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44 years after , we continue the struggle to preserve memory over oblivion

1973:The government of dictators aligns itself with the most reactionary fractions of the
local and U.S. capital ,with the shipowners and the industrialists. For the workers, theres
only austerity and oppression , for the militants imprisonment,exile,torture. The glorious
response of students and workers at the Polytechnic revolt was covered in blood , but
revealed the same things as in the big manifestations of the 60s. That these hearts will fight
for justice till the end.A few months later the dictatorship collapses.

2017:The government of a party which claimed to be the justification of the workers

struggles and the left proves to be another cruel enemy of the oppressed . The align
themselves with Trump , with whom Tispras << shares the same values of democracy>>. The
memorab=ndum attack carries on , creating a dystopia unimaginable a few years ago:
Concentration camps for refugees and immigrants, wages barely enough to
survive,exhausting work hours for those who work,unemployment for the rest,house
auctions , persecution of militants and nazi attacks. This is the image of a repulsive everyday
life for the oppressed of this country. The local ruling class does not care. Their moneu=y is
safe in tax free havens, the criminal policies of their political representatives go unpunished ,
their profits are secured. Whenever one of their plans fails , the answers is the same:<< load
the burden to the poor>>.

And yet,during those constant attacks,we are not few , whom like the ones back
then,choose to raise a glove ! The workers and youth do not stop and they give small or big
fights:against evaluation in public section,against the abolishment of Sunday dayoff,against
auctions,against the rise of neonazism,against multiple oppressions, in favor of the right to
selfdeterminate ones gender ,alongside with refugees and the environmental movements.

The struggle back in 1973 was not given for very different things. With respect to the fighting
spirit and self sacrifice of the Polytechnic revolt militants, with our eyes on today and
tomorrow, we will march once again.The parties that praise neoliberalism are many, the
parties that set free the dictatorship torturers and continued its policies are preparing for
taking over power, while neonazis are looming in the corner. The cry of the Polytechneio
militants remains to be justified. On the 17th of November we will march , we will shout , we
will organize, we will fight to justify the struggles , both theirs and ours.

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