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Research Log #1

Date: September 8, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression and how can it be reduced?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational environment undoubtedly affect
someone under depression.
#2: Family/friends relationships affect depression
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead to depression.

Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1: School life and educational
environment undoubtedly affect someone
under depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the designated Point to Prove):

“Depression is a state of deep sadness, it develops after a recent loss or other sad
event, as well as for no apparent reason. “

“The representatives of any social group at any age may have depressive disorders.
This is primarily due to the fact that the values of the modern society have a significant
pressure on a person. “

“50 students of Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University at the age of 17–22
took part in the survey which showed that more than 25 % males and more than 70 %
girls are already at the first stage of depression.”

“Stress caused by work and school is only a fraction of the total amount of pressure.
Students also have to worry about the pressure to fit in to the values of modern society.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source supports my claim that school life and student environment
undoubtedly affect someone under depression. Stress caused by work and school is
only a fraction of the total amount of pressure. Students also have to worry about the
pressure to fit in to the values of modern society. If a person does not fit into modern
society, that person will often be left out or lonely. People strive for social well-being,
professional success and attractiveness. If a person fails to achieve this, he can fall into
despair, feel deeply sorry for his failures, and, as a result, become depressed.
Depression is the most common mental disorder. There was research done to
students age 17-22 that showed that more than 25% of males have experienced
depression and 70% of girls have experienced it. When someone fails in life, they will
get this feeling that is depression. They feel like they are not good enough in there own
eyes or in the eyes of society. The symptoms of depression may include a variety of
emotional expressions: anxiety, despair and low self-esteem. A person suffering from
depression often experiences constant fatigue and sadness. He is no longer interested
in what he used to enjoy and becomes indifferent to others. Most often there are
problems in the wake-sleep schedule, there can be insomnia and weight reduction.
Depression can severely affect your physical and mental health. Depression will also
lead to drug use and drug abuse. Drug abuse can cause serious problems for the
person when their physical health is already affected.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Smirnova, E. A., and A. V. Andreeva. "Depression Among Students." 2016. PDF.

Research Log #2

Date: September 19, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression and how can it be reduced?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environment undoubtedly affect someone under depression.
#2: Family/friends relationships affect depression
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #1: School life and educational
environment undoubtedly affect someone
under depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“Schools play a privileged and strategic role in the lives of children acting as their
principal environment from home. Additionally, schools act as part of the community
linking families and neighborhoods. These characteristics make schools a relevant
setting for mental health service delivery and support to children and parents.”

“In particular, schools have the capacity both to promote academic, social, and
emotional functioning and to potentiate difficulties in these areas of development.”

“However, childhood depression acts a barrier for learning, making teachers less
effecting. In school environments that are perceived as unsupportive or having a
negative climate, it may contribute to the development of depression.”

“Unfortunately, only 3% of students in need of services receive mental health treatment

from the community, leaving an alarming gap. Even when adolescents with depression
receive services, treatment is generally brief and not associated with improved

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Depression is now the leading disability in the world. Childhood depression is
one of the most overlooked, undertreated, and debilitating psychological disorders.
Schools play a privileged and strategic role in the lives of children acting as their
principal environment from home. Additionally, schools act as part of the community
linking families and neighborhoods. These characteristics make schools a relevant
setting for mental health service delivery and support to children and parents. Schools
have the capacity both to promote academic, social, and emotional functioning and to
potentiate difficulties in these areas of development.
Educators and administrators argue that mental health services are not
mandatory roles for an education program. However, childhood depression acts a
barrier for learning, making teachers less effecting. In school environments that are
perceived as unsupportive or having a negative climate, it may contribute to the
development of depression. Whereas positive adjustment to school, including academic
engagement and achievement, likely serve as a protective factor against negative
mental health outcomes.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Herman, Keith C., et al. "Childhood Depression: Rethinking the Role of the
School." Psychology in the Schools, vol. 46, no. 5, 01 May 2009, pp. 433-446.
Research Log #3

Date: September 22, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression and how can it be reduced?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environment undoubtedly affect someone under depression.
#2: Family/friends relationships affect depression
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #1: School life and educational
environment undoubtedly affect someone
under depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“If teachers and peers view a student as not being academically or socially capable, the
risk for depression increases. Similarly, schools can be stressful places for children who
are not successful, which puts them at increased risk for depression.”

“Many of these symptoms could easily be mistaken for behavior problems associated
with academic or social difficulties, such as apathy, low performance, or
uncooperativeness. It is important for school personnel to know the signs so that early
identification and intervention can occur.”

“Children who have depression are much more likely than their peers to have difficulty
concentrating, completing assignments, paying attention, participating in class,
achieving at grade level, feeling academically competent, persisting on tasks, and
feeling motivated to perform.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Depression is both a mental and health problem, yet is still underidentified. These
can be caused by childhood situations and also as an adult. It can take place anytime,
whether it is social, personal, and academic performance. If this state of depression is
left untreated, it will undoubtedly have long term effects. In other words, many of these
symptoms could be mistaken for other problems. Behavior problems under academic
and social conduct are some signs to look for rather than the child being “dumb” or
Children spend most of their time at school other than any other place, not
including their home. It is important that these signs are noticed and reported to school
personnel in order for an intervention to occur. When handling someone in the state of
depression, be aware that these problems may be more than one and very complicated.
Under depression, it is most likely that people develop these feelings from a first-hand
depressed relative, a stressful setting, and/or a traumatic event.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Huberty, Thomas. "“Depression: Supporting Students at School.”." 2010,

National Association of School Psychologists, 2010, Accessed 22 Sept. 2017.
Research Log #4

Date: October 16, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #2: Family/friend relationships
affect depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“For example, in 30% of all marriage problems, there is one spouse that can be
described as clinically depressed. The reason why a spouse might have a unipolar
mood disorder could be due to their relationship being "characterized by friction,
hostility, and a lack of affection.”

“Many people suffer from depression at one point in their life. It is inevitable, the feeling
of hopelessness, sorrow, or being alone. “

“Hammen and Brennan (2001) found that 13% of the sons and 23.6 % of the daughters
who were depressed had depressed mothers as compared to 3.9% of the sons and
15.9% of the daughters who were depressed lacked a depressed mother.”

“As in the family environment, socialization is key to maintaining healthy relationship

and feeling well deserved and part of someone's life. Depression can have an adverse
effect on the social capacity of depressed persons, affecting their social functioning and
ability to react and deal with stressful situations. Gotlib and Hammen (1992).”

“One major part in the development of mood disorders in a social setting would be how
well one could deal with stressful events.”
“Experiencing depression while as a child or an adolescent can also lead to recurring
slips as an adult. Depressed persons often perform poorly in marriage and relationship
with family members and they also might respond negatively to others, which have the
ability to create stressful life events, which as a result might drive the person further into

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

All people suffer from depression at least one time in their life. The feeling of
hopelessness, sorrow, or being alone. When a mother is pregnant with her child she
develops more moods. She will be stressed because of all the pressures that she has to
deal with. This can cause friction and she might take those emotions out on her
husband. If they fight that may lead to depression also. In 30% of all marriage problems
one spouse is considered clinically depressed. Depressed parents can cause a
depression on their children. When parents fight and argue around their children the
child may think that it is their fault. The child blames himself causing him to become
depressed. Any changes in the family environment due to parental depression increase
the risk of developing a mood disorder for their child. This can also happen the other
way around, the child can cause depression to the parent. If the child is not doing well in
school or causes a lot of trouble that can lead the parent to become depressed. This will
be a never ending cycle till the parent gets help.
Socializing is key when feeling depressed, it a necessity to tell someone. That
will cause them to either back off or to be more affectionate. When someone doesn't tell
the other person about their depression the other person won’t know and may cause the
depressed person to snap. Making the other person back off may also cause more
depression. It is vital for the family of the depressed individual to know that this person
is fighting depression. They need the constant reassurance that they are loved and
cared about.
Social class can cause depression also, often if people do not consider that they
are good enough this leads to depression. The crowd that one associates with can
affect one in a bunch of ways. If they are a positive group of people, one may not feel as
depressed then someone who has to deal with people who look down at them and not
show them acceptance.
Another thing that women has to deal with is the expectations that are set for
them. When a woman is looked at they have to look a certain way. They have to
conform to the standards of society. If a woman does not look up to the standards they
are often looked down upon. They may also become depressed because they don’t look
like what they want to look like. They will not like there body and will become depressed
because they want the acceptance from others.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Beattie, Gregory S. “Social Causes Of Depression.” Social Causes of

Depression. Rochester Institute Of Technology, November 2005. Accessed 16
October 2017.
Research Log #5

Date: November 2, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #2: Family/friend relationships
affect depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“Living alone increases the risk of suicide for young and old alike.”

“Loneliness raises levels of circulating stress hormones and levels of blood pressure.”

“Lonely individuals report higher levels of perceived stress even when exposed to the
same stressors as non-lonely people, and even when they are relaxing.”

“When our for social relationships is not met, we fell apart mentally and even

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Humans need friends. Psychologists find that human beings need inclusion in-
group life and for close relationships. Previous research papers proved that friends
could cause stress and latter lead to depression. If those under depression don’t have
friends in the first place, then that is even worse. The human body needs relationships.
Isolation due to not being accepted can lead directly to depression. When one’s
social needs are not met, one’s stress will begin to start leading to depression from the
separation. Loneliness can cause suicidal thoughts. Everyone feels loneliness but the
failure to be socially connected to peers is the real reason behind most schools
dropouts. For adults, loneliness is a major precipitant of depression. Depression and
loneliness is a mental and physical battle. When someone does not meet their need for
social interaction the body begins to fall apart. The stress causes eroding arteries,
which creates high blood pressure. It can also cause brain problems, preventing the
ability to learn.
Loneliness is the feeling of not having anyone. This feeling is completely natural.
It can happen while going through life problems, such as a breakup with a friend or a
lover, a shift in environment, or anything that happens causing the feeling of separation.
Loneliness becomes a problem when its starts leading to depression. Humans need
interaction; it is how humans are wired. Many people do not have as that many friends
and that definitely has them feeling lonely. Humans all need a certain amount of
interaction or it will start to affect a mental and physical side.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Marano, Hara Estroff. “The Dangers of Loneliness.” Psychology Today. Sussex

Publishers, 1 July 2003. Accessed 1 November 2017.
Research Log #6

Date: November 17, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #2: Family/friend relationships
affect depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“One could argue that out of all the interpersonal cases that can contribute on the onset
of a depressive disorder, the ambiance of a family has the most weight and impact on a
depressed individual.”

“Depression can have an adverse effect on the social capacity of depressed persons,
affecting their social functioning and ability to react and deal with stressful situations.”

“There are a lot of interpersonal relations when it comes to gender, such as the
discrimination against gender in an academic setting. This is very prominent in females,
where girls can face increased expectations to conform to the standards set forth by
society, to pursue feminine type activities and occupations.”

“It appears that parents tend to have "lower expectations" for girls when it comes to
school. As a result of that lowered expectations, parents tend to not push their
daughters toward a high-profile job, instead attempting to make their daughter conform
to the stereotype of society, like become a teacher or a nurse.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

It is inevitable to have feeling of sorrow or hopelessness, life is not easy and
many setbacks are to come. Depression can be caused by numerous factors, a popular
factor regards interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationships include within the
family, the social environment with differences in ethnicities and social class, and
interactions between genders across age groups.
Of all of the interpersonal relationships, most cases the relationship between
your family has the most impact on a depressed individual. Disagreements between
married couples has a great weight on both of the spouses. In 30% of all marriage
problems, there is one spouse that is clinically depressed. Distress can also be caused
by having a child considering the range of intense emotions on a pregnant women due
to the changing of their body. A mood disorder could develop by the impact of having a
child, this being classifies as a major stressful event. These causes of depression for
partners also affect the child, the unhealthy environment of arguments may lead to a
never ending cycle unless they receive treatment.
Due to depression, people can have an negative effect on their social capacity,
affecting their social functioning and their reactions to stressful social events. A
depressed individual can exhibit a lack of low self esteem due to their negative outlook.
This leads to becoming more sensitive of the opinion of others and most importantly,
becoming less physically active. A depressed person will most likely not have the
motivation to exert themselves and go out into social environments.
The gender role plays a huge part in depression due to the social discrimination.
It appears that parents tend to have "lower expectations" for girls when it comes to
school. As a result of that lowered expectations, parents tend to not push their
daughters toward a high-profile job, instead attempting to make their daughter conform
to the stereotype of society, like become a teacher or a nurse.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Beattie, Gregory. "Social Causes of Depression." Great Ideas in Personality--

Theory and Research. Rochester Institute of Technology, Nov. 2005. Accessed
17 Nov. 2017.
Research Log #7

Date: December 5, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #3: Poor lifestyle choices can
lead to depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“Difficulty making decisions is a core symptom of depressive illness”

“Depressed individuals have difficulties making decisions”

“The results of the Study 1 suggest that individuals with greater depressive symptoms
make less productive decisions and engage fewer adaptive decision-making strategies.”

“These results suggest that priorities and goals of depressed individuals, as well as their
ability to use decision tools, may not differ from those of the nondepressed. Importantly,
prompting the utilization of decision strategies seemed to improve the ability of
depressed individuals to make productive decisions.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source discusses how people who seem more depressed are more often
than not going to make the decision that does not benefit their interests. In a study,
participants were guided through their decisions with tools to investigate whether the
association between depressive symptoms and poor decisions is accounted for.
Sometimes depression will lead to bad choices such as drugs. When a person is
depressed that person will often turn to drugs to get their mind off that thing that they
are depressed about.
In other cases because of the bad decisions that they make that can lead to
depression. Say someone decided to skip school, a very important day, and that person
ends up failing the class and also gets in trouble with their principal. They will become
depressed and often angry at themselves for screwing up. Indecisiveness is also a
symptom of depression and can lead to even worse depression the person. That person
starts to lose confidence in themselves and they start to doubt themselves.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Leykin, Yan, et al. "Decision-Making and Depressive Symptomatology."

Cognitive Therapy & Research, vol. 35, no. 4, Aug. 2011, pp. 333-341.
EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10608-010-9308-0.
Research Log #8

Date: December 10, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #3: Poor lifestyle choices can
lead to depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

‘When patients were asked why they became involved, then overwhelmed with alcohol
or some other drug, the response was some variation of "to feel better" or to deal with

“The myth is stress may lead to addiction, but addiction intensifies stress and anxiety.
The tension and stress thy have to unwind from is, in fact, a withdrawal symptom that
happens when a person goes 24 hours without alcohol or drugs that their brain craves.”

“Given all this information, you should take a long hard look at what you drink and how
often, and your use of recreational and prescription drugs to escape stress or burnout.”

“Poor nutrition, without the intake of needed nutrients and amino acids, can shut down
your system COMPLETELY. Your kidneys stop filtering, your stomach digesting, the
adrenals stop secreting and other organs follow suit.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Throughout the day, stress exists everywhere. There are a variety of responses
to stress, some may tackle the task to feel better while some may turn to temporary
“relaxer” to feel better. Under stress, people often show the same symptoms as a
person under depression. Stress and depression are related emotions and are both
toxic. As mentioned earlier, those under stress may turn to temporary “relaxers” to feel
better, this includes drugs. However it is only temporary and when it is over, people
often feel worse.
The immune system must be fed needed nutrients in order to keep the mind and
body functioning in a normal range. When people put drugs into their immune system,
they are hurting themselves. Poor nutrition, without the intake of needed nutrients and
amino acids can shut down your system completely. As a result, the person’s kidneys
will stop filtering, stomach will stop digesting, adrenals will stop secreting and other
organs will follow. The myth is that stress may lead to addiction but in reality addictions
intensifies stress. The tension and stress is a withdrawal symptom due to 24 hours
without alcohol or drugs that the brain craves.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Sahley, Billie J. "Stress and Addiction." MMRC Health Educator Reports, Jan.
2007, pp. 1-
Research Log #9

Date: December 15, 2017

Name: Nikki Saito
EQ: What contributes to depression in teens and how can depression be prevented?

Three Points to Prove: #1: School life and educational

environments undoubtedly affect depression.
#2: Family/friend relationships affect depression.
#3: Poor lifestyle choices can lead
to depression.


Point that this Source/Information

Proves: #3: Poor lifestyle choices can
lead to depression.

Excerpts (These should provide insight

into the designated Point to Prove):

“Individuals who report more depressive symptoms consistently demonstrate higher

rates of nicotine dependence and less successful smoking cessation than do individuals
who report fewer depressive symptoms.”

“Smokers who report being depressed have higher smoking rates, greater nicotine
dependence and increased difficulty quitting”

“Depressed individuals also report increased urges in response to smoking-related cues

relative to those with resolved depression diagnoses, and those with no history of
depression ”

“Smokers with greater baseline depression scores reported increased urges to smoke in
the first week of treatment, before reporting progressive reductions in urges.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

People with depression problems find it harder to quit cigarettes, depression can
cause a person to crave and often push them to smoke more. Depression is measured
with the BDI-III and it shows that the people with more nicotine urges often tend to be
the most depressed. Smoking can be turned into a way of ending stress or at least
putting it to the side for a short term. People often find relaxation while using nicotine,
but when depression keeps building up and then finally they need to release it. Although
there are more healthy ways of dealing with depression a lot of people turn to drugs,
alcohol or nicotine. Depression can be caused in multiple ways, one of the biggest
factors is stress dealing with stress right away can decrease the feeling of depression. If
one is often depressed, working with one’s depression is the most effective treatment.
Activities such as exercise, hanging with friends, and doing things to lighten the mood
can often decrease depression. People don’t need to do drugs to cure depression!
Dealing with depression is not an easy thing but if one may learn to work with
depression one can often decrease it.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Reid, Holly H. and David M. Ledgerwood. "Depressive Symptoms Affect

Changes in Nicotine Withdrawal and Smoking Urges throughout Smoking
Cessation Treatment: Preliminary Results." Addiction Research & Theory, vol.
24, no. 1, Feb. 2016, pp. 48-53. EBSCOhost,

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