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What Is Trench Foot?

 Pictures

 Symptoms

 Causes

 Diagnosis

 Treatment

 Outlook

 Q&A

Trench foot, or immersion foot syndrome, is a serious condition that results
from your feet being wet for too long. The condition first became known
during World War I, when soldiers got trench foot from fighting in cold, wet
conditions in trenches without the extra socks or boots to help keep their feet

Trench foot killed an estimated 2,000 American and 75,000 British soldiers during
Since the infamous outbreak of trench foot during WWI, there’s now more
awareness about the benefits of keeping your feet dry. However, it’s still
possible to get trench foot even today if your feet are exposed to cold and
wet conditions for too long.

Keep reading to learn more about trench foot and what steps you can take to
treat and prevent it.

Trench foot pictures


Trench foot symptoms

With trench foot, you’ll notice some visible changes to your feet, such as:
 blisters
 blotchy skin
 redness
 skin tissue that dies and falls off

Additionally, trench foot can cause the following sensations in the feet:

 coldness
 heaviness
 numbness
 pain when exposed to heat
 persistent itching
 prickliness
 tingling

These symptoms of trench foot may only affect a portion of the feet. But in
the most severe cases, these can extend over the entire feet, including your

Trench foot causes

Trench foot is caused by feet that get wet and don’t dry off properly. It’s also
most common in temperatures of 30˚F to 40˚F. However, trench foot can even
occur in desert climates. The key is how wet your feet get, and not necessarily
how cold they are (unlike frostbite). Standing in wet socks and shoes for a long
period of time tends to make it worse compared to other activities, such as
swimming with water shoes.
With prolonged cold and wetness, your feet can lose circulation and nerve
function. They are also deprived of the oxygen and nutrients that your blood
normally provides. Sometimes the loss of nerve function can make other
symptoms, such as pain, less noticeable.

Over time, trench foot can lead to complications if left untreated. These

 amputations
 severe blisters
 an inability to walk on affected feet
 gangrene, or tissue loss

 permanent nerve damage

 ulcers

You may also be more prone to complications if you have any wounds on your
feet. While recovering from trench foot, you should be on the lookout for
signs of infection, such as swelling or oozing of any wounds.

Diagnosing trench foot

Your doctor will be able to diagnose trench foot with a physical exam. They will
look at any injuries and tissue loss and determine the extent of circulation loss.
They may also test out nerve function by seeing if you can feel pressure points
on your foot.

Read more: 3 massages for pressure points on your feet »

Trench foot treatment
As medical professionals have learned more about trench foot, treatment has
evolved. During WWI, trench foot was first treated with bed rest. Soldiers were
also treated with foot washes made from lead and opium. As their conditions
improved, massages and plant-based oils (such as olive oil) were applied. If the
symptoms of trench foot got worse, amputation was sometimes necessary to
prevent circulation problems from spreading to other areas of the body.

Today, trench foot is treated with relatively straightforward methods. First,

you’ll need to rest and elevate the affected foot to encourage circulation. This
will also prevent new blisters and wounds. Ibuprofen (Advil) can help alleviate
pain and swelling. If you can’t take ibuprofen, your doctor may recommend
aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce pain, but these don’t help with
the swelling.

Early symptoms of trench foot can also be treated with home remedies.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can employ
some of the same techniques as you would with frostbite. Here’s what you
should do:

 take off your socks

 avoid wearing dirty socks to bed
 clean the affected area right away
 dry your feet thoroughly
 apply heat packs to the affected area for up to five minutes

If symptoms of trench foot fail to improve after home treatments, it’s time to
see your doctor to avoid any complications.
When caught early, trench foot is treatable without causing any further
complications. One of the best ways to avoid the symptoms and health risks of
trench foot is to prevent it altogether. Be sure to have extra socks and shoes
handy, especially if you’re outdoors for any significant period of time. It’s also
beneficial to air dry your feet after you wear socks and shoes — even if you
don’t think your feet got wet.

Q&A: Is trench foot contagious?

Is it contagious?

Trench foot is not contagious. However, if troops are living and working in
similar conditions and not taking care of their feet, many soldiers can be

Healthline Medical TeamAnswers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is
strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.

Article resources

Waspadai Penyakit Trench foot Saat
Musim Hujan
Trench foot adalah kerusakan anggota badan terutama kaki akibat kelembapan
atau suhu dingin. Awalnya kaki akan terlihat seperti melepuh, pucat,& berkerut.
Setelah itu kaki akan terasa kesemutan, kaku, dan berat. Kemudian kaki akan
membengkak, merah, dan terasa sakit.

Nah untuk menghindari penyakit Trench foot di saat banjir, pastikan kalianuntuk
selalu menutup luka dengan rapat terutama didaerah kaki, atau lukanya jangan
sampai terkena air banjir.

Tak hanya itu, kalian juga harus selalu menjaga kebersihan tubuh, terutama
bagian tangan, wajah, dan mulut dari air banjir yang kotor karena adanya bakteri.

Pastikan juga untuk sering mengganti pakaian atau kaos kaki, serta sepatu yang

Sering-seringlah mengecek keadaan kaki dan tubuh kamu setidaknya sehari sekali
untuk melihat gejala penyakit atau luka terbuka yang bisa menjadi pintu masuk
bagi parasit atau bakteri berbahaya

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