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In classical and modern psychology, various definitions of intelligence are given.

Intellect is the gift of buddhi, which

implies the ability to perceive the sensory world around us, as well as to perform various functions, such as learning,
distinguishing, memorizing and applying past experience. His goals are to use the best of opportunities, to avoid
repeating mistakes and learning to expand your consciousness, flourish and achieve your goals. This means that the
question of intelligence is complex, and in jyotiish we study the four aspects of Dhi.
1. Budhi - lagna: Ability to learn and distinguish (viveka);
2. Suddhi - 4th bhava: Purity necessary to move to a higher level, or perception and spiritual segment of the latter;
3. Vriddhi - 7th bhava: Ability to use all these factors for progress in life and prosperity;
4. Siddhi - 10th bhava: Ability to complete tasks and achieve goals.
These four segments are considered by the kendras that govern our lives.
According to Parasara, there are four grahas who control the intellect. He calls them dhimana-grahi, or owners of dhi.
1. Surya
2. Guru
3. Rahu
4. Ketu
Notice that the rest of the grahas are not endowed with such status. In the same way, we can compare them with four
1. Surya - lagna
2. Guru - 4th bhava
3. Rahu - 7th bhava
4. Ketu - 10th bhava
Whenever grahas are in these positions, they bless the person with the appropriate ability.
As a rule, in the modern world, there is mainly a type of Surya - intelligence, and Surya is Karak for a lagna, and the
5th bhava in Kala-purush is under the control of Rashi Simha. Therefore, we must focus on these two bhavas. Jaimini
attributes the 3rd and 6th bhava (managed by Budha in Kala-purush) to Dhimantha yoga, giving them intelligence
status. However, the main reason for this lies in the fact that the lagneza in these bhavs will be the aspect of the 9th
and 12th bhavas that belong to the Guru, the graha, who controls the highest level of purity and wisdom.
Lagna controls what everyone has - innate IQ. We were born with him, but nevertheless, how will this intelligence
develop? Have we not witnessed how many people with brilliant possibilities ruined their own lives? From this it
follows that there is something that is called applied intelligence, or a pack.
Pak, or applied intellect, is ruled by the master of the lagna, the graha, which carries the potential of the Guru, the
wisdom. For this reason, karak for the pak-lagna is the Guru.
The fifth bhava shows applied intelligence in a different way. It is not based on our own development, but on the
experience of Life. To understand this house, you need to study it together with the 9th, the house of the Guru and
God as a teacher (Vishva), where we can equate the word "God" with the word "Life". Therefore, life teaches us,
bringing us experience based on past karma. As far as we understand these “lessons” and how quickly we are
progressing in their passage is the quality of intelligence, which is considered by the 5th house.

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