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Digital Style

Author(s): Mario Carpo

Source: Log, No. 23 (Fall 2011), pp. 41-52
Published by: Anyone Corporation
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Accessed: 27-06-2016 09:41 UTC

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Mario Carpo

Digital Style

Architecture was an early adopter of digital tools. Starting

from the early 1990s, digital design theories pioneered and
often anticipated the digital turn. Now gone mainstream,
digital technologies seem to be nurturing a new and pervasive
style of digital making - but not the one architects had in
mind, and not one all architects may like.

l. The New Digital Science of the Many

Francis Galton was a late-Victorian polymath, half-cousin of

Charles Darwin, a descendant of Quakers, and, among other
things, one of the fathers of eugenics and the inventor of the
weather map and the scientific classification of fingerprint-
ing. In one of his last writings he also tried to account for a
statistical quirk he had stumbled upon: in some cases, it seems
possible to infer an unknown but verifiable quantity simply
by asking the largest possible number of random observers to
guess it, and then calculating the average of their answers. In
the case studied by Galton, a group of farmers tried to estimate
the weight of an ox put up for auction at a country fair, and
the arithmetical mean of all answers came closer to the actual
weight than each individual guess. In modern statistical terms,
the accuracy of the average increases in proportion to the
number of opinions expressed, regardless of the expertise of,
or the specific information available to, any of the observers.
Galton's experiment suggests that, if there is a way to
gather the knowledge of many, a group may end up knowing
more than even the most knowledgeable of its members; and
if this is true for the weight of an ox displayed at a country
fair, this may also apply to more complex cases, including que-
ries with no known answers. Possibly due to his eugenic creed
(and the related belief, still shared by many, that sometimes
the opinion of some should count more than the majority's),
Galton failed to remark that his theory of collective intelli-
gence validates the most radical interpretations of the princi-
ple of universal suffrage: the more people vote, and the more
votes that are counted, the better the decisions a democratic
community can make, even on subjects on which most voters
know nothing at all. In the case of elections, the technology


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needed to tap the wisdom of crowds is an easy one, and rela-
tively time-tested: each person should simply cast a vote (by
show of hands in a public assembly or, in absentia, by ballot,
mail, etc.).
The classical theory of the marketplace offers another
case in point, which Galton similarly failed to take into
account: market prices are determined by the fluctuations
of supply and demand, which are in turn more efficiently
matched when more participants can more easily and freely
interact with one another. In Adam Smith's classic formula-
tion, this interaction ("the invisible hand of the market")
transforms the individual interests of each into the best deci-

sions for all (in this instance, the price that will best allocate
limited resources in a free market economy). To help buyers
and sellers meet, the world of commerce has always been
quick to adopt all kinds of new information and communica-
tion technologies, but the spirit of the game has not changed
significantly since the beginning of time: traders reflect and
express all the information they have in the prices they agree
to, and the crying out of bids on an exchange (or any other
technologically mediated version of the same) is the market's
classic tool to garner the knowledge of many - from as many
1. James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds sources as possible.1
(2004; repr. New York: Anchor, 2005), esp.
chapters 1, 11, 12.
For the last 20 years or so, computers and the Internet have
2. See the afterword added to the 2005
offered unprecedented possibilities for gathering and exploit-
edition of Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds ,
273-82; and Howard Rheingold's pioneer- ing the wisdom of crowds, and in more recent times Galton's
ing Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution curious experiment has become a common reference for ad-
(Cambridge: Perseus, 2002).
See the vast literature on the so-called epts of the so-called Web 2.0, or the participatory Web.2 Before
Efficient-Market Hypothesis.
the economic meltdown in the fall of 2008, many thought that
4. Trademarked by Google and named after
Larry Page, cofounder of the company. the newly deregulated financial markets, enhanced by digital
technologies, had attained an ideal state of almost perfect ef-
ficiency, where the frequency and speed of limitless and fric-
tionless transactions would make market valuations more

reliable than ever before.* Later events have proven that those
new digital markets were no more infallible than all previous
ones, but in other instances digital technologies may have
made a better use of Galton's theory. The success of Google's
search engine is famously due less to its power of information
retrieval - any computer can do that - than to the way Google
ranks its findings. These are now increasingly personalized
(adapted to the customer's profile, Web history, or location,
for example), but the original PageRank algorithm4 priori-
tized Google's search results based on the sheer quantity and
quality of links between Internet (HTML) pages. As in the
scholarly system of footnote cross-referencing, which is said

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to have inspired the PageRank algorithm, these links were first
established by the authors themselves, then added to by many
others; hence Google's celebrated claim to use "the collective
5. This famous statement appeared on intelligence of the Web to determine a page's importance."5
Google's corporate Web site (http://www. as late as
Taken to the limit, the apparently banal combination of
June 27, 2011 (see "PageRank," Wikipedia, search and ranking may have staggering epistemic implica-
accessed August 1, 2011, n. 4), but at
the date of writing (August 1, 2011) the tions. The universal searchability of "big data," as these re-
chapter on search relevance appears to have positories of digitized information are often called, may make
been rewritten to take into account the
customization of search results. the very same methods of experimental sciences obsolete.
Modern science in the empiric and positivist tradition observes
the regularities that occur within a corpus of events, infers
general rules from them, then uses these rules to predict new
events of the same kind. That method was suited to a universe

of knowledge constrained by a penury of available data; it

becomes unnecessary in a world where all events are recorded
and retrievable, and - theoretically - the search for an exact
precedent may be more effective than an analytic calcula-
tion of consequences. A search of the universal archive of all
collapsed steel structures, for example, could retrieve an exact
analogue for the behavior of any given steel structure, and
hence supersede all traditional calculations based on the law
of elasticity and the rules of construction science. If this may
appear far-fetched, a similar statistical approach is already in
use in fields where digital data abound and traditional causal
functions do not work well, such as weather forecasting.
In other cases the search for a social precedent (rather
than a material one) has already replaced the traditional re-
liance on the rules or laws of a discipline: for example, when
we choose a linguistic expression or syntagm based on the
number of its Google hits, we trust the wisdom of crowds in-
stead of the rules of grammar and syntax. Of course, the rules
of grammar and syntax themselves are born out of the au-
thority of precedent, as for the most part they formalize and
generalize the regularities embedded in the collective or lit-
erary use of a language. But in this instance a simple Google
search can de facto short-circuit the laborious scientific pro-
cess of the constitution of the rules of a language, thus mak-
ing all traditional sciences of language unnecessary. Not by
science, but by search we can draw on the collective intelli-
gence of a group, be apprised of the frequency of an event (m
this instance, a linguistic occurrence within a community of
speakers), and act accordingly. Thanks to the searchability of
big data, we can not only find without sorting, we can also
predict without knowing: what happened before (if found)
will simply happen again.

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2. The Style of Many Hands

The making of objects appears to be, intuitively, a quintes-

sentially participatory endeavor, as large or complex objects
in particular must often be made by many people, and their
design must draw from the skills of many specialists. Contrary
to this matter of fact, starting with early modern humanism,
Western culture has built a cultural system where works of the
intellect, regardless of their material complexity, are expected
to be ideated by an individual author and to be the expression
6. Early modern authorship rose in sync of one mind.6 This applies to media objects (texts, images,
with print technologies, which favored
a new format of identically reproduced,
music, etc., which today exist primarily as digital files) as well
"authorized" textual versions protected as to physical objects (chairs, buildings, clothing, cookies, and
and separated from the permanent drift
of scribal copies. Not coincidentally, that soft drinks), as since the rise of the modern authorial para-
notion of authorship is now being demoted digm in the Renaissance it is expected that physical objects
by the new variability of digital media.
On this general topic see Mario Carpo, The should be designed prior to being made; all their creative value
Alphabet and the Algorithm (Cambridge:
is ascribed to their design or notation, which is a pure piece of
MIT Press, 2011).
7. On the difference between "information information - a media object like any other.7 But the ways to
products" and "physical products" in user-
solicit, collect, and marshal the opinions of many in the mak-
centered innovation and peer production,
see Eric von Hippel, Democratizing Innovation ing of intangible media objects are not any easier. The collec-
(Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005), esp. 1-6.
tive creation of a piece of intellectual work cannot be reduced
to the expression of a vote or a number to be counted or aver-
aged, respectively - even though many of today's "social me-
dia" are in fact reduced to doing just that, or little more. This
is where today's digital technologies could be a game changer.
Unlike documents in print, digital notations can change
anytime, and every reader of a digital file can, technically,
write on it or rewrite it at will: in the digital domain every
consumer can be a producer. Moreover, unlike radio or tele-
vision, the Internet is a symmetrical information technology
- whoever can download a file from the Internet can, theo-
retically, upload a similar one. This technical state of perma-
nent interactive variability offers unlimited possibilities for
aggregating the judgment of many, as theoretically anyone
can edit and add to any digital object at will. But if interven-
tions are to be open to all, and open-ended in time, as per
Galton's model, any change may randomly introduce faults or
glitches (the equivalent of a statistical deviation), which will
in turn be fixed only by some subsequent intervention. The
development of the object will hence inevitably be erratic and
discontinuous. Fluctuations will diminish as the number of
interventions accrue, correcting one another, and the object
converges toward its state of completion (the analogue of a
statistical mean), which will be achieved at infinity, when all
participants have interacted with all others in all orders, and
the knowledge of all has merged into a single design.

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As infinity is seldom a viable proposition for human
endeavors, most models of aggregatory versioning must in-
troduce a cut-off line somewhere, and maintain some form
of moderation or supervision all along. Yet, no matter the
varying degrees of authority that may be exerted to curb
its randomness, the logic of convergence to the mean of the
statistical model still defines most practical strategies deriv-
ing from it. In order to self-correct, the process must remain
open to as many agents and for as long as possible. This is easy
for some media objects, such as a Wikipedia entry or open-
source software, which may remain variable forever; less so
for a design notation, for example, the development of which
must be arrested in time before the object can be fabricated
or built. It also follows that at each and every point in time
the object will be to some extent deviant from its theoretical
state of completion, hence, to some extent, faulty. Any digital
object in a state of permanent development is, by definition,
never finished nor ever stable, and will be forever functioning
only in part - hence always destined to be, in some unpredict-
able way, in part nonfunctioning.
Indeed, daily experience confirms that most digital ob-
jects seem to be in a state of permanent drift. Beta versions,
or trial versions, are the rule of the digital world, not the
exception - even commercial software, which after testing is
marketed and sold, is constantly updated, and paying custom-
ers are often referred to users* forums (that is, to the wisdom
of crowds) to address malfunctions in proprietary, commer-
cial software. And this is not accidental: most things digital
are permanently evolving into new versions that may not be
in any way more stable or permanent than the present one, as
the open-ended logic of "aggregatory" design must by defini-
tion apply at every step and at all times. It may appear coun-
terintuitive that the iron law of digital notations (at its basis a
binary system that consists only of zeroes and ones, and noth-
ing in between) should have spawned a new generation of
technical systems deliberately meant to work by hit-or-miss,
and a technical logic based on an intrinsic and quintessential
state of ricketiness. Yet, against the dangers of unpredictable
mutations, contemporary digital culture has already largely,
albeit tacitly, integrated the good old precautionary principle
8. A Web search on the exact phrase "ways of redundancy: most digital systems offer an often confusing
to get to the same result" returns thousands
of hits from all sorts of software tutorials, variety of ways to achieve the same result - evidently hop-
often claiming that this heuristic approach ing that glitches may not affect all at the same time.8 As most
makes learning more natural, spontaneous,
or amusing. things today are digitally made, designed, or controlled, this
evolutionary, "aggregatory" logic of permanent interactive

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versioning may well be one of the most pervasive technical
paradigms of our age, of which traits can already be detected
in every aspect of our technical environment - and, increas-
ingly, in our social practices as well.
There was a time, not long ago, when each household in
Europe and North America had a fixed telephone line. Bar-
ring major calamities, that telephone line was expected to
work - even in a major calamity it was the last technology to
fail. For some years now, synchronous voice communication
has been delivered by a panoply of different means: analog
fixed lines, where still extant; fixed lines that look like tele-
phones but are in fact VoIP in disguise; cell phones, "smart"
phones, DSL or cable-connected computers, wirelessly con-
nected computers (via domestic Wi-Fi, local broadband, or
WiMax, etc.), each of the above using a different network
and protocol to communicate. We need so many options be-
cause some of them, when called upon, will most certainly
not work. Not surprisingly, in the digital domain, versioning
and redundancy are far from being simple technical strate-
gies. Given the technical conditions described above, they are
fast becoming a mental and cultural attitude, almost a way of
thinking. The logic of the "aggregatory" mode of composi-
tion posits that each agent be allowed to edit at will, but an-
ecdotal evidence, corroborated by a significant body of texts
and software compiled by interactive accrual, suggests that
each new edit may more easily add new data than erase the
old, except to the extent that the erasure is functionally in-
dispensable. As a result, obsolete data are often carried over
and neglected, rather than deleted; in software writing whole
chunks of script are simply shunted, but left in place, so they
may eventually be retrieved. Some authors seem to be ap-
plying the same principle, more or less deliberately, to texts
- and not only for electronic publication.
In the humanistic and modern authorial tradition most

objects of design (whether physical or media objects) bear

the imprint of an intelligence that has organized them with
rigor and economy, and the precise fitting of their parts is
often the most visible sign of an invisible logic at work, fol-
9. Alexandre Koyré, "Du monde de l"à peu lowed by the author who conceived the object and nurtured
près' à l'univers de la précision," Critique
28 (19+8): 806-23; reprinted in Koyré,
its development. According to a famous essay by Alexandre
Etudes d'Histoire de la Pensée Philosophique Koyre, first published in 1948, precision is the hallmark of
(Paris: A. Colin, 1961), 311-29. Much recent
scholarship in the history of science has modernity in all aspects of life and science.9 But collaborative
dismissed Koyré's view of a clear-cut design environments seem to be following a different logic.
linear progression from ancient negligence
to a modern and quintessentially Western Particularly in the digital model of open-ended aggrega-
quest for exactitude. tion, the effectiveness of the result is achieved not by dint of

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authorial precision, but through approximation, redundancy,
and endless participatory revisions. Objects that are made by
many hands show the signs of many styles. Many Wikipedia
entries, for example, are extraordinarily informative, and
most open-source software works well, or no worse than any
equivalent commercial software. But regardless of their use
value, the textual writing of most Wikipedia entries, as well
as the mathematical writing of most open-source software,
is redundant, circuitous, and fragmentary. In contemporary
software parlance, a quick fix that will debug or update a
piece of script is commonly called a "patch," and patchiness
is fast becoming a common attribute of all that is composed
digitally: patches of script are added when and where needed,
and so long as the resulting text does what it was meant to do,
no one cares to rub off the edges or to smooth out its texture
any further. Sometimes, as in the case of software scripting,
the patchiness of the script will be seen only by specialists;
sometimes the end product itself may appear patched up, as
most Wikipedia entries do, although no one seems to care.

3. Building: Digital Agencies and their Styles

This new, "aggregatory" way of digital making may equally

affect buildings, insofar as digital technologies are implied in
10. Interactivity and variability are their design, realization, or both.10 Indeed, digitally designed
considered here only as attributes of the
design process and as reflected in architec- architecture is even more prone to participatory modes of
tural notations, which are pure data. The agency, as from its very beginning the theory of digital design
material variability or interactivity that
may be built in some architectural works has posited a distinction in principle between the design of
or design pieces is likely to be much more
some general features of an object and the design of some of
limited in scope, and is not relevant to
this discussion. its ancillary, variable aspects (often defined as parameters in
11. Carpo, The Alphabet and the Algorithm ,
83-93, 123-29.
mathematical functions, hence the term parametric to denote
this mode of design). The designer of the general function
may set the limits of variation for each parameter but hand
down their determination to some later and possibly indepen-
dent agent. As this pattern may repeat itself several times over
in the same sequence, the theory of parametricism (which in
its philosophical definition goes back to Gilles Deleuze's and
Bernard Cache's theory of the Objectile) implies a model of
layered authorship and favors an actual devolution of agency,
from the primary author (the designer of the general system)
to one or more secondary interactors (who will customize
or finalize some aspects of the general design and adapt it to
an individual, specific event). This model of split agency has
accompanied digital design theory from its beginnings in the
early 1990s, and has prompted several forms of hybrid agency,
some more participative, some less so.11

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From the early modern, humanistic invention of archi-
tecture as an art of design, architects have often fought to in-
crease their control over the making of form, and it stands
to reason that many architects today may not be willing to
relinquish their hard- won authorial privileges. One need
not be conversant with the history of Renaissance theory to
sense that without the Albertian ideal of absolute, authorial
control by design on all aspects of building, the very same
modern definition of the architectural profession may be at
stake. Sure enough, it is possible (but not easy) to use digi-
tal tools counter to their inherent variability. The participa-
tory logic of parametricism can be more easily restrained by
shifting all authorial roles, primary and secondary alike, to
only one agent, and many digital creators today are doing just
that, albeit often unaware of the stance they are taking and
of its wide-ranging implications. This strategy, in the best-
case scenarios, may create new figures of digitally empowered
craftsmen, or master builders, where digital tools are used to
mass-produce individual variations at affordable industrial
costs, at the small scale of prototyping and fabrication, as well
12. This process is also known as "non- as at the bigger scale of building and construction.12
standard" manufacturing, or digitally
supported mass-customization.
This authorial approach to digital design and production
1?. Gilles Deleuze, Le pli : Leibniz et le has so far been characterized by the production of smooth
baroque (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1988);
The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque , trans.
and curved lines and surfaces, a trend so conspicuous and
Tom Conley (Minneapolis: University of novel that curvilinearity, in its various denominations and
Minnesota Press, 1993)- See Carpo, "Ten
Years of Folding" introduction to the declinations, is now often seen as the hallmark of the digital
reprint of Architectural Design 61 (1 990» turn in architecture. The affinity between digital tools and
Profile 102 : Folding in Architecture , ed.
Greg Lynn (London: Wiley- Academy, round shapes may appear baffling and arbitrary: computers
2004), 6-14.
are famously versatile machines, and they can produce blobs
14. From a different position and with
different arguments, Patrik Schumacher as well as boxes, indifferently. Yet unlike boxes, objects with
recently argued for somewhat similar
conclusions. For an epitome of his theory,
very complex geometrical shapes and free -form objects (such
see his "Parametricism and the Autopoiesis as potatoes, the continuous surfaces of which cannot be writ-
of Architecture," Log 21 (Winter 2011):
63-79. In the present article, however,
ten down as a mathematical function) can only be produced
parametricism is defined as a technology, at affordable costs using digital technologies. Hence, curves
not a style; the style of curvilinearity is
seen here as one among other styles of can express and even symbolize the formal possibilities of
digital form making, albeit - historically digital tectonics better than any other shape; in the early '90s
- the defining one. For another mode of
digital agency, often called biomimetic this technical truism also crucially crossed paths with a com-
or morphogenetic, see Carpo, "The
plex weave of postmodern philosophical arguments, epito-
Craftsman and the Curator," Perspecta 44,
Domain (2011). The morphogenetic theory mized by the work of Gilles Deleuze, and particularly by his
of "emergence" posits that variations
book on the "fold."13 Neither geometry nor postmodernity
can be self-selecting as the result of an
interaction between code, automatic having significantly altered their course since, this prima
or machine controlled generation, and
external conditions. maniera of digital design is likely to continue unabated for
some time to come. Its fully authorial mode makes it particu-
larly fitting for the crafting of unique objets d'art, regardless
of scale - from jewelry to signature skyscrapers.14

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Parametricism, however, is only one aspect of the digital
turn in architecture. Participatory agencies also occur and are
prominent in other technologies for digital design, such as the
family of software known as BIM, or Building Information
Modeling, which for the most part developed independently
of the more tectonically oriented CAD-CAM of the '90s. The
spirit of BIM posits that, through the use of a shareable infor-
mation model, all technical agents participating in design and
construction should collaborate from the beginning, and that
design decisions should be agreed upon by all parties (clients,
designers, and contractors). In such instances, architectural
authorship might take the form of some consensual "lead-
ership," curiously resembling the organization of labor that
prevailed in late -medieval building sites before the rise of
15. See Peggy Deamer and Phillip G. Albertus modern authorial paradigm.15 Architects frequently
Bernstein, eds., Building (in) The Future:
Recasting Labor in Architecture (New York:
blame BIM for its bureaucratic bias, and the technology was
Princeton Architectural Press, 2010), in indeed developed primarily for managerial, not design purposes.
particular Bernstein's essay "Models for
Practice: Past, Present, Future," 191-98, on The participatory logic of BIM, however, also differs from the
the transition from modern architectural
digital "aggregatory" model in some essential aspects.
authorship to digitally supported project
"leadership." On the same topic, see also Participation in BIM-based design is by invitation only,
Bernstein, "A Way Forward? Integrated
Project Delivery," Harvard Desim Maqazine
and invited participants are limited to technical agents -
M (2010): 74-77. whereas one could imagine a variety of other parties inter-
ested in the development of a building, including end users,
communities, and even citizens. Moreover, contrary to the
principle of aleatorie accrual from independent contributors
in the digital, open-ended model, BIM decision making is
based on a negotiated consensus among few parties, a practice
that may remind architects of what used to be called "design
by committee." According to a popular proverb among the
design professions, "A camel is a horse designed by a com-
mittee." Apparently implying that committees are not good
designers, the proverb is also curiously attributed to Sir Alec
Issigonis, the idiosyncratic engineer who himself conceived
one of the most remarkable camels in the history of the auto-
mobile, the 1959 Mini. In fact, on closer scrutiny, it seems that
committees are more likely to endorse consensual, generic
solutions than a specific, and possibly brilliant, but unconven-
tional idea, such as a camel, or the Mini (both strange looking
if compared, respectively, to a horse or to British cars of 1959,
yet both more suitable than their standard mainstream coun-
terparts for traveling in the desert or facing fuel shortages in
London after the Suez Canal crisis). BIM design processes, as
currently envisioned, encourage technical agents to come to
some form of middle -ground compromise at all stages of de-
sign, and invite expert feedback and social collaboration, but

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for the same reason they may also favor team leadership over
competence, or safe and bland solutions to the detriment of
riskier but innovative ones - including unusual, bold, or
assertive formal solutions, shapes, and styles. This regression
toward a consensual mean may be the most significant con-
tribution of BIM technologies to architectural visuality -
a leveling effect that may apply to the making of the most
iconic, monumental buildings (Gehry Technologies has
developed its own BIM platform, which it also sells to third
parties) as well as to countless nondescript utilitarian build-
ings, where BIM technologies are already employed by the
construction industry, without fanfare but with significant
time and cost savings.
The digital model of open participation by accrual does
not work that way, and in architecture it may arguably lead to
very different visual consequences. Following the time-tested
example of open-source software, architectural authorship
might be succeeded by some form of mentoring and supervi-
sion, where one agency or person initiates the design process,
then monitors, prods and curbs, and occasionally censors the
interventions of others. The social, technical, and theoretical
implications of this way of design by curatorship are vast and
16. In a strange and visionary book that is mostly unheeded.16 Its effects on designed objects, and on our
one of the foundations of the open-source
movement, Eric S. Raymond called the designed environment at large, could be equally momentous.
initiator and moderator of an open-source Regardless of the amount of supervision that must be brought
project a "wise leader" and a "benevolent
dictator." Eric S. Raymond, The Cathedral to bear at some point, either by human or by machinic inter-
and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and
vention, physical objects designed by participatory aggrega-
Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary
(Beijing: O'Reilly Media, 1999), 101-02, tion will most likely show some signs of the approximation,
111. See also Carpo, "The Craftsman and
the Curator." redundancy, patchiness, and disjointedness that are the hall-
mark of all that is designed by many hands, and resultant
shapes are likely to be a far cry from the polished curvilinear -
ity and manicured smoothness till now associated with digital
design. If a visual analogue is to be found in the history of
digitally designed architecture, the forthcoming aggregai ory
style should rather relate to Peter Eisenman's deconstructivist
formalism of the late 1980s. The parallel is not entirely fitting,
as Eisenman's visual parataxis was quintessentially autho-
rial - the excruciatingly detailed and finicky executions of
the design of just one mind, in the purest Albertian notational
tradition. But Eisenman's deconstructivist manner is often

seen today as a direct historical precedent, as well as a mid-

wife, of the digital turn. Traces of its fractured disjunctions
can be found in much of the digitally inspired architecture
that followed in the 1990s and to this day. If this interpreta-
tion is confirmed, Eisenman's deconstructivism would turn

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out to have been a more accurate anticipation of the culture
and technology, and of the spirit of the digital turn, than the
age of the folding curve that followed deconstructivism in
17. On the role of digital tools in the design the 1990s.17
and construction of Eisenman's AronofF
Center for Design and Art, University Contrary to deconstructivism, however, the forthcoming
of Cincinnati (1988-1996), see David
aggregatory style is likely to be characterized by visual dis-
Gosling, "Peter Eisenman: Addition to the
College of Design, Architecture, Art and junctiveness as much as by some degree of messy exuberance,
Planning," Architectural Design 67 (Sept.-
and its formal randomness or ricketiness might lead to dimin-
Oct. 1997): iii-xi; and in the same issue,
Charles Jencks, "Nonlinear Architecture: ished visual significance, and even border on some loss of vi-
New Science = New Architecture?" 7.
sual relevance: visual forms that change too often, widely, or
18. On one fully fledged application of
digital parametricism that highlighted casually might no longer be seen as intentional visual signs, as
user interaction and participatory design,
Bernard Cache's Tables Projective* (2004),
no one could tell what they were meant to resemble, or even
see Carpo, The Alphabet and the Algorithm , if they were ever meant to look like something else in the first
103-04 and 157 n. 48.
19. See, for example, Architectural Design 81,
place. As in the premodern age, the symbolic and indexical
special issue, Profile 210: Protocell Architec- value of such visual signs would once again compensate for
ture, Neil Spiller and Rachel Armstrong,
eds. (March- April 2011): 17, where the
their iconic deficit. In modern terms, such absence of visual
design of new materials (including, more conformity would count as an absence of form. Yet similar
esoterically, the design of living materials
suitable for building) is explicitly pre- states of apparent formlessness, often meaningless to modern
sented as the new technological frontier
of architecture.
eyes, were perfectly functional in the visual economies that
preceded modernity - just as they may become functional
again in the visual economies of postmodernity.
Nothing proves that this is the future of digital design
in architecture - or, as some would have it, the next levia-
than around the corner. But this is the direction that digital
culture and technology at large seem to have taken. Should
architecture follow suit, architects would indeed lose some
of their modern authorial privileges as makers of form, but
they might also gain other things in exchange, including the
possibility of becoming (or becoming again) more than fash-
ionable haberdashers. Yet, for some time now the discourse
on digital technologies in architecture has been remarkably
glum. Recent digital design theory has often been regurgitat-
ing arguments that for the most part hark back to the 1990s,
as if nothing worthy of notice had happened since. The par-
ticipatory turn, which has been at the center of digital culture
since the mid 2000s, has gone mostly unnoticed among archi-
tectural theoreticians and digital designers, some of whom
pride themselves on using open-source software, but few or
none authoring open-ended design - architectural notations
that others could modify at will.18
Faced with some unalluring prospects in the digital
domain, some architects have already started to look else-
where for the next big technical thing;19 others have gone
nostalgic for the age of the blob, even as a second generation
of blobmakers is now emerging; or nostalgic for the age of

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mechanical precision and for the elegant economy of means
that minimalism so poignantly celebrated, and which some
are now reenacting using the very same digital tools that have
already made mechanical precision and authorial control a
thing of the past. For all the reasons mentioned above, digital
minimalism is a contradiction in terms. These, and other
symptoms of disillusionment, despondency, and even malaise
that are noticeable among digital designers today, seem to
suggest that the digital turn in architecture may have lost its
capacity to inspire, or that it may have taken a turn that, this
time around, architects are not willing to follow.

Mario Carpo teaches at the

School of Architecture of Paris-

La Villette, at the Georgia

Institute of Technology, and at
the School of Architecture of
Yale University. He is the author
of The Alphabet and the Algorithm


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