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Morning  Prayers  
Invocational  prayers  from  my  longing  heart  

Leyolah  Antara  
Daily Spiritual Practice
Our daily spiritual practice is how we maintain our equanimity and grace in
the face of life’s daily challenges. We are living in times of accelerated
evolution; parallel with social and political dysfunction and collapse. Our
personal, cultural, social and ecological values are being questioned and are
either being revised or we are facing the uncomfortable truth of our
forgetfulness. I know and trust that chaos brings the fertile soil for much
needed change.

We are keepers of the seeds of change, the bringers of the new dawn. The new
paradigm of life on earth is longing to be birthed through us. Our choice to
live in alignment to love and positive creation is the seed that will sprout the
new paradigm of love on earth. We always have the power to make the
conscious choice of love over fear. The choice to live guided by the universal
laws of love requires consistent commitment to a daily spiritual practice.

Our daily spiritual practice keeps our vibration high, supports us to make
conscious choices and to stay positive in our thoughts. When we realign to
love daily and open our hearts and bodies to the ecstatic pulsation of creation,
we remember to choose love. We remember at the core of it all we are love;
we create love and harmony in our world.

Within this booklet, and supporting online course materials. I am offering you
several daily spiritual practices that help you unplug from the lower
vibrational mass consciousness matrix and unplug into the grids of creation.
To support you to keep your energy field clear, your thoughts and actions
aligned in higher consciousness. So that you can move beyond the patterns of
the past into a life where you can truly thrive.

Central Channel Breathing

It is so beautiful to feel how aligned we feel when we find that central

pathway of energy within us. We move from horizontal, external ego based,
out there centered conscious to a more still, present aligned higher
consciousness and the wisdom of the soul.

Taking a little time each day to slow down, breathe centrally and open to the
light of the earth and sun supports you to align to the healing light and
wisdom of your soul.

Central Channel Breathing, also known as pranic breathing is the foundation

of all the ancient tantric energy and alchemical healing systems, like, Tantra
Yoga, Taoism and Ancient Egyptian Alchemy, that have been created to
support us to awaken into fifth dimensional consciousness. Fifth dimensional
consciousness, is a love centered free state of being, that is felt when your
central channel is flowing freely and your energy body, your Ka body and
your chakras can receive the light codes from the core earth, the central sun
and the light of your soul.
We have two main central energy channels; one is the central pillar of light
that runs directly through the center of the body from the perineum to the top
of the crown chakra. The other secondary channel run’s perpendicular with
the spine. The central pathway is the channel where the Kundalini life force
(liberated sexual energy) rises from the base of the spine up through the
chakras right up through the crown chakra, which then connects your to your
soul star chakra above the head. The spinal channel helps you balance and
ground the higher vibrational divine light coming through the soul star
chakra and circulate life force through your whole being.

An aligned and clear central channel means that you can receive more vital
life energy from the universe. Bringing in more vital life force, so you feel
more energy and vitality to fulfill the tasks that you have set for yourself each

An aligned energy system brings you to emotional balance, restoring calm

and as the very practice of central channel breathing, purifies the emotional
energy knots created by contracted fear based thought forms.

When our energy flows smoothly our life flows smoothly.

Earth Breathing for Emotional Clearing

In the intensity of your fast paced modern life, your emotional energy centers,
(chakras) and your Etheric Light Body (Ka) get congested, each time you
think a lower vibrational, fear based thoughts or are emotionally triggered it
contracts the associated energy center or chakra. For example, anxiety is the
underlying accumulation of fear in the solar plexus chakra. It exists just under
the surface caused by daily stress, too much caffeine or sugar or generally
living in the city surrounded by other people who are highly anxious, high
pressure jobs, financial stress, relationship stress, general pressures of full
busy modern lives.

Depression is the accumulation of unprocessed heartache, sadness or grief in

the heart chakra. This accumulation of unprocessed emotional energy
stagnates the energy flow in your chakras and can make you feel tired and
lethargic and can keep you spiraling in negative thought patterns, which then
attract more of the same thing to you. As we know energy flows where
attention goes.

So it is important to do regular chakra purification, to clear the chakras of the

accumulated emotional energy dross that stagnates your life force. Chakra
Purification frees up your life force and makes you feel allot lighter physically
and emotionally and helps you break out of negative cycles.

We clear the energetic stagnation with the vital magnetic energy of the earth.
The earth current is an upward rising current of energy. Earth medicine has a
shamanic edge, it can move or lightly vibrate the body as it surges upwards
and clears old stuck emotions out of the body, chakras and the energy field.
We call the central breaths that are infused with the earth current, purification

Earth energy draws you down and when you are connected into the vital core
of the Divine Mother Gaia Sophia, the living intelligence of the earth her vital
energy will rise up through you if you ask her to help you. To purify the
chakras and the cells of old energy we draw up the earth energy of the Divine
Mother through our central energy channels and out through the particular
chakra that we are working with.

The Shakti Bowl

The first key to living and creating your authentic life and claiming your
feminine power back as your own, is to fully inhabit your womb and pelvic
bowl, your Shakti Bowl as a sovereign space in your body. The Shakti Bowl is
the physical and energetic bowl resting at the very root of your body, where
we cultivate the healing elixir, the luminous fire of the earth, Divine Mother
Gaia Sophia. It is our true core center. It is a repository of evolutionary power,
a place to create from your authentic soul. The place we drop down to get our
clear guidance to re center and re align.

Your Shakti Bowl is our creative core. The womb or hara is in the energetic
center of the Shakti Bowl. The Shakti Bowl is an energetic
receptacle designed to receive, gestate, transform and release. It is where we
receive the seeds of our creative inspiration and if we tend to them through
our regular daily practice, our creative seeds will grow and transform to be
ready to be released and birthed out into the world.

The Shakti Bowl is your true core center, a place to create from your authentic
soul. The place we drop down to get clear guidance to center and re align.

For whatever reason we as women vacate this core connection, it can be

through childhood birth trauma, or through invasive, insensitive sexual
experiences, sexual trauma, shame, emotional abuse, rejection, neglect, shock,
or simply subtle feelings of being unsafe to fully be ourselves and express our
authentic essence.

What ever a women has experienced in the past the very practice of relaxing
into the feminine presence and power that is contained within your Shakti
Bowl brings a deeper acceptance of what has been and she is able to reclaim
this womb space back in the body for herself as her space. When we fully
inhabit this shakti space again, then whatever has been present that is not in
alignment with her highest good, whatever is not meant for her will be
dissolve into the mothers love.

We begin all of our practices centering into the Shakti Bowl as it energizes us
and brings us into a deep receptivity where we can slow down enough to feel
and listen to the spacious of the soul. The Shakti Bowl is our sacred crucible
where we can also gather and collect the creative life energy to cultivate our
inner fire for transformation and spiritual awakening.
Aligning to the Great Central Sun

We can re-create our inner and outer worlds with the divine light of the sun.
The sun is a manifestational, creative energy. The sun is a direct conduit of
universal intelligence, communicating the language of light through sacred
geometrical patterns.

Breathing the sun into our chakras supports the higher light codes of creation
to re-pattern our karmic stories. Giving us the opportunity to break out of
negative -loops and recreate our inner myths empowered by choices and
actions that are aligned in love. As we re align our chakras with the light of
the sun we align with our divine soul blueprint and can magnetically attract
opportunities, relationships that support your souls growth and highest

Intentionally sun bathing to receive the light of the central sun will
strengthen and nourish your Ka body, your etheric twin and your Sahu our
spiritual light bodies which opens up the dormant light codes that support
the remembrance and activation of your divine soul blueprint.

Practicing to receive the light of our central sun through our central energy
system supports the ascension process, which is the spiritualization of matter.
The practice of light bathing is an important part of the alchemical
transformation and resurrection process.

Gratitude is a key aspect to opening to receive the healing elixir that comes
through the light of the central sun. When we offer our gratitude to the sun
for her life giving properties it is like a key that unlocks the treasures within.
Our central sun pours a cornucopia of joyful light into the body mind and
soul of all beings who ask and open to the abundance of radiant light that
comes from our spiritual sun, through our soul star chakra.

Our Sun is also a transmitter of the fifth dimensional frequencies of light that
come from our Great Central Sun. When we are centered in 5 D consciousness
we open into a quantum field of possibility for our lives. The fifth
dimensional field of light is our creator dimension, it is where can co create
with Divine.

The best time for this practice is upon rising in the morning. When the rays of
the sun are soft and inviting and this will set the tone of your day.

Sacred Inner Union – Tantric Inner Alchemy

When the polarities of earth and sun or Divine Feminine and Divine
masculine merge with in us, it can feel like an ecstatic star burst within the
chakra that you are focusing on. In their conscious union and communion
within, you receive the balancing power of the tantric, holographic, mandala
of creation. It is here when we can get in touch with field of pure potentiality,
where the highest potentials of our souls can be imagined, birthed and
grounded into our lives.
When you align yourself with this blend of opposites, it opens you into the
quantum field, a field of limitless possibility enabling you to unleash your
creativity in all directions – wherever your heart and imagination take you.

It is with all my heart that I offer this sacred practice to you. May it strengthen
the light of love within you. May it support you to create the most magical life
aligned with the pure love of your Soul.

In love and grace,

Leyolah Antara, November 2017

Universal  Mind  Lattice  by  Alex  Grey  

(I  chose  this  image  and  it  captures  the  way  that  the  light  energies  from  above  and  
below  move  through  the  central  channel  and  out  through  the  chakras  in  a  torrodial  
pattern  like  a  tube  torus,  a  cosmic  donut.  I  invite  you  to  keep  this  image  in  mind  
when  you  are  doing  the  breathing  and  it  will  enhance  your  practice.  
Morning Prayers  
Daily Practice: 1

Find your self a comfortable place to commune with the power of the earth
and the Sun. Take some deep breaths to anchor you into your Shakti bowl
and ground yourself into your body. Lay your finger - tips on your thymus
gland, your higher heart chakra.

As you tilt your pelvis and anchor into your pelvic breathing.

Let your breaths be long and slow as you feel the warmth in your Shakti bowl

Now place your attention in your thymus heart centre and begin to generate
feelings of gratitude. Give thanks for your life. Keep it simple. Keep it real.

Now place your attention up into your soul star chakra above your head.
Your Ba – the seat of your celestial soul. Breathe gratitude into your soul.

Now place your attention right up into the Sun, and set the intention into the
light of the Central Sun. Guided by the power, of Ra, Horus, Heru, Amuna
Ra. Ask to receive a healing elixir through your Ba, your soul star into your
heart, mind and soul.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Now Pray…..

Beloved father SUN I call u come, come and fill my longing heart with your
sweet golden nectar..

That I may be intoxicated in your loving embrace

I am longing to return home to your golden ocean of light again

With every central pranic breath I take I receive your light codes reminding
me, I am whole, I am one, I am LOVE.

Taking three down flow breaths into your thymus core star essence centre…

Eh yah eh aahhh eehh

(Allow your core sound to vibrate through your thymus heart chakra )

Eeh Aah Eh Yah ahhh

Dropping your focus and intention into your feet or coccyx, relaxing and
releasing your perineum.


Mama Gaia, EARTH love

Rising from below above

Ignite my longing heart with your rising flame

That I may vibrate every cell into ecstatic resonance with your crystalline core

Aah ahh ooh ahhh

I call you come rise up on my inhalatation and fill me with the warmth of
your transmutational flame

I surrender my ego to you this day again and again.

That I may live in earths abundant garden in love and peace with all her
children again.

Mother, father, earth and sun I invite you now to marry as one in my
heart..with every conscious, pranic breath I take I offer myself to you as a
conduit for your alchemical currents of light.

I am an overflowing vessel, a chalice for your infinite currents of light.

Take three breaths simultaneously marrying earth and sun, downward and
upward currents into your thymus gland..


This sacred day, with every breath I take I am a current for the radiance of the
tantric union of earth and sun to merge and radiate as one through me.

Breath… the alchemical breath unifying earth and sun in your thymus
chakra… as you speak these invocational prayers

ON this sacred day,

I align my body, mind and spirit, my physical, emotional and mental bodies
on and in all dimensions into harmonic resonance with the source that I am.

That my physical body - mind vehicle be a bridge for the expression of earth
and sun, opening to the rejuvenating power of the tantric language of light.

With every sacred breath I take my emotional body is receiving the balancing
power of the tantric, holographic, mandala of creation.

My mental body is opening to the integrating power of the tantric union of

the male and female within. Supporting the recreation of the new paradigm of
conscious, living here, on earth.

I am one, I am whole, I am complete.

Daily Practice 2

Solar Prayers for the Chakras:

Settle yourself into sacred space where you can commune with the elemental
power of the sun and the earth. Slow down your breathing and centre into
your pelvic bowl. As you pray focus your attention on each chakra. Aligning
into the spirit of gratitude as you open up to the healing elixir coming from
the central sun through our sun and in through your soul star chakra, then
descending down into each chakra that you are praying to receive.

In this practice we are exploring the power of Ren, the magical power of the
word and clear intention to manifest our highest reality.

In the spirit of humility and overflowing gratitude I invite you to affirm and

Crown Chakra Solar Alignment

This sacred day, from this sacred moment now,

Through my conscious communion with the ALCHEMICAL ELEMENTS OF


My pure soul expression aligns in GRACE with all aspects of my being.

Bringing the highest expression of my divine presence into all that I do.

Opening to allow the sacred tantric marriage of the earth and sun to unify in
balance through me, in every chakra, in every circuit through all the layers of
my energy field. Lifting my vibration into ecstatic resonance with creation.

With each sacred breath I take, may the pulsations from the light of the sun,
effervescently pulsate each cell of my physical body into ecstatic alchemical
resonance, with the source of creation.
I embody the fullness of my soul’s radiance here now.

In truth, I am source, I am one. I am already enlightened.

I do this for myself in service to the goodness of life, for the manifestation of
heaven on earth and the liberation of all beings.

Third Eye: Solar alignment.

Gently lay your finger - tips on your third eye alternating between the front
and back of your head at your medulla oblongatta as you attune your
vibration with these words and breath the light of the sun into your third eye
system. Gently pulsing your breath in and out through your nose. At least
three times.

This sacred day,

May my thoughts align with the divine consciousness, of the solar source of
love that I am.

With every sacred breath I take, I open to receive the geometric codes of
divine intelligence emanating from the Central Sun.

May every thought be guided by the pure consciousness of Divine


I am the crystalline clarity of Divine Thought.

Truth is revealed to me thru my still mind.

As I commune with the element of light, I remember that I am light,

expressing as pure consciousness.

I open myself to receive perception and vision that is aligned with universal
mind, on all dimensional levels of being.

This sacred day, with every sacred breath I take, I allow the tantric union of
the Divine Masculine and Feminine to merge as one, in balance, in my third

I allow the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine to
express in balance thru me.

I am Divine Light.

Breathing the light of the sun and the magnetic power of the earth into third
eye, using several pulsing breaths to magnify the amounts of light. Opening
to allow the alchemical marriage of earth and sun to balance your third eye
and lift the vibration of your third eye into resonance with the frequency of
Throat Chakra: Solar Alignment

Place your finger - tips on the front of your throat chakra. Breathing and
receiving the geometric light codes of the morning sun into your throat

This sacred day,

With every sacred breath I take…

I activate the remembrance of the geometries of my soul covenant, effortlessly

enacting divine will here in earth’s garden.

This sacred day I serve the divine plan through all my actions, through all my
words, through all my thoughts. Serving all beings who cross my path as a
conscious expression of divine truth.

I am the continuum for the living language of light to express itself through

I consecrate my voice as an instrument for divine truth and divine love for the
greatest good of all beings.

May my speech be a reflection of the love that I am. Right speech is flowing
through me.

I acknowledge the magical power of the word to co create my heaven on


May the ecstatic song of the tantric alchemical union of sun and earth be sung
through me. I offer myself as a vehicle for the birthing of their union through
my artistry.

I am an unimpeded instrument for creative expression, serving divine will

and greater humanity birthing this Golden Age of Miracles on Earth.

I express the sacred language of spiritual intelligence.

I am guided by the power of Divine truth.

I speak truth.

As I commune with the element of ether. I harness the living library of infinite
creative intelligence and express that in all that I do.

Place you finger tips on the back of your throat chakra. Pulse your breath and
focus on the light of the sun being absorbed by your throat chakra.

This sacred day,

May I be guided by the power of acceptance towards myself and all who I
magnetize on my path.

May I remember that I am worthy of love both human and Divine.

I forgive myself, for past judgement and denial and for magnetizing pain to
self and others.

I forgive and remember there is nothing to forgive.

I love myself as I am. I embrace what is as a reflection of unfolding perfection.

I am guided by the power of acceptance.

I reclaim my sovereign power to express my unique, authentic creative soul.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Breathing the light of the sun and earth into throat chakra, using several
pulsing breaths to magnify the light being received into your throat chakra.
Opening to allow the alchemical marriage of earth and sun to balance and lift
the vibration your throat chakra into resonance with the frequency of

Thymus Chakra: Solar Alignment

Placing your finger - tips on your thymus chakra. Front and back at different
times to bring your awareness to these points. Gently pulse nose breaths,
absorbing the creative intelligence from the central sun…

This sacred day,

As I commune with the element of stellar radiance. I am remembering at my

core I am light.

I open to the fields of golden light.

I remember I am one, one in light one in love.

With every sacred breath I take, the lie of separation is dissolving in the
ecstatic light of oneness.

May all my actions, thoughts and speech reflect the omniscient one that I am.

In every moment I choose to remain the witness, through all that arises in my
thoughts and feelings.

I choose to remain the witness. Through all that is reflected to me through the
actions of others.

I choose to remember to see all humanity as One; I choose to see all humanity
at the core as divine light.


Breathing the light of the sun and earth into your thymus chakra, using
several pulsing breaths to increase the amounts of Divine light (Divine
Consciousness) you are receiving and lift the vibration of your thymus
chakra. Opening to allow the alchemical marriage of earth and sun to balance
your thymus chakra.

Heart Chakra: Solar Alignment

Gently lay your palms upon your heart chakra in the centre of your chest at
the level of your nipples. Absorb the light of the sun into the front and back of
your heart chakra.

This sacred day,

I choose to walk the pathway home to my pure heart essence.

With every sacred breath I take, I commune with the rose within my heart
and consecrate my life to the way of love.

I offer myself as a vehicle for the tantric alchemical marriage of earth and sun,
may they merge as one in my heart chakra.

With every sacred breath I take, I surrender open into the pure essence of
divine love that I am.

With every exhalation I radiate love from the core of my pure heart through
to all my relations, all connections and all relationships.

I embrace my humanness and give myself compassion for all the ways I fall
from the path of love. I am gentle and loving with myself and with everyone
in my life.

I make peace with my brothers, with my father, husband, sons and lovers
past, present, future. I forgive and release you from the abandonment and
rejections I felt in the past and in my forgiveness I remember there is nothing
to forgive.

I make peace with my sisters, blood and soul, my mother, and daughters and
lovers, past, present and future. I forgive you and release you from the
betrayals of the past and in my forgiveness I realize there is nothing to

May we live as one in peace in this garden on Earth. May we transcend the lie
of separation and once more fall into the eyes of the Beloved through each

As I commune with the sacred element of the air through my breath, through
the power of the wind or the gentle breeze caressing my face.

I remember myself as one with the source of creation.

I am guided by the power of compassion for self and others and may I be an
instrument for the benevolence of creation in all my actions, thoughts and
I remember I am WORTHY OF LOVE.
I am remember I am Love.
I am Love.

Take a few breaths into the back of your heart chakra.

I open to receive love & I open to receive life.

I remember I am WORTHY OF LOVE.
I am remember that I am Love.
I am Love.

Breathing to receive the light from the sun and the earth into the front and
back of your relational heart centre, allowing the ecstatic tantric marriage of
earth and sun to unify as a tantric holographic mandala of creation.

Solar Plexus: Solar Alignment

Gently lay your finger - tips on top of your solar plexus. Front and back at
different times… Take three sacred breaths absorbing the light of the sun into
your solar plexus chakra…

This sacred day,

With every sacred breath I take,

May all my actions be in aligned in LOVE.

I am guided by the right use of will.

May the new paradigm of power be expressed through me.

As I commune with the alchemical element of fire, may my emotional body be

purified and aligned as Divine love.

I remember Love, is my power, my power is love.

May I use my power of direction and focus to serve the highest good of all

I reclaim my sovereign power as my own.

I am inspired into action by the fullness of my being.

I source power as love from the source of love.

I release control and surrender into Divine Creative flow.

I open myself as a vehicle for the earth and sun, may they merge as one and
balance my solar plexus chakra.

Breathing to invite the tantric marriage of God, Goddess into your solar
plexus chakra.

Gently lay your finger - tips on the back of your solar plexus. Allowing the
light of the morning sun to re align and lift the vibration of that chakra…

This sacred day,

With every sacred breath I take, I allow myself to soften my shield of

protection and remember love is my protection.


I open myself to receive the power of others, as I move from independence to

interdependence, from competition to co-creation.

I sit in the council of Kings and Queens of Light Leaders birthing the new
golden age of miracles on earth, in the spirit of co creation and peaceful

I allow my power to be seen. I allow my power to be felt. I allow my authentic

expression to be unleashed and set free.

Take three pulsing solar breaths into the back of your solar plexus..

I open to the tantric union of earth and sun in the back of my solar plexus
chakra and align into LOVE as my true power now.

Sacral Chakra: Solar Alignment

Gently lay your hands in the triangular mudra over the front of your sacral
chakra, absorbing the light of the morning sun.

This sacred day,

I open myself as a receptive vessel for the creative currents of the source to
flow through me.

I honour my sexuality as sacred and as a vehicle for higher consciousness

I know and trust it is safe for me to embody and receive the wisdom of the
divine feminine.

It is safe for me to embody the Ancient Feminine Wisdom that resides within
me and it is safe for me to act upon that knowing openly to serve the highest
good of others.

I consecrate my sexual energy as an evolutionary force of liberation and

awakening, for the highest good of my own soul and the highest good of all.

I reclaim my sexual sovereignty.

I reclaim my erotic innocence.

I open to the wisdom of the priest or priestess within me and I remember it is

safe to express my wisdom body openly.
As I commune with the alchemical element of water, may my emotional body
be purified and balanced as love.

This sacred day, with every sacred breath I take I allow the tantric union of
the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to marry as one within me.

I embrace and balance of polarities of light and dark elements of creation to

marry as one within me.

I am One, I am whole.

Breathing to receive the pulsations of the earth and sun marrying as one in
your sacral chakra, feel them vibrate in the front and back of the chakra their
union creation an ecstatic star burst that creates an ecstatic tantric holographic
mandala of creation.

I do this for myself I do this for all beings.

Root Chakra: Solar Alignment

Feeling the open connection of the sun and the earth as you allow the solar
current to filter though your entire central energy channel and out through
your root chakra. Taking three long breaths, place your hands in prayer
position above your head and then gently draw solar energy down and out
thru your root chakra continually as you affirm.

This sacred day,

I align my root chakra with the abundance grid of the earth and the power of

I remember I am safe.

I am creating abundant prosperity and financial freedom.

I am aligning to wealth consciousness for the good of all beings.

I re-align myself of with the sense of belonging. I remember I belong and may
I remember the power of commitment to people and place.

I open my attractor field to receive my family, both blood family and soul
family in tolerance, acceptance and love.

As I commune with the alchemical element of earth, may my physical body

be rejuvenated and strengthened.

I have limitless vitality for the service of the awakening of humanity.

May my physical body - mind vehicle be a bridge for the expression of earth
and sun, opening to the alchemical power of the tantric language of light.

May all memory and information stored in my physical body be uplifted into
harmonic resonance with creation.
I am love, I am light embodied in form.

Breathing to receive this tantric ecstatic star burst this power of Divine
Feminine and Masculine marry as one in your root chakra as a tantric
holographic mandala of creation.

AHO it is DONE

AHO it is DONE

AHO it is DONE!

This practice is offered to you in the Solar Prayers section of the Daily Practice
Course Portal as a 35 min audio.

Once you do this practice several times whilst reading this practice you will
find your relationship with the Sun will change. You will be able to receive
instant energetic upliftment of your Ka body as soon as you consciously open
your energy body to receive the fifth dimensional light of the sun.

Shamanic Shakti : CHAKRA PURIFICATION: Kundalini Earth Alignment.

If you are feeling a little energetically dense, foggy headed or emotionally

charged or unbalanced. We can purify with the upward rising earth current.
Just as we have Kundalini energy at the base of our spine, so too does the
earth have a Kundalini current, which is her current of consciousness. We can
tap into earth’s Kundalini current to support the purification of our energy
system. All our thoughts and emotions are energy and require regular
clearing if we want to maintain high frequencies aligned in love and positive

Energetically purifying through opening to Earth’s up ward rising current is a

body centred, no mind experience. There are no words in this practice, only
sounds that vibrate, the more deeply centred in the body you are the more
powerfully cleansing and affective you will find the practice.

Purifying through Earths upward rising current is most effective when ones
metabolic rate is high. That is why we experience such deep purification
through the practice of Kundalini Dance. We can experience more gentle
chakra purification through walking or running a little in nature, increasing
your metabolic rate, getting things moving. It is potent to begin rising energy
as you are walking and then stopping and breathing upwards through your

Find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed. Begin by taking several
breaths, squeezing your perineum and charging with earth energy.

Gentle vibrating and shaking and dropping your energetic attention into
connecting into the core of the earth.

When you feel the warmth of connection to Gaia you can begin to organically
breath the energy up and into each chakra.

This practice is shown in the Shamanic Shakti - Chakra Purification video. I

advise you to practice with the video several times before doing the practice
on your own.
Root Chakra: Dropping down into the earth, shaking out a little and relaxing
your perineum. Begin your polarity cross breaths ( as shown in the video)
Draw earth energy up through each leg into your root chakra. Shaking again
to offer any energetic dross that has accumulated into the earth. GIVE

Sacral Chakra: Continue cross breathing to fill up the whole pelvic bowl
area. Using the cross breaths to charge and build Shakti.

Breathing directly up through the central channel and right out through the
four layers of your sacral chakra will purify stagnation in the sacral.
Allowing sound, vibration and movement to clear any old energy that has
been clogging up your sacral chakra.

At this point you may want to do a few squeezing breath’s to re-charge with
the healing current of earth. Remembering every time you raise energy up
you need to re-charge again especially as you go higher up through the
chakras. It is important to go back down into earth squeeze and charge up the
base and then draw that energy up and through the chakra and make a sound
to clear the emotional dross.

Solar Plexus: Breathe twice in through the nose and out through the mouth;
then guiding the energy out through the tube torus of the chakra front and
back. Making an organic sound that vibrates that area of the body will
support clearing of energetic stagnation. Cross breaths will charge and
amplify energy in the chakra building vitality.

Heart Chakra: sipping breaths in and out through the mouth. Remember to
work with both the front and back of the chakra. The infinity arms in your
movement work the ida and pingala channels. Aaahhh yayaya ya aaaaahhhh
ahya ya ya ya ah ah….

By the time you reach the throat you will definitely need to get back down
and shake and ground in again. Squeeze perennial breaths to clear.

Throat chakra: the breath to purify the throat chakra is two seconds in and
out through the mouth. Infinity movements will bring earth energy into the
ida and pingala currents.

Third Eye: the breath for the third eye is in and out through the nose. Holding
the eye mudra with increase the amount of earth current rising up again
remember to recharge with the earth before raising the energy up.

Crown chakra: again nose breaths holding hands in prayers position as you
lift the energy right up and through then coming down the spirit body layer
of your energy field.

Brining your attention back up into the sun again and drawing the solar light
down the back filling each chakra from the back through to the front.

The next step is then affirm the alchemical union of both sun and earth in
each chakra. Linking finger tips at each chakra with a pulse breath and then
guiding the light through the four layers. Beginning with the base and going
up, usually one breath is enough.

This practice is usually done in a no mind state and will be a moving

mediation experience for you.

Opening to allow the sacred tantric marriage of the earth and sun to unify in
balance through you, in every chakra, in every circuit through all the layers of
your energy field. Lifting your vibration into ecstatic resonance with creation.

May this practice support us all to integrate our spirituality into our lives and
daily actions more fully.


In devotional service to truth, balance and love,

Leyolah Antara

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