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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. MADRAS 600 036 DEC. 27-30 93 Simulation and Performance of STATCOM for Asset Utilization P.V.Chopade Member IEEE, M.T.Hiwase, Abstract- The role of the Transmission network in the Power System is to transmit the power generated in the power plants to the load centers and the interconnected, power systems. The transmission of electric power has. to take place in the most efficient way in addition to providing flexibility in the process. Flexible A.C. ‘Transmission System (FACTS) promotes the use of static controllers to enhance the controllability and inerease the power transfer capability. The availability of high power Gate-Turn-Off (GTO) thyristors has led to the development of controllable reactive power sources using electroni switching converters for power transmission systems. The implementation of GTO- also called as Static Condenser(STATCON) gives steady state characteristics, for the output which is very similar to the rotating synchronous condenser. This being a Static Reactive Compensation device is also called as STATCOM. ‘The work presented here emphasizes on the STATCOM Simulation and its performance under transient and fault conditions. Indes Terms (Keywords) -AC transmission, FACTS, static condenser, STATCOM, Power Electronies, thyristor, power converter, static var compensator L Itropuctio Static VAR Compensator (SVC) was first introduced in late 1960s.These compensators used Thyristor switch ccapacitor(TSC) or Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) with, fixed power factor correcting capacitor. Such SVCs were then modified for dynamic compensation of electric power transmission system by using TCR in combination with ‘TSCs, in late 1970s-Until 1990s no suitable GTO devices ‘were available for use in high power applications. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has encouraged the use of power electronic devices in power PChopade is with the Bhar Vidyappeth Deemed University Collegeof Engineering Pune-43, M'S,INDIA, Member IEEE, (phone 9371058505; fix? 91 = (200243729985 ‘email prainchopade@iee os). MT Hivase, was With Govt College of Engineering Pune INDIA. He {is now with the Instrumentation Engg Department, D.D.Y.Patil Cllege of Engineering. Pimpei Pune, INDIA ‘DG Bhradvay i Profesor of Elecrcal Engineering Department and Head of Research and Development Cel, Bharat Vidyappeth Doomed Univesity College of Engineering Pune-13, -MS.INDIA. (e-mail dbtataybateth.e) D.G Bharadwaj transmission system under its Flexible AC Transmission ‘System Program(FACTS).The present paper deals with the simulation of STATCOM on PSCAD/EMTDC [9} along, with the associated details of the circuit design. Further the performance evaluation has been carried out 0 verify the accuracy and validity of the results as compared to a standard system. IL Starcom SysTEM Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of a STATCOM using VSC(Voltage Source Converter) which comprises of the GTOs, as shown in figure 2, for 6 pulse STATCOM. A GTO based power converter is used to produce three-phase AC sinusoidal voltage, in phase with the line voltage, which is injected into the line through a shunt transformer. Higher this voltage as compared to line voltage, the leading reactive current is drawn from the line, When this voltage is lesser than the line voltage, the current drawn is lagging reactive. ny T eo vse [= Fig. | ‘Schematic digram of STATCON z bs Fig. 2. six pulse STATCON (VSC) ‘The input to the VSC is DC source obtained through a capacitor, thus performing an inverting function. Since reactance at zero frequency is zero, while providing pure NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, NPSC 2004 reactive power to transmission line(eading oF lagging) practically no energy is required from de input capacitor. This means the inverter interconnects three output terminals to allow the reactive output current t flow freely. If the circuit is looked upon from AC side it can be said that the inverter establishes the circulating power exchange among its phases (2. ‘The 6-pike inverter shown in Fig. 2 does not produce @ purely sinusoidal voltage but contains harmonics) when Connected to the transmission line. More the number of pulses, lesser will be the harmonic content. In practice 48 Pulse inverters are normally used(1) (Tennessee Valley Authority(TNA) Sullivan Substation uses a 48 pulse inverter] IIL, STATCOM SIMULATION Consider the block diagram in Fig 3 [PSCAD/EMTDC Simulated Diagram] which shows the power circuit of STATCOM with the long transmission Tine, The system consists of wo 230 KV,S0 Hz Generators. Sending end generator operated at 63 degrees and receiving end genetator operated 0 degrees power angle. The measuring and plotting icons are connected at various sections with suitable time constants and sealed for smooth measurement (Mid point reactive compensation is provided by a 6 pulse STATCOM). ‘The STATCOM control circuit samples the bus voltage, corrects it for droop, filters and compares with the reference voltage Vref. The error is given to the PI controller for correcting the signal and is further used for changing the firing angle. The power output which contains harmonies and d.c. ripples is filtered by using 90 Hz low pass filter,120 Hz, and 60 Hz. notch reject filter [5]. The signal converted into p.u. value is compared with the mechanical power input to the generator (In this case 0.7 pau.) Under any condition the total transmitted real power has t0 be equal to its steady state value under all conditions. ‘The error signal thus generated is passed through a PI controller which gives the required reactance, to correct the error. The PI controller output is saturated at a lower limit of 0.08125 pu (13 ohms) and at an upper limit of 0.325 pu (52 ohims),which are the limits [varies from 0.08125 pu (10 % of Xz ) to 0.325 pu (40% of Xx) capacitive | for 10% fo 40% compensation. This reactance is converted to an equivalent susceptance value and then fed to a linearization curve versus firing angle a (alpha) . The curve is obtained using equation for relevant values of admittane (ie. between defined limits). Messing Mevsrigg Receag end Devices, RORY Denes CB ¥ + @tE=Hat-@ 230263" KV 23020° KV ‘Measuring Devices sip ce} T|__} starcon (STaTcon9, 3 Phase ‘Transformer Mid Point —p Circuit Breaker Rated voltage’ Rated frequency Fig. 3. Block Diagram of STATCOM Power Circuit with long Transmission Line ( Simulated with PSCAD/EMTDC) aX, (o-sino) + 2X, Xe a Xerareom ‘The output of this curve gives the required firing angle. This firing angle operates the firing circuit which is, ‘based on Phase locked loop (PLL). The advantage of PLL, has over the conventional zero crossing detection method is that it gives a much more reliable performance when reference signals have harmonies. As there are six thyristors, in the cireuit, six pulse option is chosen for the PLL model in PSCAD. The reference signals, taken are the line currents Of transmission line on which STATCOM is installed (1) Since the firing angle a of STATCOM has to be with respect to the voltage across STATCOM, the gate pulses generated by this firing circuit are phase-shifted by 30° using six inverting gates and six timers. 35 =} lL fe) aaee Fig. 4. Block diagram of PLL based firing system INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. MADRAS 600 036 DEC.27-30 ‘The function of the PLL is shown in Fig 4 [5]. Here, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) generates the angle information, the phase of which is compared with that of the commutating reference waveform (in this ease, the line currents). The phase error of the phase detector, sometimes after some amount of filtering, is passed to a PI control system that adjusts the VCO input voltage and thus, changes the VCO outpat frequency. Steady state is reached when the phase error has an average value of zero, indicating synchronism between the ae system and the VCO. The firing pulse is now generated by a comparator, when the relatively pure VCO output equals the desired firing angle order, The bus vector model of PSCAD generates six similar alpha order signals for six VCO output ramps, each of which is 60° apart. The comparator model of PSCAD generates six firing pulses by comparing alpha order signals with VCO (or PLL) output ramps. These six pulses, as already discussed before are phase shifted by 30° and given to the six thyristor in proper sequence, TV, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ‘The performance of the PSCAD/EMTDC simulated circuit was evaluated by considering the disturbance on the transmission line and by considering the fault in the system, The results obtained ate discussed separately. The performance of the circuit was evaluated. The performance is summed up through figures S(a) to 5(e), 6(a) & 6(b). The data, used for obtaining STATCOM simulation results, is, given in Appendis-1 A Performance in case of a Disturbance. TThe disturbance is ereated by opening the receiving end breaker and simulating “throwing off” of the load at 1.8 seconds. The results ate presented graphically Figure S(a) to 5 (e) The results shows that SVC and STATCOM are in ‘confirmation. Fig. 5(d) shows some related parameters to evaluate performance of STATCOM. Fig. S(e) shows the Traced frequency by PLL. The comparison of voltage control capabilitics of STATCOM and SVC in case of the disturbance is shown in Fig. 6 (a). ws B. Performance under Fault Conditions. ‘The real advantage of STATCOM over SVC is in case ‘when the system voltage reduces. This was confirmed by creating a LLLG fault at 1.8 seconds atthe receiving end for 80 milliseconds. The relevant waveforms are shown in Fig. 6(b). As seen from figure the voltage profile with STATCOM is much superior than with SVC during and after fault. Due to the fact that the reactive power interchange of STATCOM with the system is independent Of the system voltage, STATCOM pumps in more leading, power (around 400 Mvar) during and after fault, whereas the reactive power supplied by SVC drops to 80 Mvar only ‘Under both the conditions mentions above itis seen that the voltage control capabilities of STATCOM are far superior than SVC Simalain Rows Fu PSCAD /EMEDC ee S <— Fig, S(a) & (b) : Power profile of the system with STATCOM. (Simulation Results from PSCADIEMTDC )

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