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General Statement

We’re going to discuss about Volcanic Eruption. Firstly, there are so many volcanoes in the
world, include in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country which has the most volcanoes in the
world. Can you mention it one of them? For example, Mount Merapi. It was erupt in October
2010. There also Mount Krakatau, which was erupt in 1883. The eruptions were really
massive and destructive

Explanation I

• First, a volcano makes something called magma from melted rock.

• The magma goes through a circulation.

• The magma goes up the main vent slowly while it is still getting hotter. When the
magma is about half way up the main vent it turns into lava.

· While going up the lava continues to get hotter and hotter. Ash and rocks are collected
and the lava is getting hotter and hotter while the lava is continuing its way up the
main vent

• When the lava is at the top of the main vent the volcano erupts. The lava blasts out of
the volcano along with ash, rocks, and a cloud of dust that is very thick.

• The ash and rock crumble to the ground, but the lava is either moving down the
volcano side very slowly or at a high speed. The lava burns down almost everything
in its way, and it sometimes leaves bits of things burning.

• The lava from the volcano can cool fast, or sometimes the lava will slowly cool down
from its intense heat. Lava that cool slowly forms igneous rocks.

Explanation II

There are so many advantages of volcanic eruption:

1) Volcanoes attract tourists, and where tourists are there is always more income and
more jobs so it makes the country richer

2) A new chance to study more of the volcano (by watching it in action)

3) More layers of earth

4) Volcanoes provide resources for energy extraction, also called geothermal resources.

5) Farming
And there also disadvantages of volcanic eruption:

1) Magma flowing and ash clouds destroys everything on its way

2) Destruction during eruptions

3) Loss of life


There’s no doubt that volcano eruption is really dangerous. Many people were dead because
of it. A big number of people had to abandon their homes and land forever. Even the whole
world's climate was changed for a while as a result of an eruption. But volcano eruptions
bring good effects too, because after a long time it can make the land fertile. Now you know
how and the effects of volcano eruption, don’t you? If you want to find out more try
searching for it in internet.

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