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- Mindfulness Empowerment-


To become a better writer, you must write. My main goal is to become a better writer. My
writing skills have improved in six categories in the last 16 weeks, the improvement has been
noticeable. The six categories are under the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) in each objective
a claim is made.
Student Learning Objectives(SLO):
Rhetorical Focus
My rhetorical focus emerged in my narrative. I demonstrated the ability to write formally
as well as write informally, for various impacts accenting meaning and emotion throughout the
Ethical Research
My ethical research emerged from working on my rhetorical analysis. The research
component of finding scholarly articles with various styles of writing and various ways of
communication challenged me to focus on ethical searches that reinforced my paper. Also, while
writing my word definition paper I was challenged to approach different sources and citations to
best inform my audience of my discipline. (view section “my work” for the Definition paper)
Persuasive Arguments
My persuasive arguments arose to its highest level when working on my definition paper.
The research and evaluation process spent on the paper challenged me to accurately and
efficiently define my disciplines terminology, looking and comparing various scholarly
definitions defined by professionals in my field, while accurately representing my stands of my
argument. (view section “my work’ for the Definition paper)
Organization and Focus
My organization and focus were exercised while writing my annotated bibliography. My
annotated bibliography demonstrates my ability to organize a text effectively. Organizing my
citations in alphabetical order and focusing on sources that are up to date and relevant to my
discipline of study. I was able to differentiate between a good source and a bad source as well as
staying focus with my findings and stands in my paper.
Academic Language and Design
My academic language and design emerged strongly while writing my proposal. My
proposal was written in such a way of inclusion and sensitivity to culture differences. It was
challenging to stay to design and capture the whole scent of my discipline and the proposed
problem and solution for one particular population without excluding others but having to
narrow it to one term.
My collaboration improved while peer reviewing my partners’ assignments. From
reading and reviewing their narrative, to their rhetorical, and research paper my understanding
and collaboration increased tremendously in my own work. The purpose of collaborating by
assessing others hard work, it improved my own hard work and improved my writing skills.
(view section “about” for the peer review).
In brief, the SLO’s targeted the main goal to becoming a better writer. From improving focus to
collaboration each objective facilitated the improvement of an academic writer. All the SLO’s
had a part in the working process however, some require more work than others. The academic
language and design objective is one of the parts that require more extensive work out of the rest.
Reading and continuous writing are goals and suggestions to reach improvement in this section.

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