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Americans are Stupid and Lazy

Why do I say that? Because the general populace stupidly continues to support the
corporate/political establishment, in spite of;

-An unemployment rate of over 20%

-A devaluing dollar (loss of 33% in value since 2002)
-A widening gap between rich and poor (biggest gap of any industrialized nation)
-A falling wage base (adjusted for inflation, the average wage earner makes less than he/she did
in 1970)

You are stupid because you keep letting Big Business and the politicians rip you off and plunder
this country for their own benefit. Consider this; While profits for all types of industries have
soared to a 25-year high, employees' wages and living standards are actually backsliding. The
median salary for a full-time worker is $475 a week, down 1 percent from a year ago and 4.6
percent below its 1979 level. Median family income dropped 7 percent, from $39,696 in 1989 to
$36,959 in 1993, while the stock market rose almost 50 percent over the period.

So yes, my fellow Americans, you are STUPID!

And you are Lazy because you continue to listen to these politicians who spout lies and offer you
broken promises. Government no longer represents the people. There is only one political party
in this country now, and that is the party of the rich and powerful, the ruling class. As Governor
George Wallace said in 1968, "there ain't a dime's worth of difference" between the Republican
and Democratic parties. Both the Democrats and Republicans are controlled by Big Business.
Heck, even a few of the politicians have slipped and admitted as such publicly, on camera!

Americans, you are lazy because you don’t get off of your obese butts and find out what is going
on. You listen to the main stream media for your news and information, which by the way is
controlled by who? Big Business! In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news
media in the U.S. Today? Only 5 huge corporations -- Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News
Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) -- now control most of the
media industry in the U.S. General Electric's NBC is a close sixth.

Americans are stupid and lazy because they sit around, moaning about how bad things are
getting, but offer no solutions on how to fix our screwed up country. Or, there solution is to cry
and wail about “what the government is going to do.” The answer is the government is not going
to do squat. The US government is controlled by a ruling class elite, and all they are interested in
is making more money, getting more power, and taking care of themselves. They are not going to
do squat for John Q. Public. They could care less!

Well, I am not lazy and I am not stupid. You want a blueprint to fix what’s wrong with America?
And, no I am not one of those tea partiers that want to do away with government. That is NOT
going to happen people. I am also not some survivalist that wants armed insurrection. That plays
right into the ruling class’ hands. They already have camps set up to lock people up who try to go
that route. But there are changes that can be made, if enough people get up the courage to take
action, and kick the ruling class out of office.

But replace the ruling class with who, to do what? Here is my blueprint for change. You might
disagree with part, or all, of this blueprint. You might call it prejudiced, or unfair. That may be.
However, my goals are the following;

• Get corporations and big business out of politics and control of our nation back into the
hands of the people.

• Jumpstart massive job growth for US citizens

Blueprint for change:

Politicians, Elections, and the Federal Government

1. Eliminate corporate legal identity. Make it law that a corporation cannot make any political
contributions, of any kind, to anybody. Think of it as the “If you can’t pull a voting lever,
you can’t participate” theory.
2. If you hold an elected federal political office, you cannot either serve in the executive or
judicial branches of government, or work for a company that receives any public
contracts, funds, or subsidies for a minimum of 20 years after leaving office.
3. Senators are appointed by state legislatures
4. Congressman are elected for a 4 year term
5. The president is elected for a single 6 year term
6. Congress’ and the President’s election campaigns are solely funded by a tax funded
pool. There are no filing fees required, so anyone can afford to run for office.
7. All federally elected officials salaries are indexed and equal to the average American
8. Federal judges are no longer appointed for life and only for a 10 year term.
9. Every law on the books, now, or in the future, applies to all elected officials.
10. Make it law that no funds will be spent on any military action whatsoever outside of the
US, unless a declaration of war is formally made, and then funded by, both houses of
11. Eliminate ALL federal laws that do not have something to do DIRECTLY with interstate
commerce, or activities foreign to the US outside of any individual states jurisdiction. This
means basically repealing the 10th amendment as it is used today. It also means the
elimination of all federal gun laws and federal drug laws.
12. Eliminate the federal prison system and pass these duties over time to the individual
states, with violent criminals being transferred to their state of residence. All non-violent
federal criminals are to be immediately paroled.
13. Eliminate the Federal Reserve.
14. Eliminate interstate banking. Only state chartered banks are allowed. No bank in any one
state may be owned, partially or wholly, by a bank or corporation in another state.
15. Banks may not invest or participate in any securities or insurance
16. Do away with all electronic voting. There has to be a physical ballot cast.
17. The federal government must secure both US borders 100% using the US military if
18. Establish a system to verify all employees are US citizens and not illegal aliens.
19. All illegal aliens are to be immediately returned to their native country.
The Economy and Budget

1. Do not renew the Bush tax cuts. Increase graduated taxes for those making over
$250,000 to a final tax rate of 75% for those making over $1 million.
2. Make all charitable contributions tax 100% deductible.
3. Cut defense spending by 50% immediately. Close all overseas bases. Eliminate all
advanced weapons programs.
4. Eliminate the Dept. of Homeland Security. It isn’t needed.
5. Do away with the federal retirement system, including military. If Social Security is good
enough for the majority of Americans, it’s good enough for everyone. If you don’t like it,
join the private sector.
6. Cut the federal budget, other than Social Security and health care, by 50% immediately.
7. Means test Social Security. Set a liberal minimum monthly amount above the property
level that a person needs to live. If you have money coming in from other sources,
develop a formula where that individual’s Social Security is reduced accordingly. The
object is to provide a safety net.
8. Medicare. Do away with it as it exists now. Establish a single payer system that covers
9. Foreign Aid. Most of this is weapons. Cancel it. No more foreign aid at all, for any other
10. NAFTA. Revoke it. There is no such thing as “free trade”. Establish a flat tariff system,
based on the wholesale value of the import, not on what it is or what it is made of, or
where it came from.

Jobs and Education programs

1. All unemployed individuals receive a minimum amount of unemployment benefits via the
use of a debit card. The card can only be used for food, medical products, utilities, and
rent/mortgage payments.
2. Unemployed individuals in order to receive benefits, must be actively seeking
employment and must be enrolled in an accredited education program.
3. All individuals will receive an education voucher for two years of schooling to an
accredited institution.
4. Implement an investment tax credit of 50% that allows a firm to reduce its tax liability by a
percentage of the investment it makes. The investment tax credit must be used for
equipment or construction within the US, using only US labor, and using only products
made 100% in the USA. Also increase the corporate tax rate to 50% on all earnings of
any company located in the US, including overseas earnings if those earnings were
made on a product that was imported into and sold in the US.
5. Revoke Resident Alien Green Card holders right to hold a US job in any state, unless that
states unemployment rate is less than 7%.
6. Revoke automatic US citizenship for children of foreign nationals born in the US.
Please let me know your thoughts by posting a comment. And please don’t just criticize. What is
your plan to get this country back on it’s feet?

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