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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience

The attention habit: how reward learning shapes

attentional selection
Brian A. Anderson
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Address for correspondence: Brian A. Anderson, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University,
3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-2686.

There is growing consensus that reward plays an important role in the control of attention. Until recently, reward was
thought to influence attention indirectly by modulating task-specific motivation and its effects on voluntary control
over selection. Such an account was consistent with the goal-directed (endogenous) versus stimulus-driven (exoge-
nous) framework that had long dominated the field of attention research. Now, a different perspective is emerging.
Demonstrations that previously reward-associated stimuli can automatically capture attention even when physically
inconspicuous and task-irrelevant challenge previously held assumptions about attentional control. The idea that
attentional selection can be value driven, reflecting a distinct and previously unrecognized control mechanism, has
gained traction. Since these early demonstrations, the influence of reward learning on attention has rapidly become
an area of intense investigation, sparking many new insights. The result is an emerging picture of how the reward
system of the brain automatically biases information processing. Here, I review the progress that has been made
in this area, synthesizing a wealth of recent evidence to provide an integrated, up-to-date account of value-driven
attention and some of its broader implications.

Keywords: selective attention; attentional capture; reward learning; reinforcement; incentive salience; basal ganglia

Introduction research on human attention. In keeping with the

aforementioned theoretical framework, however,
The landscape of attention research has changed
reward was often employed in such studies as
dramatically in recent years. Early work on the
a means of manipulating task-specific motiv-
topic of selective attention established a framework
ation.19–25 Search for a particular target stimulus
within which selection was held to be the prod-
either was or was not incentivized by extrinsic
uct of goal-directed (i.e., top-down, endogenous)
rewards, with the aim of describing the consequence
factors related to the task relevance of stimuli on
of this incentive on selection. In parallel with this
the one hand, and stimulus-driven (i.e., bottom-
important work on motivated attention, however,
up, exogenous) factors related to the physical
a more direct influence of reward on the attention
salience (feature contrast) of stimuli on the other
system was beginning to become apparent.
hand.1–7 This dichotomy provided the framework
The first evidence suggesting that reward pro-
for prominent theories of attentional control over
cessing might have a direct influence on selective
the decades to come,2,8–13 and, at times, sharp debate
attention was provided by Della Libera and Chelazzi
arose as to which of the two served as the default
in 2006.26 Using a priming task, they showed that the
mechanism of selection along with the conditions
ability to select a target was impaired if participants
under which goal-directed control was and was not
were highly rewarded for ignoring that stimulus
on the previous trial. A few years later, a com-
Interest in the effects of reward on attention
pelling demonstration of reward-mediated priming
is not new, although studies on this topic have,
showed that rewarding the selection of a stimulus on
until recently, represented only a small minority of

doi: 10.1111/nyas.12957
24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1369 (2016) 24–39 
C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.
Anderson The attention habit

Figure 1. The reward-mediated priming paradigm. The task is to report the orientation of the bar (vertical or horizontal) within
the uniquely shaped target. Either a high or low reward (points, which are converted to money at the end of the experiment) is
delivered after each correct response, the magnitude of which is randomly determined from trial to trial. The color of the target
and distractor (if present) either remains the same or swaps across consecutive trials. The sequence shown is for three trials.
Value-mediated priming is demonstrated by an interaction between color swap and prior reward, such that attentional capture by
the distractor is especially strong if participants were highly rewarded on the prior trial and the colors swapped. Adapted from
Ref. 27.

one trial made that stimulus more difficult to ignore distractors during search for a shape-defined target
when presented as a distractor on a subsequent trial (Fig. 2). Critically, the previously reward-associated
(Fig. 1), an effect that was robust for competing distractors were neither physically salient nor task
goals.27–29 At about the same time, studies began relevant and thus should not be attended by virtue of
to reveal that the tendency to preferentially select either a stimulus-driven or goal-directed attention
a reward-associated target, which was previously mechanism. The results demonstrated robust atten-
attributed to motivation-mediated processes, was a tional capture by the previously reward-associated
persistent effect that could continue even well after distractors, thereby establishing a distinctly value-
the reward schedule was discontinued.30–33 These driven mechanism of attentional selection.
latter studies provided the first evidence that reward The last several years have seen a concentrated
learning might shape attentional priority to favor effort to understand and characterize value-driven
selection of reward-associated stimuli in the future. attention, and a number of studies both replicating
Compelling evidence for a direct influence of and extending the value-driven capture of attention
reward history in the guidance of attention was pro- have been reported. Current theoretical accounts
vided by Anderson and colleagues.34 In their study, of value-driven attention, however, lag behind
participants first learned associations between color and are largely limited to a description of the
targets and reward in a training phase, and in a sub- phenomenon—that reward history plays a direct
sequent test phase, these same color stimuli served as role in the control of attention. The limitations

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C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 25
The attention habit Anderson

Figure 2. The value-driven attentional capture paradigm. (A) Training phase in which color-defined targets are associated with
different amounts of monetary reward. The task is to report the orientation of the bar within the target (vertical or horizontal).
The sequence shown is for two trials. (B) Unrewarded test phase in which color is a task-irrelevant feature, and critical distractors
are rendered in the previously reward-associated colors. The sequence shown is for three trials. Value-driven attentional capture
is measured as the slowing of response time associated with the presence of the previously reward-associated distractors. Adapted
from Ref. 34.

of the top-down versus bottom-up theoretical dic- even when inconspicuous and task irrelevant.34,37
hotomy,13 the distinction between reward influ- Such a change in attentional priority is the result
encing attention directly (associative learning) of an interaction between value signals and corre-
and indirectly (by modulating goals and motiv- sponding sensory signals. An important first step
ation),35,36 and a conceptual framework for the in understanding value-driven attention, then, is to
principle of value-driven attention37 are discussed characterize these two individual components that
elsewhere. Here, I seek to unpack the influence of jointly contribute to the development of a selection
reward history on attention, synthesizing a large bias. This has been a major focus of recent studies
number of recent studies in this burgeoning area of investigating value-driven attention.
investigation, many of which were published after
Characterizing the underlying sensory signals
these earlier reviews were written. What emerges is
There is now strong evidence that early visual
an integrative account of the mechanisms by which
representations for specific stimulus features pro-
the reward system of the brain biases information
vide sufficient information for value-driven atten-
tional biases to occur. When only color34,38,39 or
orientation40,41 is sufficient to differentiate a reward-
Decomposing value-driven attentional
predictive target from other nontarget stimuli, sub-
sequent attentional biases for stimuli possessing the
When associated with a reward outcome, stimuli specific reward-associated feature are robust. Inter-
acquire heightened attentional priority such that estingly, value-driven attentional biases appear to
they become capable of competing for attention be, at least to some degree, dissociated from the

26 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1369 (2016) 24–39 

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level of representation that is used to localize the Recent evidence also suggests that information
reward-associated stimulus during learning. When about stimulus position is reflected in value-driven
the target is defined as a feature singleton, selec- attentional priority. The ability of reward to bias
tion of the target is known to occur on the basis of selection of the location of a rewarded stimulus
its relative salience (i.e., singleton detection mode) is immediately evident on the subsequent trial,54
without regard to specific feature information.14,42 extending earlier reports of reward-mediated prim-
When a rewarded target is a salient feature sin- ing of stimulus feature.27,28 When a target is con-
gleton, however, value-driven attentional biases are sistently more highly rewarded when it appears in
still specific to the reward-predictive feature,43 sug- a particular location in the search array, a persis-
gesting that the perceptual representations, rather tent bias to preferentially process information at the
than the goal-directed selection processes used to location develops.55 Value-driven attentional biases
localize a reward-associated stimulus, become pri- for a particular feature (in this case, color) have also
oritized. This conclusion fits with work demon- been shown to be modulated by position informa-
strating that reward can drive perceptual learning tion when position determines whether the feature
even when the reward-predictive stimulus is ren- is predictive of reward.56 In the temporal domain,
dered subliminal.44 priming of a visual stimulus on the basis of its
At first glance, these findings seem to suggest time of presentation relative to the start of the trial
that value-driven attentional priority is established has also been shown to be modulated by reward
early in visual processing and then cascades forward information,57 echoing earlier findings that neural
through the visual system. Indeed, early accounts responses in early visual cortex (V1) are sensitive
of the influence of reward on attention seemed to to the predicted time of reward signaled by a visual
suggest that this was the case, likening this influence stimulus.58 These findings demonstrate that visual
to a change in the low-level salience of the reward- signals representing a variety of stimulus properties
associated features.27,45 Although there is evidence are subject to modulation on the basis of reward
that prior reward associations can have a rapid influ- history.
ence on early visual processing, as will be discussed Up to this point, evidence for value-driven atten-
later, it is clear that more complex visual represen- tion has been restricted entirely to the visual system.
tations are also subject to value-driven attentional This leaves open the question of the extent to which
bias. value-driven attention reflects a broad principle of
Early investigations on the influence of reward information processing that extends across sensory
on attention demonstrated selection biases for pre- systems, and whether value-based attentional prior-
viously reward-associated shapes,30,46 faces,31,47 and ity can influence crossmodal stimulus competition.
even semantic information in a Stroop task.32,48 Evidence in the affirmative was recently provided
However, because such stimuli were always included by a study in which auditory targets were associ-
in the target set and thus task relevant, it was ated with reward during training and later served
difficult to determine the degree to which these as task-irrelevant distractors during visual search
biases reflected reward interacting with search goals for a shape-defined target. Target detection was
and selection strategies.49 More recent demonstra- impaired by the presentation of a previously reward-
tions have confirmed that objects50,51 and scenes,52 associated sound,59 suggesting that the mechanisms
when paired with reward, can subsequently serve underlying value-driven attention are not domain
as potent distractors even when specific visual fea- specific and instead operate across multiple sensory
tures are insufficient to distinguish such rewarded systems.
stimuli from other, unrewarded stimuli. Intrigu-
ingly, as will be further discussed later, previously Characterizing the underlying value signals
reward-associated distractors are preferentially rep- Early investigations of value-driven attention
resented in object-selective cortex (lateral occipital used monetary reward to modulate attentional
complex) even when they are only identifiable on priority.26–32,34,38 More recent studies have begun
the basis of their color,53 suggesting an integrated to reveal the domain generality of the value sig-
priority signal across different levels of the visual nals that give rise to value-driven attentional biases.
system. Stimuli associated with food reward subsequently

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capture attention,60 and the same holds true for difference in attentional bias between high- and low-
stimuli associated with positive social feedback value stimuli typically does not scale with the mag-
(social reward), even though such feedback is unre- nitude of the difference in reward value between
lated to task performance.61 These studies suggest the two.34,39,40,53 As such, it appears that non-zero
that a sort of “common neural currency”62 used reward is sufficient to bias attention, but that greater
to represent value is responsible for influencing rewards can strengthen that bias.
the attention system. Consistent with this notion, When a reward is devalued, attentional biases for
stimuli associated with a substance of abuse selec- stimuli associated with the devalued reward are no
tively capture attention in individuals addicted to longer evident,60 consistent with a link between the
that substance,63–68 which can be explained by drug orienting of attention and the incentive salience of a
reward influencing value-driven attention. stimulus.79–81 This finding is not well explained by
Recent evidence suggests that the value of a an influence of the hedonic aspects of reward pro-
stimulus is represented regardless of whether that cessing on the attention system and instead suggests
value is meaningful to the current task.69 This a role for the motivational aspects of reward in mod-
automatic value signal, rather than the value sig- ulating attentional bias. In further support of this
nals that are computed during decision making, idea, simply pairing a stimulus with a reward out-
predict attentional processing of a stimulus.69 As come during training is alone insufficient to give rise
will be later discussed, value signals can give rise to value-driven attentional capture if the stimulus is
to attentional biases for reward-predictive stimuli not useful for predicting the reward.82
even when selection of those stimuli is itself never It is important to distinguish between the influ-
rewarded.70–73 These findings suggest that automat- ence of learned value on attentional selection from
ically generated signals representing the experience the influence of selection history more broadly.
of reward, rather than cognitive appraisals of value, With sufficient practice, the selection of a spe-
influence the attention system. Such a relationship cific stimulus will become automatic even with-
helps to explain why the receipt of reward modu- out explicit rewards being given.83,84 Therefore,
lates stimulus priming when the underlying reward evidence above and beyond attentional capture by
structure is completely random.26–29,45,50,54,57,74 previously rewarded targets is necessary to support
Although never directly manipulated in a sin- the idea that reward learning influences attention.
gle experiment, it has become clear that relative or One source of such evidence comes from demon-
normalized value, rather than associated value in an strations that attentional capture by former targets is
absolute sense, biases attention. Comparatively high either not observed or is significantly weaker follow-
(within the context of the experiment) reward values ing otherwise equivalent training in which explicit
have ranged from $US 0.0534,38 to $0.2553 to $1.50,75 reward feedback is removed.34,53,82,85,86 More com-
and the magnitude of value-driven attentional cap- pelling is evidence that the magnitude of attentional
ture across studies has been similar and clearly does capture is greater for stimuli associated with high
not scale with absolute value. However, differences compared to low reward,38,41,52,56,59,61,70–73 as, in this
in the magnitude of attentional capture between case, the motivational context of training is matched
stimuli associated with comparatively high and low between conditions. Such findings provide clear
value within the same experimental context has been and convincing evidence that value associations can
observed (e.g., Refs. 38, 41, 52, 56, 61, 70–73). It modulate the attentional priority of a stimulus.
would seem, therefore, that the reward signals that Studies have also begun to examine whether
drive attention are normalized relative to expecta- value-driven attentional biases are specific to reward
tions concerning the amount of reward available learning, or whether punishment learning can sim-
within the current context, which fits nicely with ilarly bias attention. Stimuli associated with mon-
formal models of reward learning.76,77 In line with etary loss,85,87 electric shock,85,88,89 and aversive
this, the value associated with a stimulus is anchored noise90,91 automatically capture attention. Mone-
to beliefs about how much reward is available to tary loss and gains also appear to bias attention to
other participants for performing the same task.78 a similar degree.87 Although electric shock appears
Stimuli associated with comparatively small rewards to have an especially potent effect on attentional
often produce attentional biases as well, and the selection,85,88,89 direct comparison to the effects of

28 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1369 (2016) 24–39 

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Anderson The attention habit

Figure 3. The task-irrelevant reward cue paradigm. The task is to report the orientation of the bar (vertical or horizontal) within
the diamond-shaped target. Either a high or low reward is delivered after each correct response. The reward is always high when one
color distractor is present and always low when the other color distractor is present. Value-driven attentional capture is reflected in
greater interference from the distractor associated with higher value, even though its value is contingent upon correct report of the
shape target. The sequence shown is for two trials. Adapted from Ref. 70.

monetary outcomes on attention is difficult as these by which these signals are integrated via learning.
sources of feedback differ in many respects. As will With regard to this issue, several recent studies have
be further discussed, the extent of the similarity focused on exploring the role of top-down goals and
in the neural mechanisms underlying the effects of motivation in value-driven attention. As described
reward and punishment on attention remains to be earlier, reward can bias attention to an associated
shown; however, these findings make it clear that stimulus feature even when that feature is not used
value in a bivalent sense is reflected in attentional to localize the target during reward training,43 sug-
priorities. Claims about reward-driven attention gesting that it is the predictive stimulus, not the cor-
should therefore be made carefully, as similar princi- responding search goals, that become prioritized.
ples may also apply to cases of aversive conditioning. Compelling evidence for this dissociation between
As the dynamics of attentional biases arising from search goals and value-driven attention comes from
punishment learning are poorly described relative studies demonstrating that stimuli that are always
to those arising from reward learning, punishment- task irrelevant, but nonetheless predict the reward
driven attention reflects an important area for future that will be received for selecting a different stimu-
investigation. lus (the target), become prioritized with experience
in the task (Fig. 3).70–73 Even though participants
Mechanisms of learning
never voluntarily select the reward-predictive stim-
Having explored the stimulus and value signals that ulus and are in fact motivated by reward (which
contribute to the development of a selection bias, an is contingent upon correct target identification) to
important next question concerns the mechanisms ignore it and all other distractors in these studies,

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value-driven attentional biases are still observed. high reward is sufficient to bias attention to the
Importantly, such attentional biases also persist rewarded stimulus on the subsequent trial.27–29,45,50
through periods in which the stimulus is no Such reward-mediated priming might facilitate the
longer rewarded, even when the task changes.73 development of more enduring attentional biases
These findings are consistent with an associative when rewards are consistently paired with a stimu-
learning mechanism by which stimuli that co-occur lus. Although early studies on the effect of reward
with high rewards acquire heightened attentional learning on attention employed a long training pro-
priority regardless of their task relevance. cedure involving over 1000 trials and sometimes
Further evidence for the role of prediction-based multiple sessions,30,33,34,38,46 persistent value-driven
learning in value-driven attention was provided by attentional biases have been shown to develop after
Sali and colleagues,82 who showed that when par- fewer than 200 training trials,82 and studies of value-
ticipants are provided with a predictable reward driven attention now frequently employ 300 or
for selecting a color-defined target, or when target fewer trials of training (e.g., Ref. 34, experiment 3;
selection is incentivized by a random reward that Refs. 39, 41, 53, 61, 86). Associations with aversive
is unrelated to the target color, value-driven atten- shock can establish a persistent attentional bias after
tional biases do not develop. Subsequent attentional a mere 20 trials of training.88
biases were observed only when the color of the tar- No study to date has provided a rigorous exam-
get predicted the magnitude of reward, even though ination of the role of awareness of the reward con-
participants were reinforced for selecting the target tingencies in value-driven attention. However, the
during training in all cases.82 Thus, providing an weight of the current evidence suggests that aware-
extrinsic reward for target selection is insufficient ness is not necessary for value-driven attentional
for the target stimulus to acquire heightened atten- biases to develop. Value-driven attentional biases for
tional priority, which depends on mechanisms of task-irrelevant but reward-predictive stimuli have
prediction-based associative learning. been shown to be similar across cases in which par-
Another important question concerns the gen- ticipants are and are not informed of the reward
eralizability of reward learning in biasing attention structure.71 When participants are later queried
to particular stimulus features. How does the atten- about their knowledge concerning the reward struc-
tion system keep track of which stimulus–reward ture, value-driven attentional biases do not depend
associations are pertinent to a particular situation, on whether the participants correctly identified
both during learning and in the subsequent expres- the actual reward contingencies.41,56,92,93 In light of
sion of that learning? Recent evidence suggests that demonstrations that value-driven attentional biases
contextual information can play a powerful role in can occur toward stimuli that never serve as a
the modulation of value-based attentional prior- target,70–73 it would appear that the processes linking
ity. When context is manipulated by using a task- reward to stimulus features can proceed automat-
irrelevant background image, the stimulus–reward ically, tracking their co-occurrence and updating
associations that bias attention are specific to the attentional priorities accordingly.
reward that was experienced within that context.92
Similar gating of reward learning by context occurs
Representation and neural basis
when context is manipulated by spatial position,56
in a manner that is not reducible to combined Early work on value-driven attention established
spatial55 and feature34,38,39 biases. However, such robust spatial specificity underlying value-based
contextual dependencies are only observed when distraction effects, clearly implicating spatially spe-
the information provided by context provides pre- cific stimulus representations.34,39,41,47 However,
dictive information about reward, in this case indi- nonspatial information at the level of scene seman-
cating which stimulus–reward associations apply. tics can also be subject to value-driven attentional
When stimulus–reward associations are not contex- bias.52 This latter finding suggests that value-driven
tually dependent, generalization of reward learning attentional priority signals are not limited to the
to a new context can be observed.73,86 level of spatially specific representations and can
Value-driven attentional biases can be learned instead bias information processing broadly in the
fairly rapidly. For example, a single instance of face of competition for representation.

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Anderson The attention habit

As described earlier, value-driven attentional learning.76,77,100 Interestingly, attentional capture

priority appears to rely on implicit learning and by currently reward-associated stimuli is predicted
memory,41,56,71,92,93 the influence of which is by the strength of activity in the ventral tegmental
sensitive to contextual information.56,92 Value- area and substantia nigra pars compacta,51 sug-
based attentional priority is also enduring, being gesting that, in addition to stable representations
evident weeks34 and even months after learning of value in the dorsal striatum,53,75,96,97 current
has occurred, in the absence of explicit memory reward predictions can also influence attentional
for the previously learned stimulus–reward asso- selection; such a mechanism could play a role in
ciations that are biasing selection.94 This suggests reward-mediated priming.27 Also consistent with
an influence of cortically distributed memory a distinction between current and prior value
representations that contain value information representations in the control of attention is that
linked to particular stimulus properties. When value-driven attentional capture by previously
these associative memory representations are reward-associated stimuli remains robust when the
activated, attentional priorities shift to favor the current target is itself associated with reward.101
selection of stimuli that have proven rewarding in The posterior caudate is well connected to
similar situations in the past. visual cortical representations through the visual
Recent research on value-driven attention corticostriatal loop and also projects to the supe-
implicates dopamine signaling within the basal rior colliculus,97,102 which is known to play an
ganglia in mediating the value signals that guide important role in both attention modulation and
selection. In nonhuman primates, cells within the eye movements.103 Consistent with this important
posterior caudate (tail) respond preferentially to link to visual information processing, value-driven
previously reward-associated stimuli and are related attentional priority is strongly represented in
to corresponding eye movements.95–97 This same the lateral occipital complex,53 and prior studies
brain area is similarly more active when humans of value-driven attention have provided clear
process previously reward-associated but currently evidence for associated value modulating extras-
task-irrelevant distractors,53 suggesting its role in triate representations in visual cortex.51,53,104–106
the value-driven capture of attention. Evidence Feedback from the dorsal striatum to the visual
implicating dopamine signaling specifically in cortex and superior colliculus reflects one potential
the value-driven capture of attention has been signaling pathway by which value representations
provided using positron emission tomography.75 bias stimulus competition (Fig. 4A). Given its
In that study, the magnitude of distraction caused connections and strong role in habit learning,100,102
by previously reward-associated stimuli across feedback from the basal ganglia reflecting value
participants was predicted by individual differences information likely influences vision more rapidly
in distractor-evoked dopamine release within the than feedback concerning task relevance associated
right caudate and posterior putamen.75 Similar with the frontal cortex,9,107,108 which would help to
patterns of elevated dopamine release have been explain why previously reward-associated stimuli
observed in drug-dependent patients viewing can compete for selection even when inconspicuous
drug-related stimuli.98,99 and currently task irrelevant.34 Interestingly, biasing
Representations in the posterior caudate clearly signals arising from the associated value and cur-
reflect stable object values built up through rent task relevance of stimuli in extrastriate visual
experience that are distinguishable from current cortex appear to be additive in nature,106 further
expected value,97 and dopamine signaling within suggesting a distinctly value-driven contribution to
the dorsal striatum more broadly is thought to visual information processing.
play a key role in habitual responses100 and drug Object representations within the posterior basal
craving.98,99 In contrast to these stable represen- ganglia are strongly location dependent,53,95–97 pref-
tations of value in the dorsal striatum, dopamine erentially responding to stimuli within the con-
signaling in the ventral tegmental area, substantia tralateral hemifield even when unassociated with
nigra, and ventral striatum represents reward reward,95 and thus contain the spatial informa-
prediction errors that are thought to reflect the tion necessary to guide attention. Interestingly, the
teaching signals that underlie associative reward amygdala response to valent stimuli is similarly

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C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 31
The attention habit Anderson

the event-related potential over occipital electrodes

using electroencephalography,117 and value-driven
attentional capture can influence the early visual
processing of a target as reflected in the N1
component.118 Although consistent with the value-
based modulation of early visual processing in a
bottom-up fashion, the role of feedback in these
modulations is difficult to assess, and more direct
tests of value-modulated perceptual learning are
Although previously reward-associated stimuli
are capable of capturing attention even when
inconspicuous and task irrelevant,34,39,40 and even
when the target competing with the previously
reward-associated stimulus also has high atten-
tional priority (by virtue of its affective valence),119
Figure 4. Conceptual schematic of proposed feedback (A) and goal-directed attentional control has been shown to
feedforward (B) mechanisms for signaling value-based atten-
tional priority. Blue = primary visual cortex, green = lateral
modulate the effect of learned value on attention.
occipital cortex, purple = caudate tail, brown = midbrain (ven- Attentional capture by previously reward-associated
tral tegmental area and substantia nigra). Thicker lines sym- stimuli is stronger when such stimuli also possess
bolize stronger signals; curved lines symbolize feedback signals. a task-relevant feature.117,120 Attentional biases
Not shown in A are signals from the caudate tail to the superior for reward-associated stimuli are also stronger
colliculus. Schematic is depicted in the left hemisphere, as if the
stimulus was presented in the right visual field; the same prin-
when they can appear as a rewarded target,121 and
ciples should also apply to the other hemisphere/visual field. expectations concerning the target location can
Positions of the region markers are approximated from Refs. 51 modulate the attentional processing of reward-
and 53. associated stimuli.117,120,122 Mindfulness training,
which requires intense attentional focus, has been
location dependent,109–112 although the relationship shown to reduce the impact of reward-associated
between this spatially specific response and the cap- distractors on performance.123 It is tempting to
ture of attention remains unclear. Such location hypothesize the existence of a common priority map
specificity, however, highlights a direct and likely to which value-driven, goal-directed, and stimulus-
important relationship between value information driven influences contribute to the competition for
and corresponding visual information. selection. This idea has previously been suggested,13
In addition to the proposed feedback mecha- although it has never been formally tested. One
nism, there is some evidence that associated value potential candidate for this common priority
can modulate early visual representations more map is retinotopically organized regions of the
directly.113 Neurons representing particular stimu- parietal cortex, which have separately been shown
lus features may come to generate stronger signals to represent the task relevance,9,107,108 learned
when their activation is reinforced by associated value,34,53 and physical salience124–127 of stimuli.
reward feedback (Fig. 4B). There is some evidence The influence of value-driven attentional orien-
that reward prediction and reward prediction ting on information processing extends beyond
error signals are reflected in early visual cortical the level of perception. In a Stroop task, for
activity,58,114 which could serve as a teaching signal example, irrelevant reward information can
that modulates future visually evoked responses. give rise to competition for response selection
Reward-associated targets are preferentially pro- both behaviorally32 and neutrally.48 Value-driven
cessed as early as V1,115,116 and subliminally pairing attentional orienting affects the execution of goal-
reward with a particular orientation can give rise directed action in a reaching task.128,129 Attentional
to perceptual learning.44 Preferential processing processing of reward-associated stimuli predicts
of an irrelevant but previously reward-associated related economic risk taking,130 and value-driven
stimulus is reflected in the early P1 component of attentional capture can interfere with the process of

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Anderson The attention habit

value-based decision making.118 In the domain of Some limitations and outstanding issues
working memory, irrelevant reward associations
The proposed framework for value-driven attention
have been shown to bias the storage of informa-
emphasizes mechanisms by which stimuli that
tion, with previously reward-associated stimuli
predict reward gain elevated priority. Although
receiving privileged access.131,132 The presence of
stimuli that predict reward when appearing as task-
reward-associated stimuli has also been shown to
irrelevant distractors can come to capture
provide a general boost in working memory,133
attention,46,70–73 there are at least some situations in
suggesting that this benefit may not be entirely
which these same conditions can lead to facilitated
stimulus specific. In the domain of long-term
ignoring.26,30 Such facilitated ignoring of distractors
memory, the ability of contextual cues contained
that predict reward is not directly addressed by the
within scenes to facilitate target search is enhanced
proposed framework. One possibility is that stimuli
for scenes within which target localization was
that predict reward as distractors come to automat-
rewarded.134 These findings suggest a broad role
ically capture attention, but can be more quickly
for value-driven attentional processing in human
rejected when rejection is associated with reward
cognition, affecting the storage of information in
outcome. There is some evidence for selection
memory and overt behavior.
preceding inhibition in the context of strategic
Translational implications attentional control.139 Another possibility is that
fundamentally different mechanisms underlie
Studies have begun to explore the potential role the influence of reward on stimulus rejection.
of value-driven attention in information-processing The learning of value-based attentional priorities
biases known to underlie certain psychopatholo- has been shown to be sensitive to contextual
gies. Attentional biases for stimuli associated information,56,92 and the context of learning might
with drug reward have been well characterized also play an important role in determining the
in addiction.63–68 Recent evidence indicates that manner in which reward is linked to stimulus
drug-dependent patients93 and even currently non- processing, with value-driven attentional capture
dependent individuals with a history of substance being specific to situations in which orienting to
dependence135 are especially distracted by stim- a stimulus is emphasized over the suppression of
uli previously associated with nondrug (monetary) irrelevant information (such as when objects are
reward. This suggests the possibility that drug- superimposed as in Refs. 26 and 30).
related attentional biases might reflect a more gen- The proposed framework posits a specific role
eral sensitivity to the influence of reward his- for subcortical reward signals in the shaping of
tory on attentional selection. Similarly, value-driven attentional priority. In this regard, value-driven
attentional capture is positively correlated with attention might differ from other influences of
impulsiveness34,135 and is more pronounced in ado- selection history on attention,13 such as intertrial
lescence, a period of life marked by increased risk priming,140–142 statistical regularities,143–146 and
taking.136 status as a former target (under conditions with-
On the other end of the spectrum, value-driven out explicit reward).83,84 However, to the extent
attentional capture has been shown to be blunted that successful identification of a target generates
in depressed individuals.137 Coupled with findings an internal reward signal, similar learning princi-
from drug-dependent patients, this suggests that ples might apply in these circumstances. On the
abnormal sensitivity to the influence of reward other side of the reward and attention equation,
history on attentional selection may contribute to reward feedback can give rise to biases in work-
psychopathology. If attention is abnormally biased ing memory,131–133 response competition,32,48 and
by certain types of information in psychopathol- goal-directed action.128,129 The extent to which such
ogy, training attention with rewards may be useful biases reflect downstream effects of attentional pro-
in curbing those attentional biases. For example, cessing is unclear, although it seems unlikely that the
in social anxiety disorder, associating neutral faces totality of these biases is reducible to value-driven
with reward has been shown to modulate atten- attention. The influence of reward history on other
tional biases toward faces exhibiting threatening domains of information processing is beyond the
expressions.138 scope of this review.

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C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 33
The attention habit Anderson

Value-driven attention is argued to reflect an The role of awareness of the reward structure in
automatic attention mechanism that is functionally modulating attention is another area that would
distinguishable from goal-directed attention. benefit from further investigation. Awareness of the
Once stimulus–reward associations have been stimulus–reward contingencies would be necessary
learned, the orienting of attention to previously to voluntarily modulate goal-directed attentional
reward-associated stimuli is clearly not contingent priorities, playing a clear role in motivated atten-
on current task goals and priorities.34,37 It is less tion. Persistent value-driven attentional biases can
clear the extent to which the learning of value-based occur without awareness of which stimuli predict
attentional priorities is gated by goal-directed higher value,41,56,92,93 and at least under certain cir-
attention. The most compelling evidence for a dis- cumstances, informing participants of the reward
sociation between goal-directed and value-driven structure does not affect the degree of subsequent
attention during learning comes from studies in capture.71 However, our knowledge of the relation-
which attention is captured by task-irrelevant ship between value-driven attention and awareness
distractors that nonetheless predict reward;70–73 of the reward structure is still limited, as most of
such value-based selection persists even when the reported studies neither assessed nor manipu-
rewards are no longer available,73 demonstrating lated awareness. This is important, as value-driven
that it is clearly nonstrategic. This suggests that attentional biases may have multiple inputs, with
the learning of value-based attentional priorities is some of those inputs contingent on goal state (as
capable of proceeding without the goal of attending motivated by rewards) during learning and others
to the reward-predictive stimulus. Furthermore, if independent of goal state. Therefore, although cer-
value-driven attention is a reflection of the degree tain aspects of value-driven attention seem to be
to which task-related attentional priorities are unaffected by awareness, others might be affected.
reinforced, then it should be better explained by the The neural mechanisms underlying value-driven
incentive provided by reward during training rather attention are only beginning to be understood.
than its predictive relationship with target features. The contribution of a common neural currency
However, the opposite seems to be the case.82 for reward in the control of attention lacks direct
In spite of this evidence, it would be premature empirical support, and the influence of multiple
to conclude that value-driven attention does not types of reward signals on attention remains a pos-
depend on the goal state of the organism during sibility. The relationship between subcortical repre-
learning. Organisms presumably have an overar- sentations of currently expected (ventral striatum
ching goal of maximizing reward procurement, and midbrain) and learned/stable (dorsal striatum)
which gives reward-predictive stimuli a certain value in the control of attention is not well described,
degree of task relevance. The voluntary tagging of nor are the relative contributions from feedforward
a reward-predictive cue as a meaningful stimulus and feedback signaling mechanisms to value-driven
might therefore be a necessary ingredient for the attentional priority. Future research will add much
development of more enduring value-dependent needed clarity to these important issues.
attentional biases. Indeed, in all studies examining Abnormal sensitivity to value-driven attentional
value-driven attentional capture discussed here, capture has been demonstrated in addiction93,135
the reward-associated stimulus was either a sought and depression.137 The extent to which value-driven
target or a highly conspicuous distractor during attention may be implicated in other psychopath-
learning. The nature of the relationship between ologies, such as obsessive–compulsive disorder and
task-related attentional priorities and the devel- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, poses an
opment of value-driven attentional priorities has interesting question for future research. Whether
implications for how incidental the learning that such attentional biases play a causal role in addic-
underlies value-driven attention can be. Although tion and depression or whether they instead reflect
perceptual learning can progress even without a consequence of drug- and mood-related changes
awareness of the presentation of a reward-predictive in information processing, respectively, is also
stimulus during learning,44 whether the same holds unknown. In this regard, it would be informative
true for value-driven attentional capture is not for future research to examine whether value-driven
known. attentional biases can predict clinical outcomes.

34 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1369 (2016) 24–39 

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Anderson The attention habit

Relatedly, the clinical benefits of using reward train- tual modulation. Value-potentiated sensory signals
ing to curb abnormal attentional biases, as in social compete more robustly for selection, allowing them
anxiety disorder,138 have not been established and to more effectively overcome competition from sig-
should be investigated. nals arising from physical salience and current task
Through these mechanisms, organisms preferen-
There is now substantial evidence supporting the tially process information that has proven reward-
idea that attention can be value driven, with reward ing in the past, reflecting a habitual form of atten-
history exerting a direct influence on selection. Over tional selection. Such habitual attention contributes
the past few years, progress has been made toward to behavior and decision making32,48,118,128–130 and
clarifying the mechanisms by which reward history is abnormal in certain psychopathologies.93,135,137
shapes attention. When a reward is experienced, A more detailed mechanistic understanding of
sensory representations that predicted the reward value-driven attention is therefore likely to have
become prioritized. These sensory representations broad implications for our understanding of human
can reflect a variety of stimulus properties, from cognition, with both theoretical and translational
simple visual features27,34,38–41 and locations54–56 impact.
to complex objects50,51 and scene semantics,52
Conflicts of interest
and span different sensory modalities.59 The rein-
forcement of such sensory signals occurs automat- The author declares no conflicts of interest.
ically, even when they are irrelevant to the current
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