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Seleeted Eibliography

Abbatc, Carolyn. ltt Search of Opera. Princetor.r, NJ: Princeton University Press,200l.
Ablinger, Peter. "À Lettcr Irrorn Schoenbelg Readir.rg Piece rvìth Player Piano." Accessecl
Janualy 9, 20 i 0. http://ablingcr'.rnr-u'.at/txt-cpr3schoenbclg.html.
r\blinger, Pcter. "Peter Ablir.rger": Weissi\{¡eisslich 1B (1992/96)." ALrgust 25,2006.
Accessed Janualy 2, 2009. http://ablinger' B.htrnl.
Ablinger, Peter. "l)ie I(lirnge intelessieren nlich nicht/lhe Sounds Do Noi Intelest Mel'
In Llörett lúretr/Henrirry Listening, ecìited by I(atja Iìlomberg, 93. 1ìerlin: H¿rus arlr
\{¡alc1scc, 2008.
r\blirrger, Peter. "I(eine Überschrejtturg/No 1ì'ansgression." Lr 17órert hören/Hearitrg
Lisíerùrrg, eclited by l(irtja Blornberg, 89-98. Llerlir.r: H¿rus arn \Valclsee, 2008.
ACl' UP. "Let thc Iìccorcl Sl.rorv . . l' New Nluseurr Digital Archive. Accessecl lannaly
28, 20ß.littp://\\rrìlLlseur11.olg/
oc(-lìl t etìCe lrl/ I 5li.
Adorrro,'Ilreoclol W. Aestlrctic Thcory (I970). Transl¿rted by Robelt FIullot-I(r:ntor'.
E.1itc(l by Cìrc[el Aclorno ¡ncll{olf Ticderrnanrì. Ncrv York: Bloomsbur},,2013.
Aclorrro, flreodol' \\1 "Commitlnentl' In t\eslhetics nnd Pnlitics: '[he I{e;, T'exts of tlrc
Classic Debate ¡,ithitt ()ertnan Nl.:Lrxisrn. f'r'ansl¿rtec'l by Flances McDonagh arrd
ilonald Tirylor. Fìclited by ìlonald Taylor', Roc|rey Lir.ingstone, Perry Anderson, ancl
Fr'¿urcis Mull'reln. Nerv York: Verso, 1977.
Aclortro, Tl'reoclor'\{{ "Music, Languirge, Corr1rosition (1956):' Lssays on Nlusic.
Tlarrsl¿rtecl b1, Snstrn 1I. Gillespie, l13-226. Bclkeley: Ur.rivcrsity of California Pless,
Aclorncr, Tlreodor W. Introductíott to the Sociologl, oJ Music. 'lhanslated by E. ß. Ashton.
Ner'v Yorh: Continuurr, 1988.
Aclolrro, Theoclor W."Nndelcurt,e¡tl' Musiltbliitter des AtiltrtLch l0 (Febluary 1928):
47 -50.
-r\clorno,'lhcodor \\¡. "'Ihc CuLves of the Neeillel' Tlanslatccl Lry Thorntrs Y. Levin,
October 55 (Winter'1990): 48-55.
¡\lex¡rrcler Alberlo. "Reconsiderir.rg Conceplr-ral Art, 1966 19771'In Conceptuol Art:
t\ Critical Attl /iolog1,. þ.di1gd by Alexancler Albelro and Blalie Stimsor.r, xvi-xx-rvii.
Canrbridge, It4A: NIIT Press, 1999.
Ältìrtrsser, Lt-¡ttis. Lenitt atd Philosoplq,, ond Otlrcr Essnl,s. Nerl' York: Nlorrthly Reyierr',
Selected Bibliography 2t5

Althusser, Loris. Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings, 1978-87. Edited by

François Matheron and Oliver Corpet. Translated by G.M. Goshgarian. London:
graphy Verso, 2006.
An Evening with Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz with Gregg Bordowitz and Pauline
Oliveros. Roundtable discussion. Museum of Modern Art, May 19,2014.
Attali, facques. Noise: The Political Economl of Music. Minneapolis: University of
Princeton University press, 2001.
Minnesota Press, 1985.
g Piece with Player piano." Accessed
"Badiou VS Zi¿ek - Is Lacan An Anti-Philosopher? 061'YouTube, November 26,2012.
Accessed December 31,2013.
| (1992196):' August 25, 2006.
Barad, Karen M. Meeting the (Jniverse Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement
ofMatter and Meaning.Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
rt/The Sounds Do Not Interest Me."
Barrett, G Douglas. "speaking Volumes." Recess, May,2013.
a Blomberg, 93. Berlin: Haus am
Barrett, G Douglas. "Uitra-red, URXX Nos. 1-91' Tacet: Sound in the Arts No. 4. Sounds
:ssion." In Hören hören/Hearing
ofUtopia/Sonorités de l'utopie (|anuary 2016): 540-55.
in: Haus am Waldsee, 2008.
Barrett, G Douglas. Two Transcriptíons/Ode to Schoenberg, 2013. httryl lgdouglasbarrett.
)igital Archive. Accessed fanuary
Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photogrøp\ry. New York: Hill and Wang'
ated by Robert Hullot-Kentor.
Baudr¡ Jean-Louis. "Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatts!' FiIm
rlew York: Bloomsbur¡ 2013.
Quarterly 28, no. 2 (Winter, 197 4-7 5): 39-47.
nd Politics: The Key Texts of the I
BBC News. "Russian MPs back harsher anti-blasphemy law." April 10, 2013.htlp:l
ed by Frances McDonagh and
Livingstone, Perry Anderson, and
Bennetts, Marc. Kickingthe Kremlin: Russia's New Dissidents and the Battle to Topple
Putin. London: Oneworld, 20 14.
n (1956)i' Essays on Music. Berlant, Lauren. Cruel Optimism. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
ley: University of California press,
Bernstein, Anya. 'An Inadvertent Sacrifice: Body Politics and Sovereign Power in the
Pussy Riot Affairl' Critical Inquiry 40, no. I (Autumn 2013):220-4L Accessed
Music.Translated by E. B. Ashton.
November 14,2014.
bo dy-politics-and-sovereign-power-in-the-pussy-rio.
; Anbruch 10 (February 1928):
Bersani, Leo. Is the Rectum a Grøve?: And Other Essays. Chicago: Universily of Chicago
.nslated by Thomas Y. Levin,
Beuger, Antoine. "Grundsätzliche Entscheidungenl' In MusikDenken: Texte der
Wandelweiser-Komponisten, edited by Eva-Maria Houben and Burkhard
1966-1977 :' In Conceptual Art: Schlothauer, 116-121. Zirich: Edition Howeg, 2008. Published online 1997.
r and Blake Stimson, xvi-xxxvii.
Accessed |uly 3, 2011.
Bijsterveld, Karin. Mechanicøl Sound: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise
;ays. New York: Monthly Review, in theTwentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,2008.
Bishop, Claire. Artifcial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship.
London: Verso,2012.
2t6 S ele cted B iltli ographl,

llochrrer, Mel. "'1hc seÌ'ial Attitude l' In concephnl Art: A critical Arúhology,
eclitecl by
Alexanelel Alberlo ancl Blakc Stirnson, 22-27. catnbtjrlgc, MA: Mlr press,
Bonds, Mark Evan. Absolute lv[usic: The Ilistoty oJ An tdea. Ne,,v york:
Unìr'elsity Press, 20 L4.
Ilonds, lVfark Èr'an. "lclealisln ancl the Aesthetics ol.htstmtlental Music at thc
Til.n of
tlre Nirretcerlth Ccntury." /ournal of the Anrcricart )\tlusicLtlogical Society 50, ¡o.
(Srrmmer-Autumn, 1 997) : 387 - 42.0.
Borclor'itz, Gregg. Gerterul ltlea: Intagevi¡ Loltcloll: Afterall, 2010.
Borenstein, Seth "NASA'Io Privatize Space havel Âftcr Last Sl.mttle Lancls."
Posf. Jr-rrre 20,201l. http://trvlrl'rLrfhngtonpost.conl20IIl0Tl2)/nasa-pr.ivatize-
sptrce-future-changes-n_905 I B6.html.
Boln, Georgin¿r. "sonncl StLrclies / Music / Aflect: year Zero, Eucornpassment,
Dillcrence?" Lecture. Current Musicologl,--5¡¡¡., Annit,ersnry Cor¡f,erence. Nerv york,
March 28,2015.
lìorn, Georgina. Introcluctiort to Music, sotncl nnd spacc: 'ti.ansþrrtntiotts of pubtic
and Priyate Þ)xperience. Eclitecl b1' Geor.gina Born. Canrbriclgc, UI(: Cambr.iclge
Univelsity Pless, 2013.
Boru'r'iand, Nicolas. Relntionol Aesthetics. Dijon: Lcs prcsses clu réel, r9g812002.
llrassicr', Ra¡ Mftll [Jnl¡owt¡]: Enlightenntent and Extincr.ion. Basingstohe: palgrave
B¡olvl-t, Natharl. "Tl"re Spcculatìve and the Speciflc: On anc'| lVleillassoux.,,¡,r
'llre Speculative'üu'tt: Continental
X4aterillisnt ¡mti llenlisttt.lvlelbolrrne:,
201l, I42-6,t.
Lìr'yanski, (lleb. "Russian Patliarch Calls PLrtin Era'Milacle of Gocll" RetÍers. Febr.uary
B, 2012. http://uk.r'euters.conr/alticlc/ 2012l02l0Bluk-mssizr-putin-religion-
idUKTRES 1 72" 2Y20120208.
Blyant, Levi lì., Nich sniiceh, ancl claharn Flarman, ec1s. zle spectlatit,e,
Contitte tttal Materialism and Realisn. Melboul.lte:, 20 I 1.
lìuck-Molss, srrs¿ur. ?7¡e origirt oJ Negative Diarectics:'lheodor w. Atlort,n, walter
Benjanùn ottd the Frorilcfurt InstittÍe. Nerv york: Free, 1977., c)ksana. "-rhc Lal agzrinst the lìye: vcr.tov's symphony.,, I(ieler Beitrrige zur
t'ilnmusilc;f'orschutg2 (2008): 1,12-58. PLrblishecl onlirre. http://rvu,rv.lìhrunnsik.ur-ìi-
kiel. clelbeitlaege.hrrn.
lltilgcr', Petcr.'lheoryoJ tlrc Avnrtt-Gnrde. 'rr.anslatec,l by À4ichael Sharv. NIi¡¡eapolis:
Urrir.elsity of Mirrrresota press, i984.
Cage, lohn. 4'-33". Ner.v Yorlt: Henmat lrress, 1962.
cage, Jolrn. t\ Yeur Ji'on Montlay: Ne',, Lectures md writirtgs. Micldletorvn: wesleyar.r
Ul"river sity Press, i 967.
cage, John. "nefense of satie (1949):' rn Jolu.t cage: An Anthology, ec,lited
by Ricl.rarcl
Kostelanetz, 77-84. Ner.v york: Da Capo, 1991.
Selected Bibliography 2t7

I Critical Anthology, editedby cage, John. Empty words: writings'73-'78. Middletown: wesleyan university Press,
ridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999. 1981.
ea. New York: Oxford Cage, lohn. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,
umental Music at the Turn of cesare-Bartnicki, T. Nikki. "The Aestheticization of Reality: Postmodern Music, Art,
Lsicological Society 50, no.2l3 and Performancel' PhD diss., New York Universit¡ 2008.
chase, stephen and clemens Gresser. "ordinary Matters: christian wolffon His Recent
ierall,2010. Musicl' Tempo 58, no.229 (luJy 2004): 19-27.
Last Shuttle Lands." Hufington Chehonadskih, Maria. "Commentary: What Is Pussy Riot's'Idea'?" Radical
l0 I I I 07 I 20 I nasa- privatize- Philosophy 176 (November/December, 2012): l-7. Published online. http://www'
:ro, Encompassment, chessa, Luciano. Luigi Russolo, Futurist: Noise, visual Arts, and the occult. Berkeley:
'uersary Conference. New York, University of California Press, 20i2.
chiesa, Lorenzo. subjectivity ønd otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan. Ediredby
Transþrmations of Public
t: Slavoj Zü,ek. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007.
mbridge, UK: Carnbridge chion, Michel . Audio-vision: sound on screen. Translated and Edited by claudia
Gorbman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
ses du réel, 199812002. Chronicle of Higher Education. "Has Higher Education Become an Engine of
on. Basingstoke: Paigrave Inequality?" July 2,2012. http://chronicle'com/article/Has-Higher-Education-
lllward and Meillassoux." In Chua, Daniel K. L. Absolute Music and the Construction of Meaning. Cambridge:
alism. Melb ourne:, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Cluett, Seth Allen. "Loud Speaker: Towards a Component Theory of Media Soundl'
le of Godl" Reuters. February PhD diss., Princeton University, 2013.
:ussia-putin-religion- Coffman, Chris. "QueeringZiL.ekl' Postmodern Culture 23, no I (2012).
Cook, Nicholas. "Theorising Musical Meaningi' Music Theory Spectrum 23' no' 2
The Speculative Turn: (2001): r70-9s.
press, 201 1. Cox, Christoph. "Beyond Representation and Signification: Toward a Sonic
odor W. Adorno, Walter Materialisml' Journøl of Visual Culture 10, no. 2 (201 1 ) : I45 -61'
1977. Crimp, Douglas and Adam Rolston. AIDS Demo Graphics. Seattle: Ba¡ 1990'
mphony." Kieler Beiträge zur Crimp, Douglas. "Pictures." In Appropriation, editedby David Evans, 7 6-79. I-ondon:
e. ht tp:// lmmusi k.uni - Whitechapel, 2009.
crimp, Douglas. 'AIDS: Cultural Analysis/cultural Activisml' october 43 (winter
ichael Shaw. Minneapolis: 1987):3-16.
Crimp, Dougias. Melancholia and Moralism: Essays on AIDS and Queer Politics.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002'
zgs. Middletown: Wesleyan Dahlhaus, carl. The Idea of Absolute Music. Translated by Roger Lustig. chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1989.
úhology, edited by Richard Debord, Guy and Gil J. Wolman. "Directions for the Use of Détournementl'In
Appropriation, edited by David Evans, 35-39. London: Whitechapel'2009'
218 Selected Bibliograplry

l)eborcl, Guy' "The Sitttationists ancl the Nerv Fomrs of Action in politics
or Art.,,¡ì
Gtry Debortl ottd tJrc Sitttntiottist ItttertntíortoL kxts nntl f)ocLtntettts,
eclitecl by,ibnl
Mcl)onough, 159-66. Cambr.iclge: MIT pr.ess, 2002.
l)elerze, Gillcs and Félix Guatta.i. A'rhottsantl plateaus: capitalisnt and
sclùzoplrerúa. 'li¿irslatecl by Brian Massu'i. Mi'.eapolis: uri'er.sity
Nlinnesot¿r Press, 1 9B7.
l)eleuzc, Gillcs. For.lcn¿rl¡. T¡anslatecl by sean Hancl. Lonclon: c.¡tin¡n¡r,
I)eNora, 'lia. Beetlrcvett ond tlrc Constructiott of Mttsical Getúus: Musicsl politics
Vienno, 1792-1803. Univer.srty of Califomia Pr.ess, 1995.
Delrida, lacques. "lvliitc Mythology: lvietaphor-in thc Text of philosopliy.',
New Literary
History 6, ito. 1 "On À4etaphor." (Auturln, 7974): 5_'/L\.
Derricla, JacqrLes. oJ GrttnnatorogT. 'rrarslatecl by Gayertri crrakravorty
Baltirnole, MD: lohns Flopkins Univer.sity pr.ess, 1997.
Derricia, Jacqr-res. The Truth in pninting. 'lianslatecl by Georlì.ey Bcnnirgton
a'<i la'
lVicleocl. CÌiicago: Univer.sitl, of Chicago pr.ess, I987.
Doelle, Leslie. Ettvironme,trtl Acoustics. 'lbronto:\,_FIill, 1972.
Dolar, Mlaclen ' A voice autl Nothing rvlor.e. carnb'icrge, MA: rvllr press,
l)orrcrglrnc, li:ar-rh. 'rlre Last professors: 7he corpornte Llttittersity antl
rlte Fate oJ tlte
Hutttruùties. Nen' Yorli: Forclharn University pl.ess, 200g.
L)¡obniclr, lim. "Listening Au'r"y." In Aural, eclited by
lin.r Dr.obnick, 9_18.
'lblor.rto and Banfl: yyZ Books/WpG
L)rvorkin, claig Douglas . No Meditmt. cambliclge, MA: rvirr pr.ess,
"Dying f'or coverage: The Deaclly consequences of lleing
uninsnr.ecl.', Accessed May 29,
2015. http://fa'riliesusa.o'g/procìrct/clying-coverage-deaclly-conseque'ces_being_
tuniltsu recl.
I)ysorr' Frarrces. The'fone of on'Tirnes: soturd, sertse, Econonry, anrl Ecology.
Carntl'iclgc, MA: lvllT press, 20 1,1.
Eislcr', and rheodor \,v Aclomo. "The politics o1,l-Iearing.,,
rn AtLdio culttLre:
Renclings itt lvlodern Ml.src, eclirecl by christoph cox arcì Da'íel lvarner, 73_75.
Nel, Yorlt: Continunlu, 200¡[.
Engelhardt, Je11èr's. "Right
si'gi'g i'Dstorian orthodox clir:istianity: A st,cly of
thcologl', and rìeligious rdeologyi' Etlnot,usicology 53, r"ro. 1 (2009):32-57.
Englr, Ba'bartr. 'Aclo'ro arcl the sire's: 'lere phono-graphic lSoc,liesl,
rn Entltodied
Voices: Representirrg l.enttle \/ocali4, itt Westertt Cttlture, eclited by Leslie C. f)rurn
.nclNancyA. lores, 120 35.cambriclge,ur(: camb'iclgeuniversitypr.ess,
Errgströrrr, Arrclrcas ancl Asa stjelna. "sonncl Att or I{larryltLLr¡sl?
A lìeacling of the
Ge'rnan ancl English Literatr-u'e or Sourd Arrl' orgtnisecl sotntd 14 (2009):
doi:10.1 01 7/S 1 35577180900003X.
Evans, l)¿rvic1. "lntrocluction: seven'1ypes of Appropr.iati onl'rn
Approprintio,, editecl by
D¿rvid Evans, l2-23. London: Whitechapel, 2009.
Selected BibliograPhy 2t9

f Action in Politics or Art." In Fabian, Dorottya. "The Meaning of Authenticity and the Early Music Movement: A
s and Documents, edited by Tom Historical Reviewl' International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 32,
,.. no.2 (2001): 153-67.
rus: Capitølism and Falrs, Breanne. "The Radical PossÌbilities of Valerie Solanasl' Feminist Studies 34, no' 3,
neapolis: University of The 1970s Issue (Fall, 2008):591-617 '
Feisst, Sabine. "Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, Op. a1i' In Schoenberg's New World: The
xrdon: Continuum, 2006. American Years, 144-49. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011'
al Genius: Musical Politics in Finkelstein, Avram. 'AIDS 2.01'Artwrit, Decernber 2012. Accessed lanuary 28,2013.
Text of Philosophyl' New Literary Finn, Geraldir.r e. why Althusser Killed His wiþ: Essays on Discourse and violence.
-74. Atlantic Highiand, Nj: Humanities' 1996.
¡atri Chakravorty Spivak. Fisher, Lucy. "Enthusiasm: From Kino-Eye to Radio-Eye)' Film Quarterly 3t' no' 2
)97. (1977 l7B):25-34.
Geoffrey Bennington and Ian Fleck, Robert. Die Mühl-Kommune: Freie Sexualität und Aktionismus: Geschichte eines
Exp eriments. I(öln: Walther König, 2003.
raw-H|lll, 1972. Flyrit, Henry. "Essay: Concept Art [Provisional Version]." In An AnthologT, edited by
, MA: MIT Press, 2006. La Monte Young. New York: La Mor.rte Young ancl Jackson Mac Low, 1963, tt.p.
Infuersity and the Fate of the Fondation Foyer Des Artistes Boswii. "10. Internationales Kompositionsseminar
2008. Boswil, 10-14.1 1.91 Juryentscheidung [letter] i' Septernber 14' l99l'
ited by Jim Drobnick, 9-18. Foucault, Michel. Archaeology of Knowledge. Trar.rslatecl by A. M. Sheridan smith.
London: Routledge, 2002.
\: MIT Press, 20i3. Foucault, Michel. "Friendship as a way of Lifel' In Ethics: Subiectivity and Truth.
ing Uninsuredl'Accessed May 29, Translated by Robert Hurley. Edited by Paul Rabinow, 135-62. New York: New
Je-dead ly-consequences-being- Press,1997.
Foucatrlt, Michel. The History of Sexuality volume l: An Introductlon. Translated by
Economy, ønd Ecology. Robert Hurley. New York: Par.ttheon Books, 1978.
Foucault, Michel. "Wl]at is Ar] Author? (1969):' In The Essential Foucault: Selections
lHearing." In Audio Culture: front Essential Works of Foucauh, 1954-1984, edited by Paul Rabinow and Nikolas S'
x and Daniel Warner,73-75. Rose, 377-91. New York: The New Press, 2003.
Fr-aser,Andrea. "There's No Place Like Homel'Inwhitney Biennial 2012.Edited
ox Christianity: A Study of by Elisabeth sussman and )ay sanders, 28-33. New York: Whitney Museum of
sicology 53, no. I (2009):32-57 Amelican Art,2012.
aphic Bodies." In Embodied Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th Anniversary edn. New York: Continuum'
ture, edi|ed by Leslie C. Dunn 2000.
bridge University Press, 1997. Fre¡ lürg. 'And On it Wentl' 2004. Accessecl July 3, 2011.

mgkunst? A Reading of the freylJFand.pdf.

ønised Sound 14 (2009): 1 1-18, Gallowa¡ Alexander R. "The Poverty of Philosophy: Realism and Post-Fordisml'
Critical Inc1uiry 39, no.2 (Winter 2013):347 -66.
rttoil' In Appropriation, edited by Gentr¡ Philip M. "The Cultural Politics of 4'33": Identity and Sexualityi' Tacer
Experimental Music Review No' l. Who Is John Cage? (2011): 19-39'
2,20 Selected Bibliogrnphy

Gesserr, À4ash¿r. Words Will Brealt Cenent: '[he Passion o.[ Puss1, Ri of, E book edn.
Nov Yorh: Penguin, 2014.
Gessert, Nlaslra ¿-Lnd ]oseph FItrll'-l{anuon. Lrtrocluction /o Goy Propagatulc; R¿¡ssi¿li¿

Love Stories. F,clitecl by Masha Gessen and loseph l-'lull Hannon. New York ancl
London: OR Bool<s, 2014.
Gliolashi, Hannah. "Entile Class of þ'irst-Year' ÌVIFA Students Dropping out of USCI'
May 15, 2015. Accessecl July 15, 2015. http://rvr'rv.artr.ì 1-5i entir"e-
class -of-1ìrst-year- mfa -stnclents-droppi ng- ont- of- usc.
Goclrr, Lyr'lia. The Ittaginnry Musewtt of MLtsicnl Worlcs: Att Lssay in the Philosophlt of
rVf¿rslc. Neu' York: Oxford Ur.riversity Pless, 1994.

Glacbcr', Davicl. I)eüf; 'llte First 5,000 Years. Ner.v Yor"k: Melville House, 2011.
Gratton, Peter. Speculatit,e Renlisttt: Problettts and Prospects. Netv York: Bloomsbnr¡
Greer-rber"g, Clement. "T'or.vards a Nel,el L¿rocoon." In Polloclç and After: The Critical
Debnte, edited by Francis Fr'¿rscina, 60-70. Nerv Yorh: Routledge, 2000.
Gronet't, Stefan. "'Iì^ying to See thc lvVor'kl Diffelentlf i' In lohrt Bnldessclir M¿islc, editecl
by Stelan Gronert and Christir.ra \/égh, l1l-20. I(öhi: I(ônig, 2007.
Gr"oys, Bolis. Art PL:twer. Canrbriclge, MA: MIT Pless, 2008.
Clo1.s, ßoris. I'Iistory ßecomes Fornt: N[oscol, Conceptunlisnt Cantbriclge, MA: M]1'
Press, 20 1 0.
Cìunning,'lbrn. "Än Aestl'retic of Astonishn:rent: Early Fihrr ancl thc (ln)Creclulous
Spectator." In Viewittg Positions: \,Va\,s oJ Seeitg Fil¡ir, editecl by Linda \'Villiarns,
114 33. New Bmnsrvick, Nl: Rutgcrs Univcrsity Press, 1995.
Flalberst¿rrn, .[rrclith. ]i a Queer'l'ime tnd Place: Trattsgender l3odies, Subcultu'nl Lives.
Net, York: Nerv York Ur-rivelsity Plcss, 2005.
Llall, h'cne, Ruiguang Song, Philip lìhoc1es, Joseph Prejean, Qian An, Lisa M. Lec, fohn
I(aron, Ron Iìrookmeyer, Lchvartl H. Kaplan, À¡l¿rttl-rerv T Mcl(enna, and lìobert S.
Jansserr. "Estirnation ol'I IIV Lrcidence in the Uniteci States." /AMA: Tlrc Journal of
the Atnerican Nledicnl Associatiott300, no.5 (2008): 520-29.
I{allas, Rogcr. Refrnnùttg Botlle.s: AIDS, Benrittg Wittrcss, nnd tlrc C)ueer Moving Innge.
l)urharn: DLrhe University Press, 2009.
llallrvard, Peter'. 'Anylhing Is Possible: A Critic¡re of Meillassoux l' In Tlrc SpeuLlnilve
'!iu¡t: CotùittetÍal MntcrÌalisnt attdReolisnt, lVlelboulne:,201l, 130-41.
Flarrslick, Eclrrard. 7he Benutiful in Nlttsic (lvlusikalisch-Sclútrcn). Translatec'l by Gustar.
Cohen. Nel. Yolk: l{. \4¡. Glay, 189 i .
I{egalty, Palrl. tVol.çel,^4r.tsic: A l-IistorS,. Nerv Yr¡r'k: BloorusbLu'¡ 2007.
Hegart¡ Paul. Rttrnow'tuñ Radiation: Sowñ itt Vi¿\eo,4r.f. Nen'York: lSloornsbur¡
Flelmore, F,drvarcl ancl Paul Gallagher. "Doyer"r of Arnelican Clitics Tulns I-lis lJack on
tlre'Nasty, Stupicl'lVolld of Modeln Artl' 'Lhe Guardinn. October 28,2012. Accessecl
1y Selected Bibliogrøphy 221

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