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Green infrastructure

is a network providing the ingredients for sorting Urban and climatic changes by building with
main components include stormwater management climatic adaptation,
less heat stress, more biodiversity
food production, sustainable energy production and increase quality of life through recreation
and providing shade and shelter in and around towns and cities
blue green infrastructure can also be a component of Sustainable drainage systems design to
manage water quantity and quality While providing improvements to biodiversity and amenities.
types of green infrastructure
urban forest: they use appropriate trees and vegetation species instead of noxious and invasive
kinds, which reduced the need of maintenance and irrigation
benifits: Can provide up to 47% energy savings, urban heat Islands, water management air
pollution, property values.
constructed wetlands: man made wetlands which work as a biofiltration system
Benifits: Water efficient cost effective
Green Roof: improve air and water quality while reducing energy cost, provide more green
space and insulation on roof
low impact development: also referred to as green stormwater infrastructure- aims to preserve,
restore and create green space using soil vegetations and rain water harvesting techniques, it
works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible
Urban green infrastructure planning- is a strategic planning approach that aims to develop
networks of green and blue spaces in urban areas designed and managed to deliver a wide
range of ecosystem services and other benefits at all spatial scales
it can address 4 important urban challenges-
adapting to climate change
promoting a green economy
protecting biodiversity
Increasing social Cohesion
it is based on 4 core principles:
green and grey integration- coordination of urban green spaces with other Infrastructures such
as transport systems and utilities
Connectivity- creating green space networks
multifunctionality- delivering and enhancing multiple functions and services
social inclusion- collaborative and participatory planning
Implementation- create a Framework for regular monetary of urban green infrastructure
resources. financing- can be done through taxes and other regulatory Investments, partnerships
incentives, CSR
ongoing initiatives-LEED( leadership in energy and environmental design) certification
benchmark rating for green buildings and neighborhoods.
GIS- planners can combine or calculate Useful information such as impervious area percentage
or vegetation coverage status to analyse the use of green infrastructure

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