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(Rod Cross 2011)

In reality, air flowing over the surface of the ball is slowed down by friction with the
surface of the ball until it comes to rest at a point known as the separation point. As a
result, the flow of air separates from the ball at the separation point rather than
following the surface around to the rear of the ball. The air pressure drops in a region
at the back of the ball known as the wake, causing air outside the wake to flow back
into the rear side of the ball in a turbulent manner. The details are too complicated to
describe here, but the net result is that the force on the front of the ball is larger than
the force at the back of the ball, so the ball experiences a backwards drag force that
increases as the ball speed increases or, for a stationary ball, as the incoming air speed

Dalam realiti, halaju aliran udara atas permukaan bola akan berkurang. Aliran udara

At low ball speeds, the flow is laminar, unless the air encounters a seam or a rough
patch on the ball, in which case the flow becomes turbulent. As a result, the separation
point can move either closer to the front of the ball or further back to the rear side. If
the ball deflects air to the left, then the air exerts an equal and opposite force on the
ball to the right. The

(D.G. Pahinkar & J. Srinivasan 2009)

The roughness height in different patches of the cricket ball varied from 0.15 mm to 1
mm. The value chosen by Sayers [7] in his experiments was 0.3 mm, which was
chosen for present cases, so that the ratio of roughness to diameter is 0.004.

Ketinggian kekasaran adalah berbeza sekitar permukaan bola. (D.G. Pahinkar & J.
Srinivasan 2009) mendapati ketinggan kekasaran adalah antara 0.15 mm hingga 1
(D.G. Pahinkar & J. Srinivasan 2009)

Pergerakan sisi terbalik terhasil apabila halaju bola adalah lebih daripada halaju
ambang untuk sudut jahitan yang tertentu. Halaju ambang adalah berbeza bagi sudut
jahitan yang berbeza.

(Cliff Frohlich 1983)

Pada nombor Reynolds melebihi 105, daya heretan yang berlaku ke atas objek sfera
akan berkurang secara drastik kerana lapisan sempadan akan bertukar menjadi aliran

According to Fuss et al. 2012, the spin axis should be perpendicular to the plane of the
seam when bowling a

swing, in order to avoid seam wobble with reduced swing potential.

Menurut (Fuss et al. 2012) , paksi putaran bola haruslah serenjang dengan paksi
jahitan untuk mengelakkan berlakunya goyah yang akan mengurangkan keupayaan
pergerakan sisi bola.

Fuss and Smith 2013 demonstrated that the statement by Woolmer and Noakes 2008,
namely in seam bowling “the first two fingers rest on either side of the seam” and the
“first and second fingers impart equal amounts of back-spin to the ball”, is
mechanically incorrect, as the pressure centre should be approximately 10-15º off the
seam in order to avoid seam wobble

According to Woolmer and Noakes 2008, the wrist has to be kept ‘behind the ball to
prevent the seam from
wobbling in the air’. The best way of preventing seam wobble is, however, a position
of the middle finger closer to the seam

(Fuss dan Smith 2013) mendemonstrasikan kenyataan daripada (Woolmer dan

Noakes 2008) yang mengatakan bahawa dua jari yang memegang jahitan bola ( jari
telunjuk dan jari hantu ) harus diletakkan di kedua-dua belah jahitan untuk
mengelakkan jahitan bergoyak apabila bola dilepaskan oleh pembaling.

“Magnus Effect” was initially credited for the swing produced in a cricket ball.
Magnus Effect creates a side force which makes the ball swing in air when spin is
imparted on the ball. Cooke[1] rightly argued that a fast bowler imparts little or no
spin on the ball and thus there must be another factor that controls the swing of a
cricket ball. He proposed that the primary seam and surface roughness of the cricket
ball causes an asymmetric sepa- ration of boundary layer on the two halves of the ball.
This gen- erates a side force on the ball, deviating it from a straight line and
developing a swerve. He also concluded that a cricket ball cannot be approximated as
a sphere while performing aerody- namic analysis.

Pada mulanya, pesongan sisi bola terhasil daripada kesan Magnus yang menghasilkan
daya sisi ke atas bola yang menyebabkan berlakunya pesongan. Namun begitu,
(Cooke J.C. 1955) mengatakan pembaling pantas tidak memberi pemejaman sisi
semasa bola dilepaskan dari tangan. Oleh itu, beliau mencadangkan idea bahawa
jahitan utama dan kekasaran bola yang menyebabkan berlakunya pemisahan lapisan
sempadan yang asimetri pada kedua-dua belah bola. Akibatnya, bola akan mengalami
daya sis yang membolehkannya terpesong daripada laluan asal. Beliau juga
mengatakan bahawa bola kriket tidak boleh dianggap sebagai sfera apabila melakukan
analisis aerodinamik.

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