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Personal Hygiene

Good personal hygiene means maintaining your body by keeping it clean and groomed. In fact,
good hygiene is an important part of helping you to feel confident about your body and yourself. If
you have poor personal hygiene, you may have problems with not only your appearance but also
your health. By understanding what causes issues with personal hygiene, you will be able to come up
with solutions to improve your hygiene and prevent potential health problems.

Bad Breath

Bad breath involves the air that you exhale out of your mouth being distinctive, unpleasant and
offensive. Causes of bad breath may include an abscessed tooth, cavities, taking large doses of
vitamin supplements, smoking, dentures, an infection of the throat, certain foods and beverages and
poor dental hygiene, according to MedlinePlus. To combat bad breath, brush your teeth and floss at
least twice a day and avoid cigarettes. Despite the claims, using mouthwash does nothing to treat the
problem causing the bad breath. If your bad breath persists, schedule an appointment with your

Sweating and Body Odor

It is completely normal and healthy to sweat when you are hot, when you physically exert yourself or
when you are anxious, nervous or under stress. Although sweat is odorless, it may lead to body odor
once it combines with the bacteria on your skin. If you sweat excessively or do not sweat at all when
you probably should, you should contact your doctor, as this may be a cause for concern. Over-the-
counter antiperspirants and deodorants may solve normal body odor resulting from sweating. If
neither of these products works, your doctor may try aluminum chloride, which is available only by
prescription. Bathing on a daily basis and frequently changing your socks are other options that may
aid in eliminating your body odor.


Acne is the result of your pores becoming clogged with excess oil and dirt. While adolescents going
through puberty are most at risk of developing acne, it can occur at any age. Hormonal changes and
certain types of drugs, such as estrogen, testosterone and steroids may cause acne as well. To treat
acne, gently cleanse your skin with a mild soap no more than two times each day. Avoid the urge to
pick at or squeeze your pimples, as scarring may occur. If you have oily hair, wash it on a daily basis.
If none of these options work, medications are available both over the counter and by prescription.

Facts About Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to cleaning, grooming and caring for your body at the most basic level.
While personal hygiene helps you put your best foot forward, the Better Health Channel says that it
is also one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from illnesses and diseases such
as head lice, pubic lice, body lice, ringworm, scabies, pinworms, Hepatitis A and athlete’s foot. Good
personal hygiene also keeps bad breath and body odor at bay so your friends will want to stick
Many infections, like colds and the stomach flu, are the result of bringing germ-filled, unwashed
hands into contact with your mouth. Other infections are contracted when you eat food that has
been contaminated by the dirty hands of other people. Make a rule of always washing your hands
and wrists before making or eating food, after using the toilet, after touching animals and after
coming into contact with someone who is sick, sneezing or coughing. Use hot water and vigorously
rub soap over your palms, back of hands, wrists, fingers and under the fingernails for at least 20

Put Your Best Smile Forward

Poor oral hygiene can lead to tooth decay, bleeding gums, periodontal disease and even loss of teeth;
but aside from working to prevent cavities, brushing your teeth and tongue helps to keep your
breath fresh so you don’t scare off your friends and family. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a
day -- once in the morning and once before bed -- but brushing after each meal is ideal. Brush the
outer and inner surfaces of the teeth and the front and back of your tongue. If you can't find the
time to brush, at least floss. Flossing removes decay-causing bacteria that is lodged between teeth
and hiding from toothbrushes.

Say No to B.O.
Body odor is caused by a number of factors, including the chemicals in sweat, the waste secreted
through the skin, bacteria that lives on the skin, and unwashed clothes. Keep your body smelling
sweetly by taking daily showers. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to wash your face and ears. Opt
for a scented or non-scented moisturizing body wash to cleanse your body, and thoroughly wash
your genital area with a gentle, non-scented soap. Always scrub between your toes and under your
feet, and use a nail brush to remove the dirt from under your toe nails. Wash your hair and scalp
with shampoo at least twice a week.

It's That Time, Again

Women should take extra care to keep the genital area clean during menstruation. Wash the external
area as you normally would with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Change tampons and sanitary
napkins at least four to five times per day. If you have a heavy cycle, you may need to change them
more frequently. Wash your hands thoroughly both before and after changing your tampons and
sanitary napkins. Do not wear a tampon to bed; leaving a tampon in overnight can encourage
bacterial overgrowth that can lead to toxic shock syndrome, a potentially fatal bacterial infection.
The Better Health Channel warns against using douches or any other internal cleansers, as this can
disrupt the vagina's natural environment.

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