et al Figure 1 Location of GO-field (Nobble et al, 1997)
Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, October 28th – November 1st, 2018

DATA AND METHOD every single sand ridge was made to illustrate
characteristics geometry and orientation depositional.
Method of this study is analytical description, by
integrating well log and core as main data and mud RESULT AND DISCUSSION
log, petrography, and seismic as support data on
mapping subsurface. See available data on Table 1 Two facies analysis can be conducted, association
and base map of GO field on Figure 2. Two analysis of sub-facies association (SFA) and analysis
conventional cores with 58 feet and 60 feet was
described from GO-2 well in Main interval to define of depositional facies. Referring to previous studies on
lithology variant and sub-facies sand ridges. The sand ridge reservoir (Lopez et al, 2016 and Ramadhan
description result is used to identification marker of et al, 2017), reservoir identification should be done by
sequence stratigraphy and sand ridge stage on GO-2 core description approach to find sub-facies
well. Based on available data on GO-2 well, this well associations (SFA) Figure 3. The basic determinants
become a key well, then all of its data can be spread to are grain size and sedimentary structure. The sub-
other 6 wells.
facies association plays a role in determining the stage
Table 1 Available data at GO-Field of formation of the reservoir sand ridge. Based on
variant lithology in core of GO-33 zone, facies
encountered are F3 and F1. F3 facies consist of
sandstone and carbonate sandstones dominated by fine
grain size (0.125-0.25 mm) - very fine sand (0.06-
0.125 mm) and have a flaser sedimentary structure. F3
facies belongs to the association sub-facies 2 which is
an acute accretion (tidal) stage (SFA-2). It can be
interpreted that at this stage reservoir reservoirs are
formed in tidal influences based on the flaser sediment
structure encountered. F1 facies belongs to the sub-
facies association 1 which is the embryonic stage
(SFA-1). Based on the two stages of sand ridge
reservoir encountered, it means that there are two sand
dunes found in this zone. The GO-33 zone has SFA-2
which is part of the older sand ridge reservoir while
SFA-2 is part of the younger sand ridge reservoir.

Based on lithology variant in core of GO-35 zone,

facies found are F3 and F1. F3 facies consist of
sandstone and carbonate sandstone dominated by fine
grain sizes (0.125-0.25 mm) - very fine sand (0.06-
0.125 mm) and have a flaser sedimentary structure
(Figure 4). F3 facies belong to the sub-facies
association 2 which is the compiler of the stage
accretion (tidal) stage (asf-2). It can be interpreted that
at this stage sand ridge reservoir is formed in tidal
influences based on the flaser sediment structure
encountered. F1 consists of sandstone and siltstone
Figure 2 Base map of GO-Field lithology. F1 facies belong to the sub-facies
Identification of single sand ridge using sub-facies association 1 which constitutes the embryonic stage
coding (Ramadhan et al, 2017) is limited by (SFA-1). Based on the two stages of the reservoir sand
parasequence marker framework. Isopach map of ridge encountered, it means that there are two reservoir
Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, October 28th – November 1st, 2018

sand ridges found in this zone. The GO-35 zone has

SFA-2 which is part of the older reservoir sand ridge
while the SFA-1 is part of the younger reservoir sand

Figure 4 Core description GO-35

Analysis of facies was encountered on GO-2

well supported regional studies, core, petrography, and
Figure 3 Core description GO-33 well logs data. Based on a regional study, the Southern
Ardjuna Sub-basin is a major embayment when the
Cibulakan Main Formation Interval over is
precipitated. The sediment deposition is approximated
on the shoreface (Reksalegora et al, 1996). Based on
the composition of minerals that have been found are
fragments of quartz, shell fragments, cement of
carbonate, and then found flaser and lenticular
sedimentary structures, the deposition facies on this
Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, October 28th – November 1st, 2018

field can be interpreted as facies of shelf. Clay-sized

sedimentary lenses in the flaser sediment structure
indicate that the conditions of settling at lower wave
energy and generally occur in parts which are slightly
deeper than offshore (Nichols, 2009). Flaser structures
can also form in shallow marine environments (Bogs,
2014) and tides (Walker et all, 1992).

We made two reconstructions based on

sequence stratigraphy correlation on well logs (Figure
5) and isopach map (Figure 6) to illustrate
morphology of sand ridge reservoir. Morphology of
GO-35 and GO-33 sand ridge reservoir in this field
consist of leading and trailing edge (Figure 7).

Figure 6 Isopach map of GO-35 (B)

Figure 5 Stratigraphy corelation at GO Field

Figure 7 Reconstruction of GO-33 (A) and GO-35 sand

ridge reservoir

There are 3 conclusion of this study:
 Sequence stratigraphy which was founded at
Interval Main, Upper Cibulakan Formation, South
Arjduna Sub-basin, GO Field, Offshore North
West Java is flooding surface.
 Sub facies association which was founded at
Figure 6 Isopach map of GO-33 (A)
Interval Main, Upper Cibulakan Formation, South
Arjduna Sub-basin, GO Field, Offshore North
West Java is SFA-1 (embryonic stage) contain F1
facies (siltstone or mudstone) and SFA-2
Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, October 28th – November 1st, 2018

(accretion (tidal) stage) contain F3 facies

(sandstone with flaser structure).
 GO-35 and GO-33 Sand ridge reservoir at Interval
Main, Upper Cibulakan Formation, South Arjduna
Sub-basin, GO Field, Offshore North West Java is
dominated sandstone with flaser structure which
indicate tidal process in shoreface, having variant
thickness, width, and long, having trailing edge on
west side and leading egde on east site as
morphology, and having NW-SW depositional

Bogs, Sam., 2014, Principle of Sedimentology and
Stratigraphy Fifth Edition, United States of
America: Pearson, 560.
Lopez, J. L., Steel, R. J., Rossi, V., 2016, Journal of
The International Association of Sedimentologists,
Nichols, Gary. 2009. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Second Edition. United Kingdom: Blackwell, 419.
Noble, Ron A., Kakung H. Pratomo, Anditya M.T.
Ibrahim, Indra Prastya, Nizar Mujahidin, 1997,
Jakarta: Atlantic Richfiled Indonesia, Inc.
Posamentier, Henry W, 2002, American Assosiation
of Petroleum Geologist, 75-106.
Ramadhan, Gilang C., Yasinta D. Setiawati, Asep
Ginanjar, Priantoro K. D. Setiawan, Prawoto I.
Syuhada, 2017, Proceedings Joint Convection &
Exhibition Malang.
Reksalegora, Sena W., Yohan Kusumanegara, dan
Philip Lowry, 1996, Proceedings Indonesia
Petroleum Association, 163-173.
Setiawati, Yasinta D., Gilang C. Ramadhan, Asep
Ginanjar, Priantoro K. D. Setiawan, dan Prawoto I.
Syuhada, 2017, Proceedings Indoensian
Petroleum Association.
Walker, Roger G. Dan Noel P. James. 1992. Facies
Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Ontario:
Geological Association of Canada, 409.

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