You are on page 1of 8

At]-£I - s‚ aq∂p

amk-Øn-\Iw FSpØ
]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv
t^mt´m-{Km^v ChnsS
H´n-°p-Ibpw sFU‚n
ss^bnwKv Hm^o-ksd
s°m≠v A‰Ãv
tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn‰n sNøn-°p-Ibpw thWw.

(sF-U‚n-ss^-bnwKv Hm^o-k-dpsS
HutZym-KnI ]Z-hnbpw Hm^okv koepw)

2016 Unkw-_-dn¬ \S-°p∂ πw_nwKv ssek≥kv

]co-£-bv°p≈ At]£
1. At]-£-Is‚ t]cv :
2. ÿnc-amb ta¬hn-emkw :

3. IØn-S-]m-Sp-Iƒ \S-tØ≠
]q¿Æ ta¬hn-emkw :

Csa-bn¬ A{U v /
samss_¬ \º¿ :
4. ]ucXzw :
5. P\-\-Øo-b-Xnbpw hb pw :
6. ]co-£m-tbmKyX :
7. ssek≥kp≈ πw_-dpsS Iogn¬
πw_nwKv ]Wn-bn-ep≈ {]hrØn
]cn-N-b-Øns‚ hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃
ssek≥kvUv πw_-dpsS t]cpw ssek≥kv \¬Inb tPmen sNbvX -tPm-en-bpsS
ssek≥kv \ºcpw ta¬hn-em-khpw Unhn-js‚ t]cv Ime-b-fhv kz`mhw

8. ^okv AS-®-Xns‚ hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃

(^okv AS® ckoXv shbv°-Ww)
apI-fn¬ ]d-™n-cn-°p∂ hnh-c-߃ kXy-am-sW∂v Rm≥ {]Xn⁄ sNøp-∂p.
ÿew :
XobXn : At]-£-Is‚ H∏v
2016 Unkw-_-dn¬ \S-°p∂ πw_nwKv ssek≥kv
]co-£-bv°p≈ At]£
1. Bπn-t°-j≥ ^mdhpw kne-_ pw AXmXp Unhn-j≥ Hm^o-kp-I-fn¬ \n∂v 10 cq] hnebv°v
In´p-∂-Xm-Wv. ]co£ Cw•o-jntem ae-bm-f-Øntem Fgp-tX-≠-Xm-Wv.
2. πw_nwKv ssek≥kv ]co-£bv°v At]-£n-°p∂ At]-£-I≥ ]co£m ^okmb 10 cq] (a-S-
°n-s°m-Sp-°p-∂-X-√) AS-bvt°-≠-Xpw, ckoXv ]qcn-∏n® At]-£-tbm-sSm∏w hbvt°-≠-Xp-am-
3. Hcp At]-£-I\v (]p-cp-jt\m/kv{Xotbm) ]co-£bv°v {]th-in-∏n-°-W-sa-¶n¬ Xmsg-∏-d-bp∂
hyh-ÿ-Iƒ icn-bm-bn-cn-°-Ww.
i. At]-£-I≥ Hcp C¥y≥ ]uc-\m-bn-cn-°Ww
ii. At]-£-I\v (1/07/2016-˛¬) 21 hb v ]q¿Øn-bm-bn-cn°-Ww.
iii. At]-£-I\v knhn¬ F©n-\o-b-dnw-Kn¬ Untπm-a-tbm, Bƒ C¥ym Iu¨kn¬ Hm^v
sSIv\n-°¬ FUyq-t°-j≥ AwKo-I-cn® XØp-ey-amb tbmKy-X-tbm, C≥Ãn-‰yq-j≥ Hm^v
F©n-\n-tb-gvtkm, Bƒ C¥ym Iu¨kn¬ Hm^v sSIv\n-°¬ FUyq-t°-j-t\m, \mj-
W¬ Iu¨kn¬ t^m¿ shmt°-j-W¬ sSbn-\nwtKm AwKo-I-cn® πw_nw-Kntem, km\n-
‰dn F©n-\o-b-dnw-Kntem D≈ k¿´n-^n-°t‰m D≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.
iv. At]-£-I\v ]co-£m-tbm-KyX t\Sn-b-Xn-\p-tijw ssek≥kvUv πw_-dpsS Iogn¬ Ipd-
™Xv aq∂v h¿jsØ {]hr-Øn-]-cn-Nbw (1/4/2016-˛¬) D≠m-bn-cn-°p-Ibpw Ah sXfn-bn-
°p∂ ssek≥kvUv πw_-dpsS πw_nwKv ssek≥kv \º-tcm-Sp-Iq-Snb k¿´n-^n-°‰v At]-
£-tbm-sSm∏w lmP-cm-°p-Ibpw thWw.
4. At]-£-Is‚ aq∂p amk-Øn-\Iw FSpØ ]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv t^mt´m Bπn-t°-j-\nepw
AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰nepw H´n-°p-Ibpw tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bnse Akn-Â v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv
F©n-\o-b-dn¬ IpdbmsX dm¶p≈ Hm^o-k-sdtbm tIcf Kh¨sa‚ns‚ Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-k-
sdtbm sIm≠v A‰Ãv sNøn-°p-Ibpw At]-£-Is‚ H∏v ({]-th-i\ Sn°-‰n¬) sFU‚nss^
sNøn-°p-Ibpw thWw.
5. IrXy-ambn ]qcn-∏n® At]£, hb- v, tbmKy-X, ]cn-Nbw Ch sXfn-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ k¿´n-^n-
°-‰p-If- psS Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-ksd sIm≠v A‰Ãv sNbvX t^mt´m-Ãm‰v tIm∏n-Iƒ klnXw BKÃv
20-˛mw XobXn 5 aWn-°Iw AXmXp FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b¿°v ka¿∏n-®n-cn-°-Ww.
(20/8/2016, 5 pm).

6. At]-£bpsS BZy-t]-Pn¬ At]-£-Is‚ H∏v \n¿_-‘-am-Wv. H∏v C√mØ At]-£-Iƒ \nc-kn-


{]tXyI {i≤bv°v
knhn¬ F©n-\o-b-dnwKv _ncp-Z-[m-cn-Isf πw_nwKv ssek≥kv ]co-£-bn¬ \n∂v Hgn-hm-°n-bn-´p-
≠v. F∂m¬ hm´¿ kssπ sdKp-te-j≥ {]Im-c-ap≈ a‰p \n_-‘-\-Iƒ Ah¿°pw _m[-I-am-Wv.

I¨t{Sm-f¿ Hm^v FIvkm-an-t\-j≥

]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv

tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn‰n

(sF-U‚n-ss^-bnwKv Hm^o-k-dpsS
HutZym-KnI ]Z-hnbpw Hm^okv koepw)

πw_nwKv ssek≥kv ]co£ Unkw-_¿ 2016

{]th-i\ Sn°‰v
{]th-i\ Sn°‰v \º¿
(Hm-^o-kn¬ \n∂v ]qcn-∏n-t°-≠-h)


1. ]co£m sk‚-dns‚ t]cv ]co£m kabw

FgpØp ]co£ ........................................................................
{]mtbm-KnI ]co£ ..................................................................

2. At]-£-Is‚ t]cv At]-£-Is‚ ta¬hn-emkw

- ≥ ]qcn-∏n-t°-≠X
- m-Wv)

3. At]-£-Is‚ H∏v ......................................................................

apI-fn¬ X∂n-´p≈ At]-£-Is‚ t^mt´mbpw H∏pw Rm≥ sFU‚nss^ sNbvX-Xm-Wv.

ÿew :
XobXn : H∏v, t]cv, DtZym-K-t∏cv
(tI-cf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bnse Akn-Â v
FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b-dpsS dm¶n¬
Ipd-bm-sX-bp≈ Hm^o-ktdm tIcf
Kh¨sa‚ns‚ Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-ktdm BImw)

(Hm-^okv ko¬) (\n¿t±-iß

- ƒ t\m°p-I)

4. Hm^okv D]-tbm-K-Øn-\p-am{Xw
sImSp-°p∂ XobXn

(Hm-^okv ko¬) I¨t{Sm-f¿ Hm^v FIvkm-an-t\-j≥

tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn‰n
1. At]-£I - ≥ {]th-i\ Sn°-‰nse c≠pw aq∂pw tImf-߃ \n¿±njvS ÿm\Øv At]£ ka¿∏n-°p-tºmƒ Xs∂ ]qcn-
∏n-®n-cn-°W - w. (t]cpw ta¬hn-em-khpw At]-£b
- n¬ sImSp-Øn-´p-≈h Xs∂-bm-bn-cn-°W - w)
2. apI-fn¬ sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ ÿeØv ]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv t^mt´m H´n-°p-Ibpw tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bnse Hcp
Akn-Â v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-bd- n¬ Ipd-bmsX dm¶p≈ Hm^o-ks - dtbm tIcf Kh¨sa‚ns‚ Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-k-
sdtbm sIm≠v A‰Ãv sNøn-°p-Ibpw thWw.
3. At]-£I - ≥ At]-£m-t^mdw ]q¿Æ-ambn ]qcn-∏n-®n-cn-°W
- w. ]q¿Æ-a√- mØ At]-£I - ƒ \nc-kn-°p-∂X
- m-Wv.
At]-£-I-\p≈ \n¿t±-i-߃
1. {]th-i\ Sn°-‰n¬ X∂n-cn-°p∂ ssSwtS-_nƒ A\p-k-cn®v ]co£ \S-Øp-∂-XmWv. ]co-£m¿∞n-
I-fpsS enÃn¬ Hmtcm ]co-£m¿∞n-Ifpw Ah-c-h-cpsS t]cn\p t\tc H∏n-tS-≠-Xm-Wv. A√m-Ø-
]£w Ah-cpsS DØ-c-°-S-emkv Akm-[p-hm-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv.
2. {]th-i\ Sn°‰v ]co£m kq{]-≠ns\ ImWn-®m¬ am{Xta ]co-£bv°p {]th-in-∏n-°p-I-bp-f-fq.
At]-£-I¿ At]£ ka¿∏n-°p-tºmƒ Xs∂ {]th-i\ Sn°-‰n¬ Ah-cpsS aq∂p-am-k-Øn-
\Iw FSpØ ]mkvt]m¿´v sskkv t^mt´m-{Km^v \n›nX ÿeØv H´n-®n-cn-°p-Ibpw t^mt´mbpw
H∏pw hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bnse Akn-Â v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b-dn¬ Ipd-bmsX dm¶p≈
Hm^o-k-sd-s°mt≠m tIcf Kh¨sa‚ns‚ Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-k-sd-s°mt≠m sFU‚nss^ sNøp-
Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-°-Ww. {]th-i\ Sn°‰pw sFU‚n-^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰pw No^v kq{]-≠n\p
]cn-tim-[n-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn ]co-£m¿∞n Ac aWn-°q-sd-¶nepw t\ctØ Xs∂ ]co£m lmfn¬
lmP-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. {]th-i\ Sn°‰v Hcp {][m\ {]am-W-am-Wv; ]co£ ]m m-bm¬ πw_nwKv
ssek≥kv In´p-∂-Xn\v _‘-s∏´ A[n-Im-cn-bpsS ap∂n¬ {]th-i\ Sn°‰v lmP-cm-t°-≠-Xn-
\m¬ {]th-i\ Sn°‰v kq£n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.
3. {]th-i\ Sn°‰v \ºcpw ]co-£-bpsS t]cpw hnj-bhpw am{Xw DØ-c-°-S-em-kns‚ BZy t]Pn¬
\n›nX ÿeØv Fgp-Xn-bm¬ aXn. At]-£-Is\ Xncn-®-dn-b-Ø-°-hn[w t]tcm, {]th-i\ Sn°‰v
\ºtcm, as‰-s¥-¶n-eptam DØ-c-°-S-em-kns‚ as‰mcp `mKØpw Fgp-Xm≥ ]mSn-√. {]th-i\
Sn°‰v \º¿ Fgp-Xm-Xn-cn-°p-I-tbm, \n›nX ÿm\Øv icn-bmbn Fgp-Xm-Xn-cn-°p-I-tbm, DØ-c-
°-S-em-kn-s‚bpw AUo-j-W¬ jo‰n-s‚bpw at‰-sX-¶nepw `mKØv Fgp-Xp-Itbm sNbvXm¬
DØ-c-°-S-emkv Akm-[p-hm-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.
4. \oe-tbm, Idpt∏m ajn D]-tbm-Kn-®-√msX Fgp-Xp∂ DØ-c-°-S-em-kp-Iƒ Akm-[p-hm-°p-∂-Xm-
5. ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ ]c-kv]cw Bi-b-hn-\n-abw \S-Øp-∂Xpw t\m°n-sb-gp-Xp-∂Xpw shfn-bn¬
\n∂p≈ Bfp-I-fp-ambn Bi-b-hn-\n-abw \S-Øp-∂Xpw A\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.
6. ]co£ XpSßn Ac-a-Wn-°q-dn¬ IqSp-X¬ sshIn-sb-Øp∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-Isf ]co-£-sb-gp-
Xm≥ A\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√. ]co£ XpSßn Hcp aWn-°q-dn\Iw lmfn\p ]pd-Øp-t]m-Ip-∂Xpw
DØ-c-°-S-emkv kq{]-≠ns\ Xncn-t®¬∏n-ImsX t]mIp-∂Xpw A\p-h-Zn-°p-∂-X-√.

At]-£-I≥ ]co-£m-lm-fn¬ Fs¥-¶nepw sX‰mb \S-]-Sn-Iƒ \S-Øn-bm¬ lmfn\p shfn-bn¬
]d-™-b-bv°p-∂Xpw No^v kq{]≠v hm´¿ AtXm-dn‰n A[n-Im-cn-Iƒ°v dnt∏m¿´v sNøp-∂-Xp-am-
Wv. Aßs\ kw`-hn-®m¬ tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn‰n {]kvXpX At]-£-Is‚ DØ-c-°-S-emkv
Akm-[p-hm-°p-∂Xpw At]-£-Is\ πw_nwKv ssek≥kv ]co-£bv°v Ccn-°p-∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw
ASpØ aq∂v h¿j-tØbv°v XS-bp-∂-Xp-am-Wv.

{]tXyI {i≤bv°v
{]th-i\ Sn°‰v Fgp-Øp ]co-£bv°pw {]mtbm-KnI ]co-£bv°pw πw_nwKv ssek≥kv \¬Ip∂
ka-bØpw lmP-cm-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.
Following syllabus shall be followed for the examination for the grant of Plumbers Licence with regard to written

A. Theory Examination

(a) TIME : 3 HOURS

(b) Maximum Marks : 100 .......................... (Minimum for pass - 50)

(Multiple Choice Questions - 25 marks, Short Answer Questions (2-3 sentences) - 25 marks.
Descriptive Questions - 25 marks, Questions Connected with Sketches - 25 marks)


1. Regulations of KWA governing supply of water, knowledge of procedure to obtain water connection in new
2. A sound knowledge of codes of practice and specifications published by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
Water Supply and Water Supply fittings.
3. Hydraulics-discharge through orifice, flow in open channel, flow in pipes, hydraulic gradient, design of
distribution system for colonies and housing estates.
4. Pipes-materials, common sizes, pipe flow equations, incrustations, pipe jointing, laying of pipes and selec-
tion of size.
5. Fixtures-specials, appurtenances etc.
6. Tapping of mains, ferrules, Corporation cocks, meters etc.
7. Small size pumps-different types as may be required for plumbing of water to storage reservoirs, merits and
demerits, selection of a type.
8. Storage reservoirs-underground surface, overhead as may be needed for maintaining satisfactory supply of
water within the premises, capacity, construction features, precautions to avoid contamination of water.
9. Public health hazards of faulty plumbing, cross connection back-siphonage etc. remedies.
10. Disinfection of water-chemicals to be used, mode of disinfection.
11. Significance of routine chemical and bacteriological report on water samples.
1. Regulation of KWA governing drainage in buildings.
2. A sound knowledge of codes of practice and specification published by the Indian Standards Institution of
building drainage, septic tanks and sanitary appliances and fittings.
3. Sewer materials-kinds, merits and demerits, factors governing choice.
4. Different types of sanitary latrines.
5. Hydraulics of flow in sewers-common formulae, use of pipe flow charts, hydraulic elements charts, design
of small sewerage system as may be required for housing estate and colonies.
6. Manholes, drop manholes, catch pits, grease traps, various types of traps.
7. Ventilation of sewers.
8. Sewer laying and jointing-stoneware, concrete, brick, pvc.
9. Classification of house plumbing systems, two-pipes, one pipe, single stack (partially ventilated) and single
stack system, their merits and demerits.
10. Testing of traps and fixtures-hydraulic testing and smoke testing of house drainage system.
11. Maintenance of house drainage-cleaning and testing.
12. Septic tanks for household-design, construction, disposal of effluent; design of soil absorption system.
13. Public Health hazards of faulty plumbing for drainage.
B. Practical Examination : Maximum Marks 100 (Minimum for pass - 50)
Examination shall consists of a practical test relating to plumbing operation. Field testing may be laid out
as may be considered suitable by the examiners. The candidate shall also appear for a viva voce before the
examiners which may cover all aspects of Plumbing Licence as detailed in the syllabus for written paper.
Reference Book : ‘Plumbing’ by B. Jayapalan
πw_nwKv ssek≥kv ]co£ ˛ 2016
At]-£n-°p-∂-h-cpsS {]tXyI {i≤bv°v
1. 1/7/2016-˛¬ 21 hb v ]q¿Øn-bm-bn-´pt≠m?
2. ]co-£m-tbm-KyX t\Sn-b-Xn-\p-tijw tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS ssek≥kv D≈ πw_-dpsS
Iogn¬ 1/4/2016-˛-\Iw Ipd-™Xv aq∂p h¿jsØ {]hrØn ]cn-Nbw t\Sn-bn-cn-°-Ww. AXv
sXfn-bn-°p∂ {]hr-Øn-]c - n-Nb k¿´n-^n-°‰v Xmsg ImWn-®n-cn-°p∂ amXr-Ib
- n¬ {]tXyIw
Xøm-dm°n lmP-cm-°W - w. At]-£t- bm-sSm∏w e`n-°p∂ amXrIm {]hrØn ]cn-Nb k¿´n^n°-
‰n¬ ]qcn-∏n®v lmP-cm-°p∂ At]£ \nc-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv.

{]hrØn ]cn-Nb k¿´n-^n-°‰v (am-Xr-I)

XobXn ...............................................

{io ............................................................................................ Fs‚ Iogn¬ πw_-dmbn C∂ XobXn apX¬

C∂ XobXn hsc tPmen sNbvXn-cp∂p/ sN-øp-∂p F∂v Rm≥ km£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-\-\p.




πw_nwKv ssek≥kv
Hm^okv ko¬

3. At]-£-bnse t^mt´m-bnepw {]th-i\ Sn°-‰nse At]-£-Is‚ t^mt´m-bnepw At]-£-Is‚

H∏v sFU‚nss^ sNtø≠ ÿeØpw tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bnse Akn-Â v FIvkn-
Iyq-´ohv F©n-\o-b-dpsS dm¶n¬ Ipd-bm-sX-bp≈ Hm^o-k-tdm, As√-¶n¬ tIcf k¿°m-dnse
Kk-‰Uv Hm^o-ktdm Bbn-cn-°Ww H∏v CtS-≠-Xv. aq∂p ÿe-ß-fnepw H∏v CtS≠ Hm^o-k¿
Hcmƒ Xs∂-bm-bn-cn-°-Ww.

4. At]£mt^mdØnepw {]th-i\ Sn°-‰nepw At]-£-I≥ H∏v tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´n-s√-¶n¬ ]co-

£bv°v ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√.


Name of applicant with name of Division :

Whether examination fees paid (Rs. 100/-) :

Whether citizen of India :

Whether the applicant had completed 21 years of

age as on 01/07/2016 :

Whether the applicant is educationally qualified

for the examination :

Whether the applicant had produced the attested

copies of age proof and educational qualification
showing documents :

Whether the applicant had produced the experience :

certificate showing his/her experience under a
licenced plumber with date of issue and period of
experience with the name and Licence No. of the
Licenced Plumber who had issued the experience

Whether the applicant had filled the application :

and hall ticket correctly with the signature on the
application form and hall ticket

Whether the applicant’s photographs and the :

identification space, attested by an officer not
below the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer in
KWA or by a Govt. Gaztt. Officer

Other remarks if any :

The application is (Strike out which is not applicable)

Controller of Examination
Plumbing Licence Examination

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