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PART 3 - TECHNOLOGY J _ WRITING EXERCISES 3.1 - 3.7 3.1 3.2 IDENTIFYING THE MAIN FEATURES: Writing Task 1: Identify 10 key features of the information given in the bar chart for the example Writing Task 1 below. Complete the sentences below the bar chart. The bar chart below shows the number of overseas students enrolled in a second year Graphic Design course at a college in the south of England. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown. KEY I Enrolled in CAD core option M.-Male students (Venroted in Photography core option F_= Female students 10 Sweden No. of Spain enrolled 8 France Germany students fiom 6 abroad 4 Syria = | 0 Mt 2M 2 Me ou FMF * CAD - Computer-Aided Design| MAIN FEATURES: 1. More students are enrolled from . than any other country. 2. The least number of students is enrolled from 3. The profiles of students from . Prateef..... and ... are similar. 4. More ....fémbe...... than .. students are enrolled in the Design College. 5. Every country except . ‘has more female students enrolled in the College. 6. The country with the most females students enrolled is. . 7. More .. than .... students are enrolled in the Photography core option from every country except . 8. Overall, more male students are enrolled in the .. 9. Overall, more 10. No Syrian core option. .. students are enrolled in the Photography core option. students are taking the Photography core option, SENTENCE INSERTION: Practice for Writing Task 1: Insert the statistical information from the graph in Exercise 3.1 into the blank spaces in the model answer on the following page and in the ‘missing sentences’ labelled ‘a’ to‘e’. ‘Then, insert the ‘missing’ sentences into the model answer. 0 202 Used Exerc for IELTS ‘WRITING TASK 1 - Model Answer: pout = Some students are enrolled in the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) core option; the others are taking Photography. para2 Overall, Sweden has the largest number of enrolled students ( ) and Syria the smallest (@__). i. sessnseeeennn ve pon (ii .. . For each nationality the males taking CAD outnumber the females, except in the case of the Syrians with « females to only male. Sweden has the most students studying CAD (C__); Spain is next with «, while France has m____ . Germany and Syria have @___ CAD students each. raat (i) - In fact, no female Syrian students are taking Photographic Design. (). According to the bar chart, students from four European countries (Sweden, Spain, France and Germany) and one Middle Eastern country (Syria) are taking Graphic Design atthe college. b. Only male from each country is enrolled in Photography, except for «i males from Spain. . As for the photography option, more females than males are enrolled from every country except Syria, 4. Students from all five countries are enrolled in CAD, but more males are taking this option than females («i and a2 ___ respectively). e. France and Spain both have «___ students; Germany has wwo__. It is noticeable that France and Germany have similar profiles. 3.3 THE TOPIC & THE TOPIC QUESTION: Writing Task 2: Circle the topic and write the topic question as a ‘wh’ or yes/no question: Example: ‘To what extent is (auclear technology) a danger to life on Earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?’ a. Computers are essential in the modern office these days. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of relying on computers to run a small business. b. Advanced medical technology can extend the life of the sick and aged to well beyond the age of 70, Discuss the possible effects of increasing natural life-span. ¢c. Mobile phones have changed our lifestyle forever, but not all the changes are for the best. Discuss the pros and cons of owning a mobile phone. 50

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