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1- What's the most important determinant of subarachnoidal block height?

Baricity, barbotage, level of injection

2- CVP: right ventricle pressure, wedge pressure
3- All safe if porphyria except: thiopental
4- Fat embolism except: hypertension
5- best preventive method for post-op ARF: dopamine, lazix, hydration,
6- Little confused in speak, obeys command, open eyes to pain: GCS 12
7- Inserting Iv cannula in cubital fossa and got pain on lateral forearm, which
nerve? Laternal cutaneous nerve, median
8- Which opiod has metabolie with cns toxicity? Sufentanyl, fentanyl, morphine
9- All decrease FHR variability except: atropine, glycopherate, proplanolol,
10- ASA
11- How many grams of dextrose in 1 L of dextrose?
12- Risk factors for ventricular dysfunction except: female, low ej fraction pre op
13- Pancuronium increased induction dose and decrease maintenance dose in:
renal failure, fever
14- GA in 56 year old with bowel obstruction aspiration, we put 100% O2, next
what to do? Dexamethasone, bronchoscopy
15- 3rd Burn in 1 hour all happen except: hypotension
16- All happen in preg except: decrease fibrinogen
17- Complication of meperidine except: increase in biliary pressure, hypotension
18- All potentiate NM block except: hypercalcemia
19- C6 injury risk for injury during: intubation, positioning?
20- LMA: good for protection from aspectrium (I don't know what they mean by
21- CI to RADIAL line except: ET, shift of curve to left
22- Pregnancy what happens: decrease TV and increase RR.

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