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VMRC Intergenerational Choir

Rehearsal Number 1:
Sept. 13, 2018

1. REHEARSAL # 1: NAME Ashley Starkston (6 minutes each!)

REHEARSAL THREADS: Learning the “hook” (melody) of the piece through tone set
games, rote introduction, and rote to note in the music.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Establishing clear pitch and beautiful tone, and tuning

Assessment Strategies:
Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in formal assessment by: scanning the choir, watching for
participation and execution, listening for accuracy and quality

Throughout this rehearsal I will engage in informal assessment by:

Start Time Timings


Time: (:30/6:00)


Chunk 1: Welcome and Goals

1s. Good Morning VMRC!

2v. Good Morning

1a. My rehearsal threads and goals for today to introduce the “hook” or the melody of my song
What Child Is This through games, echos and transfers to the music itself . The goals and
objectives of this lesson are to learn the melody in a very clear way, establish clear pitch and
beautiful tone.

TRANSITION WITH: 1d. Please echo me: (or just start singing!)

Time (1:00/1:30/6:00)


Chunk 1: Tone Set Babble Patterns (You can do about 10 in a minute!)

1a. Babble #1 La Do Mi Do La (on “nu”)
2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #1
2v. Choir echos

1a. Babble #2 La Do Re (“nu”)

2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #2
2v. Choir echos

1a. Babble #3 Re Ti Sol (“nu”)

2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #3
2v. Choir echos

1a. Babble #4 La Sol Do Ti Sol (“nu”) - alto line

2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #4
2v. Choir echos

1a. Babble #5 Do Ti La Si Fi Si La (“nu”)

2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #4
2v. Choir echos

1a. Babble #6 La Ti Do Sol La Re Mi La (“nu”) - bass line

2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Babble #4
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 2: Tone Set Solfege Patterns

Repeat all your patterns above on solfege in the same order using hand signs
Repeat all your patterns above on solfege in a different order using hand signs!

3sra. Wonderful job! You have sung the main tone sets in the melody, and even most of the

TRANSITION WITH: 3sra. Great job! Let’s now move to some solfege work on the melody!

Time: (2:30/4:00/6:00)


Chunk 1: Phrase 1
1a. Sing and sign the first phrase La Do Re Mi Fa Mi Re Ti Sol
2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Sing and sign the first phrase
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 2: Phrase 2
1a. Sing and sign the second phrase Sol La Ti Do La La Si La Ti Sol
2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Sing and sign the second phrase
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 3: Phrase 1 + 2
1a. Sing and sign the first and second phrases together
2v. Choir echos
1a. Sing and sign the first and second phrases together
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 4: Phrase 3 La Do Re Mi Fa Mi Re Ti Sol *This should sound familiar!*

1a. Sing and sign the third phrase
2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Sing and sign the first phrase
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 5: Phrase 4 Sol La Ti Do Ti La Si Fi Si La La

1a. Sing and sign the fourth phrase
2v. Choir echos
1a. Repeat Sing and sign the fourth phrase
2v. Choir echos

Chunk 6: Phrase 5
1a. Sing and sign the third and fourth phrases together
2v. Choir echos
1a. Sing and sign the third and fourth phrases together
2v. Choir echos

3sra. WOW! You did so well on all those echos and tonal memory exercises!


1a. What song is this?!

2v. Choir answers!
1a. Exactly!
1d. Please open your booklet to page…(whatever page it is, make note of this before you start)

Time: (1:30/5:30/6:00)


Chunk 1: Melody on neutral syllable

1d. Please sing the melody in your own octave on the neutral syllable__”nu”___ with me, while
Tonya accompanies us. Please keep a gorgeous tone and great breath support!
2v. Choir performs
3nsra. Great!

Chunk 2: Melody on text

1d. Echo me: (chant the text!) What child is this, who, laid to rest on Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds watch are keeping?
1a. (echo any danger words that you want to be sure the pronounce correctly from the start!)
2v. Choir echos

1d. Please sing the melody in your own octave on text, while Tonya accompanies us. Please keep
a gorgeous tone and great breath support!

3sra. Well done! I heard great tuning and great tone on this piece!

TRANSITION WITH: Great work! Let’s summarize our learning for today!

Time: (:30/6:00/6:00)


Chunk 1: Reviewing rehearsal threads and goals

1a. My rehearsal threads and goals for today were introduce the “hook” or the melody of my
song What Child is This through games, echos and transfers to the music itself.

We very clearly met those goals, as we did great work on our tone set work, and then
transferred into reviewing the melody aurally and THEN we read the music!

You heard the great tuning we were achieving through all the octave work, and the clear
pitch and developing tone quality.

Chunk 2: Transfer and continuation

1a/1d. Let’s transfer all of this great learning to our next conductor’s work and to next week!

POST CLASS: Meet the choir members, help clean up folders and name tags!

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