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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn

Madhusudan R.S. + Fo llow

Fl ow Pumpen profi le

Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps

Published on June 19, 2018

This article is continuation of the previous article on this same topic in my linkedin wherein
a Video was shown demonstrating the Excel Calculation with a Picture of the impeller
generated from the Excel for a quick check.

These are typical real time calculations done for the design of#lmpeller and Volute for
pumps. After the design calculations the Pump was also prototyped, tested and launched.

1n the previous article the equations could not be published due to memory space issue.
Hence the equations are presented here in the logical sequence in which design calculations
are to be done.

Classification of Pumps R.S .Mad hu su dan

l> • ~··

~ i

(Roell')' Pos.
N,- 27 DisplKfflltfll) 273 l7JJ 27,JJO

o,; 0.0 1 0. 1 10

Specific Speed, Os - 0
4,, Domains of
Rotor typN

N{1J>m) • 4Q(p} }
'OTE ,{Ns.(US.) - r~ n(!t.)J'/' -n, x 2733

FIGURE 8 Optimmn geometry as a function of BEP speci fic s1>eed Ifor s ingle stage roLOrs t.


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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn

Specific Speed R.S.Madhusudan

Madhusudan R.S. + Fo llow

Flow Pumpen profile

Pumps of the same Ns but of different size are considered to be geometrically similar, one pump being a size-factor of
the other.
Spec ific speed Calculation :
The following formula is used to determ ine specific speed:
Ns = N' Q•0.51 H•(S/4)
Where a is the Volume flow rate at the Best Efficiency point
H is the Head per stage at the same Best Efficiency Point at the Maximum impeller dia at the same speed
N is the Impeller rotation speed

As per the above formula, it is defined as the speed in revolutions per minute at which a geometrically similar
impeller would operate if it were of such a size as to deliver one gallon per minute flow again st one-foot head.
The understanding of th is definition is of design engineering significance only, however, and specific speed
should be thought of only as an index used to predict certain pump cha racteristics.
Specific speed as a measure of the shape or class of the impellers The specific speed determines the general
shape or class of the impellers .
As the specific speed increases, the ratio of the impeller outlet diameter, D2 , to the inlet or eye diameter, D 1,
decreases. This ratio becomes 1.0 for a true axial flow impeller.
Radial flow impellers develop head principally through centrifugal force . Radial impellers are generally low flow
high head designs.
Pumps of higher specific speeds develop head partly by centrifugal force and partly by axial force. A higher
specific speed indicates a pump design with head generation more by axial forces and less by centrifugal
forces. An axial flow or propeller pump with a specific speed of 10,000 or greater generates its head exclusively
through axial forces. Axial flow impellers are high flow low head designs.

Specific speed identifies the approximate acceptable ratio of the impeller eye diameter (01 ) to the
impeller maximum diameter (02) in designing a good impeller.
Ns: 500 to 5000; 01 /02 > 1.5 - radial flow pump
• Ns: 5000 to 10000; 01 /02 < 1.5 - mixed flow pump
Ns: 10000 to 15000; 01 /02 = 1 - axial flow pump
Specific speed is also used in designing a new pump by size-factoring a smaller pump of the same
specific speed. The performance and construction of the smaller pump are used to predict the
performance and model the construction of the new pump.

Maximum Efficiency of Pump R.S .Madhusudan

• Better efficiency will reduce Carbon Foot Print

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,-...,,,,,-- ,..,.,...
.......... ,_ ;:,,.

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/ ./
. r/
n.ow ·- ,....


uoo •.ooo

n.ow - ·- ......

Mess aging

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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn

Efficiencies for different Specific speeds R.S.Madhu sudan

Madhu sudan R.S. + Fo llow

Flow Pumpen profile


.. -
• •

Non Dimensional Parameters of Pump R.S.Madhusudan

g. ;\H = - - - ~~-.m-
.. ijl ~

U, 2 . 11 ~ r /



FLOW } / 1
(b) COEH ICI ENT 0 5 .., Q n r!

Overall Efficiency
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -R.S.Madhusudan
P, j,H Q
TJ = ps X 6.H
X Q +Q
= 1'/m X 1'/HY X TJ ,

"Mechanical"} = P, = P - Po
Efficiency T/,,. P P

Hydra ulic} = 6.H = 6.H, - "i. HL

Efficiency T/ HY j,H; j,H,

Voltunetric} Q
Efficiency T/v = Q + Q L

Messag ing

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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn

Flow through a Radial flow Impeller R.S.Madhusudan

Madhusudan R.S. + Follow

Fl ow Pu mpen profile

Eulers Equation for Energy Transfer R.S.Madhusudan

P1 = (m + rhL) x (U2V0, 2 - U 1V0, 1)

g t).H < ..i (UVo)

g ..iH, = ..i (UVo)

Continuity: Q = 27Tl·bV,,.

wher e lV = V,,/sin f3r

Kinematics: V0 = U - ll' cos f3r

Euler's Equation for Head and Power output R.S.Madhusudan

• The Euler's equation for Head is as following

H,uiec = (U2 Cu2- U1 Cu 1)I g (Eq .1)
For entry without prewhirl U1 Cu1= 0, Inlet velocity Triangle with zero
• Therefore for such cases pre whirl
• H,uie, = U2 Cu2 I g (Eq.2)

Power p Eu = p Q gHEu
Substituting Q= TT D2 b 2 Cm2

and also H Eu f rom Eq.2 we get

H Eu = U2( U2 • Cm2 Cot 13 2) I g

P Eu = TT D, b, c m, ( u, -Cm2 Cot 13,) u,


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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn

SLIP FACTOR R.S.Madhusudan

• A •

Madhusudan R.S. + Follow

Flow Pumpen profile

True Posibon

µ=1- .a_sinBl
Z . [ 1-(Cm--/ u,)
Sin 13, J
The number of blades can be taken between 6 to 8.
With this the slip factor can be calculated.

Pfleiderer's correction for correcting the Hlh ·inf to H1h is done using
CPwhich is calculated as following
CP = 2. 'l'/[Z.{1-(r1/r2) 2 }]
• Where 'I'= 1 to 1.2. [ 1+ sinl3 2 ] . (r1/r2)
higher value is to be used for impeller without guide vanes .

Incidentally it may be noted that the Slip factor given by

Stodola can be approximately related to Pfleiderer's coefficient
µ= 1/(1 + CP)
Typically for Z=7, 13 2=27 , Cm2=3.36, U2=28.3 we get µ=0 .78
whereas Cp=0 .33 and the RHS of above Eq comes to 0.75
Dipole movement of Ethanol

Calculating Actual Head from Euler Head using

Slip factor and Impeller efficiency R.S.Madhu sudan

H actual = llh µ HEuler

Substituting HEule,
we get
' HAotual = 'lh µ (U, .lg). (U, - Cm, I Tan 13,, )

Then the following velocities are

cm1 = Kcm1 ·-,/ ( 2-9- Hduty)
Cm2 = Kcm2 · -,/ ( 2 -9· Hduty )

• The velocity just before entry to the impeller may be

taken as
• co= 0.8 to 0.9 c m1
• From the above D1 is fixed higher than the D0
• U1 = TT D1 N / 60


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Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps | LinkedIn


Madhusudan R.S. + Follow

Flow Pumpen profile
I a1 I P1- \..m1 'u 1 opposite
• the actual value of 13 1 is made higher by 2 to Side
6° as it is known to improve the Suction
capacity and the Efficiency.
For this number of blade Z is calculated using the equation by
Pfleiderer in his paper in Die Krieselpumpen is used,
Z = 6.5 (02+01)/ (02-01)* Sin 13m
The blade thickness 't' is taken depending on the size of the pump
Pitch S 1 = TT. 0 1 ./ Z

The vane contraction factor is calculated as q, = S 1 / (S 1 -t / Sin . j3 1 )

This is the factor (q, > 1 ) by which the inlet passage width is to be
increased to account for reduction in flow passage due to the vane
width .
With this b 1= q>. Q/[Cm,· TT. 01 ]

Calculation of outlet vane angle R.S.Madhusuda n

• Tan 132 = Cm 2 / (U 2 - Cu 2) ............ Eq.4

" H Eu= Hdevp X (1+Cp)/l")h

• But H Eu, = U2 cu2 Eu, in/g Exits~

• and Hdevp = U2 Cu2dev/g
• From the above equations we get
" Cu2 Eu,= C u2devpX (1+C p)/1") h
• Using the value of C in the Eq.4 we can
calculate the Vane o~\f~t angle required for best

Only fluid exit from pump, not Peop le

Calculation of Impeller outlet dimensions


In the method of Hydraulic design as described

in the Pump Hand book by Karassik et. al. (3 rd
edition) the worked out example therein
selects a value of [3 2 as 22.5 deg ..

U2= Cm/(2. Tanj32 ) + [{Cm/(2. Tanj3 2 )} 2+g.H,h x(1+C.)]°" 5

Where H,h = Hi 11"

• 13, is assumed around 22

• With the above equations the U2 is calculated .

• With the value of U2 the D2 is calculated
• Then the ljJ , Cp, Z and in turn U2 and D2 are
recalculated till we get the same value of U2 and D2.
• An improvisation to the above procedure proposed in this
paper is to recalculate every time the value of 13 2 ,as per the
condition of best efficiency i.e. using the equation


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