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I.D. No.


Bahra University, Wakhnaghat

End Term Examination, December 2017
UE(OPEN)-I (Fun with Electronics) (OPU)
BHM (Semester-I)
Max Marks: 80 Time: 3 hrs.
Attempt all Questions

PART I (Attempt All)

(a) What is the function of AND gate?
(b) What are semiconductor device?
(c) What are the benefits of electronics in daily life?
(d) Write applications of smartphone?
(e) What are binary numbers?
(f) What is a binary system?
(g) What are universal gates?
(h) (27)16 which type of number system is this?
(i) What are Basic gates?
(j) Both OR and AND gates can have only two inputs. (True/False)?

PART II (Attempt Any Three)

Q2. Explain multiplexers?

Q3. What are rectifiers? What are types of rectifiers?

Q4. Write the advantage of using wireless communication?

Q5. Write 0 to 16 numbering in 8421 technique?

Q6. What are the Advantages of Electronics in today’s world?


PART III (Attempt Any Two)

Q5. What is a diode? Write applications of electronics in industry?

Q6. Explain Gates? Explain basic and universal gates?
Q7.Explain Number System? Explain Binary, Octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers?


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