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Hydric Resources in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas

PASQUOTTO, Geise B., ROSA, Lívia M., BARBIN, Márcia C., VENTURATO, Thaís B. de S.

 comprehends twenty 1 municipalities that, consolidated,

Abstract— Given the current world´s critical situation of perform a representative socioeconomic structure in the
water demand and quality in metropolitan regions and the need country [3]: its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), estimated in
to implement integrated political-administrative actions among R$ 542 billion, represents 26% of the GDP in the state of São
with the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Paulo and increased more than 56% since 2006 [4]. Its
Campinas, the article proposes the contribution to the analysis population, 97% urban, reached 2.8 million inhabitants [5] in
of the water resources context in the referred region, based on
literature references, comprising the insertion and data overlap
the 2012, with a population density of 727,5 person per km2.
on maps generated that allow the integration of the information This amplitude on the urban development of the region,
Available in each municipality that composes the represented by its population and density growth and
institutionalized region. The paper reflects on the heterogeneity economic development stimulates the diversification of water
of water related rates in the cities, in how it’s affected by the city use, such as public supply, food production, power
of São Paulo in terms of the water supplying scarcity, and also generation, dilution of sewage and others [6] and subsequent
how it can affect the host of the upcoming FIFA World Cup. water shortage, caused by the increased demand [7] and by
the degradation of the quality of water, in its turn, resultant of
Index Terms— Metropolitan Region of Campinas, water the deficit in the industrial and domestic wastewater
resources, wastewater, water management, water scarcity.  treatment [8], occupation of preservation areas, vegetation
cover degradation, inappropriate disposal of solid residues,
among other factors intrinsic to the urban evolution [9].
I. INTRODUCTION The MRC comprehends approximately 3.8 km² [5] and is
The metropolis can be defined as a phenomenon of geographically situated2 in the basin of the rivers Piracicaba,
integration and grouping of distinct communities, for the Capivari and Jundiaí, denominated Basin of PCJ (Bacia do
labor market or for the commercial facilities offered by a PCJ). From the basin of the river Piracicaba, the Cantareira
central city, the core of an interdependent urban center. The System transfers 31 m³/s to supply the city of São Paulo,
correlation between municipalities in a same system arise the activity that affects the outflow and, consequently, the
need of creating political-administrative relations that degradation of the water quality, due to the low dissolution of
overcome the obstacle of managerial fragmentation and wastewater disposed with high concentration of pollutants
decentralization and that can act in an efficient manner on the [9].
economic, social and urban fields [1]. Given the current world´s critical situation of demand and
Established in the 1970s, the first Brazilian metropolitan quality of water in metropolitan regions [6] and the need to
regions were defined according to population criteria implement integrated political-administrative actions among
(magnitude of the urban agglomeration and conurbation) and the municipalities of the region [9], this paper proposes the
socioeconomic and functional correlation of determined contribution to the analysis of the water resources context in
municipalities. Additionally to those criteria, the intervention the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. The methodology
of the military government was a determining factor for the used is composed by three axis; i) The literature references
establishment of the metropolitan regions in Brazil, with the are constituted of studies and publications that refer to the
aim to rationalize and standardize them with the purpose of development and urban growth, the global water resources
domain and political control [2]. situation in the urban area, of the relation between the soil
In Brazil there are 26 metropolitan regions use, basic sanitation, the population´s health and the
institutionalized, comprehending 390 municipalities and 39% preservation of the environment and of the Metropolitan
of the total population of the country. Since the Brazilian Region of Campinas. Supplementary to academic texts, it
Constitution of 1988 there was an increase in the number of was necessary the use of journalistic articles for the analysis
metropolitan regions established by the State Government. of the water resources scarcity ii) The data referring to water
Therefore, in June 19th, 2000, the Metropolitan Region of supply, wastewater collection and treatment was compiled
Campinas (MRC) was created by the State´s Complementary from the Plan of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí River
Law nº 870, with nineteen municipalities, where 2.3 million Basins for the period of 2010 to 2020 [10], from the Report
inhabitants resided at the time [1]. Currently, the MRC on Superficial Water Quality in the State of São Paulo 2013
[11], from the National Sanitation Information System [5],

Manuscript received on May 15th, 2014. This paper is sponsored by the 1

Campinas, Sumaré, Americana, Indaiatuba, Hortolândia, Santa Bárbara
Institute of Exact Sciences of the Paulista University (ICET-UNIP) and was D'Oeste, Valinhos, Itatiba, Paulínia, Vinhedo, Cosmópolis, Nova Odessa,
developed based on the subject of Regional Urban Projects (lecturers Prof. Monte Mor, Jaguariúna, Artur Nogueira, Santo Antônio de Posse,
Ms. Arq. Geise Brizotti Pasquotto and Prof. Ms. Arq. Ricardo Alexandre da Engenheiro Coelho e Morungaba, last city included to the Metropolitan
Silva) of the Architecture and Urbanism graduation course of the Paulista Region of Campinas (State Law nº1.532, from March, 17 2014).
University-Unip. The municipalities of Indaiatuba and Engenheiro Coelho are partially
inserted in the Basin of the rivers Jundiaí and Jaguari, respectively. [10]
among other water index. iii) Insertion, data analysis and
maps generation of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas
that allow the integration of the data Available in each


CAMPINAS Fig. 1. Water supply level by category of municipality. Source: Elaborated
by the authors with data from [5].
The high population growth in the MRC caused the
competition of capital investment for sanitation infrastructure
A supply system presents shares of water loss (real and
to be designated to other productive and social sectors, such
apparent) in relation to the volume collected, however, one of
as health, education, housing, etc. Additionally to this factor,
the essential factors for its efficiency is to impede the
the dispersed growth of the cities demanded infrastructure
increase of this level. It can be led by the apparent loss, which
investments in potable water supply, excluding the
consists in the non-authorized use (frauds and registration
implementation of a wastewater collection and treatment
failures) and measurement errors, apart from real losses that
system [9].
comprise leaks and extravasations on the pipelines,
Consuming 743 thousand m³ of water per day [4], the
adductors, reservoirs and branches. In Brazil, it is estimated
MRC presents a total public water supply index of 92.6%,
that the average level of water loss is 40%. [9][13]. In the
against 85.7% of sewage collection [5]. From this percentage,
MRC, the average level of water loss on the public
only 54% is treated, evicting almost 70 thousand kg of
distribution is 35.8%. Reaching the highest level of 40.6% is
biochemical oxygen demand B.O.D. 3 a day to the water
the Small Size 2 municipality category (Figure 2). The
course [5].
municipalities that present the lowest levels of water loss are
For a water indicator analysis of the municipalities, the
Campinas (19.3%), Americana (25.6%) and Morungaba
region was divided into four categories of population size
(26.4%), and the ones that present the highest levels are
according to Table I.
Engenheiro Coelho (48.2%) and Pedreira (48.3%). A total of
TABLE I: CATEGORIZATION OF CITIES BY ITS POPULATION SIZE. 266 thousand m³ of water are wasted along the supply system
SOURCE: [5] [5].
Popu- enta-
Category Cities Popula-
lation tion in
Santo Antônio de
A Less than Posse, Engenheiro
61.579 2,14%
Small Size 1 20.000 Coelho, Morungaba,
Monte Mor,
B 20.001 to
Jaguariúna, Artur 185.598 6,45%
Small Size 2 50.000 Fig. 2. Level of water loss in the public supply system by category of
Nogueira, Pedreira
municipality. Source: Elaborated by the authors with data from [5].
Itatiba, Paulínia,
C 50.001 to Vinhedo,
371.060 12,89%
100.000 Cosmópolis, Nova The water demand for public supply is mostly belonging to
Odessa the Large Size cities (Figure 3).
Campinas, Sumaré,
The average per capita demand in the region is 261.7
D More than Indaiatuba, m3/person/day, as the highest levels belong to the
2.260.266 78,52%
Large Size 100.000 Hortolândia, Santa municipalities of Holambra (440.6 m³/person/day),
Barbara D'Oeste, Americana (336.1 m3/person/day), Vinhedo (316.3
m3/person/day) and Pedreira (311.0 m3/person/day). The
lowest levels of per capita demand are Monte Mor (182.0
A. Public water supply m3/person/day) and Engenheiro Coelho (203.0
The Large Size cities present the higher levels of urban m3/person/day) [4].
public attendance of water (98.5%), versus the lowest levels
of the Small Size 1 (80.2%) (Figure 1). In the MRC, only the
municipalities of Americana, Nova Odessa and Paulínia
attend 100% of its population, as the cities of Engenheiro
Coelho and Santo Antônio da Posee are the ones with the
lowest supply levels, with 73.1%, 69.8% respectively. In the
whole region, approximately 185 thousand people still do not
have public supply of water [5]. Fig. 3. Water collection percentage by municipality category. Source:
Elaborated by the authors with data from [5].

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D) is the quantity of oxygen
necessary to oxidize the organic matter by aerobic microbial decomposition
B. Domestic wastewater collection and treatment
to a stable inorganic form. The highest increase in terms of BOD, in a glass The main rivers in the region present sections in
of water, are caused by disposal of predominantly organic origin, that can degradation caused by the disposal of wastewater without the
lead to the complete depletion of oxygen in the water, causing the
disappearance of fishes and other water life forms. The State enactment nº
appropriate treatment. Currently in the MRC more than 380
8468 defines standards of BOD for the emission of sewage directly to the thousand people do not have access to the public system of
water source. [12]
sewage collection. According to SNIS data [5], the Small system are entailed to Diseases Related to Inadequate
Size 1 municipalities group is the one that presents the lowest Environmental Sanitation (DRIES) [14]–[7]–[6].
level of collection, whereas the Large Size group presents the The map generation based on water resources index and
highest levels. Amongst the twenty municipalities of the data aims to graphically demonstrate conflict points related to
MRC, four present levels of sewage collection lower than the basic sanitation, water quality and its effects on the
80%, such as Monte Mor (53.3%), Hortolândia (62.4%), population in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas.
Santo Antônio de Posse (69.8%) and Engenheiro Coelho Conflicts were identified from two dimensions: i) water
(73.1%), and only two attend 100% of its population: collection for public supply located downstream domestic
Valinhos and Nova Odessa (Figure 4). and industrial disposal and ii) water collection for public
supply in bodies of water in inferior class than recommended.
The conflicts based on the collection points located
downstream of domestic and industrial disposal were
identified through the: i) Water collection points for public
supply inserted in the MRC territory [10]; ii) Domestic and
industrial disposal points inserted in the MRC territory [10]
iii) Relief of the MRC territory in order to identify the
Fig. 4. Level of attendance of public sewage network by municipality upstream and downstream in the subbasins [10] (Figure 6).
category. Source: Elaborated by the authors with data from [5].

Although the sewage collection presents a mild rate, the

wastewater treatment presents even lower levels, reaching the
average of 55% in the MRC. The worst levels belong to the
cities of Sumaré (11%), Nova Odessa (7%) and Monte Mor
(3%), while Artur Nogueira and Holambra do not present
wastewater treatment in its systems, according to the data
from [5]. The highest levels of collection belong to the cities
of Pedreira (98%), Vinhedo (93%), Itatiba (91%) and
Engenheiro Coelho, the only one that in the MRC attends
100% of its population [5].
The Municipality Urban Population Sewage Collection
and Tractability Index (ICTEM 4 ), that demonstrates the
effectiveness in the treatment of domestic wastewater
generated, presents regular levels in the MRC (5.8) and in the
Small Size 1 (6.79), Medium (6.63) and Large Size (6.02).
The Small Size 2 cities present the lowest index of 3.80.
Itatiba (9.9), Morungaba (9.9), Paulínia (9.8), Engenheiro
Coelho (9.7) and Vinhedo (9.6) are the municipalities that
present the highest efficiency on wastewater treatment, while
Artur Nogueira (1.5), Cosmópolis (1.5), Holambra (1.4),
Monte Mor (1.1) present the lowest level in the region [5]
(Figure 5).

Fig. 6. Water collection map with for public supply, downstream to

wastewater disposal points. Source: Elaborated by the authors with data from
Fig. 5. Average ICTEM by municipality category. Source: Elaborated by the
authors with data from [5].
The map reveals various conflict points in the course of the
Metropolitan Region of Campinas, occurring in most of the
III. MAPS: OVERLAPS AND ANALYSIS municipalities, with the exception of Holambra, Monte Mor
and Nova Odessa.
The spring contamination, considered a treat to the public The conflict in collection points in bodies of water with
health, increases the possibility of water-transmitted diseases. inferior class than recommended were identified by means of
In Brazil, more than 60% of hospitalizations in the public i) Water collection points for public supply inserted in the
MRC territory [10]; ii) Classes of watercourses regarding
ICTEM (Municipality Urban Population Sewage Collection and quality [10]; iii) Watercourses classification according to
Tractability Index) has the purpose to express the effectiveness of the their respective usage, which defines the classes 4 and
removal of organic matter potentially pollutant, generated by the urban outclass as improper for supply for human consumption [16]
population considering also the relative importance of the forming elements (Figure 7).
of a sewage treatment system (collection, distance, treatment and treatment
efficiency to quality of the effluent receiving water. ICTEM allows the As to the conflicts related to the framing of bodies of water
global efficacy comparison of the sanitary sewage system. It ranges in a scale lie in the municipalities of Indaiatuba, Vinhedo, Valinhos,
of 0 to 10 [15].
Campinas, Sumaré, Americana, Monte Mor, Cosmópolis and hospitalization rates through the ratio between the
Paulínia. hospitalization number per 1.000 inhabitants; iv) Conflict
points defined by the Figures 06 and 07 (Figure 9).
The highest hospitalization rates occur in places identified
as collection conflicts, especially in Nova Odessa, Vinhedo
and Indaiatuba.

Fig. 7. Water collection map with for public supply in bodies of water with
class 4 or inferior. Source: Elaborated by the authors with data from [10]–

The conflict points registered in the Figures 06 and 07 can Fig. 8. Map of conflict points (Figures 6 and 7) and average water quality
be attested through the crossing of the rates related to the index (IQA) of the subbasins inserted in the MRC Source: Elaborated by the
water quality in the bodies of water supplied by the annual authors with data from [11].
report from CETESB [11]: iv) Identification of the sampling
points inserted in the territory of the MRC and the respective
annual average of the Water Quality Index (IQA5) between
2009 and 2013 [11]; v) Classification of the subbasins of the
MRC regarding the IQA, through the total average of the
respective sampling points inserted in its territory; vi)
Conflict points defined by Figures 06 and 07 (Figure 08).
The information crossing of the map in Figure 8
establishes a higher concentration of conflict points in the
subbasins that present water quality levels classified as
regular or outclass, comprehending the municipalities to
West and Southwest of the region.
The last map aims to establish the relation between the
quality of the water collected for public supply and the health
of the population. For that, it was used: i) Definition of
fecal-oral diseases transmitted through the ingestion of water
or contact with water [14]; ii) Identification of the
hospitalization quantity6 in the public health system, within
the years of 2008 to 2013 [17]; iii) Definition of

IQA – Water Quality Index incorporates nine variables considered as
relevant to the evaluation of the water quality, having as main determinant its
use for public supply. Ranging in a scale of 0 to 100, it is classified as
OPTIMUM if 79 < IQA ≤ 100, Good if 51 < IQA ≤ 79, Regular if 36 < IQA
≤ 51, Bad if 19 < IQA ≤ 36, Terrible if IQA ≤ 19 [11].
Hospitalization by Cholera, Typhoid and Paratyphoid, Shigellosis,
Amoebic dysentery, Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumable infectious
origin [17].
volume” in the main spring that supplies water to the capital
of São Paulo and to the region of Campinas may end at the
end of June 2014 [21].
The “dead volume” (bottom of the reservoirs) was defined
as an emergency plan by the Basic Sanitation Company of the
State of São Paulo (CETESB) during the drought period.
Sabesp, the water utility company that detains the bestowal
Fig.9. Map of conflict points (Figures 6 and 7) and Diseases Related to on the water distribution of the Cantareira System invested
Inadequate Environmental Sanitation (DRIES). Source: Elaborated by the
authors with data from [14][17].
R$ 80 million to the necessary installation for collection and
pumping of the water below the reservoir.
The consortium of Rivers Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiai
IV. WATER SCARCITY Basin (PCJ) formally questions the use of the “dead volume”.
With the rationing suppression, the Cantareira System can
The Cantareira System consists by six dams in different take about 15 years to recover itself [22]. According to Cezar
levels, interconnected by water collection pipes and elevation Saad, Project coordinator of the PCJ Consortium, “The ideal
stations. Operational since 1975, the system transfers water situation would be to adopt the rationing system, no doubt.
volumes from the rivers Jaguari, Jacareí, Cachoeira de The State Government counts with this reserve, but it
Piracaia and Atibainha dam to Cantareira Mountain range, shouldn´t be used” [23].
where there are treatment stations that supply 55% of its Avoiding rationing, Sabesp proposed a discount plan for
capacity of water to the city of São Paulo [9]. the population of up to 30% for those who accomplish a
The excessive water consumption in a rain scarcity period reduction of until 20% on water consumption [24].
has generated a peculiar scenario that the state of São Paulo Another worrying scenario is the possibility of energy
hadn´t experienced for decades. The Cantareira System rationing and the increase in the electricity bill. The
reached 99% of its capacity, which outset a decrease from reservoirs of the hydroelectric power plants, responsible for
2011 until that, in December 2013, its level started to present almost 80% of energy generation in the country, have
volumes below normality. During the same month in 2011, reached the lowest levels since 2001, when the energy supply
the level reached was 69%, an impacting difference. On May crises “blackout” happened. To avoid such action in 2014 in
2013, the Cantareira reached 8.4% of its capacity, the lowest Brazil, according to the Decade Plan of Energy, it would be
level in the last 10 years [18] (see Figure 10). necessary to invest R$ 21 billion per year until 2022 [25].
A different alternative that was considered by the State
150 Government was the use of the Rio Grande System, which

supplies three cities in the region known as ABC Paulista,

part of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The forecast
50 for the month of September is to revert 500 liters of water per
According to Porto [26], there are different possibilities to
expand the water supplied for the city of São Paulo. The one
Fig. 10. Water capacity level in the Cantareira System. Elaborated by the
that infers in Metropolitan Region of Campinas foresees the
authors with data from [18]. use of the Piracicaba River pumping water through a 16km
channel to the dam in the River Atibainha, one of the
The intensive heat on the first quarter of 2014 maintained suppliers to the Cantareira System. This solution was not
the elevated evaporation, however the rain quantity was not considered until this moment, due to the consequences that
enough to replace such losses (atypical fact in the Brazilian affects the cities supplied by the River Piracicaba and also the
summer), decreasing the hydric levels. transposition costs and consequent higher prices of water
At the beginning of February, the cities in the interior of selling to the population.
São Paulo, as in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, that
collects water from the Cantareira System, were firstly
impaired and the rationing was initiated. According to the V. CONCLUSION
Federal Law 9.433/97 the cities where the dams are To overcome the challenge of integrating the planning and
geographically located have priority of the water usage; execution of public functions of common interest in a large
however, in the current scenario, the city of São Paulo area and large population, it is necessary that regional
collects an exceeding quantity from the system [19]. councils and committees define the themes and real objects
The cities of Valinhos and Vinhedo have adopted the that address the demands of improving the living conditions
system of rationing on water supply and the other 18 of all social segments, assuming a homogeneous territory
municipalities may probably follow the same framework. [27].
In Campinas the current mayor Jonas Donizette signed in Throughout the course of the data collection process for
February a decree charging fines from those who waste this paper, the absence of homogeneous and updated data
water. sources raised difficulties in the analysis of various topics.
With the decreasing level in the Cantareira System, the ANA (National Water Agency) also noticed this aspect on
scarcity of water expands and the Governor of São Paulo problems related to the lack of standardization and
Geraldo Alckmin still avoids a rationing system for the consequently the challenge of comparing samples and
state´s capital [20]. The anti-crisis committee created to information, which resulted on the creation of the National
monitor the situation on the Cantareira System points that, on Assessment Program in Water Quality [28].
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PASQUOTTO, Geise Brizotti. Laranjal Paulista, SP, Brazil. Graduated

in Architecture and Urbanism by the São Paulo State University-Unesp
(Bauru/SP, 2006), is Master in Civil Engineering in the field of architecture
and construction by the Campinas University-Unicamp (Campinas, SP,
Brazil, 2011) and doctoral candidate in urban and regional planning by São
Paulo University-Usp (São Paulo, SP, Brazil, current).
She has recently been accepted for publishing, along with Prof. Dr. L.
Medrano, at Bitacora Urbano Territorial from Colombia University
Magazine with the article entitled “Emblematic Buildings and City
Marketing: Strategies for the Central Area of São Paulo, Brazil”. In 2013 she
has published the article “The Cultural trend: Spain and its cultural actions
for worldwide advertisement” at the IV International Symposium on Trade
and the City: a relationship of origin, Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. Also in the
same year, she has organized, lectured and published in the international
university extension course "The landscape dimension in the contemporary
city project: a journey of study in the cities of Berlin, Barcelona and Athens”
with the work entitled as “City Marketing: a tool for the city advertisement”.
She has worked as docent at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas-Puc
(2011-2012) and at Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio University (2009-2010).
She is currently lecturing at Paulista University-Unip (2011-current),
Campinas, SP, Brazil. Field of study comprises urban public policy.
Prof. Ms. Arq. Pasquotto is a member of the International Network for
Research on Heritage and Regional Development. Is also a part of the
research group Post-Modern Society (Docent responsible: Prof. Dr. M. I. de
Q. F. Szmrecsányi) at São Paulo University-Usp, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

ROSA, Lívia Marino. São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Graduated in Social

Communication with emphasis in Publicity and Advertising by
Administration, Marketing and Communications University-Esamc,
Campinas, SP, Brazil, 2008.
She is currently student in the graduation course of Architecture and
Urbanism at Paulista University-Unip, (Campinas, SP, 2015). Acts since
2013 as architecture intern at the company Fares Ferreira Projetos

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