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Rishikesh Yog School

Get The Victory Over Inner Management

System By Rishikesh Yoga Ashram
The Rishikesh Yoga School has ancient Yoga Guru for training Yoga and everyone can get your internal
meditations and focus on your mind in nature.

We reach the highest point of the progressive ascension of consciousness. We impregnate within our
being the encounter between finite and infinite, from mortal to immortal, from man to divine, temporal
and supra-temporal. We open the gate that says "transcendence and immanence" and facilitates
absorption into a state of consciousness hard to describe in words.

Rishikesh yoga Ashram describes consciously or not, we all aspire to balance, happiness and inner
freedom. Because of the material nature of the body and the constellation of limitations and conditions,
we tend to seek outward fulfillment - objects and relationships. This type of fulfillment is only temporary
because we look and look in the wrong direction. No matter how aggressive you are, or how fulfilling
relationships may seem, there will come a time when, if there is a moment of silence and sincerity, you
can feel a great inner void.

Whatever the doctrine under which we were born, in one form or another, all lead to the realization of
the ultimate truth. And it starts from the inside - transforming the personality by accessing high levels of
If in Kundalini Yoga we focus on cleaning and activating chakras, in Traditional Tantra Yoga the focus
moves on the elements of which we are lying. Obviously, each chakra has as a correspondent an
element, as well as a planet or two governors, but in Tantra the importance of understanding each
element and the detachment of its elements is a central point. That is why these two tools go hand in
hand: to access refined levels of consciousness and fortification of the energy body. Beyond the 5
elements of which we are flattened and to which we are blindly attached (earth, water, fire, air, space)
lies an ocean of sublime consciousness, wisdom, self-knowledge, and fulfillment. The Land of Inner

By translation, Tantra means the expansion of consciousness and liberation from the mental labyrinth,
and Shiva and Shakti represent the basis of tantric philosophy. Shiva represents the consciousness, the
un manifested, the Absolute and who founded this system and transmitted it as knowledge to its
consort Shakti (Parvati). The role of tantric practices, whatever their nature, traditional Yoga or Shiva-
Shakti Yoga, is intended to unite the two polarities inside (feminine and masculine). This is also the
intent of this meeting.

Tantra Yoga is the instrument designed to facilitate the discovery of the inner world, the most real of all
worlds. The inner world contains in its core the unique essence , part of the universal soul. Asleep or
semi-awakened, he resides in each of us, expecting confidently that one day we will open our eyes to
the inward unity, and realize that the exterior, no matter how beautiful he has painted, is but a small
part of Creation.
Who is addressing this type of event?

Yoga school in Rishikesh has minimal knowledge of the yoga system and what it requires. It is especially
addressed to those who have practiced or practiced Kundalini Yoga and want to bring their Sadhana to
higher levels. It addresses those who are interested in activating and cleaning chakras, as well as their
equilibrium. It also addresses those who want to access refined states of consciousness, as well as the
harmony of the god and inner goddess (Shiva-Shakti, male-female).

Become A Sharp And Very Balance Mind

By Yoga Retreat
Discover Yoga's Byron Bay retreats are held 4 times per year. These retreats are taught by experienced
teacher yoga school in Rishikesh, who focuses on the fullness of breath, alignment of the body, building
core strength, centeredness, poise, suppleness and clarity of mind. The foundation of this retreat is a
twice daily yoga practice. Also incorporated is pranayama (yogic breathing), meditation, deep relaxation
and chakra work.
Retreat participants will feel inspired and have a renewed yoga practice, a rejuvenated body, increased
energy, enhanced self-esteem and clarity of mind!

These retreats attract a wide range of people and are suitable for absolute beginners to more
experienced practitioners wishing to deepen their yoga practice.

To beginners taking their first steps along the yoga path, this retreat is the ideal opportunity to begin
with a solid foundation. The retreat provides a healing, cleansing, and nurturing environment to totally
detach from your normal work-a -day world and fully experience the rejuvenative

Effects of a yoga lifestyle.

The morning sessions are a dynamic, flowing yoga retreats which fully awakens and vitalizes the body.
Whilst the afternoon practice focuses more on working deeper into the postures using props to create a
nuturing and cleansing type restorative yoga.

Numbers are strictly limited so please book early to secure your place.

Contact us


Mob-9816494732, 9805693514


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